New Florida School Board Member Wants to Beat Disabled Students

Are you a disabled kid?

Not at all.

But if corporal punishment is effective like it was in my school with non-disabled children, it should be effective with disabled children as well.

Back in the 1940's, when corporal punishment was done everywhere in the schools- the problems teachers faced were things like kids running in the halls, chewing gum in class or dropping their pencils.

Nowadays, experts have determined that the main problems in the government school are things like rape, robbery, murder, narcotics trafficking, etc.

Nip it in the bud by reprimanding the kids
What's amazing here is the conniption that libs have with this fellow who just wants to swat kids in the ass with a paddle- yet their idea is feed the kids powerful hormones and mutilate their genitals in an act of "gender affirmation"

Personally, as a kid, I would have rather just taken the swats
I was subjected to corporal punishment in school as a youth, and Mr. Rutherford is just spot on correct.

This technique actually works, certainly better than feeding the kids ritalin and other dangerous drugs.

Getting your butt hit with a board, or your knuckles rapped with a ruler or your head rammed into a chalkboard brings home the point to the student. My teachers in the Sisters of (No) Mercy had a much better record of turning respectable adults that the local government schools.
If you beat them hard enough they will only drool.
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Now this guy is hands down evil.
He wants to use corporal punishment on kids with issues.

"Naples Daily News reports that newly minted school board member Jerry Rutherford won his election this week while espousing multiple controversial viewpoints, including the aforementioned physical discipline for disabled students whom he described as particularly "out of control."

"Rutherford added that disabled students are not in control and get away with too much," reports the Naples Daily News. "He read an article by a California teacher that said he left teaching because his disabled students were swearing and otherwise misbehaving, and he couldn't hold them accountable."

"Rutherford said that his belief in corporal punishment came from personal experience, as he was on the receiving end of it as a youngster after being sent to the principal's office for unruly behavior."

We got rid of a lot of the stupid woke school board members in the state and that is a good thing.

I couldn't vote for Rutherford but I would have.
Just beat the Turret's out of them. That's taught in medical school or something.

Then just beat the crippled kid. He'll get up and walk.
I don't believe in corporal punishment in public schools for the same reason that I don't believe in capital punishment for prisons: I don't trust government to know what they're doing in administering it.
I was subjected to corporal punishment in school as a youth, and Mr. Rutherford is just spot on correct.

This technique actually works, certainly better than feeding the kids ritalin and other dangerous drugs.

Getting your butt hit with a board, or your knuckles rapped with a ruler or your head rammed into a chalkboard brings home the point to the student. My teachers in the Sisters of (No) Mercy had a much better record of turning respectable adults that the local government schools.
I pity you
I was subjected to corporal punishment in school as a youth, and Mr. Rutherford is just spot on correct.

This technique actually works, certainly better than feeding the kids ritalin and other dangerous drugs.

Getting your butt hit with a board, or your knuckles rapped with a ruler or your head rammed into a chalkboard brings home the point to the student. My teachers in the Sisters of (No) Mercy had a much better record of turning respectable adults that the local government schools.

As someone who worked with "disabled children", Ritalin works, beatings do not. Getting hit, slapped or otherwise harmed, teaches children to hit other people who are less powerful than them.

Child abuse by the Catholic Church. Not surprising in the slightest.
As someone who worked with "disabled children", Ritalin works, beatings do not. Getting hit, slapped or otherwise harmed, teaches children to hit other people who are less powerful than them.

Child abuse by the Catholic Church. Not surprising in the slightest.

In my school, we didn't have kids getting shivved for their lunch money like they did in the local Government schools which didn't have corporal punishment.

The facts are that the education techniques used by the nuns as well as the brothers and priests in high school were effective. Our contemporaries just a few blocks away at the government school were a lot less well-behaved, had less academic accomplishment and dressed like bums.
Interesting how we are seeing just how twisted people became when they were beaten as kids.

Treating kids with "kindness" doesn't seem to have a great track record so far.

There is a difference between beating your kid and giving them a swat on the rump at 5 years old to make them realize running out into the street is a dangerous idea.

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