New development in the shooting case of the black georgia jogger

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McMichael’s is no longer a cop. He doesn’t get to act like one. A private citizen is not entitled to grab a gun and chase down someone they suspect did something.
Ha ha. Folks, this is what you get, when liberals, MISeducated and undereducated in liberal schools, and information deprived by liberal OMISSION media, talk.

A private citizen most certainly IS ENTITLED to grab a gun and chase down someone they suspect did something. As long as they are in compliance with the gun laws of the state.

Liberal are clueless when it comes to guns.

I'm not a cop either. But I have a Florida CCW firearms license, and I carry a .380 semiautomatic pistol in my pocket, almost every where I go. WalMart, the bank, supermarkets. If I suspect somebody robbed somebody, yes I could chase after that person, and apprehend him at gunpoint until police arrive.

One of the biggest problems in our society is our schools, run by gun-clueless liberals, don't teach gun law, or behavior vis a vis the police.
NO! NO citizen is "IS ENTITLED to grab a gun and chase down someone they suspect did something. As long as they are in compliance with the gun laws of the state." Absolutely NOT! Do you want someone stationed on the street that you live on to stop you by carrying a gun to answer any questions s/he wants to put to you? This is the United States, for God's sake. Would YOU stop everything to be questioned by just another person and put your hands in the air? DOUBT IT! Would it have been okay for Arbery and one of his friends, all armed, to stop YOU in the middle of the street and question YOU?
Yes it would be OK for Arbery and one of his friends to ask me questions, (whether they are armed or not) Of course it's OK. Who hasn't been asked questions by strangers in the street ?

I've been asked for the time. I've been asked while standing next to my car, if a store was open or not. I've even had panhandlers come to me and ask me for money. SO WHAT ?

Yes, this is the United States. And they are free to speak to friends and/or strangers alike.

And YES YES! You most certainly ARE entitled to carry a gun (as I do, every day), and you are entitled to ask people questions, and yes, chase after them too, if they are some distance from you.

American liberals are the most information-deprived, scatterbrained airheads on the face of the earth.

Nobody has any right to detain anyone at gunpoint. I ignore people who try to waylay me on the street. There is no right to brandish a gun at them. I have been stopped by guys who wanted to say something sexual to me and people who wanted to ask me questions about my religious beliefs. I ignored them and continued on my way. And, no, I am not such a coward that I have to carry a gun with me everywhere I go. This guy with the shotgun should have gotten out of Arbery's way. No wonder that Arbery perceived him as a threat. I would, too. This seems to be an attempt to block Arbery from continuing on his way. And why was the other guy filming from behind? This is an ambush.
you might want to rewrite that comtIS ENTITLED to grab a gun and chase down someone they suspect did something. As long as they are in compliance with the gun laws of the state.ment cause its full of bullshit thats not true,,,
How is my comment not true? Should all of us Americans just stop and raise our hands to anyone who has a gun? BTW: the elder McMichael already had his picture taken with kemp while wearing a shirt that celebrates bigotry. He is hardly credible.
Not a word of this report presents blame for either of the McMicheals.

If anything, it exonerates them entirely. Political arrest, just like Zimmerman, Wilson, Shelby, Slager, etc.

Police reports give the facts. It demonstrates who did the shooting.

It does not exonerate them. It demonstrates that the armed McMichaels were chasing after Arbery who was attempting to avoid a conflict.
you got a link for that claim???

The police report...

thank you I hadnt seen that yet,,
but it doesnt look good for arbry if thats all true,,,

he should have stopped out where he was visible to everyone and waited for the police to clear things up instead of attacking him,,,

it didnt say if arbry had a phone on him, if so he should have called the cops himself,,,
Arbery was trying to get away from armed men pursuing him. When that failed, he defended himself. It demonstrated Arbery’s intent to avoid a conflict.
not according to the video,,,
You need to do more than read the video. Read the police statements too. It’s been provided to you numerous times. There’s more to this than a 90 second video.
attempting is not the same as doing it,,,

They did detain him, the told him to stop with the threat of deadly force and had a shotgun, a handgun and a pickup truck for use as weapons to enforce their white ass commands. They coulda had a rope in the back of the truck for all he knew

Ahmaud had no way of knowing why he was being violently threatened and ordered to comply. These were not police officers giving the command.
if he only complied he would be here today to file a complaint against them,,,,instead he tried to fight them,,,,

sounds like bad parenting to me
How do you know that they were not planning to hang him
how do you know they were???

Well, exactly. Ahmaud Abery had no idea what these two guys chasing him while brandishing guns were capable of. They clearly weren't going to let him out of the neighborhood since they were illegally attempting a citizens arrest. Their actions put Ahmaud in a defensive position. Remember, to him they are two strangers chasing him with guns. I'm sure it was nothing short of a nightmare for him.
so he should have sat down so he posed no threat and called the cops,,,not attack them when it was clear he was out gunned,,,

That's irrelevant. The two white guys had no right to chase and detain him. That's where the real issue is. Who knows what they said to him as he tries to avoid them by running around the right side of the truck. Why does Travis move the front of the truck to meet him? What is clear by their own lawyers admission is they were attempting to apprehend him in a citizens arrest. Based on Georgia law it was an illegal citizens arrest. At the point Ahmaud can sit down, but if he feels his life is in danger he can defend himself.
they have every right to follow who ever they want,,,and they never detained him,,,so stop lying,,,

Exadtly evidence that any arrest was made nor was there any attempt to make an arrest.

Some try to muddy the waters claiming they were attempting to make an illegal citizens arrest...but there is no evidence of such an attempt being made....even though I think they were entitled to do that....for whatever reason they did not do that....the black guy had a open road in front of him....he should have just kept jogging down that road....there was nothing to stop in no one was trying to stop him.
Not according to the original DA who stated that was precisely their apparent intent.

we arent talking about intent,,,that only applies if arbry didnt attack them and get killed for it,,,

It demonstrates that this was not a friendly encounter but one of force on the part of McMichaels, which makes the case of self defense for Arbery more consistent.
it proves the case arbry was a stupid fuck if he thought he could beat a guy with a gun,,,
he should have waited and let them detain him then he could have sued them if it ended up he was innocent,,,

Yeah, Arbery’s the stupid fuck for defending himself.

Meanwhile these two geniuses are spending the weekend in jail.

View attachment 333996
yes he is because hes now dead,,,when all he had to do was let them do their thing and if they were wrong he could sue the shit out of them,,,
you got a link for that claim???

The police report...

thank you I hadnt seen that yet,,
but it doesnt look good for arbry if thats all true,,,

he should have stopped out where he was visible to everyone and waited for the police to clear things up instead of attacking him,,,

it didnt say if arbry had a phone on him, if so he should have called the cops himself,,,
Arbery was trying to get away from armed men pursuing him. When that failed, he defended himself. It demonstrated Arbery’s intent to avoid a conflict.
not according to the video,,,
You need to do more than read the video. Read the police statements too. It’s been provided to you numerous times. There’s more to this than a 90 second video.
according to the video he had 359 options to get away,,,instead he chose to attack,,,

if I were still as fit as him those rednecks would only see my dust,,,
attempting is not the same as doing it,,,

They did detain him, the told him to stop with the threat of deadly force and had a shotgun, a handgun and a pickup truck for use as weapons to enforce their white ass commands. They coulda had a rope in the back of the truck for all he knew

Ahmaud had no way of knowing why he was being violently threatened and ordered to comply. These were not police officers giving the command.
if he only complied he would be here today to file a complaint against them,,,,instead he tried to fight them,,,,

sounds like bad parenting to me
How do you know that they were not planning to hang him
how do you know they were???

Well, exactly. Ahmaud Abery had no idea what these two guys chasing him while brandishing guns were capable of. They clearly weren't going to let him out of the neighborhood since they were illegally attempting a citizens arrest. Their actions put Ahmaud in a defensive position. Remember, to him they are two strangers chasing him with guns. I'm sure it was nothing short of a nightmare for him.
so he should have sat down so he posed no threat and called the cops,,,not attack them when it was clear he was out gunned,,,

That's irrelevant. The two white guys had no right to chase and detain him. That's where the real issue is. Who knows what they said to him as he tries to avoid them by running around the right side of the truck. Why does Travis move the front of the truck to meet him? What is clear by their own lawyers admission is they were attempting to apprehend him in a citizens arrest. Based on Georgia law it was an illegal citizens arrest. At the point Ahmaud can sit down, but if he feels his life is in danger he can defend himself.
they have every right to follow who ever they want,,,and they never detained him,,,so stop lying,,,

Exadtly evidence that any arrest was made nor was there any attempt to make an arrest.

Some try to muddy the waters claiming they were attempting to make an illegal citizens arrest...but there is no evidence of such an attempt being made....even though I think they were entitled to do that....for whatever reason they did not do that....the black guy had a open road in front of him....he should have just kept jogging down that road....there was nothing to stop in no one was trying to stop him.
Not according to the original DA who stated that was precisely their apparent intent.

we arent talking about intent,,,that only applies if arbry didnt attack them and get killed for it,,,

It demonstrates that this was not a friendly encounter but one of force on the part of McMichaels, which makes the case of self defense for Arbery more consistent.
it proves the case arbry was a stupid fuck if he thought he could beat a guy with a gun,,,
he should have waited and let them detain him then he could have sued them if it ended up he was innocent,,,

Yeah, Arbery’s the stupid fuck for defending himself.

Meanwhile these two geniuses are spending the weekend in jail.

View attachment 333996
yes he is because hes now dead,,,when all he had to do was let them do their thing and if they were wrong he could sue the shit out of them,,,

And what if letting them do “their thing” meant they murder him?

I mean, listen to yourself. You’re saying that he should just submit to these guys?
Police reports give the facts. It demonstrates who did the shooting.

It does not exonerate them. It demonstrates that the armed McMichaels were chasing after Arbery who was attempting to avoid a conflict.
NO, it does NOT demonstrate that. It demonstrates that the McMichaels were (legally) chasing after a burglary suspect, who rather than avoid a conflict, CREATED ONE, by attacking McMichaels and pummelimg him with punches. That's not how one attempts to "avoid a conflict."
McMichael’s is no longer a cop. He doesn’t get to act like one. A private citizen is not entitled to grab a gun and chase down someone they suspect did something.
Ha ha. Folks, this is what you get, when liberals, MISeducated and undereducated in liberal schools, and information deprived by liberal OMISSION media, talk.

A private citizen most certainly IS ENTITLED to grab a gun and chase down someone they suspect did something. As long as they are in compliance with the gun laws of the state.

Liberal are clueless when it comes to guns.

I'm not a cop either. But I have a Florida CCW firearms license, and I carry a .380 semiautomatic pistol in my pocket, almost every where I go. WalMart, the bank, supermarkets. If I suspect somebody robbed somebody, yes I could chase after that person, and apprehend him at gunpoint until police arrive.

One of the biggest problems in our society is our schools, run by gun-clueless liberals, don't teach gun law, or behavior vis a vis the police.
NO! NO citizen is "IS ENTITLED to grab a gun and chase down someone they suspect did something. As long as they are in compliance with the gun laws of the state." Absolutely NOT! Do you want someone stationed on the street that you live on to stop you by carrying a gun to answer any questions s/he wants to put to you? This is the United States, for God's sake. Would YOU stop everything to be questioned by just another person and put your hands in the air? DOUBT IT! Would it have been okay for Arbery and one of his friends, all armed, to stop YOU in the middle of the street and question YOU?
Yes it would be OK for Arbery and one of his friends to ask me questions, (whether they are armed or not) Of course it's OK. Who hasn't been asked questions by strangers in the street ?

I've been asked for the time. I've been asked while standing next to my car, if a store was open or not. I've even had panhandlers come to me and ask me for money. SO WHAT ?

Yes, this is the United States. And they are free to speak to friends and/or strangers alike.

And YES YES! You most certainly ARE entitled to carry a gun (as I do, every day), and you are entitled to ask people questions, and yes, chase after them too, if they are some distance from you.

American liberals are the most information-deprived, scatterbrained airheads on the face of the earth.

Nobody has any right to detain anyone at gunpoint. I ignore people who try to waylay me on the street. There is no right to brandish a gun at them. I have been stopped by guys who wanted to say something sexual to me and people who wanted to ask me questions about my religious beliefs. I ignored them and continued on my way. And, no, I am not such a coward that I have to carry a gun with me everywhere I go. This guy with the shotgun should have gotten out of Arbery's way. No wonder that Arbery perceived him as a threat. I would, too. This seems to be an attempt to block Arbery from continuing on his way. And why was the other guy filming from behind? This is an ambush.
you might want to rewrite that comtIS ENTITLED to grab a gun and chase down someone they suspect did something. As long as they are in compliance with the gun laws of the state.ment cause its full of bullshit thats not true,,,
How is my comment not true? Should all of us Americans just stop and raise our hands to anyone who has a gun? BTW: the elder McMichael already had his picture taken with kemp while wearing a shirt that celebrates bigotry. He is hardly credible.
well your first sentence is complete bullshit thats not close to being true,,,

and yes putting your hands up is far preferable than being dead,,,
attempting is not the same as doing it,,,

They did detain him, the told him to stop with the threat of deadly force and had a shotgun, a handgun and a pickup truck for use as weapons to enforce their white ass commands. They coulda had a rope in the back of the truck for all he knew

Ahmaud had no way of knowing why he was being violently threatened and ordered to comply. These were not police officers giving the command.
if he only complied he would be here today to file a complaint against them,,,,instead he tried to fight them,,,,

sounds like bad parenting to me
How do you know that they were not planning to hang him
how do you know they were???

Well, exactly. Ahmaud Abery had no idea what these two guys chasing him while brandishing guns were capable of. They clearly weren't going to let him out of the neighborhood since they were illegally attempting a citizens arrest. Their actions put Ahmaud in a defensive position. Remember, to him they are two strangers chasing him with guns. I'm sure it was nothing short of a nightmare for him.
so he should have sat down so he posed no threat and called the cops,,,not attack them when it was clear he was out gunned,,,

That's irrelevant. The two white guys had no right to chase and detain him. That's where the real issue is. Who knows what they said to him as he tries to avoid them by running around the right side of the truck. Why does Travis move the front of the truck to meet him? What is clear by their own lawyers admission is they were attempting to apprehend him in a citizens arrest. Based on Georgia law it was an illegal citizens arrest. At the point Ahmaud can sit down, but if he feels his life is in danger he can defend himself.
they have every right to follow who ever they want,,,and they never detained him,,,so stop lying,,,

Exadtly evidence that any arrest was made nor was there any attempt to make an arrest.

Some try to muddy the waters claiming they were attempting to make an illegal citizens arrest...but there is no evidence of such an attempt being made....even though I think they were entitled to do that....for whatever reason they did not do that....the black guy had a open road in front of him....he should have just kept jogging down that road....there was nothing to stop in no one was trying to stop him.
Not according to the original DA who stated that was precisely their apparent intent.

we arent talking about intent,,,that only applies if arbry didnt attack them and get killed for it,,,

It demonstrates that this was not a friendly encounter but one of force on the part of McMichaels, which makes the case of self defense for Arbery more consistent.
it proves the case arbry was a stupid fuck if he thought he could beat a guy with a gun,,,
he should have waited and let them detain him then he could have sued them if it ended up he was innocent,,,

Yeah, Arbery’s the stupid fuck for defending himself.

Meanwhile these two geniuses are spending the weekend in jail.

View attachment 333996
yes he is because hes now dead,,,when all he had to do was let them do their thing and if they were wrong he could sue the shit out of them,,,

And what if letting them do “their thing” meant they murder him?

I mean, listen to yourself. You’re saying that he should just submit to these guys?
as per the report they had plenty of time to kill him if they wanted to,,,so your saying that was their intent is the rantings of a racist,,,
you got a link for that claim???

The police report...

thank you I hadnt seen that yet,,
but it doesnt look good for arbry if thats all true,,,

he should have stopped out where he was visible to everyone and waited for the police to clear things up instead of attacking him,,,

it didnt say if arbry had a phone on him, if so he should have called the cops himself,,,
Arbery was trying to get away from armed men pursuing him. When that failed, he defended himself. It demonstrated Arbery’s intent to avoid a conflict.
not according to the video,,,
You need to do more than read the video. Read the police statements too. It’s been provided to you numerous times. There’s more to this than a 90 second video.
according to the video he had 359 options to get away,,,instead he chose to attack,,,

if I were still as fit as him those rednecks would only see my dust,,,

They were in vehicles. You think you can outrun three guys in two trucks with guns?

Arbery tried to get away several times before they got out of the truck brandishing firearms. Despite attempting to evade them, McMichael escalated and perpetuated the confrontation.

If Arbery just wanted to attack them, he would not have attempted to run away from them several times by the time they reached the final confrontation.
How is my comment not true? Should all of us Americans just stop and raise our hands to anyone who has a gun? BTW: the elder McMichael already had his picture taken with kemp while wearing a shirt that celebrates bigotry. He is hardly credible.
1. More statements without evidence. :link::link:

2. There is no need to raise your hands, if there is not any gun pointing at you.
according to the video he had 359 options to get away,,,instead he chose to attack,,,

if I were still as fit as him those rednecks would only see my dust,,,

According to the police report, he jogged the opposite direction the first time they tried to cut him off. That's by Gregory McMichael's own statement to police.

They continued their hunt and eventually stopped him again, this time with a shotgun drawn.

He chose to run away the first time. That did not work. His hunters continued after him.
attempting is not the same as doing it,,,

They did detain him, the told him to stop with the threat of deadly force and had a shotgun, a handgun and a pickup truck for use as weapons to enforce their white ass commands. They coulda had a rope in the back of the truck for all he knew

Ahmaud had no way of knowing why he was being violently threatened and ordered to comply. These were not police officers giving the command.
if he only complied he would be here today to file a complaint against them,,,,instead he tried to fight them,,,,

sounds like bad parenting to me
How do you know that they were not planning to hang him
how do you know they were???

Well, exactly. Ahmaud Abery had no idea what these two guys chasing him while brandishing guns were capable of. They clearly weren't going to let him out of the neighborhood since they were illegally attempting a citizens arrest. Their actions put Ahmaud in a defensive position. Remember, to him they are two strangers chasing him with guns. I'm sure it was nothing short of a nightmare for him.
so he should have sat down so he posed no threat and called the cops,,,not attack them when it was clear he was out gunned,,,

That's irrelevant. The two white guys had no right to chase and detain him. That's where the real issue is. Who knows what they said to him as he tries to avoid them by running around the right side of the truck. Why does Travis move the front of the truck to meet him? What is clear by their own lawyers admission is they were attempting to apprehend him in a citizens arrest. Based on Georgia law it was an illegal citizens arrest. At the point Ahmaud can sit down, but if he feels his life is in danger he can defend himself.
they have every right to follow who ever they want,,,and they never detained him,,,so stop lying,,,

Exadtly evidence that any arrest was made nor was there any attempt to make an arrest.

Some try to muddy the waters claiming they were attempting to make an illegal citizens arrest...but there is no evidence of such an attempt being made....even though I think they were entitled to do that....for whatever reason they did not do that....the black guy had a open road in front of him....he should have just kept jogging down that road....there was nothing to stop in no one was trying to stop him.
Not according to the original DA who stated that was precisely their apparent intent.

we arent talking about intent,,,that only applies if arbry didnt attack them and get killed for it,,,

It demonstrates that this was not a friendly encounter but one of force on the part of McMichaels, which makes the case of self defense for Arbery more consistent.
it proves the case arbry was a stupid fuck if he thought he could beat a guy with a gun,,,
he should have waited and let them detain him then he could have sued them if it ended up he was innocent,,,

Yeah, Arbery’s the stupid fuck for defending himself.

Meanwhile these two geniuses are spending the weekend in jail.

View attachment 333996
yes he is because hes now dead,,,when all he had to do was let them do their thing and if they were wrong he could sue the shit out of them,,,

And what if letting them do “their thing” meant they murder him?

I mean, listen to yourself. You’re saying that he should just submit to these guys?
as per the report they had plenty of time to kill him if they wanted to,,,so your saying that was their intent is the rantings of a racist,,,
Ah, you played the race card. That must mean you know you’re losing.

A reasonable person being chased by armed men would see that as a threat to their life.
you got a link for that claim???

The police report...

thank you I hadnt seen that yet,,
but it doesnt look good for arbry if thats all true,,,

he should have stopped out where he was visible to everyone and waited for the police to clear things up instead of attacking him,,,

it didnt say if arbry had a phone on him, if so he should have called the cops himself,,,
Arbery was trying to get away from armed men pursuing him. When that failed, he defended himself. It demonstrated Arbery’s intent to avoid a conflict.
not according to the video,,,
You need to do more than read the video. Read the police statements too. It’s been provided to you numerous times. There’s more to this than a 90 second video.
according to the video he had 359 options to get away,,,instead he chose to attack,,,

if I were still as fit as him those rednecks would only see my dust,,,

They were in vehicles. You think you can outrun three guys in two trucks with guns?

Arbery tried to get away several times before they got out of the truck brandishing firearms. Despite attempting to evade them, McMichael escalated and perpetuated the confrontation.

If Arbery just wanted to attack them, he would not have attempted to run away from them several times by the time they reached the final confrontation.
of course i could cause a truck is limited to the roads and large open areas,,,all I have to do is avoid those areas,,
and besides if I wasnt guilty of something I wouldnt run to start with
And what if letting them do “their thing” meant they murder him?

I mean, listen to yourself. You’re saying that he should just submit to these guys?
Listen to YOURself.
He could have submitted to questions (as I submitted to questions when somebody asked me what time it is, or if a store is open).

Or he could have just walked away.
according to the video he had 359 options to get away,,,instead he chose to attack,,,

if I were still as fit as him those rednecks would only see my dust,,,

According to the police report, he jogged the opposite direction the first time they tried to cut him off. That's by Gregory McMichael's own statement to police.

They continued their hunt and eventually stopped him again, this time with a shotgun drawn.
according to the video he had several seconds to change directions again,,,but as we see he chose to attack instead of any rational option,,,

I wonder if he had a phone and why he didnt call the cops himself,,,
you got a link for that claim???

The police report...

thank you I hadnt seen that yet,,
but it doesnt look good for arbry if thats all true,,,

he should have stopped out where he was visible to everyone and waited for the police to clear things up instead of attacking him,,,

it didnt say if arbry had a phone on him, if so he should have called the cops himself,,,
Arbery was trying to get away from armed men pursuing him. When that failed, he defended himself. It demonstrated Arbery’s intent to avoid a conflict.
not according to the video,,,
You need to do more than read the video. Read the police statements too. It’s been provided to you numerous times. There’s more to this than a 90 second video.
according to the video he had 359 options to get away,,,instead he chose to attack,,,

if I were still as fit as him those rednecks would only see my dust,,,

They were in vehicles. You think you can outrun three guys in two trucks with guns?

Arbery tried to get away several times before they got out of the truck brandishing firearms. Despite attempting to evade them, McMichael escalated and perpetuated the confrontation.

If Arbery just wanted to attack them, he would not have attempted to run away from them several times by the time they reached the final confrontation.
of course i could cause a truck is limited to the roads and large open areas,,,all I have to do is avoid those areas,,
and besides if I wasnt guilty of something I wouldnt run to start with
If you weren’t guilty? What does that have to do with anything?

These aren’t cops. They’re a couple of dudes in trucks with guns. If people are chasing me with guns, my first assumption is they’re not peaceful or friendly. I’d assume they’re out to hurt me.
attempting is not the same as doing it,,,

They did detain him, the told him to stop with the threat of deadly force and had a shotgun, a handgun and a pickup truck for use as weapons to enforce their white ass commands. They coulda had a rope in the back of the truck for all he knew

Ahmaud had no way of knowing why he was being violently threatened and ordered to comply. These were not police officers giving the command.
if he only complied he would be here today to file a complaint against them,,,,instead he tried to fight them,,,,

sounds like bad parenting to me
How do you know that they were not planning to hang him
how do you know they were???

Well, exactly. Ahmaud Abery had no idea what these two guys chasing him while brandishing guns were capable of. They clearly weren't going to let him out of the neighborhood since they were illegally attempting a citizens arrest. Their actions put Ahmaud in a defensive position. Remember, to him they are two strangers chasing him with guns. I'm sure it was nothing short of a nightmare for him.
so he should have sat down so he posed no threat and called the cops,,,not attack them when it was clear he was out gunned,,,

That's irrelevant. The two white guys had no right to chase and detain him. That's where the real issue is. Who knows what they said to him as he tries to avoid them by running around the right side of the truck. Why does Travis move the front of the truck to meet him? What is clear by their own lawyers admission is they were attempting to apprehend him in a citizens arrest. Based on Georgia law it was an illegal citizens arrest. At the point Ahmaud can sit down, but if he feels his life is in danger he can defend himself.
they have every right to follow who ever they want,,,and they never detained him,,,so stop lying,,,

Exadtly evidence that any arrest was made nor was there any attempt to make an arrest.

Some try to muddy the waters claiming they were attempting to make an illegal citizens arrest...but there is no evidence of such an attempt being made....even though I think they were entitled to do that....for whatever reason they did not do that....the black guy had a open road in front of him....he should have just kept jogging down that road....there was nothing to stop in no one was trying to stop him.
Not according to the original DA who stated that was precisely their apparent intent.

we arent talking about intent,,,that only applies if arbry didnt attack them and get killed for it,,,

It demonstrates that this was not a friendly encounter but one of force on the part of McMichaels, which makes the case of self defense for Arbery more consistent.
it proves the case arbry was a stupid fuck if he thought he could beat a guy with a gun,,,
he should have waited and let them detain him then he could have sued them if it ended up he was innocent,,,

Yeah, Arbery’s the stupid fuck for defending himself.

Meanwhile these two geniuses are spending the weekend in jail.

View attachment 333996
yes he is because hes now dead,,,when all he had to do was let them do their thing and if they were wrong he could sue the shit out of them,,,

And what if letting them do “their thing” meant they murder him?

I mean, listen to yourself. You’re saying that he should just submit to these guys?
as per the report they had plenty of time to kill him if they wanted to,,,so your saying that was their intent is the rantings of a racist,,,
Ah, you played the race card. That must mean you know you’re losing.

A reasonable person being chased by armed men would see that as a threat to their life.
and a stupid or guilty man attacks them instead of calling the cops himself,,,
attempting is not the same as doing it,,,

They did detain him, the told him to stop with the threat of deadly force and had a shotgun, a handgun and a pickup truck for use as weapons to enforce their white ass commands. They coulda had a rope in the back of the truck for all he knew

Ahmaud had no way of knowing why he was being violently threatened and ordered to comply. These were not police officers giving the command.
if he only complied he would be here today to file a complaint against them,,,,instead he tried to fight them,,,,

sounds like bad parenting to me
How do you know that they were not planning to hang him
how do you know they were???

Well, exactly. Ahmaud Abery had no idea what these two guys chasing him while brandishing guns were capable of. They clearly weren't going to let him out of the neighborhood since they were illegally attempting a citizens arrest. Their actions put Ahmaud in a defensive position. Remember, to him they are two strangers chasing him with guns. I'm sure it was nothing short of a nightmare for him.
so he should have sat down so he posed no threat and called the cops,,,not attack them when it was clear he was out gunned,,,

That's irrelevant. The two white guys had no right to chase and detain him. That's where the real issue is. Who knows what they said to him as he tries to avoid them by running around the right side of the truck. Why does Travis move the front of the truck to meet him? What is clear by their own lawyers admission is they were attempting to apprehend him in a citizens arrest. Based on Georgia law it was an illegal citizens arrest. At the point Ahmaud can sit down, but if he feels his life is in danger he can defend himself.
they have every right to follow who ever they want,,,and they never detained him,,,so stop lying,,,

Exadtly evidence that any arrest was made nor was there any attempt to make an arrest.

Some try to muddy the waters claiming they were attempting to make an illegal citizens arrest...but there is no evidence of such an attempt being made....even though I think they were entitled to do that....for whatever reason they did not do that....the black guy had a open road in front of him....he should have just kept jogging down that road....there was nothing to stop in no one was trying to stop him.
Not according to the original DA who stated that was precisely their apparent intent.

we arent talking about intent,,,that only applies if arbry didnt attack them and get killed for it,,,

It demonstrates that this was not a friendly encounter but one of force on the part of McMichaels, which makes the case of self defense for Arbery more consistent.
it proves the case arbry was a stupid fuck if he thought he could beat a guy with a gun,,,
he should have waited and let them detain him then he could have sued them if it ended up he was innocent,,,

Yeah, Arbery’s the stupid fuck for defending himself.

Meanwhile these two geniuses are spending the weekend in jail.

View attachment 333996
If I had been in the black guys shoes I’d be alive today
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