New Hampshire Republicans pass bill that requires doctors to lie to women patients


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
In New Hampshire, a Tea Party-happy House of Representatives has passed a bill that would require doctors to tell women that abortion causes breast cancer—despite the fact that it’s untrue.

The bill, sponsored by Rep. Jeanine Notter, states that “it is scientifically undisputed that full-term pregnancy reduces a woman’s lifetime risk of breast cancer” and “women facing an abortion decision have a right to know that such medical data exists.” Therefore, doctors must inform pregnant women that “there is a direct link between abortion and breast cancer.”

But no link between abortion and breast cancer has been proven. The consensus in the scientific community, in fact, is that abortion does not cause breast cancer—a statement supported by the World Health Organization, the National Cancer Institute, the American Cancer Society and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

N.H. Bill Would Have Doctors Lie About Abortion, Breast Cancer Link
Entering New Hampshire
Live Misinformed or Die
liberal scum
How embarrassingly regressive.

WTF happened to New Hampshire?

They should also force the doctors to tell the women that if they take birthcontrol in such a manner that they never have a period they'll never get cancer.

They're getting sicker and sicker.

So much for "fiscal responsibility".
This is what happens when people don't vote in the off year elections.

Only 23% of eligible voters voted in 2010.
They are getting sicker and sicker, if you mean both parties...I can agree with that.
Republicans want everyone to have guns, and no one to have health care.

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