never put a liberal on guard duty !!


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
think about it !! who would you rather have standing guard over your life and property while you slept, someone who is ready to repel a threat or someone who has the mind set of letting someone pass even though they have made threats ? Take North Korea for example the left keeps saying it's all talk !! the lunatic is threatening nuclear war and the left actually thinks the guy is a joke ......nah if it ever came down to a dog eat dog world where there was no rule of law and people have to ban together for protection........... no liberals on guard duty !!
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North Korea is less of a threat than democrats are. I wish the little doughboy well.
North Korea is another legacy of the previous admintration that needs to be handled. N. Korea developed it's nuclear weapons because of President Bushes policy toward them. He rejected the previous adminitration Agreed Framework that kept their nuclear ambitions on hold and refused to negotiate. Instead he called them the one of the "Axis of Evil" and packed off to Iraq for his blunder there.
North Korea is another legacy of the previous admintration that needs to be handled. N. Korea developed it's nuclear weapons because of President Bushes policy toward them. He rejected the previous adminitration Agreed Framework that kept their nuclear ambitions on hold and refused to negotiate. Instead he called them the one of the "Axis of Evil" and packed off to Iraq for his blunder there.

Blame Bush? Bill Clinton sold them nuclear technology and if you want to back far enough in history you can consider that Truman's mismanagement of the Korean War succeeded in grasping defeat from the jaws of victory.
North Korea is another legacy of the previous admintration that needs to be handled. N. Korea developed it's nuclear weapons because of President Bushes policy toward them. He rejected the previous adminitration Agreed Framework that kept their nuclear ambitions on hold and refused to negotiate. Instead he called them the one of the "Axis of Evil" and packed off to Iraq for his blunder there.

I know it stings, but it was Bill Clinton in 1994 who helped North Korea expand on their Nuclear technology.
liberals are slow to recognize a threat from our enemies .they are to busy attacking the constitution and capitalism .Stalin would be proud.

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