Never Trumpers get ‘brutal wake-up call’ as Republican candidates flounder

He claimed the primary was rigged when he lost Iowa to Ted Cruz in February 2016!

Then he claimed the election was rigged when it looked like Hillary was going to win.

And the cultists just nod their empty heads.

Trump’s ‘stolen election’ lie originated during the 2016 primaries in anticipation of Trump failing to win the nomination.

The lie was repurposed in 2020 when Trump was defeated.
damn is that smell you or buydems soiled diaper again....whew
For Republicans, the entire point of ‘Trump’ is to destroy our democratic institutions, to elevate and codify the Imperial Presidency, and to establish the tyranny of Republican minority rule consistent with white grievance politics and racist replacement theory – to safeguard and defend white America and white culture from invading hordes of immigrants and against growing American communities of color.

Nominating someone other than Trump would be unimaginable for Republicans.
Again dingbat politically motivated impeachments mean zilch 0 nada nothing
“Remember that Trump began spreading the notion that America’s elections were “rigged” in 2016—when he thought he would lose. Many Republicans firmly believed that the Democrats would steal an election if given the chance. When the 2020 election came and Trump did lose, his voters were ready to doubt the outcome.”

All Trump does is lie.
I got some more nervous laughter on my post about how paranoid the left is over Trump I see.
“Remember that Trump began spreading the notion that America’s elections were “rigged” in 2016—when he thought he would lose. Many Republicans firmly believed that the Democrats would steal an election if given the chance. When the 2020 election came and Trump did lose, his voters were ready to doubt the outcome.”

All Trump does is lie.
no that was hillary

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