Never tell me America is racist: An open letter to protesters

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Hate to break it to you....America is racist

Hate to break it to you....You are a liar, but I'll bet you already know that.

This piece of garbage George Floyd was in prison five times, once for armed robbery, he was on Parole, and he was resisting arrest. Any cop who cares about his safety would use heavy force taking him down.

Well, a mistake happened and the scum hoodlum piece of garbage is dead. That's okay with me. One less armed robber on the streets.

Now every Communist Socialist Anarchist group is taking advantage of the fact that there would be protests and they are funding and organzing the destruction of American cities, and they have useful stupid idiots like you to give them cover.

Take a bow, crap-for-brains.
Hate to break it to you....America is racist

Hate to break it to you....You are a liar, but I'll bet you already know that.

This piece of garbage George Floyd was in prison five times, once for armed robbery, he was on Parole, and he was resisting arrest. ny cop who cares about his safety would use heavy force taking him down.

Well, a mistake happened and the scum hoodlum piece of garbage is dead. That's okay with me. One less armed robber on the streets.

Now every Communist Socialist Anarchist group is taking advantage of the fact that there would be protests and they are funding and organzing the destruction of American cities, and they have useful stupid idiots like you to give them cover.

Take a bow, crap-for-brains.
Bold move. Right out of the gate.
You must be a sock.
The one you agreed with after I proved your original ask was wrong. If you need a reminder read the thread.

I have you stumbling all over yourself.
You should quit while you're behind.

Pray tell, wherein this thread have I ever been behind?
Since post #3.

You mean the one that COMPLETELY ignored the 13th Amendment?

Sure, if you say so.
Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

Uh yeah and? Read the next Amendment for the resolution to that clause.

The fact that its in there at all tells me the government endorsed slavery, therefore America was and still is a racist nation.
Your avatar is of someone who put a gun on the stomach of a pregnant woman, robbed her and then pistol whipped her. Well done...
Hate to break it to you....America is racist

Hate to break it to you....You are a liar, but I'll bet you already know that.

This piece of garbage George Floyd was in prison five times, once for armed robbery, he was on Parole, and he was resisting arrest. ny cop who cares about his safety would use heavy force taking him down.

Well, a mistake happened and the scum hoodlum piece of garbage is dead. That's okay with me. One less armed robber on the streets.

Now every Communist Socialist Anarchist group is taking advantage of the fact that there would be protests and they are funding and organzing the destruction of American cities, and they have useful stupid idiots like you to give them cover.

Take a bow, crap-for-brains.
" This piece of garbage George Floyd was in prison five times, once for armed robbery, he was on Parole, and he was resisting arrest. "

Can you explain how that sentence has anything to do with me saying america is still racist? Get your ass back on topic rookie.
agreeing that those laws must be removed from the United States' legal code.

Why do they need to be removed from the code if they have been repealed or struck down bu the Supreme Court?

Or are you dumb enough to think that as long as they exist as text on paper that they are still enforceable?
They need to be taken off the legal code, that's what needs to happen.
No one has ever said that all white people are racists and as welcome as they are and happy we are to have them standing up for justice, marching and protesting with us, that doesn't mean that racism does not still exist in the United States or as the title of your thread states "never say America is racist".

Interesting, tell that to Asclepias, Gantlemagne , and Billyboom
Tell Me what?
The fact that its in there at all tells me the government endorsed slavery, therefore America was and still is a racist nation.

Guilt by association.

Your argument is invalid.

You completely ignored the fact that the government reformed itself, it admitted its sins and atoned for them, you seemingly are devoid of forgiveness.
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" This piece of garbage George Floyd was in prison five times, once for armed robbery, he was on Parole, and he was resisting arrest. "

Can you explain how that sentence has anything to do with me saying america is still racist?

The fact that you say America is racist means you are far too unintelligent to understand the answer to your childish question.

Get your ass back on topic rookie.

Go eat a bowl of Corona, loser
Hate to break it to you....America is racist

Hate to break it to you....You are a liar, but I'll bet you already know that.

This piece of garbage George Floyd was in prison five times, once for armed robbery, he was on Parole, and he was resisting arrest. ny cop who cares about his safety would use heavy force taking him down.

Well, a mistake happened and the scum hoodlum piece of garbage is dead. That's okay with me. One less armed robber on the streets.

Now every Communist Socialist Anarchist group is taking advantage of the fact that there would be protests and they are funding and organzing the destruction of American cities, and they have useful stupid idiots like you to give them cover.

Take a bow, crap-for-brains.
" This piece of garbage George Floyd was in prison five times, once for armed robbery, he was on Parole, and he was resisting arrest. "

Can you explain how that sentence has anything to do with me saying america is still racist? Get your ass back on topic rookie.
“America is still racist” LMaO. OK...what %? 100%? Is every American racist?
" This piece of garbage George Floyd was in prison five times, once for armed robbery, he was on Parole, and he was resisting arrest. "

Can you explain how that sentence has anything to do with me saying america is still racist?

The fact that you say America is racist means you are far too unintelligent to understand the answer to your childish question.

Get your ass back on topic rookie.

Go eat a bowl of Corona, loser
So you have nothing to support your claim and you think we are going to just take the word of some random punk?
Since my reply was quickly burried under an avalanche of leftwing stupidity I think I will repeat it:

Hate to break it to you....America is racist

Hate to break it to you....You are a liar, but I'll bet you already know that.

This piece of garbage George Floyd was in prison five times, once for armed robbery, he was on Parole, and he was resisting arrest. Any cop who cares about his safety would use heavy force taking him down.

Well, a mistake happened and the scum hoodlum piece of garbage is dead. That's okay with me. One less armed robber on the streets.

Now every Communist Socialist Anarchist group is taking advantage of the fact that there would be protests and they are funding and organzing the destruction of American cities, and they have useful stupid idiots like you to give them cover.
" This piece of garbage George Floyd was in prison five times, once for armed robbery, he was on Parole, and he was resisting arrest. "

Can you explain how that sentence has anything to do with me saying america is still racist?

The fact that you say America is racist means you are far too unintelligent to understand the answer to your childish question.

Get your ass back on topic rookie.

Go eat a bowl of Corona, loser
So you have nothing to support your claim and you think we are going to just take the word of some random punk?
What proof do you have that “America is racist”? Ha ha ha ha #butthurt lives matter
Since my reply was quickly burried under an avalanche of leftwing stupidity I think I will repeat it:

Hate to break it to you....America is racist

Hate to break it to you....You are a liar, but I'll bet you already know that.

This piece of garbage George Floyd was in prison five times, once for armed robbery, he was on Parole, and he was resisting arrest. Any cop who cares about his safety would use heavy force taking him down.

Well, a mistake happened and the scum hoodlum piece of garbage is dead. That's okay with me. One less armed robber on the streets.

Now every Communist Socialist Anarchist group is taking advantage of the fact that there would be protests and they are funding and organzing the destruction of American cities, and they have useful stupid idiots like you to give them cover.
Repeating the same irrelevant off topic shit doesnt make your statement less irrelevant.
Never tell me America is racist.

Do you see how many white people are protesting with you? Do you see how many white cops are showing solidarity with you?

NEVER tell me America is racist.

Ask any black person who lived during the civil rights era. They didn't have white support, if they did, it was minimal support at most. They did not have a broad coalition of support you do now in the 1950s and '60s.

Not only do you have the support of hundreds of millions of white people all across America, but the WHOLE WORLD has also come to stand behind you. I will stand behind you.

But never tell me America is racist.
Hate to break it to you....America is racist. Its even in the original document used to form it.

How would you end racism? The problem is today that racism is defined as anywhere between “Blacks can’t (fill in the blank) to “recipients of welfare should be drug tested” and all points in between.
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