Never tell me America is racist: An open letter to protesters

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Never tell me America is racist.

Do you see how many white people are protesting with you? Do you see how many white cops are showing solidarity with you?

NEVER tell me America is racist.

Ask any black person who lived during the civil rights era. They didn't have white support, if they did, it was minimal support at most. They did not have a broad coalition of support you do now in the 1950s and '60s.

Not only do you have the support of hundreds of millions of white people all across America, but the WHOLE WORLD has also come to stand behind you. I will stand behind you.

But never tell me America is racist.
Hate to break it to you....America is racist. Its even in the original document used to form it.

How would you end racism? The problem is today that racism is defined as anywhere between “Blacks can’t (fill in the blank) to “recipients of welfare should be drug tested” and all points in between.
First I would banish all known racists to europe. Then I would give Black people reparations. If someone reacts they get their asses sent back to europe. Then we would work out a compromise with the natives. If they dont want to bargain then everyone takes their asses back to where their ancestors came from.

That doesn’t end racism.
How much you want to bet? I could give a flying fuck if you dont like me for whatever. When i take way your power to implement a system based on race I can just tear that shit down and racism is gone.
“When i take way your power”...LOL

Triggered and incoherent.
Temps first post " But never tell me America is racist. "

Temp after he confused himself:. " Of course, racism still exists in America "
Racism can exist but the country overall is not racist. America has fat people. America is not fat. LMAO. This is so much fun. Please post more stupidity. #butthurt lives matter.
Hate to break it to you....America is racist

Hate to break it to you....You are a liar, but I'll bet you already know that.

This piece of garbage George Floyd was in prison five times, once for armed robbery, he was on Parole, and he was resisting arrest. ny cop who cares about his safety would use heavy force taking him down.

Well, a mistake happened and the scum hoodlum piece of garbage is dead. That's okay with me. One less armed robber on the streets.

Now every Communist Socialist Anarchist group is taking advantage of the fact that there would be and they are funding and organzing the destruction of American cities, and they have useful stupid idiots like you to give them cover.

Take a bow, crap-for-brains.
Bold move. Right out of the gate.
You must be a sock.
This will be a first, but I don't think I'm going to give him a donut.
Hate to break it to you....America is racist

Hate to break it to you....You are a liar, but I'll bet you already know that.

This piece of garbage George Floyd was in prison five times, once for armed robbery, he was on Parole, and he was resisting arrest. ny cop who cares about his safety would use heavy force taking him down.

Well, a mistake happened and the scum hoodlum piece of garbage is dead. That's okay with me. One less armed robber on the streets.

Now every Communist Socialist Anarchist group is taking advantage of the fact that there would be and they are funding and organzing the destruction of American cities, and they have useful stupid idiots like you to give them cover.

Take a bow, crap-for-brains.
Bold move. Right out of the gate.
You must be a sock.
This will be a first, but I don't think I'm going to give him a donut.
I've been doing the message board thing for 20 years.
I know a sock when I see one.
Temps first post " But never tell me America is racist. "

Temp after he confused himself:. " Of course, racism still exists in America "

Lol. You can't discern nuance, can you?
Hate to break it to you....America is racist

Hate to break it to you....You are a liar, but I'll bet you already know that.

This piece of garbage George Floyd was in prison five times, once for armed robbery, he was on Parole, and he was resisting arrest. ny cop who cares about his safety would use heavy force taking him down.

Well, a mistake happened and the scum hoodlum piece of garbage is dead. That's okay with me. One less armed robber on the streets.

Now every Communist Socialist Anarchist group is taking advantage of the fact that there would be and they are funding and organzing the destruction of American cities, and they have useful stupid idiots like you to give them cover.

Take a bow, crap-for-brains.
Bold move. Right out of the gate.
You must be a sock.
This will be a first, but I don't think I'm going to give him a donut.
I've been doing the message board thing for 20 years.
I know a sock when I see one.
Well, then, I probably already gave him a donut under another name, so I won't feel guilty.
Never tell me America is racist.

Do you see how many white people are protesting with you? Do you see how many white cops are showing solidarity with you?

NEVER tell me America is racist.

Ask any black person who lived during the civil rights era. They didn't have white support, if they did, it was minimal support at most. They did not have a broad coalition of support you do now in the 1950s and '60s.

Not only do you have the support of hundreds of millions of white people all across America, but the WHOLE WORLD has also come to stand behind you. I will stand behind you.

But never tell me America is racist.
Hate to break it to you....America is racist. Its even in the original document used to form it.
Hence the amendments abolishing slavery passed later. Of course slavery should never have been brought to this country in the first place.
Slavery was abolished and Jim Crow took its place.
And Jim Crow is gone as well.
And now we have the New Jim Crow. So your racism simply dons another uniform but its always there.
And you are either a fool or a stone cold gutless liar.
If you cant address the topic please spare me before you incur a penalty.
I did to say Jim Crow exists today one is either a fool or liar. No state has any kind of Jim Crow laws. Are there still individual racists in the country? Yes there. BTW I support people like Sen Tim Scott, Candance Owens, Justice Thomas. They happen to be black.

Temps first post " But never tell me America is racist. "

Temp after he confused himself:. " Of course, racism still exists in America "

Lol. You can't discern nuance, can you?
Give it a rest. How many excuses do you have in your back pocket? :)

How many brain cells do you have in that vacuous cranium of yours?

You need to give it a rest.
At least 1 more than you.

You need to make a better argument next time. You got your ass handed to you on a silver platter by at least 6 different people.
You need to make a better argument next time. You got your ass handed to you on a silver platter by at least 6 different people.

Oh, in what way precisely?

You still, have yet to show me exactly where I got my "ass handed" to me.

And if there were six of you, that speaks to your stupidity and ignorance. And the fact you all got handled.
I truly feel sorry for people who go through life with so much bitterness, hate and a victim mentality. How heavy a weight that must be, and what a horrible, self-defeating way to live life.

Yes, racism still exists of course, this is not a perfect world, but what a lot of people don't seem to realize is that certain corrupt powers and their mouthpiece, the msm, are constantly fanning the flames and purposely creating division, anger, distrust, making race relations SO much worse, because it's all about divide and conquer.

But it's not just the ptsb / media, I think there's also a spiritual aspect (read Ephesians 6:12) and people who live with bitterness, anger and unforgiveness are basically in bondage, which does not help matters at all, it only makes things worse.
Temps first post " But never tell me America is racist. "

Temp after he confused himself:. " Of course, racism still exists in America "

Lol. You can't discern nuance, can you?
View attachment 347260

No need. I have already won. I am merely toying with you now.
I didn't win the internet.

I won this argument.
You lost everything. You're morally and intellectually bankrupt. Better luck next time.
Temps first post " But never tell me America is racist. "

Temp after he confused himself:. " Of course, racism still exists in America "

Lol. You can't discern nuance, can you?
View attachment 347260

No need. I have already won. I am merely toying with you now.
I didn't win the internet.

I won this argument.
Have some cookies.

The fact that its in there at all tells me the government endorsed slavery, therefore America was and still is a racist nation.

Guilt by association.

Your argument is invalid.

You completely ignored the fact that the government reformed itself, it admitted its sins and atoned for them, you seemingly are devoid of forgiveness.
How did our government atone for 181 years of racial hatred? When did it apologize and what specifically has it done to atone for it's sins, because some of the civil rights legislation is still pretty wobbly.
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