New CBO report is devastating for Obamacare

Oh my Gawd.

This is disasterous.

This is horrible.

I better read about it to see exactly what is being said by the CBO.

The report also reduces CBO's original projection of 7 million people signed up for private health insurance through the state and federal exchanges by the end of 2014 down to 6 million people insured by the end of the year. Medicaid enrollment projections were reduced from 9 million people to 8 million people.

"Over time, more people are expected to respond to the new coverage options, so enrollment is projected to increase sharply in 2015 and 2016," the report said.

the report said decreased hours will be the choice of workers, not employers.

Health law could mean fewer full-time workers, CBO says

— The ACA is cheaper than it expected.
— It will "markedly increase" the number of Americans with health insurance.
— The risk-adjustment provisions, which Congressional Republicans want to overturn as a "bailout" of the insurance industry, will actually turn a profit to the U.S. Treasury.

The CBO projects that the act will reduce the supply of labor, not the availability of jobs. There's a big difference. In fact, it suggests that aggregate demand for labor (that is, the number of jobs) will increase, not decrease; but that many workers or would-be workers will be prompted by the ACA to leave the labor force, many of them voluntarily.
As economist Dean Baker points out, this is, in fact, a beneficial effect of the law, and a sign that it will achieve an important goal. It helps "older workers with serious health conditions who are working now because this is the only way to get health insurance. And (one for the family values crowd) many young mothers who return to work earlier than they would like because they need health insurance. This is a huge plus."

Why the new CBO report on Obamacare is good news


Whew, for a second, I thought these right wingers weren't full of shit. Glad I was wrong.
I bet you and those wingnuts who thanked your ill thought out post never did even think about the damage it will cost our economy with less hours. You and the other nuts have drank the Kool-Aid and will follow your Pied Piper right over the cliff. Fools....every one of you.

From idiots who believe no minimum wage and no benefits is a recipe for economic success.

Punk ass ******.
Are you really this stupid?

Obiecare is a weight on every future employee's neck from now on because the government has dictated that cost to be paid by employers. So employers must begin looking at hiring knowing going in that this employee will now cost them a certain amount before he/she does a moments work. So now not only does an employer need to make sure the job the person performs is worth the money but if their healthcare is worth the new expense.

The answer in lower paying jobs is they are not worth the expense. The employer will pay over time to people he knows can do the job. The new people will be put out to pasture and the business won't grow because of it.

No. Not every employer. Please learn.

Nope, YOU need to learn.....a terrible crash is coming for your side very soon are NOT going to like Nov 2014.

Ooh! A prediction! I love those! A terrible crash is coming!!!!

I especially love the race-by-race breakdown on the election. And only 9 months away!

You obviously have not been paying attention. Obama is planning to ruin the economy....but not until after he leaves office. He will successfully fool most of America by overseeing a growing economy for the rest of his term. Then...BOOM! The other shoe will drop.
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No. Not every employer. Please learn.

Nope, YOU need to learn.....a terrible crash is coming for your side very soon are NOT going to like Nov 2014.

Ooh! A prediction! I love those! A terrible crash is coming!!!!

I especially love the race-by-race breakdown on the election. And only 9 months away!

You obviously have not been paying attention. Obama is planning to ruin the economy....but not until after he leaves office. He will successfully fool most of America by overseeing a growing economy for the rest of his term. Then...BOOM! The other shoe will drop.

A growing economy? LMAO... Hey, like saying the Denver Broncos mounted a comeback after scoring 8.....

A growing economy is relative

Nope, YOU need to learn.....a terrible crash is coming for your side very soon are NOT going to like Nov 2014.

Ooh! A prediction! I love those! A terrible crash is coming!!!!

I especially love the race-by-race breakdown on the election. And only 9 months away!

You obviously have not been paying attention. Obama is planning to ruin the economy....but not until after he leaves office. He will successfully fool most of America by overseeing a growing economy for the rest of his term. Then...BOOM! The other shoe will drop.

A growing economy? LMAO... Hey, like saying the Denver Broncos mounted a comeback after scoring 8.....

A growing economy is relative


Don't you wish you could say that the economy was shrinking? This has to be hard for you.
Ooh! A prediction! I love those! A terrible crash is coming!!!!

I especially love the race-by-race breakdown on the election. And only 9 months away!

You obviously have not been paying attention. Obama is planning to ruin the economy....but not until after he leaves office. He will successfully fool most of America by overseeing a growing economy for the rest of his term. Then...BOOM! The other shoe will drop.

A growing economy? LMAO... Hey, like saying the Denver Broncos mounted a comeback after scoring 8.....

A growing economy is relative


Don't you wish you could say that the economy was shrinking? This has to be hard for you.

Like a fine wine, it takes time. Obama still has (3) years left to screw up a sure thing. Yea, the economy is improving.. So is the temperature in the midwest. Instead of -15 below its only only -3 degrees below..

I did. Just not very clearly. My bad. You are still an idiot, though.

It is not possible to determine what you meant to say, and only a fool would think otherwise.

A sure sign of an idiot is being unable to accept the concession of his opponent. I just admitted that I did not get my meaning across well. Your response is to tell me...again...that I did not get my meaning across well. Congratulations on your complete lack of class.

You conceded that you weren't clear and and called me an idiot for not being able to understand what you meant to say. However, I do apologize for calling an ignorant piece of dog squeeze a dipshit.
It is not possible to determine what you meant to say, and only a fool would think otherwise.

A sure sign of an idiot is being unable to accept the concession of his opponent. I just admitted that I did not get my meaning across well. Your response is to tell me...again...that I did not get my meaning across well. Congratulations on your complete lack of class.

You conceded that you weren't clear and and called me an idiot for not being able to understand what you meant to say. However, I do apologize for calling an ignorant piece of dog squeeze a dipshit.

No. I called you an idiot for your inability to understand that which you are commenting on.
A growing economy? LMAO... Hey, like saying the Denver Broncos mounted a comeback after scoring 8.....

A growing economy is relative


Don't you wish you could say that the economy was shrinking? This has to be hard for you.

Like a fine wine, it takes time. Obama still has (3) years left to screw up a sure thing. Yea, the economy is improving.. So is the temperature in the midwest. Instead of -15 below its only only -3 degrees below..


You can keep hoping!
What I want to know is why Liberals continue to tout this law as something people need? Has it not already been proven to be not so? Why do they insist on foisting this on America?

This is what you get when the GOP decided to not do anything about a very real problem when it had the chance to do so. The GOP knew damn well what the Democrats were going to do about health care when given a chance, and the GOP still chose to do nothing.

We were sold down the river into slavery by the GOP. Reap the whirlwind, rubes!

We are now on our way to single payer health care. When ObamaCare flails and fails, the people will cry out for UHC, and they will get it. In our lifetime.

You are, ordinarily, a voice of reason in a room full of "sky-is-falling" idiots but your post doesn't make sense.
Republicans tried their collective asses off, in vain, to suggest real changes but were met with locked doors, darkened halls, and dead microphones.
There could have been compromise but it wasn't the (R) side of the aisle that wasn't willing to budge.

We are now on our way to a successful Cloward/Piven strategy goal.
We will overload our welfare system when these millions of jobless people are forced into state-run Medicaid and/or any number of state or federally-run welfare programs.

Someone, earlier, mentioned insurance companies being hurt.
There are millions of new customers that, before the ACA, were never interested in purchasing insurance are now forced to buy it.
Sounds like a business boom to me, not a insurance job killer
CBO: Health-care law will mean 2 million fewer workers - The Washington Post

Course we've been saying this all along but dems have had their heads permanently stuck in the sand.

Remember they were victims also: of corporate insurance lobbyists
interfering with their plans for singlepayer health care and creating this mess.

The reason they won't align with conservatives against the ACA
is they want to push for singlepayer to replace it, not free market health care.

Both seem to be waiting on the other party's plans to fail,
thinking they can "use that" to push THEIR way as the solution.

so in the meantime the American taxpayers are held hostage
with a gun to our heads, loaded with mandates under federal penalties and deadlines,
threatening to pull the trigger before we can remove those mandates from the equation.

Fighting over a loaded gun, someone please remove the bullets before any more shots fire.
Ooh! A prediction! I love those! A terrible crash is coming!!!!

I especially love the race-by-race breakdown on the election. And only 9 months away!

You obviously have not been paying attention. Obama is planning to ruin the economy....but not until after he leaves office. He will successfully fool most of America by overseeing a growing economy for the rest of his term. Then...BOOM! The other shoe will drop.

A growing economy? LMAO... Hey, like saying the Denver Broncos mounted a comeback after scoring 8.....

A growing economy is relative


Don't you wish you could say that the economy was shrinking? This has to be hard for you.

I can say it, if I use the same math you use to call spending more money a cut.
What I want to know is why Liberals continue to tout this law as something people need? Has it not already been proven to be not so? Why do they insist on foisting this on America?

This is what you get when the GOP decided to not do anything about a very real problem when it had the chance to do so. The GOP knew damn well what the Democrats were going to do about health care when given a chance, and the GOP still chose to do nothing.

We were sold down the river into slavery by the GOP. Reap the whirlwind, rubes!

We are now on our way to single payer health care. When ObamaCare flails and fails, the people will cry out for UHC, and they will get it. In our lifetime.

You are, ordinarily, a voice of reason in a room full of "sky-is-falling" idiots but your post doesn't make sense.
Republicans tried their collective asses off, in vain, to suggest real changes but were met with locked doors, darkened halls, and dead microphones.
There could have been compromise but it wasn't the (R) side of the aisle that wasn't willing to budge.

We are now on our way to a successful Cloward/Piven strategy goal.
We will overload our welfare system when these millions of jobless people are forced into state-run Medicaid and/or any number of state or federally-run welfare programs.

Someone, earlier, mentioned insurance companies being hurt.
There are millions of new customers that, before the ACA, were never interested in purchasing insurance are now forced to buy it.
Sounds like a business boom to me, not a insurance job killer

Most of those new customers already had insurance, the rest are still waiting for something they can afford.
Ooh! A prediction! I love those! A terrible crash is coming!!!!

I especially love the race-by-race breakdown on the election. And only 9 months away!

You obviously have not been paying attention. Obama is planning to ruin the economy....but not until after he leaves office. He will successfully fool most of America by overseeing a growing economy for the rest of his term. Then...BOOM! The other shoe will drop.

A growing economy? LMAO... Hey, like saying the Denver Broncos mounted a comeback after scoring 8.....

A growing economy is relative


Don't you wish you could say that the economy was shrinking? This has to be hard for you.

if I recall correctly, the jobs 'created' in 2013 were less than 2012, and the gdp avg. was lower as well....*shrugs* you tell me:eusa_eh:
A growing economy? LMAO... Hey, like saying the Denver Broncos mounted a comeback after scoring 8.....

A growing economy is relative


Don't you wish you could say that the economy was shrinking? This has to be hard for you.

if I recall correctly, the jobs 'created' in 2013 were less than 2012, and the gdp avg. was lower as well....*shrugs* you tell me:eusa_eh:

Ahhhh, but skewed numbers should be renamed to screwed numbers! :D
No. Not every employer. Please learn.

Nope, YOU need to learn.....a terrible crash is coming for your side very soon are NOT going to like Nov 2014.

Ooh! A prediction! I love those! A terrible crash is coming!!!!

I especially love the race-by-race breakdown on the election. And only 9 months away!

You obviously have not been paying attention. Obama is planning to ruin the economy....but not until after he leaves office. He will successfully fool most of America by overseeing a growing economy for the rest of his term. Then...BOOM! The other shoe will drop.

You go ahead and run with this "growing economy" and the will be fun to watch.
This is what you get when the GOP decided to not do anything about a very real problem when it had the chance to do so. The GOP knew damn well what the Democrats were going to do about health care when given a chance, and the GOP still chose to do nothing.

We were sold down the river into slavery by the GOP. Reap the whirlwind, rubes!

We are now on our way to single payer health care. When ObamaCare flails and fails, the people will cry out for UHC, and they will get it. In our lifetime.

Oh really?

1) What do you consider the biggest health-care challenge today?

It is vitally important that health care be accessible and affordable for every American. Rising health-care costs have too often taken patients out of the health-care decision-making process. Today, too many lawsuits without merit are being filed against doctors and hospitals, forcing them to practice defense medicine, driving good doctors out of practice, and increasing health-care costs for everyone.
George W. Bush's Health-Care Plans

Q: Would you be open to the ideal of a national health care plan?

BUSH: I’m absolutely opposed to a national health care plan. I don’t want the federal government making decisions for consumers or for providers. I remember what the administration tried to do in 1993. They tried to have a national health care plan, and fortunately it failed. I trust people; I don’t trust the federal government. I don’t want the federal government making decisions on behalf of everybody.

Source: St. Louis debate Oct 17, 2000
George W. Bush on Health Care
you know what is really sad. people are actually defending obamacare because it is a liberally introduced policy and god knows, even though it doesn't work we have to fluff it up to look like a success. face facts, it doesn't work. and what we should be doing is putting relentless pressure on politicians to fix the damn thing. amazing how people will let the government fuck the people just so "their side" doesn't lose face. what a world we've become.
you know what is really sad. people are actually defending obamacare because it is a liberally introduced policy and god knows, even though it doesn't work we have to fluff it up to look like a success. face facts, it doesn't work. and what we should be doing is putting relentless pressure on politicians to fix the damn thing. amazing how people will let the government fuck the people just so "their side" doesn't lose face. what a world we've become.

They MUST protect the King.
This is what you get when the GOP decided to not do anything about a very real problem when it had the chance to do so. The GOP knew damn well what the Democrats were going to do about health care when given a chance, and the GOP still chose to do nothing.

We were sold down the river into slavery by the GOP. Reap the whirlwind, rubes!

We are now on our way to single payer health care. When ObamaCare flails and fails, the people will cry out for UHC, and they will get it. In our lifetime.

You are, ordinarily, a voice of reason in a room full of "sky-is-falling" idiots but your post doesn't make sense.
Republicans tried their collective asses off, in vain, to suggest real changes but were met with locked doors, darkened halls, and dead microphones.
There could have been compromise but it wasn't the (R) side of the aisle that wasn't willing to budge.

We are now on our way to a successful Cloward/Piven strategy goal.
We will overload our welfare system when these millions of jobless people are forced into state-run Medicaid and/or any number of state or federally-run welfare programs.

Someone, earlier, mentioned insurance companies being hurt.
There are millions of new customers that, before the ACA, were never interested in purchasing insurance are now forced to buy it.
Sounds like a business boom to me, not a insurance job killer

Most of those new customers already had insurance, the rest are still waiting for something they can afford.

They'll be waiting a long time, then :D

How can someone, living paycheck to paycheck, afford a new monthly expense in the hundreds?

Do you care?

The less people working full time will not only hurt them but it will be a blow to the economy. The less you make, the less stuff you can buy. So, yes I care, since I live in this country and would like for everyone that wants a job to be able to get one.

No, idiot. I meant do you care why people are projected to leave the workforce, according to the report?

Do you know? Do you care?

Ahhh perfection!

Do You Know, Do You Care
You said you would, you didn't and I wanna know why
Don't make excuses
You promised and you better explain
Tho' I don't know what the use is

You said you could, you could now why did you lie?
You made it look so easy
You did it, why do it, what was your point?
Laughing while you tease us

I said "I did, I shouldn't 'cos the magic will go"
It happened once before
You'll see it, you'll steal it and take it away
And then come back for more

Don't say you weren't, you were 'cos I saw you myself
It's too late for your reason
You're lying you've done it this time
I'm sick of all the cheating

Do you know and do you care?

'Cos I watch you
Every day I watch you pass me by
... in the end It'll get you
Just watch us try

Oh you make it hard to be hard but I'm trying my best
'Cos down inside I'm burnin'
You want it, you got it, now take it and run


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