Never tell me America is racist: An open letter to protesters

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There were white people back in the day (slavery) who thought it was perfectly okay to keep people in captivity, to treat them as chattel, rape the women & children, beat the men or anyone who disobeyed them, inflicted psychological and emotional harm by breaking up families and selling them away as punishment and you're stating that they did this only because there was no law prohibiting it? That's how depraved they were? Because we know if somone had done any of that shit to someone white they would have strung them up.

This defeats your own argument that America is inherently racist.

There were white people at that time who thought all of this was wrong. Hence our laws outlawing racism.

Gimme a break Mariyam.
Temps first post " But never tell me America is racist. "

Temp after he confused himself:. " Of course, racism still exists in America "

Lol. You can't discern nuance, can you?
I think I hear what you're saying--that institutionally and ideologically, America is not racist. Our laws are fair. We do not discourage diversity. You acknowledge that some individuals are racist, though.

The only thing you're forgetting is that every single law, regulation and ideal actually is enacted by individuals. Otherwise, those laws would mean nothing. They have to be put into action by individuals. When those people are racist or even unconsciously believe that blacks are more dangerous, more suspect, than whites, it cannot be fair.

" I think I hear what you're saying--that institutionally and ideologically, America is not racist. "

I disagree even with that statement that Temp lacked the ability to articulate. There is systemic/institutional racism in the US. You cant have racism without the supporting ideology.
Sorry, turd, but I'm not responsible for the racism of a few others.
Youre a nobody. Of course youre only responsible for your racist views.
Since I don't have any, that's not my problem.
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
I know what is says but in practice only white land-owning adult males over the age of 18 were covered by our founding documents. Women, people of African descent even if they were not slaves and poor non-landowning whites were not included. Because unless you were a a white land-owning adult male over the age of 18 you could not vote, you had no say at all in the laws that were made impacting and affecting your own live. And one of those laws in the infamous words of Supreme Court Justice Taney stated "the black man has no rights that the white man is bound to respect". The highest court in the land determined this.

You're the one moving the goalposts and changing the subject as well because if the Declaration of Independence were actually implemented as written the United States would never have existed for all these years as a country where racial discrimination, oppression and segregation was the law of the land.
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Temps first post " But never tell me America is racist. "

Temp after he confused himself:. " Of course, racism still exists in America "

Lol. You can't discern nuance, can you?
I think I hear what you're saying--that institutionally and ideologically, America is not racist. Our laws are fair. We do not discourage diversity. You acknowledge that some individuals are racist, though.

The only thing you're forgetting is that every single law, regulation and ideal actually is enacted by individuals. Otherwise, those laws would mean nothing. They have to be put into action by individuals. When those people are racist or even unconsciously believe that blacks are more dangerous, more suspect, than whites, it cannot be fair.

" I think I hear what you're saying--that institutionally and ideologically, America is not racist. "

I disagree even with that statement that Temp lacked the ability to articulate. There is systemic/institutional racism in the US. You cant have racism without the supporting ideology.
I'd really be interested if you would take a deeper dive into some of this. What is institutionally racist? Where has the justice system written it into policy? I'm not arguing with you, I'm asking for some specifics, because I don't know much about it. It is ridiculous for me to even try to defend BLM except on general principle, because I don't really understand what specifically they are asking for.
181 years of legally sanctioned discrimination, oppression and hatred versus less than 60 years without.

Genetic fallacy.

Making an argument that just because we sanctioned oppression and discrimination longer than we have outlawed it is preposterous.

How does that make your argument valid?
That's not my argument.

My argument is that the United States of America was founded on the belief of white supremacy. That's a undisputable fact. And for the first 181 years of it's existence racial discrimination against black people in all of the horrible ways that was manifested, was lawful in the United States. This two is a undisputable fact. Are we on the same page so far?

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,
That did not include black men or women.
Temps first post " But never tell me America is racist. "

Temp after he confused himself:. " Of course, racism still exists in America "

Lol. You can't discern nuance, can you?
I think I hear what you're saying--that institutionally and ideologically, America is not racist. Our laws are fair. We do not discourage diversity. You acknowledge that some individuals are racist, though.

The only thing you're forgetting is that every single law, regulation and ideal actually is enacted by individuals. Otherwise, those laws would mean nothing. They have to be put into action by individuals. When those people are racist or even unconsciously believe that blacks are more dangerous, more suspect, than whites, it cannot be fair.

" I think I hear what you're saying--that institutionally and ideologically, America is not racist. "

I disagree even with that statement that Temp lacked the ability to articulate. There is systemic/institutional racism in the US. You cant have racism without the supporting ideology.
I'd really be interested if you would take a deeper dive into some of this. What is institutionally racist? Where has the justice system written it into policy? I'm not arguing with you, I'm asking for some specifics, because I don't know much about it. It is ridiculous for me to even try to defend BLM except on general principle, because I don't really understand what specifically they are asking for.
There are a lot of things that are institutionally racist but I will limit it to one of the most important. The wealth gap between the races. The justice system doesnt necessarily have to write anything into policy. It can be a informal policy like getting Dylan Roof some Burger King or giving a white criminal a million warnings before shooting them when a Black guy only has to twitch the wrong way. However, everyone is aware or should be aware by now of the difference in the cocaine laws.

BLMs goal is to prevent the racist targeting of Black people by law enforcement and vigilantes regardless of if that outcome is death, injury, or disrespect. Thats one of the reasons why its so idiotic to ask BLM to address cities like Chicago.

181 years of legally sanctioned discrimination, oppression and hatred versus less than 60 years without.

Genetic fallacy.

Making an argument that just because we sanctioned oppression and discrimination longer than we have outlawed it is preposterous.

How does that make your argument valid?
That's not my argument.

My argument is that the United States of America was founded on the belief of white supremacy. That's a undisputable fact. And for the first 181 years of it's existence racial discrimination against black people in all of the horrible ways that was manifested, was lawful in the United States. This two is a undisputable fact. Are we on the same page so far?

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,
That did not include black men or women.

Nice deflection. It does now.

We grew as a nation. You are still stuck on the first rung of the ladder.
BLMs goal is to prevent the racist targeting of Black people by law enforcement regardless of if that outcome is death, injury, or disrespect. Thats one of the reasons why its so idiotic to ask BLM to address cities like Chicago.

The implication in the link you posted is that they want to turn themselves into an armed militia. Why is it they want to defund the police so badly?
BLMs goal is to prevent the racist targeting of Black people by law enforcement regardless of if that outcome is death, injury, or disrespect. Thats one of the reasons why its so idiotic to ask BLM to address cities like Chicago.

The implication in the link you posted is that they want to turn themselves into an armed militia. Why is it they want to defund the police so badly?
You only believe that implication because youre hopelessly illiterate.
Never tell me America is racist.

Do you see how many white people are protesting with you? Do you see how many white cops are showing solidarity with you?

NEVER tell me America is racist.

Ask any black person who lived during the civil rights era. They didn't have white support, if they did, it was minimal support at most. They did not have a broad coalition of support you do now in the 1950s and '60s.

Not only do you have the support of hundreds of millions of white people all across America, but the WHOLE WORLD has also come to stand behind you. I will stand behind you.

But never tell me America is racist.

America is racist. Not sorry. Couldn't resist.

BLM et al do not have the support of all Americans, much less the whole world. That's why protestors are being beaten and gassed and shot by police without cause every day. That's why we have had this non-stop string of black men and women shot and killed without justification for the last several hundred years. It is because we have racists and we have not acted to stop them, nor to rid ourselves of them, nor to root out and eliminate the causes of their existence. Significant, dramatic and committed change is NECESSARY. Your status quo is no longer acceptable.
There were white people back in the day (slavery) who thought it was perfectly okay to keep people in captivity, to treat them as chattel, rape the women & children, beat the men or anyone who disobeyed them, inflicted psychological and emotional harm by breaking up families and selling them away as punishment and you're stating that they did this only because there was no law prohibiting it? That's how depraved they were? Because we know if somone had done any of that shit to someone white they would have strung them up.

This defeats your own argument that America is inherently racist.

There were white people at that time who thought all of this was wrong. Hence our laws outlawing racism.

Gimme a break Mariyam.

"This defeats your own argument that America is inherently racist."

No it demolishes your argument a that america is not racist.
BLMs goal is to prevent the racist targeting of Black people by law enforcement regardless of if that outcome is death, injury, or disrespect. Thats one of the reasons why its so idiotic to ask BLM to address cities like Chicago.

The implication in the link you posted is that they want to turn themselves into an armed militia. Why is it they want to defund the police so badly?
You only believe that implication because youre hopelessly illiterate.

That has nothing to do with the question.

But I must note you aren't denying it either.
BLM et al do not have the support of all Americans, much less the whole world. That's why protestors are being beaten and gassed and shot by police without cause every day.

And you assume the actions of the police are indicative of the sentiment of the world?

The police are part of the system hence the phrase "systemic racism".
Never tell me America is racist.

Do you see how many white people are protesting with you? Do you see how many white cops are showing solidarity with you?

NEVER tell me America is racist.

Ask any black person who lived during the civil rights era. They didn't have white support, if they did, it was minimal support at most. They did not have a broad coalition of support you do now in the 1950s and '60s.

Not only do you have the support of hundreds of millions of white people all across America, but the WHOLE WORLD has also come to stand behind you. I will stand behind you.

But never tell me America is racist.
America is racist. The younger whites are marching because they see it. The older whites are looking for excuses to justify the killing, posting threads about riots and trying to declare how this protest about racist killings prove America is not racist because whites are finally understanding that they also must work to end racism.
BLMs goal is to prevent the racist targeting of Black people by law enforcement regardless of if that outcome is death, injury, or disrespect. Thats one of the reasons why its so idiotic to ask BLM to address cities like Chicago.

The implication in the link you posted is that they want to turn themselves into an armed militia. Why is it they want to defund the police so badly?
You only believe that implication because youre hopelessly illiterate.

That has nothing to do with the question.

But I must note you aren't denying it either.
I didnt address your question. I just pointed out your illiteracy regarding your claim about the implication.

Not really going to deflect from you point about america not being racist. Why would you deflect from your OP? I know why. Because you cant defend the comment without looking like a fool.
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