New Gallup Poll: Trump approval in freefall, sinks to 36%

Drinking again, I see. You're not gonna talk him out of office, Billy000.
At least I'm bracing myself for the awfulness that will come from his presidency. You're just deluding yourself into thinking he's good at his job. You'll be blindsided by what comes next.
Do you think the majority of Americans dislike Trump for no reason?

Do you think they disliked Obama for no reason? Bush? Clinton? It is what it is.
Oh yeah. That was all for reason. Unfortunately for Trump, people already dislike him MORE than those previous presidents.

Does it matter? If so, why? 2 months. LOL
Yeah, exactly lol. At 2 months is approval rating is at an unprecedented low. That's a bad sign.

Sounds like you are hoping for the worst.
Oh, I don't hope for it. I'm just bracing myself for its likely arrival.
Do you think they disliked Obama for no reason? Bush? Clinton? It is what it is.
Oh yeah. That was all for reason. Unfortunately for Trump, people already dislike him MORE than those previous presidents.

Does it matter? If so, why? 2 months. LOL
Yeah, exactly lol. At 2 months is approval rating is at an unprecedented low. That's a bad sign.

Sounds like you are hoping for the worst.
Oh, I don't hope for it. I'm just bracing myself for its likely arrival.

That's right. I know republicans are generally still in denial about Trump because they lack adequate emotional maturity, but eventually they will have to come to terms with how god awful of a mistake it was to make him president. They cherry pick small things they find positive about Trump's progress, yet will ignore all of the overwhelmingly bad shit Trump has been involved with. It's really just them deluding themselves with profound willful ignorance.

This piece of objective data should make them rethink Trump, but it of course won't.

Only twice has Obama's approval rating been as low as 38% for Gallup polls. The first time was 3 years into his presidency. Trump's approval rating is now 36% for Gallup - a mere two months into his presidency.

Gallup: Trump’s approval rating is lower than Obama’s ever was

Wake the fuck up.
Wake the fuck up
500 people surveyed is hardly indicative of his approval rating...
wake the fuck up!
Oh yeah? Well do you know of any polls with higher numbers showing a positive view of Trump? Even bullshit rightwing polls like Fox News and Rasmussen show his approval rating is below 50%. That's the highest his approval ratings go.
Oh yeah? Well do you know of any polls with higher numbers showing a positive view of Trump? Even bullshit rightwing polls like Fox News and Rasmussen show his approval rating is below 50%. That's the highest his approval ratings go.
I don't give a shit whose doing the polling...
500 people = 10 people from each state
1500 people = 30 people from each state
That's assuming every state is included

The polls have shown every year, for who knows
how long now, the approval rating for Congress...
The same idiots keep getting reelected, go figure

What is my don't have one!
Drinking again, I see. You're not gonna talk him out of office, Billy000.
At least I'm bracing myself for the awfulness that will come from his presidency. You're just deluding yourself into thinking he's good at his job. You'll be blindsided by what comes next.
Yeah, well you keep bracing yourself, snowflake.

Wake the fuck up.

Why should anyone tell others what to believe or think? Someone is not to be liked due to approval ratings? C'on. LOL
Do you think the majority of Americans dislike Trump for no reason?
Do you think the majority of Americans dislike Trump for no reason?
Again...500 people surveyed ARE NOT a majority...
that's not even a sliver, of a sliver...OMG
Wake the fuck up.

Why should anyone tell others what to believe or think? Someone is not to be liked due to approval ratings? C'on. LOL
Do you think the majority of Americans dislike Trump for no reason?
Do you think the majority of Americans dislike Trump for no reason?
Again...500 people surveyed ARE NOT a majority...
that's not even a sliver, of a sliver...OMG
Polls are representative samples. If all of them have similar results, it gives you a good indication of his overall popularity. It's no different than any polls done under Obama. Duh.
Who said it was? Lighten up just a teeny bit.

Wake the fuck up.

Why should anyone tell others what to believe or think? Someone is not to be liked due to approval ratings? C'on. LOL
Do you think the majority of Americans dislike Trump for no reason?
Do you think the majority of Americans dislike Trump for no reason?
Again...500 people surveyed ARE NOT a majority...
that's not even a sliver, of a sliver...OMG
Polls are representative samples. If all of them have similar results, it gives you a good indication of his overall popularity. It's no different than any polls done under Obama. Duh.
Polls are representative samples. If all of them have similar results, it gives you a good indication of his overall popularity. It's no different than any polls done under Obama. Duh.
Polls are representative samples, eh
Similar results with good indications, eh...

They ARE NOT representative samples
resulting in probable, in all likelihood, conclusive indicators!

You think, I believe, Obama left office
with a 67% approval rating (something like that)
Hell no!
That's right. I know republicans are generally still in denial about Trump because they lack adequate emotional maturity, but eventually they will have to come to terms with how god awful of a mistake it was to make him president. They cherry pick small things they find positive about Trump's progress, yet will ignore all of the overwhelmingly bad shit Trump has been involved with. It's really just them deluding themselves with profound willful ignorance.

This piece of objective data should make them rethink Trump, but it of course won't.

Only twice has Obama's approval rating been as low as 38% for Gallup polls. The first time was 3 years into his presidency. Trump's approval rating is now 36% for Gallup - a mere two months into his presidency.

Gallup: Trump’s approval rating is lower than Obama’s ever was

Wake the fuck up.
Wake the fuck up
500 people surveyed is hardly indicative of his approval rating...
wake the fuck up!
Oh yeah? Well do you know of any polls with higher numbers showing a positive view of Trump? Even bullshit rightwing polls like Fox News and Rasmussen show his approval rating is below 50%. That's the highest his approval ratings go.
Oh yeah? Well do you know of any polls with higher numbers showing a positive view of Trump? Even bullshit rightwing polls like Fox News and Rasmussen show his approval rating is below 50%. That's the highest his approval ratings go.
I don't give a shit whose doing the polling...
500 people = 10 people from each state
1500 people = 30 people from each state
That's assuming every state is included

The polls have shown every year, for who knows
how long now, the approval rating for Congress...
The same idiots keep getting reelected, go figure

What is my don't have one!
The vast majority dislike the congress and give it low approval ratings, consistently. The problem is,even the folks who dislike the congress, will re-elect THEIR congressperson. Seniority counts in congress. It gets congresspeople assigned to important committees and makes them more powerful than the rookies. Plus, while everyone may hate crooks, the crooks become more acceptable if they are working for you and are "your crook" bringing jobs and funds to "your" district or state.
So you are saying the left through it's media control propaganda is making people hate mongers and anti gov't?
Or is it just that they are even more unpopular then the man you demonize to displace that fact upon?

The rightwing propaganda machine has people highly placed IN the Trump administration, Steve Bannon for example.
The RWnuts denied the accuracy of the Bush approval polls too.

We know how that worked out. lolol
That's right. I know republicans are generally still in denial about Trump because they lack adequate emotional maturity, but eventually they will have to come to terms with how god awful of a mistake it was to make him president. They cherry pick small things they find positive about Trump's progress, yet will ignore all of the overwhelmingly bad shit Trump has been involved with. It's really just them deluding themselves with profound willful ignorance.

This piece of objective data should make them rethink Trump, but it of course won't.

Only twice has Obama's approval rating been as low as 38% for Gallup polls. The first time was 3 years into his presidency. Trump's approval rating is now 36% for Gallup - a mere two months into his presidency.

Gallup: Trump’s approval rating is lower than Obama’s ever was

Wake the fuck up.
Wake the fuck up
500 people surveyed is hardly indicative of his approval rating...
wake the fuck up!
Oh yeah? Well do you know of any polls with higher numbers showing a positive view of Trump? Even bullshit rightwing polls like Fox News and Rasmussen show his approval rating is below 50%. That's the highest his approval ratings go.
Oh yeah? Well do you know of any polls with higher numbers showing a positive view of Trump? Even bullshit rightwing polls like Fox News and Rasmussen show his approval rating is below 50%. That's the highest his approval ratings go.
I don't give a shit whose doing the polling...
500 people = 10 people from each state
1500 people = 30 people from each state
That's assuming every state is included

The polls have shown every year, for who knows
how long now, the approval rating for Congress...
The same idiots keep getting reelected, go figure

What is my don't have one!
The vast majority dislike the congress and give it low approval ratings, consistently. The problem is,even the folks who dislike the congress, will re-elect THEIR congressperson. Seniority counts in congress. It gets congresspeople assigned to important committees and makes them more powerful than the rookies. Plus, while everyone may hate crooks, the crooks become more acceptable if they are working for you and are "your crook" bringing jobs and funds to "your" district or state.
Plus, while everyone may hate crooks, the crooks become more acceptable if they are working for you and are "your crook" bringing jobs and funds to "your" district or state.

I don't find any corrupted crooked politician acceptable...
most people vote parties, most people don't vote responsibly.

Politicians are funding their interests and taking kickbacks.
Funds are secured and squandered, not invested.

Like, here in Chicago..
the bean was necessary but, not education,
the elderly or mental health

Mike Madigan and Daley should be in jail
And Rahm, I've had it with that mother fucker.

People really need to pull their heads out of their ass!
Voting in Trump sent a message...
the politicians banded together to contain advancing it!
That's right. I know republicans are generally still in denial about Trump because they lack adequate emotional maturity, but eventually they will have to come to terms with how god awful of a mistake it was to make him president. They cherry pick small things they find positive about Trump's progress, yet will ignore all of the overwhelmingly bad shit Trump has been involved with. It's really just them deluding themselves with profound willful ignorance.

This piece of objective data should make them rethink Trump, but it of course won't.

Only twice has Obama's approval rating been as low as 38% for Gallup polls. The first time was 3 years into his presidency. Trump's approval rating is now 36% for Gallup - a mere two months into his presidency.

Gallup: Trump’s approval rating is lower than Obama’s ever was

Wake the fuck up.
Wake the fuck up
500 people surveyed is hardly indicative of his approval rating...
wake the fuck up!
Oh yeah? Well do you know of any polls with higher numbers showing a positive view of Trump? Even bullshit rightwing polls like Fox News and Rasmussen show his approval rating is below 50%. That's the highest his approval ratings go.
Oh yeah? Well do you know of any polls with higher numbers showing a positive view of Trump? Even bullshit rightwing polls like Fox News and Rasmussen show his approval rating is below 50%. That's the highest his approval ratings go.
I don't give a shit whose doing the polling...
500 people = 10 people from each state
1500 people = 30 people from each state
That's assuming every state is included

The polls have shown every year, for who knows
how long now, the approval rating for Congress...
The same idiots keep getting reelected, go figure

What is my don't have one!
The vast majority dislike the congress and give it low approval ratings, consistently. The problem is,even the folks who dislike the congress, will re-elect THEIR congressperson. Seniority counts in congress. It gets congresspeople assigned to important committees and makes them more powerful than the rookies. Plus, while everyone may hate crooks, the crooks become more acceptable if they are working for you and are "your crook" bringing jobs and funds to "your" district or state.
Plus, while everyone may hate crooks, the crooks become more acceptable if they are working for you and are "your crook" bringing jobs and funds to "your" district or state.

I don't find any corrupted crooked politician acceptable...
most people vote parties, most people don't vote responsibly.

Politicians are funding their interests and taking kickbacks.
Funds are secured and squandered, not invested.

Like, here in Chicago..
the bean was necessary but, not education,
the elderly or mental health

Mike Madigan and Daley should be in jail
And Rahm, I've had it with that mother fucker.

People really need to pull their heads out of their ass!
Voting in Trump sent a message...
the politicians banded together to contain advancing it!
The trump administration will go down in history as the most corrupt ever. It will surpass the corruption of the Reagan administration.
That's right. I know republicans are generally still in denial about Trump because they lack adequate emotional maturity, but eventually they will have to come to terms with how god awful of a mistake it was to make him president. They cherry pick small things they find positive about Trump's progress, yet will ignore all of the overwhelmingly bad shit Trump has been involved with. It's really just them deluding themselves with profound willful ignorance.

This piece of objective data should make them rethink Trump, but it of course won't.

Only twice has Obama's approval rating been as low as 38% for Gallup polls. The first time was 3 years into his presidency. Trump's approval rating is now 36% for Gallup - a mere two months into his presidency.

Gallup: Trump’s approval rating is lower than Obama’s ever was

Wake the fuck up.
Wake the fuck up
500 people surveyed is hardly indicative of his approval rating...
wake the fuck up!
Oh yeah? Well do you know of any polls with higher numbers showing a positive view of Trump? Even bullshit rightwing polls like Fox News and Rasmussen show his approval rating is below 50%. That's the highest his approval ratings go.
Oh yeah? Well do you know of any polls with higher numbers showing a positive view of Trump? Even bullshit rightwing polls like Fox News and Rasmussen show his approval rating is below 50%. That's the highest his approval ratings go.
I don't give a shit whose doing the polling...
500 people = 10 people from each state
1500 people = 30 people from each state
That's assuming every state is included

The polls have shown every year, for who knows
how long now, the approval rating for Congress...
The same idiots keep getting reelected, go figure

What is my don't have one!
The vast majority dislike the congress and give it low approval ratings, consistently. The problem is,even the folks who dislike the congress, will re-elect THEIR congressperson. Seniority counts in congress. It gets congresspeople assigned to important committees and makes them more powerful than the rookies. Plus, while everyone may hate crooks, the crooks become more acceptable if they are working for you and are "your crook" bringing jobs and funds to "your" district or state.
Plus, while everyone may hate crooks, the crooks become more acceptable if they are working for you and are "your crook" bringing jobs and funds to "your" district or state.

I don't find any corrupted crooked politician acceptable...
most people vote parties, most people don't vote responsibly.

Politicians are funding their interests and taking kickbacks.
Funds are secured and squandered, not invested.

Like, here in Chicago..
the bean was necessary but, not education,
the elderly or mental health

Mike Madigan and Daley should be in jail
And Rahm, I've had it with that mother fucker.

People really need to pull their heads out of their ass!
Voting in Trump sent a message...
the politicians banded together to contain advancing it!
You are confirming what I said in my post. You use Chicago as an example. The voters keep supporting the crooks, knowing they are crooks, but they are the voter's crooks and do things for the voters that allow the voters to turn a blind eye to the crookery.
500 people surveyed is hardly indicative of his approval rating...
wake the fuck up!
Oh yeah? Well do you know of any polls with higher numbers showing a positive view of Trump? Even bullshit rightwing polls like Fox News and Rasmussen show his approval rating is below 50%. That's the highest his approval ratings go.
Oh yeah? Well do you know of any polls with higher numbers showing a positive view of Trump? Even bullshit rightwing polls like Fox News and Rasmussen show his approval rating is below 50%. That's the highest his approval ratings go.
I don't give a shit whose doing the polling...
500 people = 10 people from each state
1500 people = 30 people from each state
That's assuming every state is included

The polls have shown every year, for who knows
how long now, the approval rating for Congress...
The same idiots keep getting reelected, go figure

What is my don't have one!
The vast majority dislike the congress and give it low approval ratings, consistently. The problem is,even the folks who dislike the congress, will re-elect THEIR congressperson. Seniority counts in congress. It gets congresspeople assigned to important committees and makes them more powerful than the rookies. Plus, while everyone may hate crooks, the crooks become more acceptable if they are working for you and are "your crook" bringing jobs and funds to "your" district or state.
Plus, while everyone may hate crooks, the crooks become more acceptable if they are working for you and are "your crook" bringing jobs and funds to "your" district or state.

I don't find any corrupted crooked politician acceptable...
most people vote parties, most people don't vote responsibly.

Politicians are funding their interests and taking kickbacks.
Funds are secured and squandered, not invested.

Like, here in Chicago..
the bean was necessary but, not education,
the elderly or mental health

Mike Madigan and Daley should be in jail
And Rahm, I've had it with that mother fucker.

People really need to pull their heads out of their ass!
Voting in Trump sent a message...
the politicians banded together to contain advancing it!
You are confirming what I said in my post. You use Chicago as an example. The voters keep supporting the crooks, knowing they are crooks, but they are the voter's crooks and do things for the voters that allow the voters to turn a blind eye to the crookery.
You are confirming what I said in my post. You use Chicago as an example. The voters keep supporting the crooks, knowing they are crooks, but they are the voter's crooks and do things for the voters that allow the voters to turn a blind eye to the crookery.
Darling, the only thing they do for us is raise and create taxes
because they misuse revenue!

People either vote straight party or for the familiar name..
Madigan ran unopposed, just like Daley

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