New development in the shooting case of the black georgia jogger

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IF, the situation warranted (legally) that. McMichaels isn't a dummy. He has worked in law enforceme.nt for years. He knows his rights.

Nobody said they were there to protect him, He was a suspect
McMichael’s is no longer a cop. He doesn’t get to act like one. A private citizen is not entitled to grab a gun and chase down someone they suspect did something.

It is not illegal to follow is not even illegal to chase after someone....though you may have a special definition for what you mean by that.

Irregardless........ what the video shows is a truck parked rather far ahead of the jogger...the father in the bed of the truck and the son to the left and front of the truck......apparntly waiting there wanting to talk the driver....the jogger sees them and keeps jogging towards them....displaying no fear that I can see.

When the jogger gets to the truck he goes to the right to get around the truck...if any words were exchanged I have not heard any report on that....when the jogger gets to the front of the truck he quickly veers to the left and attacks the guy with the shot gun obviously trying to take it away from him...we hear 3 shots fired....we see a struggle, we see the black guy hitting the white guy with his fists...then we see the black guy start to take off but quickly collapses and dies. get back to your assertion that they chased him appears they drove ahead of him and stopped and from what I have reported....the father just wanted to talk to the black guy.

Also, as pointed out many,many times they were not violating the law by having fact nothing they did was in violation of the law.

No arrest was made.....nor was there any effort to make an arrest.

If you chase someone down with firearms they may logically perceive you as threatening to them and act in defense.

The two men were attempting to make a citizens arrest, at least that was the explanation given by the first DA. The statement to police is consistent with that.
to bad for him he didnt drop to his knees with his hands over his head and wait for the cops to clear it up,,,

thats what I told my kids to do,,,

So you think people shouldn’t defend themselves? Just drop to your knees and be complacent?
attempting is not the same as doing it,,,

They did detain him, the told him to stop with the threat of deadly force and had a shotgun, a handgun and a pickup truck for use as weapons to enforce their white ass commands. They coulda had a rope in the back of the truck for all he knew

Ahmaud had no way of knowing why he was being violently threatened and ordered to comply. These were not police officers giving the command.
if he only complied he would be here today to file a complaint against them,,,,instead he tried to fight them,,,,

sounds like bad parenting to me
How do you know that they were not planning to hang him
how do you know they were???

Well, exactly. Ahmaud Abery had no idea what these two guys chasing him while brandishing guns were capable of. They clearly weren't going to let him out of the neighborhood since they were illegally attempting a citizens arrest. Their actions put Ahmaud in a defensive position. Remember, to him they are two strangers chasing him with guns. I'm sure it was nothing short of a nightmare for him.
so he should have sat down so he posed no threat and called the cops,,,not attack them when it was clear he was out gunned,,,

That's irrelevant. The two white guys had no right to chase and detain him. That's where the real issue is. Who knows what they said to him as he tries to avoid them by running around the right side of the truck. Why does Travis move the front of the truck to meet him? What is clear by their own lawyers admission is they were attempting to apprehend him in a citizens arrest. Based on Georgia law it was an illegal citizens arrest. At the point Ahmaud can sit down, but if he feels his life is in danger he can defend himself.
they have every right to follow who ever they want,,,and they never detained him,,,so stop lying,,,

Exadtly evidence that any arrest was made nor was there any attempt to make an arrest.

Some try to muddy the waters claiming they were attempting to make an illegal citizens arrest...but there is no evidence of such an attempt being made....even though I think they were entitled to do that....for whatever reason they did not do that....the black guy had a open road in front of him....he should have just kept jogging down that road....there was nothing to stop in no one was trying to stop him.
Not according to the original DA who stated that was precisely their apparent intent.

we arent talking about intent,,,that only applies if arbry didnt attack them and get killed for it,,,
Not according to the original DA who stated that was precisely their apparent intent.

He's in cahoots with the politicians, motivated by black votes, dummy. Those votes are the crux of this whole thing. You don't know ?
Yeah, I find it hard to believe that the DA who stated the shooting of an unarmed black man by two white men was totally justified and failed to file charges is in cahoots with the politicians and motivated by black votes.
you got a link for that claim???

The police report...

thank you I hadnt seen that yet,,
but it doesnt look good for arbry if thats all true,,,

he should have stopped out where he was visible to everyone and waited for the police to clear things up instead of attacking him,,,

it didnt say if arbry had a phone on him, if so he should have called the cops himself,,,
attempting is not the same as doing it,,,

They did detain him, the told him to stop with the threat of deadly force and had a shotgun, a handgun and a pickup truck for use as weapons to enforce their white ass commands. They coulda had a rope in the back of the truck for all he knew

Ahmaud had no way of knowing why he was being violently threatened and ordered to comply. These were not police officers giving the command.
if he only complied he would be here today to file a complaint against them,,,,instead he tried to fight them,,,,

sounds like bad parenting to me
How do you know that they were not planning to hang him
how do you know they were???

Well, exactly. Ahmaud Abery had no idea what these two guys chasing him while brandishing guns were capable of. They clearly weren't going to let him out of the neighborhood since they were illegally attempting a citizens arrest. Their actions put Ahmaud in a defensive position. Remember, to him they are two strangers chasing him with guns. I'm sure it was nothing short of a nightmare for him.
so he should have sat down so he posed no threat and called the cops,,,not attack them when it was clear he was out gunned,,,

That's irrelevant. The two white guys had no right to chase and detain him. That's where the real issue is. Who knows what they said to him as he tries to avoid them by running around the right side of the truck. Why does Travis move the front of the truck to meet him? What is clear by their own lawyers admission is they were attempting to apprehend him in a citizens arrest. Based on Georgia law it was an illegal citizens arrest. At the point Ahmaud can sit down, but if he feels his life is in danger he can defend himself.
they have every right to follow who ever they want,,,and they never detained him,,,so stop lying,,,

Exadtly evidence that any arrest was made nor was there any attempt to make an arrest.

Some try to muddy the waters claiming they were attempting to make an illegal citizens arrest...but there is no evidence of such an attempt being made....even though I think they were entitled to do that....for whatever reason they did not do that....the black guy had a open road in front of him....he should have just kept jogging down that road....there was nothing to stop in no one was trying to stop him.
Not according to the original DA who stated that was precisely their apparent intent.

we arent talking about intent,,,that only applies if arbry didnt attack them and get killed for it,,,

It demonstrates that this was not a friendly encounter but one of force on the part of McMichaels, which makes the case of self defense for Arbery more consistent.
Not according to the original DA who stated that was precisely their apparent intent.

He's in cahoots with the politicians, motivated by black votes, dummy. Those votes are the crux of this whole thing. You don't know ?
Yeah, I find it hard to believe that the DA who stated the shooting of an unarmed black man by two white men was totally justified and failed to file charges is in cahoots with the politicians and motivated by black votes.
at the time he was killed he had a gun in his hands,,,so he wasnt unarmed,,,
From the police report...

McMichael stated he and Travis got in the truck and drove down Satilla Drive toward Burford Drive McMichael stated when they arrived at the intersection of Satilla Drive and Holmes Drive, they saw the unidentified male running down Burford drive McMichael then stated Travis drive down Burford and attempted to cut off the male. stated the unidentified male turned around and began running back the direction from which he came and " Roddy " attempted to block him which was unsuccessful Michael stated he then jumped into the bed of the truck and he and Travis continued to Holmes in an attempt to intercept him . McMichael stated they saw the unidentified male and shouted " stop stop , we want to talk to you " . Michael stated they pulled up beside the male and shouted stop again at which time Travis exited the truck with the shotgun .
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you got a link for that claim???

The police report...

thank you I hadnt seen that yet,,
but it doesnt look good for arbry if thats all true,,,

he should have stopped out where he was visible to everyone and waited for the police to clear things up instead of attacking him,,,

it didnt say if arbry had a phone on him, if so he should have called the cops himself,,,
Arbery was trying to get away from armed men pursuing him. When that failed, he defended himself. It demonstrated Arbery’s intent to avoid a conflict.
attempting is not the same as doing it,,,

They did detain him, the told him to stop with the threat of deadly force and had a shotgun, a handgun and a pickup truck for use as weapons to enforce their white ass commands. They coulda had a rope in the back of the truck for all he knew

Ahmaud had no way of knowing why he was being violently threatened and ordered to comply. These were not police officers giving the command.
if he only complied he would be here today to file a complaint against them,,,,instead he tried to fight them,,,,

sounds like bad parenting to me
How do you know that they were not planning to hang him
how do you know they were???

Well, exactly. Ahmaud Abery had no idea what these two guys chasing him while brandishing guns were capable of. They clearly weren't going to let him out of the neighborhood since they were illegally attempting a citizens arrest. Their actions put Ahmaud in a defensive position. Remember, to him they are two strangers chasing him with guns. I'm sure it was nothing short of a nightmare for him.
so he should have sat down so he posed no threat and called the cops,,,not attack them when it was clear he was out gunned,,,

That's irrelevant. The two white guys had no right to chase and detain him. That's where the real issue is. Who knows what they said to him as he tries to avoid them by running around the right side of the truck. Why does Travis move the front of the truck to meet him? What is clear by their own lawyers admission is they were attempting to apprehend him in a citizens arrest. Based on Georgia law it was an illegal citizens arrest. At the point Ahmaud can sit down, but if he feels his life is in danger he can defend himself.
they have every right to follow who ever they want,,,and they never detained him,,,so stop lying,,,

Exadtly evidence that any arrest was made nor was there any attempt to make an arrest.

Some try to muddy the waters claiming they were attempting to make an illegal citizens arrest...but there is no evidence of such an attempt being made....even though I think they were entitled to do that....for whatever reason they did not do that....the black guy had a open road in front of him....he should have just kept jogging down that road....there was nothing to stop in no one was trying to stop him.
Not according to the original DA who stated that was precisely their apparent intent.

we arent talking about intent,,,that only applies if arbry didnt attack them and get killed for it,,,

It demonstrates that this was not a friendly encounter but one of force on the part of McMichaels, which makes the case of self defense for Arbery more consistent.
it proves the case arbry was a stupid fuck if he thought he could beat a guy with a gun,,,
he should have waited and let them detain him then he could have sued them if it ended up he was innocent,,,
Not according to the original DA who stated that was precisely their apparent intent.

He's in cahoots with the politicians, motivated by black votes, dummy. Those votes are the crux of this whole thing. You don't know ?
Yeah, I find it hard to believe that the DA who stated the shooting of an unarmed black man by two white men was totally justified and failed to file charges is in cahoots with the politicians and motivated by black votes.
at the time he was killed he had a gun in his hands,,,so he wasnt unarmed,,,
Good lord, what a silly statement.
Clearly, the jogger had already tried to jog away in the opposite direction the first time he noticed his attackers.

Unfortunately, they didn't give up on their hunt and bagged him at the next intersection.
you got a link for that claim???

The police report...

thank you I hadnt seen that yet,,
but it doesnt look good for arbry if thats all true,,,

he should have stopped out where he was visible to everyone and waited for the police to clear things up instead of attacking him,,,

it didnt say if arbry had a phone on him, if so he should have called the cops himself,,,
Arbery was trying to get away from armed men pursuing him. When that failed, he defended himself. It demonstrated Arbery’s intent to avoid a conflict.
not according to the video,,,
Not according to the original DA who stated that was precisely their apparent intent.

He's in cahoots with the politicians, motivated by black votes, dummy. Those votes are the crux of this whole thing. You don't know ?
Yeah, I find it hard to believe that the DA who stated the shooting of an unarmed black man by two white men was totally justified and failed to file charges is in cahoots with the politicians and motivated by black votes.
at the time he was killed he had a gun in his hands,,,so he wasnt unarmed,,,
Good lord, what a silly statement.
its true,,,
attempting is not the same as doing it,,,

They did detain him, the told him to stop with the threat of deadly force and had a shotgun, a handgun and a pickup truck for use as weapons to enforce their white ass commands. They coulda had a rope in the back of the truck for all he knew

Ahmaud had no way of knowing why he was being violently threatened and ordered to comply. These were not police officers giving the command.
if he only complied he would be here today to file a complaint against them,,,,instead he tried to fight them,,,,

sounds like bad parenting to me
How do you know that they were not planning to hang him
how do you know they were???

Well, exactly. Ahmaud Abery had no idea what these two guys chasing him while brandishing guns were capable of. They clearly weren't going to let him out of the neighborhood since they were illegally attempting a citizens arrest. Their actions put Ahmaud in a defensive position. Remember, to him they are two strangers chasing him with guns. I'm sure it was nothing short of a nightmare for him.
so he should have sat down so he posed no threat and called the cops,,,not attack them when it was clear he was out gunned,,,

That's irrelevant. The two white guys had no right to chase and detain him. That's where the real issue is. Who knows what they said to him as he tries to avoid them by running around the right side of the truck. Why does Travis move the front of the truck to meet him? What is clear by their own lawyers admission is they were attempting to apprehend him in a citizens arrest. Based on Georgia law it was an illegal citizens arrest. At the point Ahmaud can sit down, but if he feels his life is in danger he can defend himself.
they have every right to follow who ever they want,,,and they never detained him,,,so stop lying,,,

Exadtly evidence that any arrest was made nor was there any attempt to make an arrest.

Some try to muddy the waters claiming they were attempting to make an illegal citizens arrest...but there is no evidence of such an attempt being made....even though I think they were entitled to do that....for whatever reason they did not do that....the black guy had a open road in front of him....he should have just kept jogging down that road....there was nothing to stop in no one was trying to stop him.
Not according to the original DA who stated that was precisely their apparent intent.

we arent talking about intent,,,that only applies if arbry didnt attack them and get killed for it,,,

It demonstrates that this was not a friendly encounter but one of force on the part of McMichaels, which makes the case of self defense for Arbery more consistent.
it proves the case arbry was a stupid fuck if he thought he could beat a guy with a gun,,,
he should have waited and let them detain him then he could have sued them if it ended up he was innocent,,,

Yeah, Arbery’s the stupid fuck for defending himself.

Meanwhile these two geniuses are spending the weekend in jail.

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