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New Benghazi E-mails Link White House to Doctoring of Talking Points

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And I'm STILL waiting for one of you Libs to explain to me why the email that's now causing such an uproar was deemed "classified" by the Obama Administration and hidden from both the American people and the Congress for almost a year and a half.

Probably the same reason why all the shit that Snowden and Manning exposed were classifed as "secret".

because that's what they do.

So really, what we know is that a lot of people had opinions in the days after the attack, and no one had evidence.

spin all you want, joey boy. The truth is coming out. obama and his cronies knew the video had nothing to do with the attack, but they continued the lie for weeks because they feared that the truth might hurt him in the election.

Obama lies and 4 americans died.

This is not going away, even ABC and CBS are finally digging into it, seems that even the liberal media does not like being lied to.

One of your fellow wingnuts was out there complaining that the MSM wasn't covering it, they were too busy talking about Sterling.

Anyway, just to get some perspective, I remember the heady Clinton days, when you guys were ABSOLUTELY CONVINCED that some new revalation about Lewinsky or Vince Foster or Chinese money was going to blow the whole thing open.

And Clinton walked out of office on his last day with a 67% approval rating.

YOu know what I'd like to meet. Instead of a congenital Obama hater like yourself talking smack about this, I'd like to hear from one person- JUST ONE PERSON - who said, "Man, I voted for Obama in 2012, but if I knew that this really wasn't about a video, I'd have totally voted for Romney."

My guess, you won't find that person because that person doesn't exist.
The evidence is now out there. A complete White House cover up. Those are the facts. No amount of left wing spin or bullshit will change that.

There is no evidence of a cover up.

(Miss lollipop is hot.)

There's 100 pages of evidence. What I see here is liberals frantically racing to make up reasons for why this isn't true. Just admit it, the White House was involved in covering up the truth about Benghazi.

If there's 100 pages of evidence that no one really knows why this mob attacked.

and we'll probably never know. And at the end of the day, it isn't really that important.

No one is responsible for Ambassador Stevens' death other than the mob that killed him. Sensible people realize this.

Faux News viewers, they live in their own world of delusion and conspiracy theories.

That figure doesn't include contractors or other US citizens.

Benghazi: 4

Please neocon whiney fucks - don't start. You look silly

What's gonna make you look even more stupid is the fact more soldiers have died under Obama's watch in Afghanistan than under Bush. You really oughtta stop calling us neocons now.

NO, guy, that just shows how badly Bush fucked Afghanistan up.

Had we committed theforces needed to win the war and route the Taliban in 2002, we'd have won.

INstead, Bush decided he was going to get Saddam for trying to kill his Pappy.

But, no, the 6000 men who have died in Bush's botched wars isn't a scandal.

Whether or not a mob was really mad about a movie is.
There is no evidence of a cover up.

(Miss lollipop is hot.)

There's 100 pages of evidence. What I see here is liberals frantically racing to make up reasons for why this isn't true. Just admit it, the White House was involved in covering up the truth about Benghazi.

If there's 100 pages of evidence that no one really knows why this mob attacked.

and we'll probably never know. And at the end of the day, it isn't really that important.

No one is responsible for Ambassador Stevens' death other than the mob that killed him. Sensible people realize this.

Faux News viewers, they live in their own world of delusion and conspiracy theories.

We all know why the mob attacked. We have the State Department and various other personnel covering the incident to thank for that. All you have is criticizing where the news came from.

I've also noticed how dismissive you liberals become when the truth is revealed.

"We'll never know" or "it isn't really that important." Really now? So, the loss of life isn't that important to you? Well, I guess that's on par for you.
NO, guy, that just shows how badly Bush fucked Afghanistan up.

Had we committed theforces needed to win the war and route the Taliban in 2002, we'd have won.

INstead, Bush decided he was going to get Saddam for trying to kill his Pappy.

But, no, the 6000 men who have died in Bush's botched wars isn't a scandal.

Whether or not a mob was really mad about a movie is.

Sorry, you're floundering. Once more, you prove my case. When the truth of the matter is loosed, Liberals run to their ol' faithful, "B-But Bush did...!"

I don't want to hear it, Joe. Just admit that as far as Benghazi goes, these emails ended the debate.
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A blog? Really? LOL

If Stevens naively misjudged the risk, as your blogger maintains...then kindly explain why he asked for additional security the day before the attacks took place? The truth is that Stevens was well aware of how dangerous it was in Libya and he attempted to communicate his concerns over security to the State Department only to have his requests for more security turned down.

Yes, it would have been nice if the GOP Congress hadn't cut 300 million from Embassy security.

GOP cuts to embassy security draw scrutiny, jabs from Democrats | TheHill

But the important thing is some rich people got tax cuts to buy more dressage Horsies.
] Take your head out of your liberal asshole, and enlighten yourself:

So everyone concerned with the savage killing of our ambassador, and three other heroes is a racist!

Since your head is so deeply imbedded in you rectum, I guess you refer to faux news as FOX? The faux news is those who support the faux president, and the hate radio are those who hate the constitution haters! The fact that the attack was on 911, and preplanned is insignificant; you just dismiss it? Contrary evidence :lol:

Oh, well, no, the demonstrations around the world over the movie were timed to co-incide with 9/11. So, no, I don't dismiss it. I just don't buy into whacky conspiracy theories that the Administration was hyping the movie because AT THE TIME everyone was talking about the movie.

If there is nothing to hide, you should welcome an investigation. If nothing congeals, than it would make the republicans weaker, and the midterms are coming; it would vindicate the Benghazi bunch; pave the way for Hillary?

No, you liberals are scared to death, because you know this was a debacle of the first order, and you must stay in denial, because you cannot fathom the repercussions :badgrin:

No, i'm just tired of this GOP Congress wasting everyone's time when we have real problems to fix.

Most Americans don't care about why the mob was angry or whether Granny Teabag got her fraudelent tax exemption. They care about why the economy is still in the dumps and why Congress isn't taking action. Which is why the GOP Congress has a 16% approval rating.

Bret Baier is having an upcoming special that will break this down point, for point. I would like to see you take each point, and refute them with a plausible explanation - if you can extricate your head for a time? You will be overwhelmed with the totality of the evidence that proves the Obumble bunch is indifferent to everything except political expediency; that they failed to protect our people even after they repeatedly entreated them to do so, that they diverted the truth for the election, and that they have continued to conspiratorially cover it up for the same! :evil:

Frankly, I stopped caring about what the Faux News talking heads say to you mouth-breathers a long time ago.

I'm overwealmed that you guys give a fuck about this, because frankly, it's a coffin you can use as a soapbox. Romney got slapped down when he tried that two years ago, and you still look kind of tacky trying to do it.
Just when I thought liberals could not possibly get more pathetically desperate in their attempts to obfuscate from their fucking lying piece of shit in chief, I have read Joe B's posts.

Joe, you are an absolute disgrace to the uniform.

You, are an embarrassment.

So...now it's "crazy" to be upset that four Americans died in Benghazi? This has nothing to do with FOX News or talk radio...this is about an Administration showing terrible judgement and then lying to cover up what happened. It's not a "fake" scandal...it's not a wacko UFO conspiracy...it's about lying to cover your ass.

No, it's a whaccky conspiracy theory.

And frankly, you guys aren't upset about 5000 dead in Iraq over a lie about WMD's, but man, you are terribly upset about whether 4 guys died over a video or not.

Now, that is just crazy.

As I've said, I'd love to have a conversation about why we keep sticking our dicks into the MIddle East Hornet's nest and then complain about getting stung. But we aren't going to have THAT conversation any time soon. Neither party is willing to stand up to the Zionists or the Oil Companies and have THAT conversation.

Well, maybe Rand Paul, but he's nuts.
A blog? Really? LOL

If Stevens naively misjudged the risk, as your blogger maintains...then kindly explain why he asked for additional security the day before the attacks took place? The truth is that Stevens was well aware of how dangerous it was in Libya and he attempted to communicate his concerns over security to the State Department only to have his requests for more security turned down.

Yes, it would have been nice if the GOP Congress hadn't cut 300 million from Embassy security.

GOP cuts to embassy security draw scrutiny, jabs from Democrats | TheHill

But the important thing is some rich people got tax cuts to buy more dressage Horsies.

I'm sorry, but various reports said there were plenty of available funds for embassy security. You're resorting to old and debunked arguments.

Budgets for Embassy security exceeded well over $1.35 billion in 2012. According to Charlene Lamb, and the ARB report, the budget was not an issue.

Budget figures challenge Dem claims about lack of funding for embassy security | Fox News

We all know why the mob attacked. We have the State Department and various other personnel covering the incident to thank for that. All you have is criticizing where the news came from.

I've also noticed how dismissive you liberals become when the truth is revealed.

"We'll never know" or "it isn't really that important." Really now? So, the loss of life isn't that important to you? Well, I guess that's on par for you.

It isn't really that important.

I mean, I know it's important to you Obama-haters, but most normal people shrug their shoulders, know the Middle East is dangerous, and call it a day.

People knew AL Qaeda was involved in 2012. They re-elected Obama anyway.
Joe, all of the facts of this case are on our side. This isn't some "whacky conspiracy theory."

A real conspiracy theory would be something along the lines of "The 13 Benghazis" or "Bush did it too."

Sorry, you're floundering. Once more, you prove my case. When the truth of the matter is loosed, Liberals run to their ol' faithful, "B-But Bush did...!"

I don't want to hear it, Joe. Just admit that as far as Benghazi goes, these emails ended the debate.

I'm sure they did.

I'm sure you blame Obama for why you are such a loser who can't get a job.

Not because of your lack of ambition.

We all know why the mob attacked. We have the State Department and various other personnel covering the incident to thank for that. All you have is criticizing where the news came from.

I've also noticed how dismissive you liberals become when the truth is revealed.

"We'll never know" or "it isn't really that important." Really now? So, the loss of life isn't that important to you? Well, I guess that's on par for you.

It isn't really that important.

I mean, I know it's important to you Obama-haters, but most normal people shrug their shoulders, know the Middle East is dangerous, and call it a day.

People knew AL Qaeda was involved in 2012. They re-elected Obama anyway.

What a load of unmitigated garbage. People voted for him only because they were willfully lied to. Nobody likes liars. You must really despise the truth Joe. The Obama Administration lied. Deal with it.

Sorry, you're floundering. Once more, you prove my case. When the truth of the matter is loosed, Liberals run to their ol' faithful, "B-But Bush did...!"

I don't want to hear it, Joe. Just admit that as far as Benghazi goes, these emails ended the debate.

I'm sure they did.

I'm sure you blame Obama for why you are such a loser who can't get a job.

Not because of your lack of ambition.

I'm sure that when I kick your backside in a debate as I have now, you resort to telling me to get a job. How quaint. Get out of my sight.
Joe, all of the facts of this case are on our side. This isn't some "whacky conspiracy theory."

A real conspiracy theory would be something along the lines of "The 13 Benghazis" or "Bush did it too."

Guy, you don't have "facts". You have a few lines you've cherry picked out of a pile of e-mails, and scream, "You see, Obama IS the anti-Christ!"

And hope that the dumb-mouth-breathers who watch Faux News forgot all context, like we had a week of violent demonstrations across the MIddle East the week of the attack, all indisputably about the video.
Joe, all of the facts of this case are on our side. This isn't some "whacky conspiracy theory."

A real conspiracy theory would be something along the lines of "The 13 Benghazis" or "Bush did it too."

Guy, you don't have "facts". You have a few lines you've cherry picked out of a pile of e-mails, and scream, "You see, Obama IS the anti-Christ!"

And hope that the dumb-mouth-breathers who watch Faux News forgot all context, like we had a week of violent demonstrations across the MIddle East the week of the attack, all indisputably about the video.


You insist on digging that hole of yours deeper, don't you?

When these e-mails came out, you liberals shouted in unison, "You see, BUSH is the anti-Christ!"

Sorry, you're floundering. Once more, you prove my case. When the truth of the matter is loosed, Liberals run to their ol' faithful, "B-But Bush did...!"

I don't want to hear it, Joe. Just admit that as far as Benghazi goes, these emails ended the debate.

I'm sure they did.

I'm sure you blame Obama for why you are such a loser who can't get a job.

Not because of your lack of ambition.

I'm sure that when I kick your backside in a debate as I have now, you resort to telling me to get a job. How quaint. Get out of my sight.

You UNWILLINGNESS to get a job kind of debunks anything you have to say, really.

Hey, maybe some day you'll kick unemployments backside.


You insist on digging that hole of yours deeper, don't you?

When these e-mails came out, you liberals shouted in unison "You see, BUSH is the anti-Christ!"

NO, we just point out your lack of accountability.

You guys are all outraged over what a mob did and guesses as to why.

But you show no concern over the fact that the country was lied into an unnecessary war in Iraq that left 5000 Americans and a million Iraqis dead.
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