New Info on Alleged Maine Mass Murderer Robert Card

It's almost like the gangsters in this Administration want these kind of atrocities to happen....

To destroy, to abolish the Second Amendment ...

Sometimes I can't help it but think that is the reason they let these psychos go free
So all those USMB posters claiming he had been arrested for spousal abuse and was a known child molester was made up. Democrat lies because democrats lie. No wonder Min Trut hasn't shown up.
The more info we get , the more the case profile smells of a False Flag -- as I have said several times already .
That is , the perp has been controlled and guided , probably for some time and is a patsy .
If true , this would represent a colossal crime as it has the potential to spark civil outrage on a massive scale and be used for all sorts of misinformation .
I hope my possible worry turns out to be completely misplaced ..
The more info we get , the more the case profile smells of a False Flag -- as I have said several times already .
That is , the perp has been controlled and guided , probably for some time and is a patsy .
If true , this would represent a colossal crime as it has the potential to spark civil outrage on a massive scale and be used for all sorts of misinformation .
I hope my possible worry turns out to be completely misplaced ..
As a MAGA, I suspect most of your worry is based on conspiracy theories, and undoubtably misplaced.
Gun nuts want schizoid nuts to be fully armed.
Several laws have been proposed that would reduce access to guns by schizoid crazies. Gun nuts have fought each and every one of those proposed laws. Gun nuts vigorously fight to make sure schizoid nuts can be fully armed.
As a MAGA, I suspect most of your worry is based on conspiracy theories, and undoubtably misplaced.
Never deal in Conspiracy .
Only interested in Critical Thinking and a detailed understanding of probabilities .
My initial comments reflect that and remain .

BTW Imagining a SE England wife and mother as a MAGA is interesting .
And pigs might fly one day .
If this guy was black, brown, Muslim, etc. this thread would be totally different. You wouldn't hear any of this excuse making, it would be we are prone to violence and this thug should have been put down years ago and blah, blah, blah.
Never deal in Conspiracy .
Only interested in Critical Thinking and a detailed understanding of probabilities .
My initial comments reflect that and remain .

BTW Imagining a SE England wife and mother as a MAGA is interesting .
And pigs might fly one day .
Sorry, but if you are really that deep into conspiracy theory land, you are a MAGA.
This is starting to look like one of those After School Specials they used to make up for kids. Horrible incomprehensible violent act by a person who escaped, but his "family" is in contact with him to feed updates to the media, and throw out tidbits of "facts" that can never be proven to advance the narrative. Once these "facts" are spread out in the media, they van never be questioned, and will always be the designated "story". This event will be recycled endlessly and added to the mystique of the evil gun. No one is an asshole, everyone is a victim, but will we ever know what happened? Probably not.
Bring back the past.

Throughout the medieval period, it was believed that the only way to keep order was to make sure that the people were scared of the punishments given for crimes committed. For this reason, all crimes from stealing to burglary of houses to murder had harsh medieval punishments

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