New CBO report is devastating for Obamacare

Now maybe the leftist traitors will get a clue


Obamacare to cut work hours by equivalent of 2 million jobs: CBO | Reuters

(Reuters) - President Barack Obama's healthcare law will reduce American workforce participation by the equivalent of 2 million full-time jobs in 2017, the Congressional Budget Office said on Tuesday, prompting Republicans to paint the law as bad medicine for the U.S. economy.
Are there still any liberals denying that Obamacare kills jobs?

This was predicted before they passed Obamacare and they didn't care then. Even now that damage has been done and more damage will be done, the Dems still won't repeal. Many of them are actually trying to run from Obama as they push for re-election. I guess they hope that people are so stupid that they'll forget the job-killing policy they all shoved through.
I don't think anything can destroy Obamacare.

Don't think anything needs to really. It is effectively killing itself.

The key is once Obamacare hits the wall and destroys the private insurance and medical communities in the process, then what? The answer is Congress bringing on Single Payer, you know, because people will demand Congress "do something."

Obamacare was designed to fail and take the medical industry as we knew it with it and set the table for government administered health care.

It's the only thing that makes sense...
If they didn't know it would be this bad then they are incompetent or worse...
It had to be by design because this law is a disaster.

Do you care?

The less people working full time will not only hurt them but it will be a blow to the economy. The less you make, the less stuff you can buy. So, yes I care, since I live in this country and would like for everyone that wants a job to be able to get one.
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Now maybe the leftist traitors will get a clue


Obamacare to cut work hours by equivalent of 2 million jobs: CBO | Reuters

(Reuters) - President Barack Obama's healthcare law will reduce American workforce participation by the equivalent of 2 million full-time jobs in 2017, the Congressional Budget Office said on Tuesday, prompting Republicans to paint the law as bad medicine for the U.S. economy.

Another misinterpreted CBO study. You guys do this a lot! It's like you (collectively) read up to the AHA! point and then skip reading the rest. Not so amazingly, the same piece explained why.

Here we go again. During the 2012 campaign, The Fact Checker had to repeatedly explain that the Congressional Budget Office never said that the Affordable Care Act “killed” 800,000 jobs by 2021. Now, the CBO has released an updated estimate, nearly the triple the size of the earlier one: 2.3 million in 2021....

The Fact Checker takes no position on the implications of the CBO’s analysis. Some might believe that the overall impact of the health law on employment is bad because it would be encouraging people — some 2.3 million – not to work. Indeed, the decline in the workforce participation rate has been of concern to economists, as the baby boom generation leaves the work force, and the health-care law appears to exacerbate that trend.

Moreover, the argument could go, this would hurt the nation’s budget because 2.3 million fewer people will pay taxes on their earnings. That’s certainly an intellectually solid argument — though others might counter that universal health care is worth a reduction in overall employment — but it’s not at all the same as saying that all of these jobs would be lost. Some jobs will go away, but the actual number is unclear because of the unknown interaction between part-time and full-time work.

Once again, we award Three Pinocchios to anyone who deliberately gets this wrong.

Three Pinocchios
I can't wait for the day the right actually starts htinking for itself, although I doubt that'll happen.

It is what it is. Cruz and just about all of America were right. Obamacare is an economic disaster


Do you care?

Fewer people working means the economy suffers since they won't have money to buy stuff. They won't be able to pay taxes that all the liberals want to fund science, education and infrasture and hundreds of government programs

I believe that everyone that wants to work should be able to find a full time job. Since I live in this country, I would like to see the economy improve.

Why don't you care?

Do you care?

The less people working full time will not only hurt them but it will be a blow to the economy. The less you make, the less stuff you can buy. So, yes I care, since I live in this country and would like for everyone that wants a job to be able to get one.

Words are confusing things to conservatives.
Oh my Gawd.

This is disasterous.

This is horrible.

I better read about it to see exactly what is being said by the CBO.

The report also reduces CBO's original projection of 7 million people signed up for private health insurance through the state and federal exchanges by the end of 2014 down to 6 million people insured by the end of the year. Medicaid enrollment projections were reduced from 9 million people to 8 million people.

"Over time, more people are expected to respond to the new coverage options, so enrollment is projected to increase sharply in 2015 and 2016," the report said.

the report said decreased hours will be the choice of workers, not employers.

Health law could mean fewer full-time workers, CBO says

— The ACA is cheaper than it expected.
— It will "markedly increase" the number of Americans with health insurance.
— The risk-adjustment provisions, which Congressional Republicans want to overturn as a "bailout" of the insurance industry, will actually turn a profit to the U.S. Treasury.

The CBO projects that the act will reduce the supply of labor, not the availability of jobs. There's a big difference. In fact, it suggests that aggregate demand for labor (that is, the number of jobs) will increase, not decrease; but that many workers or would-be workers will be prompted by the ACA to leave the labor force, many of them voluntarily.
As economist Dean Baker points out, this is, in fact, a beneficial effect of the law, and a sign that it will achieve an important goal. It helps "older workers with serious health conditions who are working now because this is the only way to get health insurance. And (one for the family values crowd) many young mothers who return to work earlier than they would like because they need health insurance. This is a huge plus."

Why the new CBO report on Obamacare is good news


Whew, for a second, I thought these right wingers weren't full of shit. Glad I was wrong.

thx for the dem. talking points....their choice, why yes, when there aren't any hours or jobs for them I guess they have a choice, :rolleyes: maybe pelosi was right, they can all follow their muse and become writers and artists becasue they have health care.

then again the cbo said that 30 million people would still be without HC, so this was all for what? :eusa_eh:
Now maybe the leftist traitors will get a clue


Obamacare to cut work hours by equivalent of 2 million jobs: CBO | Reuters

(Reuters) - President Barack Obama's healthcare law will reduce American workforce participation by the equivalent of 2 million full-time jobs in 2017, the Congressional Budget Office said on Tuesday, prompting Republicans to paint the law as bad medicine for the U.S. economy.

Another misinterpreted CBO study. You guys do this a lot! It's like you (collectively) read up to the AHA! point and then skip reading the rest. Not so amazingly, the same piece explained why.

Here we go again. During the 2012 campaign, The Fact Checker had to repeatedly explain that the Congressional Budget Office never said that the Affordable Care Act “killed” 800,000 jobs by 2021. Now, the CBO has released an updated estimate, nearly the triple the size of the earlier one: 2.3 million in 2021....

The Fact Checker takes no position on the implications of the CBO’s analysis. Some might believe that the overall impact of the health law on employment is bad because it would be encouraging people — some 2.3 million – not to work. Indeed, the decline in the workforce participation rate has been of concern to economists, as the baby boom generation leaves the work force, and the health-care law appears to exacerbate that trend.

Moreover, the argument could go, this would hurt the nation’s budget because 2.3 million fewer people will pay taxes on their earnings. That’s certainly an intellectually solid argument — though others might counter that universal health care is worth a reduction in overall employment — but it’s not at all the same as saying that all of these jobs would be lost. Some jobs will go away, but the actual number is unclear because of the unknown interaction between part-time and full-time work.

Once again, we award Three Pinocchios to anyone who deliberately gets this wrong.

Three Pinocchios
I can't wait for the day the right actually starts htinking for itself, although I doubt that'll happen.

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Now right wingers believe the CBO? I guess we still are up jobs since the CBO projected the Obama stimulus created 3.5 million jobs.

we did didn't beleive them when they agreed with obama for a nano second that obamacare would cost less than a trillion, so yea maybe you have a point, or that we'd be able to keep our doctors and plans......:lol:
What I want to know is why Liberals continue to tout this law as something people need? Has it not already been proven to be not so? Why do they insist on foisting this on America?

This is what you get when the GOP decided to not do anything about a very real problem when it had the chance to do so. The GOP knew damn well what the Democrats were going to do about health care when given a chance, and the GOP still chose to do nothing.

We were sold down the river into slavery by the GOP. Reap the whirlwind, rubes!

We are now on our way to single payer health care. When ObamaCare flails and fails, the people will cry out for UHC, and they will get it. In our lifetime.

when they did they have this chance again?

Do you care?

The less people working full time will not only hurt them but it will be a blow to the economy. The less you make, the less stuff you can buy. So, yes I care, since I live in this country and would like for everyone that wants a job to be able to get one.

No, idiot. I meant do you care why people are projected to leave the workforce, according to the report?

Do you know? Do you care?
Now maybe the leftist traitors will get a clue


Obamacare to cut work hours by equivalent of 2 million jobs: CBO | Reuters

(Reuters) - President Barack Obama's healthcare law will reduce American workforce participation by the equivalent of 2 million full-time jobs in 2017, the Congressional Budget Office said on Tuesday, prompting Republicans to paint the law as bad medicine for the U.S. economy.

Another misinterpreted CBO study. You guys do this a lot! It's like you (collectively) read up to the AHA! point and then skip reading the rest. Not so amazingly, the same piece explained why.

I can't wait for the day the right actually starts htinking for itself, although I doubt that'll happen.

This is what I got from your link.

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Obamacare to cut work hours by equivalent of 2 million jobs: CBO | Reuters

Do you care?

The less people working full time will not only hurt them but it will be a blow to the economy. The less you make, the less stuff you can buy. So, yes I care, since I live in this country and would like for everyone that wants a job to be able to get one.

Words are confusing things to conservatives.

The questions asked were "Why?" and "Do you care?" and I answered the questions by saying "yes I care" and gave my reason why.
Pretty basic stuff and I hope that clarifies your confusion.

Do you care?

The less people working full time will not only hurt them but it will be a blow to the economy. The less you make, the less stuff you can buy. So, yes I care, since I live in this country and would like for everyone that wants a job to be able to get one.

No, idiot. I meant do you care why people are projected to leave the workforce, according to the report?

Do you know? Do you care?

What say you?

Do you care?


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