NeverTrumpers are Merely Republican Concern Trolls in Favor of a Clinton Presidency

Yes he went after them, because they are guilty.

Guilty of not wanting to nominate
Trump v Clinton.png
the most unfit candidate to ever be nominated by the Republican Party!
Trump went after the Republican establishment.

1/3 of Americans support him in 4-way polls.

He is reaping what he sowed.

Clueless Trumptards bitching about Republicans not supporting him are clueless.
. Yes he went after them, because they are guilty.
They are guilty of betraying their party and their country putting a lunatic like Clinton in power.


The Trumptards have put Clinton in power.

You were told that Trump was the worst possible candidate versus Clinton. Every single other Republican candidate polled better versus Clinton than Orange Jesus.

But the Trumptards wouldn't listen. Everyone else was lying. They knew better.

Now, they are going to get crushed.

And they have nobody to blame but themselves.

Of course, they won't.

It's somebody else's fault.
Yes he went after them, because they are guilty.

Guilty of not wanting to nominate... the most unfit candidate to ever be nominated by the Republican Party!
A summation of bullshit numbers is still nothing more than bullshit.

You. -->

Confirmation bias, also called confirmatory bias or myside bias, is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms one's preexisting beliefs or hypotheses, while giving disproportionately less consideration to alternative possibilities.​

Confirmation bias - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You are going to get crushed.
The Never Trumpers are literally willing to hand the election to Hillary. Editor of the Daily Caller said the Republicans need to have a "negotiated surrender to Hillary".

"It would be best to appease her now. "

That's FUBAR'D.
never trumpers will be responsible for clinton picking the next SC justices
IF that happens, sure, but I dont think it is going to happen.

The public is already getting completely inured to this media bullshit as it is so obvious now.

The bias in the media is unquestioned by everyone outside of the political class and the diminishing rate of return on the advertising is showing the public mind set is already saturated by the bullshit.

That will leave Hillary vulnerable to each new scandal that busts open in the public mind and the Democrats having no response anyone gives a shit about other than the Marxists in the media.

This leaves Trump walking in to home and the Democrats whining for the next eight years that were never supposed to be.
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Confirmation bias, also called confirmatory bias or myside bias, is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms one's preexisting beliefs or hypotheses, while giving disproportionately less consideration to alternative possibilities.​

Confirmation bias - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You are going to get crushed.
It is only Confirmation Bias if I have no fact and arguments tying those facts together. I have both, and they are still valid despite the fact you cant grasp their meaning, loser, lol.
never trumpers will be responsible for clinton picking the next SC justices
IF that happens, sure, but I dont think it is going to happen.

The public is already getting completely inured to this media bullshit as it is so obvious now.

The bias in the media is unquestioned by everyone outside of the political class and the diminishing rate of return on the advertising is showing the public mind set is already saturated by the bullshit.

That will leave Hillary vulnerable to each new scandal that busts open in the public mind and the Democrats having no response any gives a shit about other than the Marxists in the media.

This leaves Trump walking in to home and the Democrats whining for the next eight years that were never supposed to be.

she may be open to any new scandal

but the justice department will just close it down

as they did with the clinton foundation investigation
The Never Trumpers are literally willing to hand the election to Hillary. Editor of the Daily Caller said the Republicans need to have a "negotiated surrender to Hillary".

"It would be best to appease her now. "

That's FUBAR'D.

The Republican Party has nominated a candidate that has a 60%-70% unfavorable rating, and 2/3s who believe he is unqualified to be President. Trump also polls about the same as Hillary on being untrustworthy.

This was a very winnable election for the Republicans, but they've nominated the worst possible candidate they could find.

Republicans and Trumptards have no one else but themselves to blame.
Grab this. No room for any voters in his scheme. Oh by the way, this asshole is the fiance of the bitch that lied about the campaign manager.

This man is a key Never Trumper.

"There is no room for actual voters in this scheme, which Weinstein envisions as a brokered arrangement between politicians.

Weinstein writes:

Ideally, the Republican delegation would include a wide range of respected Republicans and conservatives from both the establishment and anti-establishment, but for it to matter to Hillary, it must also definitely include Republican congressional leaders like House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (and as many other members of Congress as possible) who would actually be in a position of fulfill the commitments of a deal."

Daily Caller's Weinstein Wants 'Negotiated Surrender to Hillary'
Confirmation bias, also called confirmatory bias or myside bias, is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms one's preexisting beliefs or hypotheses, while giving disproportionately less consideration to alternative possibilities.​

Confirmation bias - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You are going to get crushed.
It is only Confirmation Bias if I have no fact and arguments tying those facts together. I have both, and they are still valid despite the fact you cant grasp their meaning, loser, lol.

You have no arguments.

You are believing bullshit because you can't possibly believe you are wrong.

Then, when Clinton wins, you'll blame the media, the establishment, the blah blah blah. But you won't blame yourself and your fucking horrible candidate.

There aren't enough angry old white men like yourself to win.

You have no arguments..
I have given five arguments, and apparently you havent even read them, lol.

That you are ignorant of what I am saying is not a rebuttal to what I am saying, dude.
Benghazi was a modern day Alamo. But because we have the enemy within, it's understandable how the heroic struggle is attempted to be forgotten about. How many American lives will be lost before this DAM nation wakes up ?
Fewer if Trump wins, more if Hillary wins.
Just watched a discussion between a Trump representative, a NeverTrumper and a fairly conservative host.

Lets call the Host H Trump representative TR and the NeverTrumper NT, the discussion went like this (paraphrased).

H: So do you, NT, think that Trump literally meant that Second Amendment activists should kill Hillary?

NT: Well, he may or he may not have intended that, but he is running for President and he has to realize that words from a President can have major impact, can start wars and cause global suffering.

H: Well, TR, do you have a response?

TR: Yes, it does not matter what Trump says any more, the media is so biased that they will <cross talk from NT drowning out TR> so it doesnt matter. Trump said that <more cross talk> the second amendment is important and activists will make a political response.

NT: If Trump wants to be taken seriously as a candidate, he has to stop blowing his top like he does every day.

H: But NT, Hillary made a similar gaffe in 2008 when she suggested that Obama might be assassinated like Bobby Kennedy was...

NT I am not going to defend Hillary or Trump, but...

H: But you are attacking Trump and not Hillary.

NT: Trump is the Republican nominee, not Hillary and as a loyal Republican, I want my party's candidate to be more Presidential.

H: So you might vote for Trump if he improves?

NT: He wont improve, he is a joke. Hillary is a bad choice, but Trump is a disaster.

TR: That is absurd, Hillary has been linked to illegal donations from foreign countries, exposed national secrets, will raise taxes, give us four more years of Obama policies, and appoint probably four Supreme Court Justices....

NT: That is not my concern when Trump is using such inflammatory rhetoric as he does daily....

TR: There is nothing inflammatory about what he is saying, but the liberal media is making a mountain out of a mole hill and you NeverTrumpers are giving it an echo chamber to make the propaganda louder and have more credibility....

NT: I just want a better candidate...

TR: We HAVE a candidate and nothing is changing that...

NT: We have a candidate that is unfit for the Presidency.

H: But what about Hillary, is she unfit?

NT: Yes, well, Hillary is none of my concern, she is a Democrat, I am a Republican...

TR: You are maybe a Republican, but you are helping Hillary get elected.

NT: I cannot support a loser like Trump.

TR: and Hillary is better?

NT: Irrelevant when Trump is from my party and he is a disaster.

TR: You are helping to make him a disaster...

NT: And he has a disgusting view of women...

TR: What? He fills his life with successful independent women...

NT: Trump says bad things about the mothers of Gold Star families...

TR: That is a lie, Trump never said anything bad about...

NT: And he hates POWs...

TR: He what? That is outrageous!

NT: He has thrown little babies out of his rallies.

TR: Another lie!

NT: And he pulls the wings off little baby butterflies, I have seen it.

TR: What? That is preposterous....

H: Well that is all the time we have now, got a hard commercial break. Thank you two for being guests tonight.

See what I mean? NeverTrumpers are the GOP equivalent of Concern Trolls on a national political level.

What if we're never Trump AND never Hillary?
Just watched a discussion between a Trump representative, a NeverTrumper and a fairly conservative host.

Lets call the Host H Trump representative TR and the NeverTrumper NT, the discussion went like this (paraphrased).

H: So do you, NT, think that Trump literally meant that Second Amendment activists should kill Hillary?

NT: Well, he may or he may not have intended that, but he is running for President and he has to realize that words from a President can have major impact, can start wars and cause global suffering.

H: Well, TR, do you have a response?

TR: Yes, it does not matter what Trump says any more, the media is so biased that they will <cross talk from NT drowning out TR> so it doesnt matter. Trump said that <more cross talk> the second amendment is important and activists will make a political response.

NT: If Trump wants to be taken seriously as a candidate, he has to stop blowing his top like he does every day.

H: But NT, Hillary made a similar gaffe in 2008 when she suggested that Obama might be assassinated like Bobby Kennedy was...

NT I am not going to defend Hillary or Trump, but...

H: But you are attacking Trump and not Hillary.

NT: Trump is the Republican nominee, not Hillary and as a loyal Republican, I want my party's candidate to be more Presidential.

H: So you might vote for Trump if he improves?

NT: He wont improve, he is a joke. Hillary is a bad choice, but Trump is a disaster.

TR: That is absurd, Hillary has been linked to illegal donations from foreign countries, exposed national secrets, will raise taxes, give us four more years of Obama policies, and appoint probably four Supreme Court Justices....

NT: That is not my concern when Trump is using such inflammatory rhetoric as he does daily....

TR: There is nothing inflammatory about what he is saying, but the liberal media is making a mountain out of a mole hill and you NeverTrumpers are giving it an echo chamber to make the propaganda louder and have more credibility....

NT: I just want a better candidate...

TR: We HAVE a candidate and nothing is changing that...

NT: We have a candidate that is unfit for the Presidency.

H: But what about Hillary, is she unfit?

NT: Yes, well, Hillary is none of my concern, she is a Democrat, I am a Republican...

TR: You are maybe a Republican, but you are helping Hillary get elected.

NT: I cannot support a loser like Trump.

TR: and Hillary is better?

NT: Irrelevant when Trump is from my party and he is a disaster.

TR: You are helping to make him a disaster...

NT: And he has a disgusting view of women...

TR: What? He fills his life with successful independent women...

NT: Trump says bad things about the mothers of Gold Star families...

TR: That is a lie, Trump never said anything bad about...

NT: And he hates POWs...

TR: He what? That is outrageous!

NT: He has thrown little babies out of his rallies.

TR: Another lie!

NT: And he pulls the wings off little baby butterflies, I have seen it.

TR: What? That is preposterous....

H: Well that is all the time we have now, got a hard commercial break. Thank you two for being guests tonight.

See what I mean? NeverTrumpers are the GOP equivalent of Concern Trolls on a national political level.

What if we're never Trump AND never Hillary?
. Trump will be ok, as he is an American, and not an anti-American.
I use to vote straight line republican ticket! George w Bush I defended for years, McCain, Romney, etc. Now that you're coming out as anti-science and anti-government...WEll, you're going to find out what scaring off millions of people from your party does to your chances of winning elections. hahaha
I use to vote straight line republican ticket! George w Bush I defended for years, McCain, Romney, etc. Now that you're coming out as anti-science and anti-government...WEll, you're going to find out what scaring off millions of people from your party does to your chances of winning elections. hahaha
I keep asking you where you get this bullshit that I am anti-science, and you never respond.

What the hell has happened to you dude?

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