New "kid" in town!

My name is Constantinos and i am a high-schooler in NY. I am only 17, however I am "gifted" in politics. I have high-functioning autism and are currently having trouble in school (absences). Ive failed 9th and currently struggling in 10th (absences), however Im very intelligent. I joined this community to prove my intelligence just incase I don't finnish high school. It really bugs me that you can't have a good life without a diploma. After all its just a piece of paper from the state deciding if your smart enough, not taking into account other factors. So, I hope someone out their can see this and maybe I can get a good job and show everyone a piece of paper doesn't determine how intelligent someone is.

It is good that you want to contribute to society through employment. In the business world, we are looking for high functioning individuals that can complete tasks with the least supervision necessary. Being a nonconformist may hinder you in some jobs, but if its a creative position, then it could be a benefit.

I want to encourage you to pursue your dreams. It is also best to temper that with what you already know. High school gives a person basic skills only. A good job usually involves a more specialized skill set. Maybe you can start to think of what that might be and develop them more fully. Hard work and a plan can lead to success.

I am also pretty smart, yet I am not someone you want to paint your portrait.
Welcome. Now stop whining and apply yourself until you get your diploma. It is not just a piece of paper. It is proof that you can complete assigned tasks. ANY employer needs employees that can follow through on whatever task you are asked to perform. I understand it is difficult for you. So try harder until you complete that mission. You will eventually succeed and feel better about yourself for that accomplishment.

Thank you for your understanding. I do try. And I will try harder until I get that diploma. Thanks for not making fun of me like mostly everyone else.

Hey, from one Long Islander to another, Do not stop until you get that Diploma, Good Luck with that. You should, at the least be looking into Community College. It doesn't need to stop at High School. Suck it up and cut the crap with your Attendance. State of mind. Hold course.
My name is Constantinos and i am a high-schooler in NY. I am only 17, however I am "gifted" in politics. I have high-functioning autism and are currently having trouble in school (absences). Ive failed 9th and currently struggling in 10th (absences), however Im very intelligent. I joined this community to prove my intelligence just incase I don't finnish high school. It really bugs me that you can't have a good life without a diploma. After all its just a piece of paper from the state deciding if your smart enough, not taking into account other factors. So, I hope someone out their can see this and maybe I can get a good job and show everyone a piece of paper doesn't determine how intelligent someone is.

It is good that you want to contribute to society through employment. In the business world, we are looking for high functioning individuals that can complete tasks with the least supervision necessary. Being a nonconformist may hinder you in some jobs, but if its a creative position, then it could be a benefit.

I want to encourage you to pursue your dreams. It is also best to temper that with what you already know. High school gives a person basic skills only. A good job usually involves a more specialized skill set. Maybe you can start to think of what that might be and develop them more fully. Hard work and a plan can lead to success.

I am also pretty smart, yet I am not someone you want to paint your portrait.
Thank you for you advice and understanding. I greatly appreciate it.
Hi and welcome. You've gotten some good advice here. I hope you enjoy your time here and you are successful with your goals in life!!
My name is Constantinos and i am a high-schooler in NY. I am only 17, however I am "gifted" in politics. I have high-functioning autism and are currently having trouble in school (absences). Ive failed 9th and currently struggling in 10th (absences), however Im very intelligent. I joined this community to prove my intelligence just incase I don't finnish high school. It really bugs me that you can't have a good life without a diploma. After all its just a piece of paper from the state deciding if your smart enough, not taking into account other factors. So, I hope someone out their can see this and maybe I can get a good job and show everyone a piece of paper doesn't determine how intelligent someone is.
I joined this community to prove my intelligence just incase I don't finnish high school.

Let me get this straight. You think someone will think you're intelligent for posting on an anonymous message board in lieu of having a high school diploma?

Nobody thought that a black guy could become president 6 years ago. Guess what, things change.

Says Who? Many knew Obama had a real shot after his 2004 DNC speech. You ain't special kid. Things did not change that much. You just drank to much "Hope & Change" Kook-Aid. Your education thread is the same old common diatribe we see constantly.
You go by Obamafan and you claim to be gifted? I'll say the same thing your parents have been saying to you for years when they hustled you off to the short bus... " Constantinos... You're special". The idea that you think you will succeed without a simple HS diploma is far removed from gifted thinking.

I don't have an HS diploma either, but I think that its possible to succeed in life without one.
You go by Obamafan and you claim to be gifted? I'll say the same thing your parents have been saying to you for years when they hustled you off to the short bus... " Constantinos... You're special". The idea that you think you will succeed without a simple HS diploma is far removed from gifted thinking.

My thoughts exactly.Yeah Obamafan,by that user name of yours dont take this as an insult but I would HARDLY call you being gifted with a user name like that.:lol: Obama is the most evil and corrupt president to ever serve in office.He has lied about everything he said he would do.

Here,you watch movies right? then there is no reason at all why you cant take a couple of hours out of your day to watch this video here and get educated. Obama in just his first year in office,launched more drone attacks and murdered more innocent women and children in pakistan and afghanistan than Bush did in his ENTIRE 8 years in office.He has not only continued Bushs policy's,he has expanded them as well.

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For all who think I'm joking when I say I'm smart and don't need a diploma. Please visit my first thread "the future of American education" and then see if I'm not going to do anything with my life. And I might have not used correct spelling and grammar, I also said I was gifted in POLITICS. Politics is social studies, not English. And tjvh I go to a public high school where I am noted as the brightest in three of my classes. And my mother did say I was special because she though I was the smartest in the family and my immediate realatives. And me being an Obama fan doesn't mean I'm an idiot, it means that I was right in believing that Obama was going to be re-elected,even when people thought I was crazy to believe that.

miserable fail.sorry none of us are falling for your b.s dude. You must be black.I know many people like yourself that are black and no matter how much evidence and facts are given to them on how corrupt he is they ignore it cause they are like you,only see what they WANT to see.Sorry your user name gives it away how stupid you really are.and thats really funny that you think predicting Obama to be reelected makes you smart.:lol:

Ever since Clinton got reelected,I correctly predicted each time whay would happan as well.I knew Clinton would get reelected,same with Bush jr,same with Obama and thats because they are willing puppets for the establishment willing to serve them and wall street instead of us.

Obama like Bush and Clinton,does not believe in the constitution and they were very much satisfied with the atrocities he has committed against the american people same as they were with Bush and Clinton,that they made sure he got re elected.:cuckoo:
Obamafan a bit of advice never make your handle associated w/ an ideology or politician your opinions may change. You don't want to be the wanker with a moniker like "RonPaul2008" a couple years after you realised the man was off his nut.
My name is Constantinos and i am a high-schooler in NY. I am only 17, however I am "gifted" in politics. I have high-functioning autism and are currently having trouble in school (absences). Ive failed 9th and currently struggling in 10th (absences), however Im very intelligent. I joined this community to prove my intelligence just incase I don't finnish high school. It really bugs me that you can't have a good life without a diploma. After all its just a piece of paper from the state deciding if your smart enough, not taking into account other factors. So, I hope someone out their can see this and maybe I can get a good job and show everyone a piece of paper doesn't determine how intelligent someone is.

You do Obama proud son. Really.


ya know, maybe if you took a little bit of a break from being such an ass, you could figure out that one of the very basic blessings and possibly the first use of the human animal's opposable thumb is the ability to pick one's nose effectively.

do you need some field manual to accomplish this rather simple feat, or perhaps that finger is permanently stuck up there in your nostril...or maybe even, and i do not care to imagine where it has been, but maybe you just enjoy the smell.
You go by Obamafan and you claim to be gifted? I'll say the same thing your parents have been saying to you for years when they hustled you off to the short bus... " Constantinos... You're special". The idea that you think you will succeed without a simple HS diploma is far removed from gifted thinking.

I don't have an HS diploma either, but I think that its possible to succeed in life without one.

me either.
There's a fair number of folks out in the world with IQs above 135. They are unsuccessful in life in the conventional sense do to a lack of opportunity, attitude or ambition. I would recommend ALL of you without a high school diploma make an attempt to complete one (or GED).

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