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New Evidence of Voter Fraud and California continues to refuse cooperation

Anyone with any common sense at all knows Democrats welcomed millions of illegal votes in 2016 alone.
People who ignore the push to give illegals drivers licenses, the fight against requirements for Voter ID and the hustling of millions of illegals across the border by the Democrats leading up to the Nov 2016 elections are not only in denial and dead wrong, but are openly in agreement with this illegal activity if not blatantly in support of it.

The Administration has been too busy fighting false allegations to get to it but when it does it will open eyes.

Of course, you'll have the morons on forums balk at the suggestion, ridicule to possibility......call it funny etc...those are radical left bent idiots who still believe the Left has their back (fools).

But FACTS show just how much of a fool they are. In Rhode Island alone, where the vote was heavily for Sanders and Clinton, it has been discovered that over 30% of voters who participated did not have a registered Social Security Number nor driver license number. The two primary means with which to identify a voters identity. Without them, it is nearly impossible to determine even the nation of origin of a voter yet in Democrat states, this is the standard operating procedure.

As evidence continues to mount, those mocking the suggestion of widespread voter fraud look more and more like imbeciles. And mounting evidence agrees with those who suggest the vast majority of it took place on the Left.

It is my opinion that the people perpetrating these offenses and those cheering it should all be deported, at the very least. Tried for treason and dealt with accordingly ideally.

Anyway......here's the new report...
New Report Exposes Thousands of Illegal Votes from 2016 Election

CNS news ??


When will you people learn?

You want to know what real FAKE NEWS is... CNS
there is no evidence of voter fraud.

trump loons are so desperate. :cuckoo:

As I said, the weak and corrupt will readily discount the facts.

So far most of the links you supplied are either fake or just an opinion. Your brain is corrupted.
1. You used snopes as a source, but have you ever investigated the sources you use to fact check? Well I did.
Snopes is owned by PERFECT PRIVACY, LLC
Organization who has ties & dealt with Clinton.

2. Then I found others who found that same link to Perfect Privacy
Hillary Paid to Hide Identity of People Running Her Email Server

1. That is not a link. Just your opinion. Keep trying.

2. Rubbish I just saw the name Breitbart enough for my pubic hair to go straight up. Don't waste my time with this garbage.
If these are real news how come we didn't see it in real news?
So you know Bannon works for Trump and they been buddies for a long time. Keep trying.

Breitbart - Media Bias/Fact Check

These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy.


1)was not an opinion, it was fact, you can check who owns any web site.
2) was my investigation, I am a counter propagandist, the web link verified what I investigated with a second source since you like links to verify. Breitbart did not
notice the ties to snopes, I did and used that link to show you Clinton is tied to the parent company that owns snopes. Thatcs all I used the link for and I know it's bias but it does not affect who owns the Clinton web site.
So you lied and since your standard is to dismiss any info without reason or research by the site it came from then you have to keep that standard to denounce everything Snopes and fact check say.
Busted by your own standard. *L*
3)you never refuted.
Nice try, but keep to the context and donct breeze theough and you wonct make those mistakes that cause you to
accidentally lie.

1. At the top of your link it says OPINION.

2. I do not read anything coming from Breitbart this media published a lot of fake news, work for Trump= unreliable. Go get something else to impress me.
3. I don't lie. Keep that in mind dude but I know you people plugged in a lot of lies.
there is no evidence of voter fraud.

trump loons are so desperate. :cuckoo:

As I said, the weak and corrupt will readily discount the facts.

So far most of the links you supplied are either fake or just an opinion. Your brain is corrupted.
You used snopes as a source, but have you ever investigated the sources you use to fact check? Well I did.
Snopes is owned by PERFECT PRIVACY, LLC
Organization who has ties & dealt with Clinton. Then I found others who found that same link to Perfect Privacy
Hillary Paid to Hide Identity of People Running Her Email Server
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

No, FrenchFry, Snopes is not owned by a Perfect Privacy, LLC. Perfect Privacy, LLC does not own companies.... Perfect Privacy, LLC provides a service to anyone who purchases a domain name to use Perfect Privacy's info on Whois, to conceal private information that normally appears under Whois. And Snopes isn't even using Perfect Privacy anyway...

Whois snopes.com

About Snopes' ownership...

Transparency: Ownership and Revenue | Snopes.com

Snopes is already exposed by who owns them (Proper Media in liberal San Diego, California), thanks for admitting Clinton and snopes needs to hide who's behind their propaganda sites posing as journalism and that you don't know who owns or is behind your info.
Proper Media owns web properties and
their execs are kept secret as is the web page ownerships through Perfect Privacy.
Isn't this how you tie people to Putin?
Are you just now admitting this connect the dots lunacy is flawed ? ;-)

If you want to connect the dots to snopes then try:
Snopes owner that is Proper Media partners with BlueKai[emoji768] that is Oracle
and Oracle is a partner of The Nature Conservancy, a liberal and active proponent of cap and trade and a carbon tax, they support planned parenthood and same sex marriage=have a liberal agenda.

Knock it off dude. At least attach a link to support your lies.
How many illegally cast votes are acceptable?


One hundred?

One thousand?

One million?

The law says zero - all illegally cast votes are, well, illegal and, therefore, unacceptable.

But of course laws are only for non-Democrats.

How many legal voters denied their votes are acceptable?


One hundred?

One thousands.

The Republicans believe that it doesn't matter how many voters are prevented from voting- because they believe that the laws only apply to non-Republicans.
there is no evidence of voter fraud.

trump loons are so desperate. :cuckoo:

As I said, the weak and corrupt will readily discount the facts.

So far most of the links you supplied are either fake or just an opinion. Your brain is corrupted.
You used snopes as a source, but have you ever investigated the sources you use to fact check? Well I did.
Snopes is owned by PERFECT PRIVACY, LLC
Organization who has ties & dealt with Clinton. Then I found others who found that same link to Perfect Privacy
Hillary Paid to Hide Identity of People Running Her Email Server
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

No, FrenchFry, Snopes is not owned by a Perfect Privacy, LLC. Perfect Privacy, LLC does not own companies.... Perfect Privacy, LLC provides a service to anyone who purchases a domain name to use Perfect Privacy's info on Whois, to conceal private information that normally appears under Whois. And Snopes isn't even using Perfect Privacy anyway...

Whois snopes.com

About Snopes' ownership...

Transparency: Ownership and Revenue | Snopes.com

Snopes is already exposed by who owns them (Proper Media in liberal San Diego, California), thanks for admitting Clinton and snopes needs to hide who's behind their propaganda sites posing as journalism and that you don't know who owns or is behind your info.
Proper Media owns web properties and
their execs are kept secret as is the web page ownerships through Perfect Privacy.
Isn't this how you tie people to Putin?
Are you just now admitting this connect the dots lunacy is flawed ? ;-)

If you want to connect the dots to snopes then try:
Snopes owner that is Proper Media partners with BlueKai[emoji768] that is Oracle
and Oracle is a partner of The Nature Conservancy, a liberal and active proponent of cap and trade and a carbon tax, they support planned parenthood and same sex marriage=have a liberal agenda.

Since you don't know shit.
Snopes also protecting Trump.

Why is that?
Illegals don't vote. They limit their contacts with government as much as they possibly can. Because more contact with government agencies (at any level), means a greater chance of getting caught being in the country illegally.

Voter fraud is practically non-existent. But they don't teach that in home school. All they teach in home school, is how to be a dumbass.

If you really care about voter fraud, then why don't you go ask Diebold why their electronic voting machines can be so easily hacked?

Bullshit as usual. illegals have done just as they wish in this country for the last eight years. NO ELECTION MACHINES WERE HACKED in the last election, they are stand alone until they are linked to a dedicated receptor to upload their counts. They are tested for proper operation before the election, and after each upload. Another liberal "shitbitch won" lie.

You are a bullshiter.

Most or all Illegals come here for better living and better future for their families. They sacrificed their lives just to get here ----- then they commit fraud? If they get caught what do you think will happen? Future is gone just for one lousy fucking vote.

You idiot illegals doesn't think that way but white dude tough guy like you can just walk in and probably will not get challenged. So you are comparing yourself to illegals.

There are thousands and thousands of republicans that worked and volunteered at the polls. And you have not heard a single of those people complain. Except our 12 years old president and you.
Are you saying they are all inept?

Or they are so quiet and not saying because they committed fraud?

Come on, do you seriously believe Thousands, possibly Millions of Illegals didn't vote in the last Election? The Democrats gave them all valid Driver's Licenses and told them to vote. In California alone, there had to be several Thousand Illegal votes. They had that planned for decades. And now they're pushing for no ID at all to vote. I think this is worth investigating. So good on Trump for calling the Democrats' bluff.

You rightards are sooo fucking brain-dead.

Illegals are not given driver's licenses in California to vote. In fact, California specifically passed laws prohibiting illegals from being registered to vote with a driver's license.....

California Code, Vehicle Code - VEH § 12801.9

(d)(2) The license shall bear the following notice:  “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes.  This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle.  It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.”

If they have a valid State photo ID, they can't be denied voting. They would be allowed to cast a ballot. Eligibility would only be determined after the Election. So without going back and investigating, we can't really know how many Illegals voted. You say none voted, but i vehemently disagree with your assertion. So let's move forward with an investigation.

First they have to register before they can vote. Going to poll with that DL does not give them the right to vote because it say there it's only for driving purposes only. Nothing more.
Let me say this again.
1. There are thousands and thousands of republicans worked and volunteered at the polls----- Did they say anything about illegals or DL? None zero

2. Most or all of illegals came here seek for better living. They sacrificed their life coming over here. If they get caught the future of their kids and family will vanish. So Why in the world they will sacrifice that just for one lousy vote?


A white dude like you will do that. That is why I suspect Trump supporters did a lot of these voter fraud.
With all the massive impressive rallies 20,000, 30,000 attendees we never seen before---- Shockingly and Anemically he ONLY garnered 63+ millions votes. Why? Only one million more than Romney.
Bullshit as usual. illegals have done just as they wish in this country for the last eight years. NO ELECTION MACHINES WERE HACKED in the last election, they are stand alone until they are linked to a dedicated receptor to upload their counts. They are tested for proper operation before the election, and after each upload. Another liberal "shitbitch won" lie.

You are a bullshiter.

Most or all Illegals come here for better living and better future for their families. They sacrificed their lives just to get here ----- then they commit fraud? If they get caught what do you think will happen? Future is gone just for one lousy fucking vote.

You idiot illegals doesn't think that way but white dude tough guy like you can just walk in and probably will not get challenged. So you are comparing yourself to illegals.

There are thousands and thousands of republicans that worked and volunteered at the polls. And you have not heard a single of those people complain. Except our 12 years old president and you.
Are you saying they are all inept?

Or they are so quiet and not saying because they committed fraud?

Come on, do you seriously believe Thousands, possibly Millions of Illegals didn't vote in the last Election? The Democrats gave them all valid Driver's Licenses and told them to vote. In California alone, there had to be several Thousand Illegal votes. They had that planned for decades. And now they're pushing for no ID at all to vote. I think this is worth investigating. So good on Trump for calling the Democrats' bluff.

You rightards are sooo fucking brain-dead.

Illegals are not given driver's licenses in California to vote. In fact, California specifically passed laws prohibiting illegals from being registered to vote with a driver's license.....

California Code, Vehicle Code - VEH § 12801.9

(d)(2) The license shall bear the following notice:  “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes.  This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle.  It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.”
Yeah and I'm required to pay a penalty if I don't have Obamacare. It's called lying dumbass. I lied on my 1040 "I have insurance" but i DON'T, and didn't pay a fucking dime IN PENALTIES. Illegals lie when they vote, they lie when they get their licenses, they lie and they vote. It's not worth diddly when you can simply lie and they use the honor system and assume you are telling the truth.

If they have a valid State photo ID, they can't be denied voting.
They would be allowed to vote. The only way to know how many Illegals voted in the last Election, would be to conduct a through investigation. I have no doubt Thousands, possibly Millions of Illegals voted in California alone.

Wrong. They are not allowed to vote.
Anyone with any common sense at all knows Democrats welcomed millions of illegal votes in 2016 alone.
People who ignore the push to give illegals drivers licenses, the fight against requirements for Voter ID and the hustling of millions of illegals across the border by the Democrats leading up to the Nov 2016 elections are not only in denial and dead wrong, but are openly in agreement with this illegal activity if not blatantly in support of it.

The Administration has been too busy fighting false allegations to get to it but when it does it will open eyes.

Of course, you'll have the morons on forums balk at the suggestion, ridicule to possibility......call it funny etc...those are radical left bent idiots who still believe the Left has their back (fools).

But FACTS show just how much of a fool they are. In Rhode Island alone, where the vote was heavily for Sanders and Clinton, it has been discovered that over 30% of voters who participated did not have a registered Social Security Number nor driver license number. The two primary means with which to identify a voters identity. Without them, it is nearly impossible to determine even the nation of origin of a voter yet in Democrat states, this is the standard operating procedure.

As evidence continues to mount, those mocking the suggestion of widespread voter fraud look more and more like imbeciles. And mounting evidence agrees with those who suggest the vast majority of it took place on the Left.

It is my opinion that the people perpetrating these offenses and those cheering it should all be deported, at the very least. Tried for treason and dealt with accordingly ideally.

Anyway......here's the new report...
New Report Exposes Thousands of Illegal Votes from 2016 Election
Florida turned over personal voter information.

Florida turns over voter-roll data to Trump election commission

And what did they find?

Nothing. What was expected.

Didn't Trump win Florida?

That is not the point idiot.
Now, ever since the November Election, where HRC won the Popular Vote and lost the Electoral College, all we have heard from the Cons is how Democrats have got to get over losing.

However, it seems the Cons have yet to get over Losing The Popular Vote, by 3,00,000+ Votes they Won.

They offer Fake News Story after Fake News Story about how HRC really did not win the Popular Vote by 3,000,000+Votes, which she of course did.

They never offer any real evidence, any real proof, any real credible evidence to prove that they won the Popular Vote, which they did not.

They offer up Conjecture, Contention, Hearsay, Innuendo and pure Supposition. But never one shred of credible, believable, verifiable proof.

Mainly because they do not have any.

Poor Little RePuBliKlan Snowflakes.

Get It Over It. You Lost The Popular Vote.
The President won 85 % of all of the Counties in The United States.
Hillary Rotten Clit Clinton only won 15%

Get over it!

Well as much as a girly man can get over a slap in the face......
You always have mommy to go home and cry to, before you slink off in to your basement and cry yourself to sleep in the fetal position..

Poor little ConJob Seig Heil GroppenFuhrer, no proof. No nothing. Just empty words and meaningless sound bites.

Poor little ConJob Snowflake.
Bullshit as usual. illegals have done just as they wish in this country for the last eight years. NO ELECTION MACHINES WERE HACKED in the last election, they are stand alone until they are linked to a dedicated receptor to upload their counts. They are tested for proper operation before the election, and after each upload. Another liberal "shitbitch won" lie.

You are a bullshiter.

Most or all Illegals come here for better living and better future for their families. They sacrificed their lives just to get here ----- then they commit fraud? If they get caught what do you think will happen? Future is gone just for one lousy fucking vote.

You idiot illegals doesn't think that way but white dude tough guy like you can just walk in and probably will not get challenged. So you are comparing yourself to illegals.

There are thousands and thousands of republicans that worked and volunteered at the polls. And you have not heard a single of those people complain. Except our 12 years old president and you.
Are you saying they are all inept?

Or they are so quiet and not saying because they committed fraud?

Come on, do you seriously believe Thousands, possibly Millions of Illegals didn't vote in the last Election? The Democrats gave them all valid Driver's Licenses and told them to vote. In California alone, there had to be several Thousand Illegal votes. They had that planned for decades. And now they're pushing for no ID at all to vote. I think this is worth investigating. So good on Trump for calling the Democrats' bluff.

You rightards are sooo fucking brain-dead.

Illegals are not given driver's licenses in California to vote. In fact, California specifically passed laws prohibiting illegals from being registered to vote with a driver's license.....

California Code, Vehicle Code - VEH § 12801.9

(d)(2) The license shall bear the following notice:  “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes.  This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle.  It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.”

If they have a valid State photo ID, they can't be denied voting. They would be allowed to cast a ballot. Eligibility would only be determined after the Election. So without going back and investigating, we can't really know how many Illegals voted. You say none voted, but i vehemently disagree with your assertion. So let's move forward with an investigation.

First they have to register before they can vote. Going to poll with that DL does not give them the right to vote because it say there it's only for driving purposes only. Nothing more.
Let me say this again.
1. There are thousands and thousands of republicans worked and volunteered at the polls----- Did they say anything about illegals or DL? None zero

2. Most or all of illegals came here seek for better living. They sacrificed their life coming over here. If they get caught the future of their kids and family will vanish. So Why in the world they will sacrifice that just for one lousy vote?


A white dude like you will do that. That is why I suspect Trump supporters did a lot of these voter fraud.
With all the massive impressive rallies 20,000, 30,000 attendees we never seen before---- Shockingly and Anemically he ONLY garnered 63+ millions votes. Why? Only one million more than Romney.

If they present a valid state ID, the Poll Worker will allow them to cast a ballot. However, it may be determined after the Election that their vote wasn't valid. But without fully investigating, we won't know if their votes really were deemed invalid after the Election. In California especially, it needs to be thoroughly investigated.
You are a bullshiter.

Most or all Illegals come here for better living and better future for their families. They sacrificed their lives just to get here ----- then they commit fraud? If they get caught what do you think will happen? Future is gone just for one lousy fucking vote.

You idiot illegals doesn't think that way but white dude tough guy like you can just walk in and probably will not get challenged. So you are comparing yourself to illegals.

There are thousands and thousands of republicans that worked and volunteered at the polls. And you have not heard a single of those people complain. Except our 12 years old president and you.
Are you saying they are all inept?

Or they are so quiet and not saying because they committed fraud?

Come on, do you seriously believe Thousands, possibly Millions of Illegals didn't vote in the last Election? The Democrats gave them all valid Driver's Licenses and told them to vote. In California alone, there had to be several Thousand Illegal votes. They had that planned for decades. And now they're pushing for no ID at all to vote. I think this is worth investigating. So good on Trump for calling the Democrats' bluff.

You rightards are sooo fucking brain-dead.

Illegals are not given driver's licenses in California to vote. In fact, California specifically passed laws prohibiting illegals from being registered to vote with a driver's license.....

California Code, Vehicle Code - VEH § 12801.9

(d)(2) The license shall bear the following notice:  “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes.  This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle.  It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.”
Yeah and I'm required to pay a penalty if I don't have Obamacare. It's called lying dumbass. I lied on my 1040 "I have insurance" but i DON'T, and didn't pay a fucking dime IN PENALTIES. Illegals lie when they vote, they lie when they get their licenses, they lie and they vote. It's not worth diddly when you can simply lie and they use the honor system and assume you are telling the truth.

If they have a valid State photo ID, they can't be denied voting.
They would be allowed to vote. The only way to know how many Illegals voted in the last Election, would be to conduct a through investigation. I have no doubt Thousands, possibly Millions of Illegals voted in California alone.

Wrong. They are not allowed to vote.

How can you say that for sure? Why not cooperate with an investigation?
Anyone with any common sense at all knows Democrats welcomed millions of illegal votes in 2016 alone.
People who ignore the push to give illegals drivers licenses, the fight against requirements for Voter ID and the hustling of millions of illegals across the border by the Democrats leading up to the Nov 2016 elections are not only in denial and dead wrong, but are openly in agreement with this illegal activity if not blatantly in support of it.

The Administration has been too busy fighting false allegations to get to it but when it does it will open eyes.

Of course, you'll have the morons on forums balk at the suggestion, ridicule to possibility......call it funny etc...those are radical left bent idiots who still believe the Left has their back (fools).

But FACTS show just how much of a fool they are. In Rhode Island alone, where the vote was heavily for Sanders and Clinton, it has been discovered that over 30% of voters who participated did not have a registered Social Security Number nor driver license number. The two primary means with which to identify a voters identity. Without them, it is nearly impossible to determine even the nation of origin of a voter yet in Democrat states, this is the standard operating procedure.

As evidence continues to mount, those mocking the suggestion of widespread voter fraud look more and more like imbeciles. And mounting evidence agrees with those who suggest the vast majority of it took place on the Left.

It is my opinion that the people perpetrating these offenses and those cheering it should all be deported, at the very least. Tried for treason and dealt with accordingly ideally.

Anyway......here's the new report...
New Report Exposes Thousands of Illegal Votes from 2016 Election
Florida turned over personal voter information.

Florida turns over voter-roll data to Trump election commission

And what did they find?

Nothing. What was expected.

Didn't Trump win Florida?

That is not the point idiot.

Sorry, but i am very interested in investigating the States that went for Clinton especially. It is Democrats who want Illegals to be allowed to vote. I am curious to see how many were allowed to vote in this last Election.
Anyone with any common sense at all knows Democrats welcomed millions of illegal votes in 2016 alone.
People who ignore the push to give illegals drivers licenses, the fight against requirements for Voter ID and the hustling of millions of illegals across the border by the Democrats leading up to the Nov 2016 elections are not only in denial and dead wrong, but are openly in agreement with this illegal activity if not blatantly in support of it.

The Administration has been too busy fighting false allegations to get to it but when it does it will open eyes.

Of course, you'll have the morons on forums balk at the suggestion, ridicule to possibility......call it funny etc...those are radical left bent idiots who still believe the Left has their back (fools).

But FACTS show just how much of a fool they are. In Rhode Island alone, where the vote was heavily for Sanders and Clinton, it has been discovered that over 30% of voters who participated did not have a registered Social Security Number nor driver license number. The two primary means with which to identify a voters identity. Without them, it is nearly impossible to determine even the nation of origin of a voter yet in Democrat states, this is the standard operating procedure.

As evidence continues to mount, those mocking the suggestion of widespread voter fraud look more and more like imbeciles. And mounting evidence agrees with those who suggest the vast majority of it took place on the Left.

It is my opinion that the people perpetrating these offenses and those cheering it should all be deported, at the very least. Tried for treason and dealt with accordingly ideally.

Anyway......here's the new report...
New Report Exposes Thousands of Illegal Votes from 2016 Election

CNS news ??


When will you people learn?

You want to know what real FAKE NEWS is... CNS
No, when will you people learn. We don't use Liberal news sources, that doesn't invalidate the sources we do use.
As I said, the weak and corrupt will readily discount the facts.

So far most of the links you supplied are either fake or just an opinion. Your brain is corrupted.
1. You used snopes as a source, but have you ever investigated the sources you use to fact check? Well I did.
Snopes is owned by PERFECT PRIVACY, LLC
Organization who has ties & dealt with Clinton.

2. Then I found others who found that same link to Perfect Privacy
Hillary Paid to Hide Identity of People Running Her Email Server

1. That is not a link. Just your opinion. Keep trying.

2. Rubbish I just saw the name Breitbart enough for my pubic hair to go straight up. Don't waste my time with this garbage.
If these are real news how come we didn't see it in real news?
So you know Bannon works for Trump and they been buddies for a long time. Keep trying.

Breitbart - Media Bias/Fact Check

These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy.


1)was not an opinion, it was fact, you can check who owns any web site.
2) was my investigation, I am a counter propagandist, the web link verified what I investigated with a second source since you like links to verify. Breitbart did not
notice the ties to snopes, I did and used that link to show you Clinton is tied to the parent company that owns snopes. Thatcs all I used the link for and I know it's bias but it does not affect who owns the Clinton web site.
So you lied and since your standard is to dismiss any info without reason or research by the site it came from then you have to keep that standard to denounce everything Snopes and fact check say.
Busted by your own standard. *L*
3)you never refuted.
Nice try, but keep to the context and donct breeze theough and you wonct make those mistakes that cause you to
accidentally lie.

1. At the top of your link it says OPINION.

2. I do not read anything coming from Breitbart this media published a lot of fake news, work for Trump= unreliable. Go get something else to impress me.
3. I don't lie. Keep that in mind dude but I know you people plugged in a lot of lies.
Then you're an idiot.
Proof that the ENTIRE LEFT is a FRAUD!

They feign concern over THE INTEGRITY of OUR ELECTIONS!

Yet they Oppose Immigration Law, Support Motor Voter Registrations and Driver's Licenses for Illegals (It's a felony to give an illegal a drivers license btw) and they Oppose Voter ID.

They also are opposing and obstructing all investigations in to election fraud.

I offer facts, you offer really bad animation. Poor Little ConJob Snowflake.
Trump is such an idiot. He invalidates his own presidency. By claiming there were at least 3 million illegal votes cast, he sheds doubt on his victory.
Illegals don't vote. They limit their contacts with government as much as they possibly can. Because more contact with government agencies (at any level), means a greater chance of getting caught being in the country illegally.

Voter fraud is practically non-existent. But they don't teach that in home school. All they teach in home school, is how to be a dumbass.

If you really care about voter fraud, then why don't you go ask Diebold why their electronic voting machines can be so easily hacked?

Bullshit as usual. illegals have done just as they wish in this country for the last eight years. NO ELECTION MACHINES WERE HACKED in the last election, they are stand alone until they are linked to a dedicated receptor to upload their counts. They are tested for proper operation before the election, and after each upload. Another liberal "shitbitch won" lie.

You are a bullshiter.

Most or all Illegals come here for better living and better future for their families. They sacrificed their lives just to get here ----- then they commit fraud? If they get caught what do you think will happen? Future is gone just for one lousy fucking vote.

You idiot illegals doesn't think that way but white dude tough guy like you can just walk in and probably will not get challenged. So you are comparing yourself to illegals.

There are thousands and thousands of republicans that worked and volunteered at the polls. And you have not heard a single of those people complain. Except our 12 years old president and you.
Are you saying they are all inept?

Or they are so quiet and not saying because they committed fraud?

Come on, do you seriously believe Thousands, possibly Millions of Illegals didn't vote in the last Election? The Democrats gave them all valid Driver's Licenses and told them to vote. In California alone, there had to be several Thousand Illegal votes. They had that planned for decades. And now they're pushing for no ID at all to vote. I think this is worth investigating. So good on Trump for calling the Democrats' bluff.

You rightards are sooo fucking brain-dead.

Illegals are not given driver's licenses in California to vote. In fact, California specifically passed laws prohibiting illegals from being registered to vote with a driver's license.....

California Code, Vehicle Code - VEH § 12801.9

(d)(2) The license shall bear the following notice:  “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes.  This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle.  It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.”

If they have a valid State photo ID, they can't be denied voting. They would be allowed to cast a ballot. Eligibility would only be determined after the Election. So without going back and investigating, we can't really know how many Illegals voted. You say none voted, but i vehemently disagree with your assertion. So let's move forward with an investigation.
Prove an illegal can vote without being registered...

Prove I ever said "none" voted...
no, what I'm saying is that finding 46K voters whose birthdate indicates they're older than 115 is not evidence of voter fraud.

Then why are they still in the systems 20 years later, I have to verify my name address and DOB every time I vote. Are other States so pathetically lax they just don't give a shit. If that's the case what else are they not checking?

Irrelevant. Those folks are already legally registered to vote. Their birthdate is irrelevant. In my state, I simply show my voter registration card and I get to vote. And my birthdate appears nowhere on my voter registration card. So whatever their reason for not updating many of their votes' birthdate, it's still not evidence of voter fraud.

You can claim that, but you're ignoring the legal requirement to maintain voter rolls. You don't even know if these people from 20 years ago are still alive. This is a very good reason to have voter ID.

If they're dead, fixing their birthdate does no good.

Roll maintenance would get them off the rolls if they're dead. Of course you regressives have never had a problem with the dead voting.

I see you're still carrying Trump's water over one of his grandest lies ever... that 3-6 million illegals voted.
Then why are they still in the systems 20 years later, I have to verify my name address and DOB every time I vote. Are other States so pathetically lax they just don't give a shit. If that's the case what else are they not checking?

Irrelevant. Those folks are already legally registered to vote. Their birthdate is irrelevant. In my state, I simply show my voter registration card and I get to vote. And my birthdate appears nowhere on my voter registration card. So whatever their reason for not updating many of their votes' birthdate, it's still not evidence of voter fraud.

You can claim that, but you're ignoring the legal requirement to maintain voter rolls. You don't even know if these people from 20 years ago are still alive. This is a very good reason to have voter ID.

If they're dead, fixing their birthdate does no good.

Roll maintenance would get them off the rolls if they're dead. Of course you regressives have never had a problem with the dead voting.

I see you're still carrying Trump's water over one of his grandest lies ever... that 3-6 million illegals voted.

Where did I even mention illegals in that post. You should fire your interpreter.

Anyone with any common sense at all knows Democrats welcomed millions of illegal votes in 2016 alone.
People who ignore the push to give illegals drivers licenses, the fight against requirements for Voter ID and the hustling of millions of illegals across the border by the Democrats leading up to the Nov 2016 elections are not only in denial and dead wrong, but are openly in agreement with this illegal activity if not blatantly in support of it.

The Administration has been too busy fighting false allegations to get to it but when it does it will open eyes.

Of course, you'll have the morons on forums balk at the suggestion, ridicule to possibility......call it funny etc...those are radical left bent idiots who still believe the Left has their back (fools).

But FACTS show just how much of a fool they are. In Rhode Island alone, where the vote was heavily for Sanders and Clinton, it has been discovered that over 30% of voters who participated did not have a registered Social Security Number nor driver license number. The two primary means with which to identify a voters identity. Without them, it is nearly impossible to determine even the nation of origin of a voter yet in Democrat states, this is the standard operating procedure.

As evidence continues to mount, those mocking the suggestion of widespread voter fraud look more and more like imbeciles. And mounting evidence agrees with those who suggest the vast majority of it took place on the Left.

It is my opinion that the people perpetrating these offenses and those cheering it should all be deported, at the very least. Tried for treason and dealt with accordingly ideally.

Anyway......here's the new report...
New Report Exposes Thousands of Illegal Votes from 2016 Election

CNS news ??


When will you people learn?

You want to know what real FAKE NEWS is... CNS
The next time a Trumpie uses a valid source will be the first time.
Irrelevant. Those folks are already legally registered to vote. Their birthdate is irrelevant. In my state, I simply show my voter registration card and I get to vote. And my birthdate appears nowhere on my voter registration card. So whatever their reason for not updating many of their votes' birthdate, it's still not evidence of voter fraud.

You can claim that, but you're ignoring the legal requirement to maintain voter rolls. You don't even know if these people from 20 years ago are still alive. This is a very good reason to have voter ID.

If they're dead, fixing their birthdate does no good.

Roll maintenance would get them off the rolls if they're dead. Of course you regressives have never had a problem with the dead voting.

I see you're still carrying Trump's water over one of his grandest lies ever... that 3-6 million illegals voted.

Where did I even mention illegals in that post. You should fire your interpreter.

So you think Trump is lying about 3-6 million illegals?
He has yet to provide a scintilla of evidence but that doesn't stop you whores from carrying on the fascade..

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