New development in the shooting case of the black georgia jogger

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Arbery wasn’t attacking someone defending themselves. He was attacking someone who was behaving in a threatening manner.
Upon WHAT do you base this wild and reckless comment ? There's nothing in the police report or video to substantiate it.

Three men in two trucks shouting at you to stop and brandishing firearms.
I would have called the cops not attack them,,,

why didnt he call the cops???

Irrelevant. The question is whether Arbery had a right to self defense. If he did, the McMichael’s are done.
we havent proven his life was in danger,,,thatas for a court to decide,,,

A person being pursued by three screaming men with firearms would be perceived as a life threatening situation by any reasonable person.
thats why he should have ran away and called the police,,,
He did try to run away, if even if he didn’t, he has no obligation to. Georgia is a “stand your ground” state. Someone claiming self defense has no obligation to retreat. A policy that is lauded by the right.

lol he charged a guy and tried to steal his firearm. That's obviously annoying to you racists who think white people should all be killed.

They were chasing him down brandishing weapons. They created the situation and are going to face consequences for it.
how do you know they brandished their guns before the final event???
McMichael emerged from the truck with his shotgun in hand. It’s on the video.
yes at the final event,,,what about the times before that???
Not that I know of but at some time the older McMichael had emerged from the truck and when Arbrey ran the other way hopped into the bed of the pickup. We know he had a revolver so it’s speculative but certainly possible that Aubrey saw the gun at that time.

What isn’t speculative is that Arbrey saw that McMichael was brandishing a gun before Arbery attacked him and that’s enough for him to know he was being pursued by armed men before he did anything to them.
have we figured out yet why arbry didnt call the cops himself???

he was jogging 12 miles from his own home so it makes sense he had a phone on him,,,

I don't know about you but if three men, two of whom are armed attack me - I don't know if I'd have time to get the phone out and make a call....
like I said educate yourself or shut up,,,

he had lotrs of chances to call them,,,

Not even to mention he was never can anyone watch the video and even claim that...must have not watched the video.
You don’t have to wait to be attacked to be able to claim self defense. Only that the threat is imminent.
yes you do,,,
or we would be justified in attacking the government as we speak,,,

I don’t know what you’re talking about with regard to attacking the government, but here’s Georgia’s self defense law:
(a) A person is justified in threatening or using force against another when and to the extent that he or she reasonably believes that such threat or force is necessary to defend himself or herself or a third person against such other's imminent use of unlawful force; however, except as provided in Code Section 16-3-23 , a person is justified in using force which is intended or likely to cause death or great bodily harm only if he or she reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent death or great bodily injury to himself or herself or a third person or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.

Imminent threat is all you need.
according to this arbrey didnt have reason to attack since he was outdoors and several feet away with several options other than attacking them,,

on the other hand because of arbreys actions the other guy did have reason,,,

Arbery had tried other options and failed. Several times actually. This demonstrates he was not the aggressor.

He was under no obligation to retreat from an armed man chasing him. He has ample reason to attack in self defense.

He tried to run away several times.

Isn't the widely defended stand your ground law supposed be about standing your ground?
I don't know what happened here, and there could easily be reasons why anyone of us might have shot him
There are zero reasons that Ahmaud Arbery should have been chased followed, harassed, ordered to stop, or have two white men bring their guns to block him from jogging on a public road.

There can’t be that many cowards that would arm up and stalk an unarmed man who is doing nothing but out jogging in broad daylight.
Heads are going to roll in that police department where Goober Sr used to work.
zero reason that you are aware of from behind your computer,,,

IMO the best they will get is disorderly conduct and negligent homicide,,if they try for more these guys will walk,,,

Well they have been charged with murder....but by the time of the trial those charges may be reduced....what we see now is political theater....the local officials trying to keep the natives down on the reservation so to speak aka keep them from rioting, looting and burning.

It will be a tragic miscarriage of justice if they are convicted of anything....but it is a sign of the times we live in that there is often miscarriages of justice when it comes to whites using lethal force to defend themselves against black thugs and criminals.
What is "political theater" here? Two gunmen try to stop a guy jogging, with a third guy in a second vehicle filming the whole thing, with the jogger sandwiched between the gunmen's truck and a guy who just decided to start filming for no reason. Your "whites" were NOT "defending themselves." They were the instigators of this fatal encounter. I'm not black. I am of European background. I think that you are full of shit.

And that's just weird. Who is this person in a second vehicle?
if you educated yourself before talking about a subject you would know the answer to that,,,

When I last was in this thread - he wasn't identified. But then again, your defending murder.
I never defended a murderer,,,IMO the best they should get is along the lines of disorderly conduct and negligent homicide,,,

if they intended on murder they had several chances before the final event,,,

If you stalk someone, and pull a gun on them while they are trying to avoid you, and that person is unarmed - it's a is not "negligent homicide".
I dont think you are objective enough to be on the jury
BULLSHIT,,,running away always works

Well, that doesn't appear to be the case, if we go by McMichael's statements to police in the police report.

He ran the opposite direction.

They followed.

He died.
He died because he attacked someone with a shotgun
He wouldn’t have attacked them if they hadn’t been chasing him with a shotgun.
Even so it was a bad move on his part
they called the cops and wanted him to wait and talk to them,,,,

When Arbery refused to stop or comply with illegal and immoral demands by two armed white men, it should have been the end of it. That’s if you believe Arbery has the same rights and freedoms as the two white men who killed him because he refused to comply with their criminal demand to ‘stop and wait’. You apparently suffer from the same concept that White Privilege is a privilege that needs to be maintained.

The killers had all the options to de-escalate the situation if they truly, but ridiculously wanted the police to talk to him about a crime they did not see him commit.

The video shows Arbery jogging. That is cIear in the video. There is no indication that he was trying to flee the two goons who were attacking him until Goober Jr got out of the truck and Approached him. . I doubt he could run faster than the truck. The killers could have simply followed a jogger and reported his location to the police.

But if the cops did their job they would have asked the Goobers if they Witnessed a felony. When they said “no”the cops shouid have said take your guns and go home before someone gets hurt.
there was nothing illegal or immoral about what they did,,,
I wont bother reading the rest of your rant,,,
You are not allowed to former armed posses to go after people you think look suspicious.

That’s just not how it works.
first prove thats what they did and then show me the law that says they cant,,,
They admitted to forming an armed posse and going after him because they suspected him for previous, unreported, crimes.


I wouldn't say that. A lot of quality people have criminal records.

However what I don't like about this character who got shot was the smiling picture which makes him look innocent in the story. Sort of like the misleading pic of Trayvon that was shown. Since the victim here has a criminal record, why didn't they show his official Mug Shot instead of a high school yearbook pic
BULLSHIT,,,running away always works

Well, that doesn't appear to be the case, if we go by McMichael's statements to police in the police report.

He ran the opposite direction.

They followed.

He died.
He died because he attacked someone with a shotgun
He wouldn’t have attacked them if they hadn’t been chasing him with a shotgun.
That makes no sense

people dont chase other people with a shotgun

they either shoot them or they dont

the jogger had to attack the man with the shotgun for them to have been wrestling over the weapon

It makes perfect sense. Arbery would have not attacked them if they hadn’t been chasing them with guns.

If the McMichaels hadn’t grabbed their guns to run down this man, none of this would have ever happened.

You know I’m right.
lol he charged a guy and tried to steal his firearm. That's obviously annoying to you racists who think white people should all be killed.

You must be a professional racist.
Goober Jr parked the truck on the
right side the road. Got out on the driver side and waited with shotgun in hand as Arbery continued jogging toward him. Arberry changed direction to avoid Jr and went around on the passenger side.

What happened when the first shot was fired is out of view. And there you go accusing the dead man of attempted theft. You are sick.

By the way I am white and don’t want to see innocent people getting shot while jogging down a public street doing no harm to no one.
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However what I don't like about this character who got shot was the smiling picture which makes him look innocent in the story.

On the day he was killed Arbery was not engaged in a criminal act but the men who shot him were charged with murder and aggravated assault and that is what the video shows.


I wouldn't say that. A lot of quality people have criminal records.

However what I don't like about this character who got shot was the smiling picture which makes him look innocent in the story. Sort of like the misleading pic of Trayvon that was shown. Since the victim here has a criminal record, why didn't they show his official Mug Shot instead of a high school yearbook pic

Because when he was gunned down he was just an ordinary citizen jogging. Seems like that would be the picture you would show. Unless of course you're trying to influence people's perceptions.
lol he charged a guy and tried to steal his firearm. That's obviously annoying to you racists who think white people should all be killed.

You must be a professional racist.
Goober Jr parked the truck on the
right side the road. Got out on the driver side and waited with shotgun in hand as Arbery continued jogging toward him. Arberry changed direction to avoid Jr and went around on the passenger side.

What happened when the first shot was fired is out of view. And there you go accusing the dead man of attempted theft. You are sick.

By the way I am white and don’t want to see innocent people getting shot while jogging down a public street doing no harm to no one.

Bull fucking shit

Watch this and even if you cannot see very well and are biased you will note that the jogger goes around the right side of the truck veers left all the way over to where the guy with the shotgun is and attacks him....the moment of the attackcan be seen and thus it cannot be denied.

The following video shows the whole thing.....................note how the jogger goes to the right and immediately veering to the left when he gets to the front of the truck and attacks the white guy....trying to take away his gun.

You can look throgh the windshield and see the blackjogger running across the front of the truck to the left to attack the white guy with the shotgun. Cannot be denied though many try.

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Except for one small problem. There were no burglaries reported to the actual police. No burglary reports for months up to the shooting.
Burglary or no burglary, Arbery attacked McMichael, and was punching him in the face, with full force. McMichael was 100% justified in shooting Arbery.

Ok. Let’s review. Self Defense does not apply when you chase the guy down. It is not stand your ground when you are the aggressor. Any questions?
Does being right make libs bullet proof?

obviously not

But it does make the attackers guilty. And it should serve as a lesson for the next delusional dolt who sees himself as the vigilante for the hood.
Guilty of what?

we still do not have the full story

These stories have a way of changing over time, particularly as evidence is accumulated. Remember Baltimore's Fred Gay? Supposedly killed in cold blood by the Baltimore PD? Turned out to be bullshit, the 6 charged officers were ruled to be as Innocent as New Born Babes. Ditto with the Ferguson Missouri police office and Gentle Giant, or so many others.
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Because when he was gunned down he was just an ordinary citizen jogging. Seems like that would be the picture you would show. Unless of course you're trying to influence people's perceptions.
Looks like that's what YOU'RE trying to do. He was shot in self-defense, while attacking and punching somebody. A criminal thug, not an ordinary citizen.
BULLSHIT,,,running away always works

Well, that doesn't appear to be the case, if we go by McMichael's statements to police in the police report.

He ran the opposite direction.

They followed.

He died.
He died because he attacked someone with a shotgun
He wouldn’t have attacked them if they hadn’t been chasing him with a shotgun.

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaa tooo friggin the video you will see the truckis parked way ahead of the jogger who jogs up to the truck goes to the right around the truck and immediately veers left to attack the white guy....clearly visible...look through the windshield and you will see the black guy running across the front of the truck to attack the white guy...cannot be denied....though many have tried.
When I say “stupid” I mean their actions were stupid. Even if the guy had been white, their actions were reckless. And now a man is dead because of their recklessness.

By choosing to chase the guy down and to do so while armed, they introduced an element of danger to the situation that was completely unnecessary, given that the alleged crime was simple burglery and the guy was not exhibiting threatening behavior to them or anyone else.
You act like chasing the guy down and being armed is something unusual. I carry a gun every minute of every day while I'm outside. So what ?

Arbery is dead because of HIS recklessness and criminal violence, nothing else.
Because when he was gunned down he was just an ordinary citizen jogging. Seems like that would be the picture you would show. Unless of course you're trying to influence people's perceptions.
Looks like that's what YOU'RE trying to do. He was shot in self-defense, while attacking and punching somebody. A criminal thug, not an ordinary citizen.

Exactly and with a list of felony convictions.....the guy was a criminal...cannot be denied....and he was not right....i mean by that he had some kind of mental problem the family is covering up. What type of person will rush to attack someone who has a shotgun...a person who is not right in the head.
Because when he was gunned down he was just an ordinary citizen jogging. Seems like that would be the picture you would show. Unless of course you're trying to influence people's perceptions.
Looks like that's what YOU'RE trying to do. He was shot in self-defense, while attacking and punching somebody. A criminal thug, not an ordinary citizen.

Exactly and with a list of felony convictions.....the guy was a criminal...cannot be denied....and he was not right....i mean by that he had some kind of mental problem the family is covering up. What type of person will rush to attack someone who has a shotgun...a person who is not right in the head.

You have no evidence which to base that.

As to what type of person? Someone who saw he was followed, ambushed, who tried to avoid them and was confronted with armed men who were not police officers. Stand your ground. He had no way of knowing what their intentions were.
Because when he was gunned down he was just an ordinary citizen jogging. Seems like that would be the picture you would show. Unless of course you're trying to influence people's perceptions.
Looks like that's what YOU'RE trying to do. He was shot in self-defense, while attacking and punching somebody. A criminal thug, not an ordinary citizen.

I can't buy the self defense crapolla.
1. He was one unarmed man.
2. He tried to avoid them.
3. They (3 men, two of them armed) ambushed him.
4. They were not officers of the law - they were, at that point lawless thugs.
5. He tried to defend himself.

That's a bullshit argument.
Don’t know. Several possibilities. Why do it again if it failed to work? They were still pursuing him after trying to run away, they clearly weren’t giving up. Maybe the fact that McMichaels was attempting to confront him with a shotgun had something to do with it.
So what if he confronted him with a shotgun ? He's entitled to have a shotgun to defend himself from violent criminals- which is exactly what he did.
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