New CBO report is devastating for Obamacare

Now maybe the leftist traitors will get a clue


Obamacare to cut work hours by equivalent of 2 million jobs: CBO | Reuters

(Reuters) - President Barack Obama's healthcare law will reduce American workforce participation by the equivalent of 2 million full-time jobs in 2017, the Congressional Budget Office said on Tuesday, prompting Republicans to paint the law as bad medicine for the U.S. economy.

Another misinterpreted CBO study. You guys do this a lot! It's like you (collectively) read up to the AHA! point and then skip reading the rest. Not so amazingly, the same piece explained why.

Here we go again. During the 2012 campaign, The Fact Checker had to repeatedly explain that the Congressional Budget Office never said that the Affordable Care Act “killed” 800,000 jobs by 2021. Now, the CBO has released an updated estimate, nearly the triple the size of the earlier one: 2.3 million in 2021....

The Fact Checker takes no position on the implications of the CBO’s analysis. Some might believe that the overall impact of the health law on employment is bad because it would be encouraging people — some 2.3 million – not to work. Indeed, the decline in the workforce participation rate has been of concern to economists, as the baby boom generation leaves the work force, and the health-care law appears to exacerbate that trend.

Moreover, the argument could go, this would hurt the nation’s budget because 2.3 million fewer people will pay taxes on their earnings. That’s certainly an intellectually solid argument — though others might counter that universal health care is worth a reduction in overall employment — but it’s not at all the same as saying that all of these jobs would be lost. Some jobs will go away, but the actual number is unclear because of the unknown interaction between part-time and full-time work.

Once again, we award Three Pinocchios to anyone who deliberately gets this wrong.

Three Pinocchios
I can't wait for the day the right actually starts htinking for itself, although I doubt that'll happen.

Gee, I wonder what the CBO actually said that provoked that rant from WaPo.

  • Higher taxes for the working poor and middle class.
  • Incentives for people opt out of getting raise in order to avoid higher insurance premiums and deductibles.
  • Lower wages.
  • A measurable increase in the number of people not working at all in order to take advantage of free stuff.
  • Incentives for employers to not hire more people.
  • A disparate impact on poor people, aka minorities.
You are right, I see no reason to see this as a bad thing, no one cares about poor black people.

How do you like the reaction to your comments? These nutters think you love you some Obama. They really believe that the GOP has nothing to do with the law that we ended up with. Isn't it great!

Do you think even one of these geniuses will read up on this report? Will any of them get beyond the headline? That would be a welcome change, wouldn't it?

How do you like the reaction to your comments? These nutters think you love you some Obama. They really believe that the GOP has nothing to do with the law that we ended up with. Isn't it great!

Do you think even one of these geniuses will read up on this report? Will any of them get beyond the headline? That would be a welcome change, wouldn't it?

The pubs are idiots too.

Should of listened to Cruz and the majority of the American people.

Nutters.........too lazy to even try to understand shit.

Why the new CBO report on Obamacare is good news -

Good news, bitches. Good news.

Want to know the difference between this nutter and everyone who is defending Obamacare?

I read the actual budget report, not the LA Times. It starts talking about how "wonderful" Obamacare is for poor people on page 117, you should look at it.
Nutters.........too lazy to even try to understand shit.

Why the new CBO report on Obamacare is good news -

Good news, bitches. Good news.

Want to know the difference between this nutter and everyone who is defending Obamacare?

I read the actual budget report, not the LA Times.

You did? Cool.

How many jobs did it say we are going to lose on account of the ACA?
[/QUOTE]The key is once Obamacare hits the wall and destroys the private insurance and medical communities in the process, then what? The answer is Congress bringing on Single Payer, you know, because people will demand Congress "do something."

As an employer, I say the sooner the better. We are just fed up with the effort and cost to administer health insurance to our employees, often having to renegotiate a plan every couple of years. Employees pay for their own food, homes, cars, life insurance...why not health insurance. We'll gladly pass on the savings as a pay increase.

If we got rid of this distraction, we could spend more time on our primary business of making things, rather than worry about being an expert in health insurance.
Then why didn't you ask that dipshit?

I did. Just not very clearly. My bad. You are still an idiot, though.

It is not possible to determine what you meant to say, and only a fool would think otherwise.

A sure sign of an idiot is being unable to accept the concession of his opponent. I just admitted that I did not get my meaning across well. Your response is to tell me...again...that I did not get my meaning across well. Congratulations on your complete lack of class.
Nutters.........too lazy to even try to understand shit.

Why the new CBO report on Obamacare is good news -

Good news, bitches. Good news.

Want to know the difference between this nutter and everyone who is defending Obamacare?

I read the actual budget report, not the LA Times.

You did? Cool.

How many jobs did it say we are going to lose on account of the ACA?

There are jobs which will be vacant. What's so hard to understand about that? Workers will leave jobs in order to keep Obama welfare to pay for healthcare they may not want or need.

What could go wrong?

Nutters.........too lazy to even try to understand shit.

Why the new CBO report on Obamacare is good news -

Good news, bitches. Good news.

Want to know the difference between this nutter and everyone who is defending Obamacare?

I read the actual budget report, not the LA Times.

You did? Cool.

How many jobs did it say we are going to lose on account of the ACA?

It didn't, it said there was no way to accurately predict the negative impact of all the various factors on the supply and demand of labor. It did, however, point out that most of the negative impact would be on poor people.
Want to know the difference between this nutter and everyone who is defending Obamacare?

I read the actual budget report, not the LA Times.

You did? Cool.

How many jobs did it say we are going to lose on account of the ACA?

There are jobs which will be vacant. What's so hard to understand about that? Workers will leave jobs in order to keep Obama welfare to pay for healthcare they may not want or need.

What could go wrong?


Hmmm.....unemployment rate at 7%.

Jobs open up for people looking.

How horrible! I can't take it!

The rest of what you said was jibberish. Want to try again?
You did? Cool.

How many jobs did it say we are going to lose on account of the ACA?

There are jobs which will be vacant. What's so hard to understand about that? Workers will leave jobs in order to keep Obama welfare to pay for healthcare they may not want or need.

What could go wrong?


Hmmm.....unemployment rate at 7%.

Jobs open up for people looking.

How horrible! I can't take it!

The rest of what you said was jibberish. Want to try again?
Are you really this stupid?

Obiecare is a weight on every future employee's neck from now on because the government has dictated that cost to be paid by employers. So employers must begin looking at hiring knowing going in that this employee will now cost them a certain amount before he/she does a moments work. So now not only does an employer need to make sure the job the person performs is worth the money but if their healthcare is worth the new expense.

The answer in lower paying jobs is they are not worth the expense. The employer will pay over time to people he knows can do the job. The new people will be put out to pasture and the business won't grow because of it.
There are jobs which will be vacant. What's so hard to understand about that? Workers will leave jobs in order to keep Obama welfare to pay for healthcare they may not want or need.

What could go wrong?


Hmmm.....unemployment rate at 7%.

Jobs open up for people looking.

How horrible! I can't take it!

The rest of what you said was jibberish. Want to try again?
Are you really this stupid?

Obiecare is a weight on every future employee's neck from now on because the government has dictated that cost to be paid by employers. So employers must begin looking at hiring knowing going in that this employee will now cost them a certain amount before he/she does a moments work. So now not only does an employer need to make sure the job the person performs is worth the money but if their healthcare is worth the new expense.

The answer in lower paying jobs is they are not worth the expense. The employer will pay over time to people he knows can do the job. The new people will be put out to pasture and the business won't grow because of it.

No. Not every employer. Please learn.
Hmmm.....unemployment rate at 7%.

Jobs open up for people looking.

How horrible! I can't take it!

The rest of what you said was jibberish. Want to try again?
Are you really this stupid?

Obiecare is a weight on every future employee's neck from now on because the government has dictated that cost to be paid by employers. So employers must begin looking at hiring knowing going in that this employee will now cost them a certain amount before he/she does a moments work. So now not only does an employer need to make sure the job the person performs is worth the money but if their healthcare is worth the new expense.

The answer in lower paying jobs is they are not worth the expense. The employer will pay over time to people he knows can do the job. The new people will be put out to pasture and the business won't grow because of it.

No. Not every employer. Please learn.

Nope, YOU need to learn.....a terrible crash is coming for your side very soon are NOT going to like Nov 2014.

Do you care?

The less people working full time will not only hurt them but it will be a blow to the economy. The less you make, the less stuff you can buy. So, yes I care, since I live in this country and would like for everyone that wants a job to be able to get one.

You misunderstand liberals. They believe that even those who don't work at all should be given enough money to buy whatever they want.
Oh my Gawd.

This is disasterous.

This is horrible.

I better read about it to see exactly what is being said by the CBO.

The report also reduces CBO's original projection of 7 million people signed up for private health insurance through the state and federal exchanges by the end of 2014 down to 6 million people insured by the end of the year. Medicaid enrollment projections were reduced from 9 million people to 8 million people.

"Over time, more people are expected to respond to the new coverage options, so enrollment is projected to increase sharply in 2015 and 2016," the report said.

the report said decreased hours will be the choice of workers, not employers.

Health law could mean fewer full-time workers, CBO says

— The ACA is cheaper than it expected.
— It will "markedly increase" the number of Americans with health insurance.
— The risk-adjustment provisions, which Congressional Republicans want to overturn as a "bailout" of the insurance industry, will actually turn a profit to the U.S. Treasury.

The CBO projects that the act will reduce the supply of labor, not the availability of jobs. There's a big difference. In fact, it suggests that aggregate demand for labor (that is, the number of jobs) will increase, not decrease; but that many workers or would-be workers will be prompted by the ACA to leave the labor force, many of them voluntarily.
As economist Dean Baker points out, this is, in fact, a beneficial effect of the law, and a sign that it will achieve an important goal. It helps "older workers with serious health conditions who are working now because this is the only way to get health insurance. And (one for the family values crowd) many young mothers who return to work earlier than they would like because they need health insurance. This is a huge plus."

Why the new CBO report on Obamacare is good news


Whew, for a second, I thought these right wingers weren't full of shit. Glad I was wrong.
I bet you and those wingnuts who thanked your ill thought out post never did even think about the damage it will cost our economy with less hours. You and the other nuts have drank the Kool-Aid and will follow your Pied Piper right over the cliff. Fools....every one of you.
I think the way to bet is that the usually left leaning CBO is wearing its rose colored glasses as usual.
Now maybe the leftist traitors will get a clue


Obamacare to cut work hours by equivalent of 2 million jobs: CBO | Reuters

(Reuters) - President Barack Obama's healthcare law will reduce American workforce participation by the equivalent of 2 million full-time jobs in 2017, the Congressional Budget Office said on Tuesday, prompting Republicans to paint the law as bad medicine for the U.S. economy.

Oh my Gawd.

This is disasterous.

This is horrible.

I better read about it to see exactly what is being said by the CBO.

The report also reduces CBO's original projection of 7 million people signed up for private health insurance through the state and federal exchanges by the end of 2014 down to 6 million people insured by the end of the year. Medicaid enrollment projections were reduced from 9 million people to 8 million people.

"Over time, more people are expected to respond to the new coverage options, so enrollment is projected to increase sharply in 2015 and 2016," the report said.

the report said decreased hours will be the choice of workers, not employers.

Health law could mean fewer full-time workers, CBO says

— The ACA is cheaper than it expected.
— It will "markedly increase" the number of Americans with health insurance.
— The risk-adjustment provisions, which Congressional Republicans want to overturn as a "bailout" of the insurance industry, will actually turn a profit to the U.S. Treasury.

The CBO projects that the act will reduce the supply of labor, not the availability of jobs. There's a big difference. In fact, it suggests that aggregate demand for labor (that is, the number of jobs) will increase, not decrease; but that many workers or would-be workers will be prompted by the ACA to leave the labor force, many of them voluntarily.
As economist Dean Baker points out, this is, in fact, a beneficial effect of the law, and a sign that it will achieve an important goal. It helps "older workers with serious health conditions who are working now because this is the only way to get health insurance. And (one for the family values crowd) many young mothers who return to work earlier than they would like because they need health insurance. This is a huge plus."

Why the new CBO report on Obamacare is good news


Whew, for a second, I thought these right wingers weren't full of shit. Glad I was wrong.
I bet you and those wingnuts who thanked your ill thought out post never did even think about the damage it will cost our economy with less hours. You and the other nuts have drank the Kool-Aid and will follow your Pied Piper right over the cliff. Fools....every one of you.

From idiots who believe no minimum wage and no benefits is a recipe for economic success.

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