New laws proposed to deal with drive by shootings.....

If they had less gun laws they could enjoy the drive by free lifestyle we have in america.

That is true. The only place where gun crime is truly horrible is in those places where criminals are allowed to run amok. Where the citizenry is denied to use of firearms for their defense, and where it is nearly impossible for any but the wealthy and the politically connected to get concealed weapons permits. Yeppers, you progressives are good about making sure that only the criminals and your friends are armed, but the peons, they are merely prey for you and yours.
More guns, more guns I say!

Legitimate studies have shown that to be factual so I am glad to see you coming around to our side of the argument.
If they had less gun laws they could enjoy the drive by free lifestyle we have in america.

That is true. The only place where gun crime is truly horrible is in those places where criminals are allowed to run amok. Where the citizenry is denied to use of firearms for their defense, and where it is nearly impossible for any but the wealthy and the politically connected to get concealed weapons permits. Yeppers, you progressives are good about making sure that only the criminals and your friends are armed, but the peons, they are merely prey for you and yours.
More guns, more guns I say!

Legitimate studies have shown that to be factual so I am glad to see you coming around to our side of the argument.
Oh I'm all for more guns everywhere, why not.
Yep.....the democrats refuse to put actual criminals in jail for long periods of time...from domestic criminals to foreign criminals, they have an insane inability to lock up violent criminals....

The US has the highest rate of incarceration in the free world. You already have more people in federal prison than the rest of the first world combined.

How many more people are you going to lock up?

How about the repeat gun offenders...the ones who get out of jail in less than 3 years for repeated gun know, convicted felons caught with illegal guns, the actual people shooting other people. If we actually locked them up for 30 years, they wouldn't be shooting people in democrat controlled voting districts.....

And what do you recommend for violent, repeat, gun offenders? Do you think they should be walking around free? Is that the essence of your post?

Your for profit prison growth industry thanks you. Our exceptional nation has no answers for anthing but more bondage.

Do you know who makes the most from prisons.....Prison Guard Unions, twit.

So....genius.....tell us what you want to do with violent, repeat gun offenders...please...fucking enlighten us with your wisdom....
Really, the unions, that's so leftist.

How for-profit prisons have become the biggest lobby no one is talking about
How for-profit prisons have become the biggest lobby no one is talking about

By the Numbers: The U.S.’s Growing For-Profit Detention Industry
By the Numbers: The U.S.’s Growing For-Profit Detention Industry

America on lockdown: Why the private prison industry is exploding
For-profit companies are buying up any politician they can find to expand their share of the "market"

America on lockdown: Why the private prison industry is exploding

The term "Prison–industrial Complex" (PIC) is derived from the "military–industrial complex" of the 1950s,[2] and is used to describe the attribution of the rapid expansion of the US inmate population to the political influence of private prison companies and businesses that supply goods and services to government prison agencies for profit.[3] The most common and prominent agents of the PIC are corporations that contract cheap prison labor, construction companies, surveillance technology vendors, companies that operate prison food services and medical facilities,[4]private probation companies,[4] lawyers, and lobby groups that represent them. Activist groups such as the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) argue that the PIC perpetuates a flawed belief that imprisonment is an effective solution to social problems such as homelessness, unemployment, drug addiction, mental illness, and illiteracy[citation needed].

The term 'prison industrial complex' has also been used to describe a similar issue in other countries' prisons of expanding populations.[5]

The portrayal of prison-building/expansion as a means of creating employment opportunities and the utilization of inmate labor are cited as particularly harmful elements of the prison-industrial complex as they boast clear economic benefits at the expense of the incarcerated populous. The term implies a network of participants who prioritize personal financial gain over ensuring one's debt to society is adequately paid or rehabilitating criminals. Proponents of this view, including civil rights organizations such as the Rutherford Institute[6] and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU),[7] believe that the desire for monetary gain through prison privatization has led to the vast growth of the prison industry and contributed to the number of incarcerated individuals. Such advocacy groups would assert that incentivizing the construction of more prisons with the potential for profitability will doubtlessly lead to the unjust incarceration of millions more citizens, affecting people of color at disproportionately high rates.
Prison–industrial complex - Wikipedia

6 shocking revelations about how private prisons make money
Private prison companies are striking deals that guarantee high prison occupancy rates

6 shocking revelations about how private prisons make money

Meet the Prison Bankers Who Profit From the Inmates
Meet the Prison Bankers Who Profit From the Inmates

With 2.3 Million People Incarcerated in the US, Prisons Are Big Business
Meet the corporations who are profiting off our prison system.

With 2.3 Million People Incarcerated in the US, Prisons Are Big Business

Dumb ass......the politicians at local, state and federal levels as well as the guard unions.....

Are For-Profit Prisons, or Public Unions, the Biggest Lobby No One’s Talking About?

But there's a far larger lobbies invested in large prison populations—corrections officers and their associated unions, whose bread and butter are the bodies the Post seems to worry only private prisons can "commodify," and police unions, whose jobs, too, are in part dependent on there being a demand to fill prisons up.

The California prison guards union, for example, poured millions of dollars to influence policy in California alone—it spent $22 million on campaign donations since 1989, more than CCA and GEO have combined, and continues to push for prison expansions.

The National Fraternal Order of Police, meanwhile, spent $5 million on lobbying efforts since 1989, more than GEO did. That's not to mention the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, which includes a "Corrections Union" and lobbies on behalf of all kinds of policies that seek to turn citizens into revenue sources for public employees.

They've spent $187 million on campaign donations since 1989, making a far stronger case to be labeled the biggest lobby nobody's talking about than private prisons.

The left's narrative wants to suggest that public unions spend money in politics simply to get better contract deals. While that, too, is morally problematic, it's also an incomplete account. Public unions also spend money to get policies passed that will increase the value of and need for their employees, policies that will naturally treat people like revenue sources.

Despite The Post's assertions, people are cluing in to for-profit prisons, opposition to which-especially of the CCA—seems to be becoming a cause du jour on the left. The way public unions push policies that seek to turn the governed into cash cows for government employees is a far less appreciated problem. In that way, private prisons are a distraction. It's not the CCA, but government employees at all levels, who have profited more, for example, from the drug war that's fueled the rise in the U.S. prison population. In a rare moment of honesty, Hillary Clinton admitted as much when she was secretary of state, saying the drug war couldn't be ended because "there is just too much money." The Clintons know a thing or two about how lucrative the business of government can be.
If they had less gun laws they could enjoy the drive by free lifestyle we have in america.

We have drive by shootings here because democrats refuse to throw repeat gun offenders in prison....they need them in demcorat voting districts to keep minorities voting for democrats......they can blame the violence on Republicans and roll the poor into voting booths....
Ah yes, of course, it's all the other party.

Yep.....the democrats refuse to put actual criminals in jail for long periods of time...from domestic criminals to foreign criminals, they have an insane inability to lock up violent criminals....

The US has the highest rate of incarceration in the free world. You already have more people in federal prison than the rest of the first world combined.

How many more people are you going to lock up?

/---- everyone who commits a crime
The US has the highest rate of incarceration in the free world. You already have more people in federal prison than the rest of the first world combined.

How many more people are you going to lock up?

How about the repeat gun offenders...the ones who get out of jail in less than 3 years for repeated gun know, convicted felons caught with illegal guns, the actual people shooting other people. If we actually locked them up for 30 years, they wouldn't be shooting people in democrat controlled voting districts.....

And what do you recommend for violent, repeat, gun offenders? Do you think they should be walking around free? Is that the essence of your post?

Your for profit prison growth industry thanks you. Our exceptional nation has no answers for anthing but more bondage.

Do you know who makes the most from prisons.....Prison Guard Unions, twit.

So....genius.....tell us what you want to do with violent, repeat gun offenders...please...fucking enlighten us with your wisdom....
Really, the unions, that's so leftist.

How for-profit prisons have become the biggest lobby no one is talking about
How for-profit prisons have become the biggest lobby no one is talking about

By the Numbers: The U.S.’s Growing For-Profit Detention Industry
By the Numbers: The U.S.’s Growing For-Profit Detention Industry

America on lockdown: Why the private prison industry is exploding
For-profit companies are buying up any politician they can find to expand their share of the "market"

America on lockdown: Why the private prison industry is exploding

The term "Prison–industrial Complex" (PIC) is derived from the "military–industrial complex" of the 1950s,[2] and is used to describe the attribution of the rapid expansion of the US inmate population to the political influence of private prison companies and businesses that supply goods and services to government prison agencies for profit.[3] The most common and prominent agents of the PIC are corporations that contract cheap prison labor, construction companies, surveillance technology vendors, companies that operate prison food services and medical facilities,[4]private probation companies,[4] lawyers, and lobby groups that represent them. Activist groups such as the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) argue that the PIC perpetuates a flawed belief that imprisonment is an effective solution to social problems such as homelessness, unemployment, drug addiction, mental illness, and illiteracy[citation needed].

The term 'prison industrial complex' has also been used to describe a similar issue in other countries' prisons of expanding populations.[5]

The portrayal of prison-building/expansion as a means of creating employment opportunities and the utilization of inmate labor are cited as particularly harmful elements of the prison-industrial complex as they boast clear economic benefits at the expense of the incarcerated populous. The term implies a network of participants who prioritize personal financial gain over ensuring one's debt to society is adequately paid or rehabilitating criminals. Proponents of this view, including civil rights organizations such as the Rutherford Institute[6] and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU),[7] believe that the desire for monetary gain through prison privatization has led to the vast growth of the prison industry and contributed to the number of incarcerated individuals. Such advocacy groups would assert that incentivizing the construction of more prisons with the potential for profitability will doubtlessly lead to the unjust incarceration of millions more citizens, affecting people of color at disproportionately high rates.
Prison–industrial complex - Wikipedia

6 shocking revelations about how private prisons make money
Private prison companies are striking deals that guarantee high prison occupancy rates

6 shocking revelations about how private prisons make money

Meet the Prison Bankers Who Profit From the Inmates
Meet the Prison Bankers Who Profit From the Inmates

With 2.3 Million People Incarcerated in the US, Prisons Are Big Business
Meet the corporations who are profiting off our prison system.

With 2.3 Million People Incarcerated in the US, Prisons Are Big Business

Dumb ass......the politicians at local, state and federal levels as well as the guard unions.....

Are For-Profit Prisons, or Public Unions, the Biggest Lobby No One’s Talking About?

But there's a far larger lobbies invested in large prison populations—corrections officers and their associated unions, whose bread and butter are the bodies the Post seems to worry only private prisons can "commodify," and police unions, whose jobs, too, are in part dependent on there being a demand to fill prisons up.

The California prison guards union, for example, poured millions of dollars to influence policy in California alone—it spent $22 million on campaign donations since 1989, more than CCA and GEO have combined, and continues to push for prison expansions.

The National Fraternal Order of Police, meanwhile, spent $5 million on lobbying efforts since 1989, more than GEO did. That's not to mention the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, which includes a "Corrections Union" and lobbies on behalf of all kinds of policies that seek to turn citizens into revenue sources for public employees.

They've spent $187 million on campaign donations since 1989, making a far stronger case to be labeled the biggest lobby nobody's talking about than private prisons.

The left's narrative wants to suggest that public unions spend money in politics simply to get better contract deals. While that, too, is morally problematic, it's also an incomplete account. Public unions also spend money to get policies passed that will increase the value of and need for their employees, policies that will naturally treat people like revenue sources.

Despite The Post's assertions, people are cluing in to for-profit prisons, opposition to which-especially of the CCA—seems to be becoming a cause du jour on the left. The way public unions push policies that seek to turn the governed into cash cows for government employees is a far less appreciated problem. In that way, private prisons are a distraction. It's not the CCA, but government employees at all levels, who have profited more, for example, from the drug war that's fueled the rise in the U.S. prison population. In a rare moment of honesty, Hillary Clinton admitted as much when she was secretary of state, saying the drug war couldn't be ended because "there is just too much money." The Clintons know a thing or two about how lucrative the business of government can be.

Cool, so they're in bed with the corporations, they're the good unions. Yeah see, the fact that the corporate state media is pushing the corporate state's line doesn't mean that much to me. Only all the time, not just when it fits a "liberal MSM" meme. But as I said, we have returned to profiteering from bondage. That's just who we are as a society.
How about the repeat gun offenders...the ones who get out of jail in less than 3 years for repeated gun know, convicted felons caught with illegal guns, the actual people shooting other people. If we actually locked them up for 30 years, they wouldn't be shooting people in democrat controlled voting districts.....

And what do you recommend for violent, repeat, gun offenders? Do you think they should be walking around free? Is that the essence of your post?

Your for profit prison growth industry thanks you. Our exceptional nation has no answers for anthing but more bondage.

Do you know who makes the most from prisons.....Prison Guard Unions, twit.

So....genius.....tell us what you want to do with violent, repeat gun offenders...please...fucking enlighten us with your wisdom....
Really, the unions, that's so leftist.

How for-profit prisons have become the biggest lobby no one is talking about
How for-profit prisons have become the biggest lobby no one is talking about

By the Numbers: The U.S.’s Growing For-Profit Detention Industry
By the Numbers: The U.S.’s Growing For-Profit Detention Industry

America on lockdown: Why the private prison industry is exploding
For-profit companies are buying up any politician they can find to expand their share of the "market"

America on lockdown: Why the private prison industry is exploding

The term "Prison–industrial Complex" (PIC) is derived from the "military–industrial complex" of the 1950s,[2] and is used to describe the attribution of the rapid expansion of the US inmate population to the political influence of private prison companies and businesses that supply goods and services to government prison agencies for profit.[3] The most common and prominent agents of the PIC are corporations that contract cheap prison labor, construction companies, surveillance technology vendors, companies that operate prison food services and medical facilities,[4]private probation companies,[4] lawyers, and lobby groups that represent them. Activist groups such as the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) argue that the PIC perpetuates a flawed belief that imprisonment is an effective solution to social problems such as homelessness, unemployment, drug addiction, mental illness, and illiteracy[citation needed].

The term 'prison industrial complex' has also been used to describe a similar issue in other countries' prisons of expanding populations.[5]

The portrayal of prison-building/expansion as a means of creating employment opportunities and the utilization of inmate labor are cited as particularly harmful elements of the prison-industrial complex as they boast clear economic benefits at the expense of the incarcerated populous. The term implies a network of participants who prioritize personal financial gain over ensuring one's debt to society is adequately paid or rehabilitating criminals. Proponents of this view, including civil rights organizations such as the Rutherford Institute[6] and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU),[7] believe that the desire for monetary gain through prison privatization has led to the vast growth of the prison industry and contributed to the number of incarcerated individuals. Such advocacy groups would assert that incentivizing the construction of more prisons with the potential for profitability will doubtlessly lead to the unjust incarceration of millions more citizens, affecting people of color at disproportionately high rates.
Prison–industrial complex - Wikipedia

6 shocking revelations about how private prisons make money
Private prison companies are striking deals that guarantee high prison occupancy rates

6 shocking revelations about how private prisons make money

Meet the Prison Bankers Who Profit From the Inmates
Meet the Prison Bankers Who Profit From the Inmates

With 2.3 Million People Incarcerated in the US, Prisons Are Big Business
Meet the corporations who are profiting off our prison system.

With 2.3 Million People Incarcerated in the US, Prisons Are Big Business

Dumb ass......the politicians at local, state and federal levels as well as the guard unions.....

Are For-Profit Prisons, or Public Unions, the Biggest Lobby No One’s Talking About?

But there's a far larger lobbies invested in large prison populations—corrections officers and their associated unions, whose bread and butter are the bodies the Post seems to worry only private prisons can "commodify," and police unions, whose jobs, too, are in part dependent on there being a demand to fill prisons up.

The California prison guards union, for example, poured millions of dollars to influence policy in California alone—it spent $22 million on campaign donations since 1989, more than CCA and GEO have combined, and continues to push for prison expansions.

The National Fraternal Order of Police, meanwhile, spent $5 million on lobbying efforts since 1989, more than GEO did. That's not to mention the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, which includes a "Corrections Union" and lobbies on behalf of all kinds of policies that seek to turn citizens into revenue sources for public employees.

They've spent $187 million on campaign donations since 1989, making a far stronger case to be labeled the biggest lobby nobody's talking about than private prisons.

The left's narrative wants to suggest that public unions spend money in politics simply to get better contract deals. While that, too, is morally problematic, it's also an incomplete account. Public unions also spend money to get policies passed that will increase the value of and need for their employees, policies that will naturally treat people like revenue sources.

Despite The Post's assertions, people are cluing in to for-profit prisons, opposition to which-especially of the CCA—seems to be becoming a cause du jour on the left. The way public unions push policies that seek to turn the governed into cash cows for government employees is a far less appreciated problem. In that way, private prisons are a distraction. It's not the CCA, but government employees at all levels, who have profited more, for example, from the drug war that's fueled the rise in the U.S. prison population. In a rare moment of honesty, Hillary Clinton admitted as much when she was secretary of state, saying the drug war couldn't be ended because "there is just too much money." The Clintons know a thing or two about how lucrative the business of government can be.

Cool, so they're in bed with the corporations, they're the good unions. Yeah see, the fact that the corporate state media is pushing the corporate state's line doesn't mean that much to me. Only all the time, not just when it fits a "liberal MSM" meme.

You were proven you back down......good for you...
How about if you commit a drive by shooting the police get to do one on your home?
If they had less gun laws they could enjoy the drive by free lifestyle we have in america.

We have drive by shootings here because democrats refuse to throw repeat gun offenders in prison....they need them in demcorat voting districts to keep minorities voting for democrats......they can blame the violence on Republicans and roll the poor into voting booths....
Ah yes, of course, it's all the other party.
Your useless rebuttal was completely ineffective. I presume thats because you know hes right and you cant refute it with logic.
If they had less gun laws they could enjoy the drive by free lifestyle we have in america.

We have drive by shootings here because democrats refuse to throw repeat gun offenders in prison....they need them in demcorat voting districts to keep minorities voting for democrats......they can blame the violence on Republicans and roll the poor into voting booths....
Ah yes, of course, it's all the other party.
Your useless rebuttal was completely ineffective. I presume thats because you know hes right and you cant refute it with logic.
Actually I've come to view the vote as utterly meaningless. But you can still cling to partisanshit, I don't mind.
If they had less gun laws they could enjoy the drive by free lifestyle we have in america.

We have drive by shootings here because democrats refuse to throw repeat gun offenders in prison....they need them in demcorat voting districts to keep minorities voting for democrats......they can blame the violence on Republicans and roll the poor into voting booths....
Ah yes, of course, it's all the other party.

Yep.....the democrats refuse to put actual criminals in jail for long periods of time...from domestic criminals to foreign criminals, they have an insane inability to lock up violent criminals....

The US has the highest rate of incarceration in the free world. You already have more people in federal prison than the rest of the first world combined.

How many more people are you going to lock up?
Every one of them that commits a crime. Or should we just let them go if they commit crimes? Why bother, right?
If they had less gun laws they could enjoy the drive by free lifestyle we have in america.

We have drive by shootings here because democrats refuse to throw repeat gun offenders in prison....they need them in demcorat voting districts to keep minorities voting for democrats......they can blame the violence on Republicans and roll the poor into voting booths....
Ah yes, of course, it's all the other party.

Yep.....the democrats refuse to put actual criminals in jail for long periods of time...from domestic criminals to foreign criminals, they have an insane inability to lock up violent criminals....

The US has the highest rate of incarceration in the free world. You already have more people in federal prison than the rest of the first world combined.

How many more people are you going to lock up?
Every one of them that commits a crime. Or should we just let them go if they commit crimes? Why bother, right?

As many hominids as it takes to get the returns Wall Street expects, guilty or not.
The US has the highest rate of incarceration in the free world. You already have more people in federal prison than the rest of the first world combined.

How many more people are you going to lock up?

Exactly. The problem is far more complex.
They can't be back to where they were before the ban...because they have gun control...right? Normal, law abiding people can't own those guns anymore...

Wrong, dummy. As usual. Normal, law abiding people can get a gun any time. More guns = more opportunity for gun crime.
Are you talking about Australia or the U.S.?

As for your more guns = more gun crime, theory; there is no statistical evidence to support it.

There seems to be more gun crime in areas where gun ownership is more tightly controlled and concealed carry is rigidly restricted, the obvious reason being armed criminals are more confident that they won't be resisted.

But....I thought Australia had gun control laws that made it impossible to have drive by shootings.....right?

Didn't the Australian government confiscate and destroy millions of guns about ten years ago?
Yes but gun levels are back to where they were then and it looks like so are the problems.

But moron......again...normal, law abiding people still can't buy, own or carry those the only ones buying, owning and carrying them, as well as using them for drive by shootings and gang murders.....are criminals.....thus, defeating the entire purpose of banning and confiscating them....

You are such a moron.....

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