NeverTrumpers are Merely Republican Concern Trolls in Favor of a Clinton Presidency

I use to vote straight line republican ticket! George w Bush I defended for years, McCain, Romney, etc. Now that you're coming out as anti-science and anti-government...WEll, you're going to find out what scaring off millions of people from your party does to your chances of winning elections. hahaha
I keep asking you where you get this bullshit that I am anti-science, and you never respond.

What the hell has happened to you dude?

Maybe you're not, but people like Bush95, Gipper, Brat, Edwards b etc want to kill off most of our investments into tech, institutions of science and privatize everything. I know many members of the republican party like McCain, Sessions(supports nasa) and others certainly don't feel this way, but many within the tea party feel that we should abolish everything(or nearly so). I am not going to take the chance of spreading this craziness throughout our politics as it is bad for America and our ability to lead as a world power.

Why won't you join me? You seem to be pro-science like me and have got to be seeing what these people post.
Maybe you're not, but people like Bush95, Gipper, Brat, Edwards b etc want to kill off most of our investments into tech, institutions of science and privatize everything. I know many members of the republican party like McCain, Sessions(supports nasa) and others certainly don't feel this way, but many within the tea party feel that we should abolish everything(or nearly so). I am not going to take the chance of spreading this craziness throughout our politics as it is bad for America and our ability to lead as a world power.

Why won't you join me? You seem to be pro-science like me and have got to be seeing what these people post.
If anyone is opposed to fudning NASA or other tech research programs, they are nitwits.

The Republican party platform does not call for such defunding, nor doe any major politician I have read of in the GOP, from Trump to Ryan.

If you have some data on them, great, please share a link, but the partisans, Losertarians and dunderheads that say shit like that here do not speak for the GOP.

If they did I would drop my support for Trump in heart beat.
The Never Trumpers are literally willing to hand the election to Hillary. Editor of the Daily Caller said the Republicans need to have a "negotiated surrender to Hillary".

"It would be best to appease her now. "

That's FUBAR'D.

The Republican Party has nominated a candidate that has a 60%-70% unfavorable rating, and 2/3s who believe he is unqualified to be President. Trump also polls about the same as Hillary on being untrustworthy.

This was a very winnable election for the Republicans, but they've nominated the worst possible candidate they could find.

Republicans and Trumptards have no one else but themselves to blame.
Hillary has a 60% unfavorable rating, numskull. She's the most corrupt politician ever to run for office. She's a proven liar and she has Parkinson's disease.
Never Trumpers are truly the enemy. You have the new guy for the Never Trump Party getting financed by Democrats.

And Gary Johnson gets $$$ from IBM, United Technologies and of all donors Freddie Mac. And according to Brietbart Johnson and his VP defended Hillary Clinton's email scandal.
Never Trumpers are truly the enemy. You have the new guy for the Never Trump Party getting financed by Democrats.

And Gary Johnson gets $$$ from IBM, United Technologies and of all donors Freddie Mac. And according to Brietbart Johnson and his VP defended Hillary Clinton's email scandal.

It is really ludicrous all the effort the Political Establishment is going through to defeat Trump and then these shills claim that it is nothing but 'trouble Trump has brought on himself.'

I still have the feeling that people will see through this horse shit like they did in 1980, which was a 24 hour shock to the Establishment. This years Trump campaign is eerily similar.
Let's look at the situation this way maybe.. Say Trump is the Dad, Hillary is the Mom, and we the people are the children. Now Trump he wants to put his foot down finally, but Hillary is that ole liberal type mother who makes excuses for the unruly children in the family. No matter what they do she has an excuse for them or will find one for them one way or the other. Then their is a brother and sister who worry badly about what is going on, and they are able to see the damage done by their mother, so they tell Dad about it.

Trump tries everything he can to save his family, but Hillary stands in his way. Finally Trump tries to get support for his positions taken in the family, so he calls a meeting with the children in order to debate the issues. So the big meeting happens, and Hillary still stands for everything unimaginable with her liberal hippie commune style (it takes a village to raise the children), type of character.

Trump wins the devorce taking all of the children/voters with him, even the ones she's screwed up in life in which they couldn't help what happened, so of course he took them with him too. They all lived happily ever after, while Hillary tried to rekindle the flame with her super liberal x-boyfriend Bill, who dated her on Wednesday's, and then dated everything else the rest of the week... Now do we want to be in a disfunctional situation where we choose liberal mom Hillary to go with or do we want to get our lives back on track with Trump ?
. Trump will be ok, as he is an American, and not an anti-American.
Another line from 13 Hours?

How long are you going to try and kill this thread with spam?
Why would giving any input on how bad Hillary and company are, uhh be a bad thing ? Hey the Clintons need to be checked, and adding perspective should be invited right ? Didn't mean to steal any of your thunder brother.
The Concern Troll NeverTrumpers at it again today, spinning Trumps comments on the Second Amendment as too extreme.

If Trump fails to win, methinks the GOP may split.

Good thing if it gets rid of these sheister neocons.

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