New Audio Evidence of Trump & Giuliani Corruption and Official Misconduct

Giuliani is some very serious legal trouble here. When this is combined with all the other likely upcoming charges against Rudy, he'd better get himself the best lawyer he can find because he's sure going to need help staying out of prison.

And in case anyone misses the point, any criminal conspiracy to commit a crime which is planned and executed by a lawyer and his client effectively negates any protections of a lawyer/client privileged and confidential communication.

I certainly hope that Giuliani is fully prepared for when Trump disavows any knowledge of what his lawyer was doing because that's been Trump's MO for decades.

Is this the Ukrainian phone call part two. Only this time you got him for sure. You’re a clown.
Giuliani is some very serious legal trouble here. When this is combined with all the other likely upcoming charges against Rudy, he'd better get himself the best lawyer he can find because he's sure going to need help staying out of prison.
Rudy is the best lawyer around.
A decent lawyer would have known better than to make an overseas phone call to a gov't official of another country say things that would implicate him in a criminal conspiracy.

What do you think our intelligence officers do during the day? Do you think they just sit around in their offices and wait for someone to phone in a tip? Overseas phone calls are routinely monitored. Even the president's phone calls are monitored and recorded. This is common knowledge within the gov't, and it's a rookie mistake to do what Rudy did.

What do you think our intelligence officers do during the day? Do you think they just sit around in their offices and wait for someone to phone in a tip? Overseas phone calls are routinely monitored. Even the president's phone calls are monitored and recorded. This is common knowledge within the gov't, and it's a rookie mistake to do what Rudy did.
What do you consider this?

Another day, another.....
Another day, another.....

View attachment 498387
There's going to be a reckoning, and I reckon that Giuliani isn't going to like it one bit. Feel free to send him money for his defense.
Can't you clowns give it a rest for one day?....Just one?

Are you still in denial about Trump being a crFer?

Are you still in denial that you're STILL batting 0-fer?
Batting o fer? Bannon,Stone,Manifort, Flynn,Gates,Nader, papadoppoulis. Strange over there.
Peripheral nobodies copping pleas don't count for shit, Dudley.
Lol, sure there sparky. Hilarious!!!!!!!!
You keep swinging at the Big Orange nemesis, and you keep missing.

You are 0-fer, Gomer.

By missing, you mean...

You have absolutely no idea what the word "context" means, do you?
Yeah, the context is no one is 0-fer against that orange hairball.

Please tell me this is a joke and it's supposed to be in political satire.​

Exclusive: New audio of 2019 phone call reveals how Giuliani pressured Ukraine to investigate baseless Biden conspiracies.


What do you think our intelligence officers do during the day? Do you think they just sit around in their offices and wait for someone to phone in a tip? Overseas phone calls are routinely monitored. Even the president's phone calls are monitored and recorded. This is common knowledge within the gov't, and it's a rookie mistake to do what Rudy did.
What do you consider this?

Doing his job.

What do you think our intelligence officers do during the day? Do you think they just sit around in their offices and wait for someone to phone in a tip? Overseas phone calls are routinely monitored. Even the president's phone calls are monitored and recorded. This is common knowledge within the gov't, and it's a rookie mistake to do what Rudy did.
What do you consider this?

Doing his job.


What do you think our intelligence officers do during the day? Do you think they just sit around in their offices and wait for someone to phone in a tip? Overseas phone calls are routinely monitored. Even the president's phone calls are monitored and recorded. This is common knowledge within the gov't, and it's a rookie mistake to do what Rudy did.
What do you consider this?

It's difficult for me to tell if you're stupid or if you think I'm stupid. The lead in premise to Biden's remarks are not true. If they had been true, Biden would have been a fool do what the premise is claiming. Namely, implicating himself on camera.

In the past, conservatives loved to point to American military power. That's commonly called hard power in inner circles. But the US gov't has historically been far more effective in employing what's known as soft power to help us further what's in our best interests. That's a combination of US financial aid (with strings attached, of course), and State Dept. assistance, economic development, assistance with water resource development, disaster relief, and aid for fighting diseases etc. In fact, the US is currently in the process of sending vaccines to countries which are struggling with Covid-19 and don't have the resources to get the vaccine in large enough quantities to turn the tide. This, of course, creates good will and trust toward the US, even as we are using cost-effective measures to further our objectives.

Biden was merely conveying US conditions for providing US financial assistance to the Ukrainian gov't which was the official policy of the Obama Administration. At that point, it was the Ukrainians' choice whether to accept or decline those conditions.

In closing, I know that conservatives love to claim that the US hands out money to foreign countries without conditions like an uncle gives out birthday cash to his nephews and nieces, but that's not true. The US offers aid to foreign countries under certain conditions which must be met in order to get the money (in regular payments which could be stopped, and not in a lump sum which would end our leverage) in much the same way as federal tax dollars are given to states in aid to help build roads or help fund schools. That's soft power in action.
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Giuliani is some very serious legal trouble here. When this is combined with all the other likely upcoming charges against Rudy, he'd better get himself the best lawyer he can find because he's sure going to need help staying out of prison.

And in case anyone misses the point, any criminal conspiracy to commit a crime which is planned and executed by a lawyer and his client effectively negates any protections of a lawyer/client privileged and confidential communication.

I certainly hope that Giuliani is fully prepared for when Trump disavows any knowledge of what his lawyer was doing because that's been Trump's MO for decades.

What a read. They sure are a dirty bunch.
Telling the Ukraines to hire a non corrupt prosecutor is a crime to you?
The funny (not funny) part on this phone call? Rudy sounds EXACTLY like the mob bosses he put away back when he had an actual reputation. He literally BECAME them! Sad :(
Another day, another.....

View attachment 498387

Another day, another.....
Another day, another.....

View attachment 498387
There's going to be a reckoning, and I reckon that Giuliani isn't going to like it one bit. Feel free to send him money for his defense.
Can't you clowns give it a rest for one day?....Just one?

Right after you clowns stop screaming about "stolen elections".

So basically, never, despite the fact that all the evidence and truth is on our side.
What evidence? I keep hearing people talk about evidence when they're standing at a microphone somewhere, but it's never presented when they're in a court of law. Why do you think that is?
Risk of sanctions and/or disbarment. Same reason reputable firms all turned tail and Donnie was stuck with maniacal has beens like Rudy, Sidney & Lin Wood.

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