Never tell me America is racist: An open letter to protesters

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The fact that its in there at all tells me the government endorsed slavery, therefore America was and still is a racist nation.

Guilt by association.

Your argument is invalid.
You've lost your fucking mind. This wasnt an america in a alternate universe. Its the same america we are in today.

Lost another debate and started swearing.:cool:
Swearing is a sign of intelligence but youre too dumb to know that. :)
Never tell me America is racist.

Do you see how many white people are protesting with you? Do you see how many white cops are showing solidarity with you?

NEVER tell me America is racist.

Ask any black person who lived during the civil rights era. They didn't have white support, if they did, it was minimal support at most. They did not have a broad coalition of support you do now in the 1950s and '60s.

Not only do you have the support of hundreds of millions of white people all across America, but the WHOLE WORLD has also come to stand behind you. I will stand behind you.

But never tell me America is racist.
Hate to break it to you....America is racist. Its even in the original document used to form it.

How would you end racism? The problem is today that racism is defined as anywhere between “Blacks can’t (fill in the blank) to “recipients of welfare should be drug tested” and all points in between.
First I would banish all known racists to europe. Then I would give Black people reparations. If someone reacts they get their asses sent back to europe. Then we would work out a compromise with the natives. If they dont want to bargain then everyone takes their asses back to where their ancestors came from.
The U.S. has been in existence for 243 years and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which I presume you're referring to has only been in existence for less that 25% of the lifetime of the United States. That means that for 182 years people of African descent were relegated legislatively, via numerous court judgments and enforced by law enforcement into 2nd class citizen status, that is after we obtained recognition that the rights the U.S. Constitution afforded everyone else also extended to us.

Your chronological argument is invalid.

You dismiss any efforts by this country to reform itself between it's inception and the passage of the Civil Rights Act. You are too focused on the distant past.
There is nothing invalid in my comments, chronologically or otherwise.

181 years of legally sanctioned discrimination, oppression and hatred versus less than 60 years without.

Just because I made no mention of what has been attempted to repair all of the damage (which actually isn't even possible) done by U.S. policy and treatment of black people, does not mean I'm dismissive of it. I am simply more focused on documenting how the same behaviors, practices, patterns and procedures of the U.S.'s racial past still occur in the year 2020 exactly because people like you exist. People who will try to tell the police, and the prosecutors and the courts and your representatives that "America is not racist", that racism no longer exists in the year 2020 and therefore no new laws protecting black victim who have had white people falsely calling 911 on them when no crime has occured, need be passed nor should any money be spent to help offset the financial disparities caused by racial inequities be allocated, you know things like that. And because anytime a black person or other minority levels an allegation of disparate treatment or racial discirmination, I want there to be plenty of case law and investigative files and witness statements that show that no, this person isn't simply playing the race card and looking for a payday. They are actually having their rights infringed upon in violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and/or other state and federal law.

So that's why I spend time on these message boards disputing the false and sometimes very ignorant statements put forth by the resident racists of U.S. Message Board. I don't do it for likes, or to make friends, although I do have friends here who I think the world of and admire.

While you're not wrong that there have been white people who have always known that racism is wrong and have worked to affect change, those people and their effort unfortunately still are unable to transform the United States into something other than what is was born as - a country founded upon the belief of white supremacy. There is no getting around this.

Not to say that it can not improve, but until the country has existed for at least 50% of it's existence with full equality in law, you can't realistically expect people to accept your premise that it's not a racist country, that in less than 60 years of it's 243 existence it has fully reformed, because we know better. People would not be protesting in the streets today if that were true.
Never tell me America is racist.

Do you see how many white people are protesting with you? Do you see how many white cops are showing solidarity with you?

NEVER tell me America is racist.

Ask any black person who lived during the civil rights era. They didn't have white support, if they did, it was minimal support at most. They did not have a broad coalition of support you do now in the 1950s and '60s.

Not only do you have the support of hundreds of millions of white people all across America, but the WHOLE WORLD has also come to stand behind you. I will stand behind you.

But never tell me America is racist.
Hate to break it to you....America is racist. Its even in the original document used to form it.

How would you end racism? The problem is today that racism is defined as anywhere between “Blacks can’t (fill in the blank) to “recipients of welfare should be drug tested” and all points in between.
First I would banish all known racists to europe. Then I would give Black people reparations. If someone reacts they get their asses sent back to europe. Then we would work out a compromise with the natives. If they dont want to bargain then everyone takes their asses back to where their ancestors came from.

The U.S. has been in existence for 243 years and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which I presume you're referring to has only been in existence for less that 25% of the lifetime of the United States. That means that for 182 years people of African descent were relegated legislatively, via numerous court judgments and enforced by law enforcement into 2nd class citizen status, that is after we obtained recognition that the rights the U.S. Constitution afforded everyone else also extended to us.

Your chronological argument is invalid.

You dismiss any efforts by this country to reform itself between it's inception and the passage of the Civil Rights Act. You are too focused on the distant past.
There is nothing invalid in my comments, chronologically or otherwise.

181 years of legally sanctioned discrimination, oppression and hatred versus less than 60 years without.

Just because I made no mention of what has been attempted to repair all of the damage (which actually isn't even possible) done by U.S. policy and treatment of black people, does not mean I'm dismissive of it. I am simply more focused on documenting how the same behaviors, practices, patterns and procedures of the U.S.'s racial past still occur in the year 2020 exactly because people like you exist. People who will try to tell the police, and the prosecutors and the courts and your representatives that "America is not racist", that racism no longer exists in the year 2020 and therefore no new laws protecting black victim who have had white people falsely calling 911 on them when no crime has occured, need be passed nor should any money be spent to help offset the financial disparities caused by racial inequities be allocated, you know things like that. And because anytime a black person or other minority levels an allegation of disparate treatment or racial discirmination, I want there to be plenty of case law and investigative files and witness statements that show that no, this person isn't simply playing the race card and looking for a payday. They are actually having their rights infringed upon in violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and/or other state and federal law.

So that's why I spend time on these message boards disputing the false and sometimes very ignorant statements put forth by the resident racists of U.S. Message Board. I don't do it for likes, or to make friends, although I do have friends here who I think the world of and admire.

While you're not wrong that there have been white people who have always known that racism is wrong and have worked to affect change, those people and their effort unfortunately still are unable to transform the United States into something other than what is was born as - a country founded upon the belief of white supremacy. There is no getting around this.

Not to say that it can not improve, but until the country has existed for at least 50% of it's existence with full equality in law, you can't realistically expect people to accept your premise that it's not a racist country, that in less than 60 years of it's 243 existence it has fully reformed, because we know better. People would not be protesting in the streets today if that were true.
Temp is full of it. He knows good and damn well that not mentioning attempts to repair the racism does not invalidate the fact that racism is still here.
The fact that its in there at all tells me the government endorsed slavery, therefore America was and still is a racist nation.

Guilt by association.

Your argument is invalid.
You've lost your fucking mind. This wasnt an america in a alternate universe. Its the same america we are in today.

Lost another debate and started swearing.:cool:
Swearing is a sign of intelligence but youre too dumb to know that. :)
Keep telling yourself that. #Butthurt lives matter.
He knows good and damn well that not mentioning attempts to repair the racism does not invalidate the fact that racism is still here.

Of course, racism still exists in America, but it does not make America racist as a whole. Why would I think otherwise? I am simply disproving your assertions that America is as racist as it was 60 years ago.
181 years of legally sanctioned discrimination, oppression and hatred versus less than 60 years without.

Genetic fallacy.

Making an argument that just because we sanctioned oppression and discrimination longer than we have outlawed it is preposterous.

How does that make your argument valid?
One of the ways the argument is valid is your erroneous belief that there has to even be a law for racism to exist.
Never tell me America is racist.

Do you see how many white people are protesting with you? Do you see how many white cops are showing solidarity with you?

NEVER tell me America is racist.

Ask any black person who lived during the civil rights era. They didn't have white support, if they did, it was minimal support at most. They did not have a broad coalition of support you do now in the 1950s and '60s.

Not only do you have the support of hundreds of millions of white people all across America, but the WHOLE WORLD has also come to stand behind you. I will stand behind you.

But never tell me America is racist.
Hate to break it to you....America is racist. Its even in the original document used to form it.

How would you end racism? The problem is today that racism is defined as anywhere between “Blacks can’t (fill in the blank) to “recipients of welfare should be drug tested” and all points in between.
First I would banish all known racists to europe. Then I would give Black people reparations. If someone reacts they get their asses sent back to europe. Then we would work out a compromise with the natives. If they dont want to bargain then everyone takes their asses back to where their ancestors came from.
LMaO!!! Reparations. It’s all about money. #Butthurt lives matter. “All known racists” defined by whom? You?
He knows good and damn well that not mentioning attempts to repair the racism does not invalidate the fact that racism is still here.

Of course, racism still exists in America, but it does not make America racist as a whole. Why would I think otherwise? I am simply disproving your assertions that America is as racist as it was 60 years ago.
" Of course, racism still exists in America "

Yeah I told you that with my first post and you started denying it. What changed your mind and why do you agree now?

So was the interpretation wrong before and it's correct now? Or was it correct before and it's wrong now?

Incorrect before, correct now.

Is there anything else you would like to know?

Interpretation can evolve, namely because of changing sentiment.

What were you expecting me to say? That it was and always has been correct?
To be honest, neither one of you were specific about what you were referring to. I assumed that it was the U.S. Constitution however I have no idea which part of it if my assumption was even correct.

Would one of you enlighten me please?
Never tell me America is racist.

Do you see how many white people are protesting with you? Do you see how many white cops are showing solidarity with you?

NEVER tell me America is racist.

Ask any black person who lived during the civil rights era. They didn't have white support, if they did, it was minimal support at most. They did not have a broad coalition of support you do now in the 1950s and '60s.

Not only do you have the support of hundreds of millions of white people all across America, but the WHOLE WORLD has also come to stand behind you. I will stand behind you.

But never tell me America is racist.
Hate to break it to you....America is racist. Its even in the original document used to form it.

How would you end racism? The problem is today that racism is defined as anywhere between “Blacks can’t (fill in the blank) to “recipients of welfare should be drug tested” and all points in between.
First I would banish all known racists to europe. Then I would give Black people reparations. If someone reacts they get their asses sent back to europe. Then we would work out a compromise with the natives. If they dont want to bargain then everyone takes their asses back to where their ancestors came from.

That doesn’t end racism.
Never tell me America is racist.

Do you see how many white people are protesting with you? Do you see how many white cops are showing solidarity with you?

NEVER tell me America is racist.

Ask any black person who lived during the civil rights era. They didn't have white support, if they did, it was minimal support at most. They did not have a broad coalition of support you do now in the 1950s and '60s.

Not only do you have the support of hundreds of millions of white people all across America, but the WHOLE WORLD has also come to stand behind you. I will stand behind you.

But never tell me America is racist.
Hate to break it to you....America is racist. Its even in the original document used to form it.

How would you end racism? The problem is today that racism is defined as anywhere between “Blacks can’t (fill in the blank) to “recipients of welfare should be drug tested” and all points in between.
First I would banish all known racists to europe. Then I would give Black people reparations. If someone reacts they get their asses sent back to europe. Then we would work out a compromise with the natives. If they dont want to bargain then everyone takes their asses back to where their ancestors came from.

That doesn’t end racism.
How much you want to bet? I could give a flying fuck if you dont like me for whatever. When i take way your power to implement a system based on race I can just tear that shit down and racism is gone.
The one you agreed with after I proved your original ask was wrong. If you need a reminder read the thread.

I have you stumbling all over yourself.
You should quit while you're behind.

Pray tell, wherein this thread have I ever been behind?
Since post #3.

You mean the one that COMPLETELY ignored the 13th Amendment?

Sure, if you say so.
Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

Uh yeah and? Read the next Amendment for the resolution to that clause.

The fact that its in there at all tells me the government endorsed slavery, therefore America was and still is a racist nation.
agreed and that it was necessary to nullify the damage done by the landmark SCOTUS decision Dred Scott v Sanford
Yeah I told you that with my first post and you started denying it. What changed your mind and why do you agree now?

Because America as it stands now is not racist. Are there racist people in America? Of course! But that does not make the rest of the country racist in the process.
Yeah I told you that with my first post and you started denying it. What changed your mind and why do you agree now?

Because America as it stands now is not racist. Are there racist people in America? Of course! But that does not make the rest of the country racist in the process.
Youre confusing yourself. You just said this...." " Of course, racism still exists in America " "

Make up your mind. You cant have both ways. :)
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