New MAGA Ad about Disloyal Ron DeSantis

I'm open to finding out when MSNBC, CNN or FOX is lying. Recently we found Fox is lying to you. On purpose too. Don't compare that to MSNBC leaning left. Not the same.

Global warming, vaccines, russia, trump, elections being stolen, racism, sexism, gays, public schools, unions, etc. Republicans use Fox to win over poor racists, homophobes, misogynistic, greedy ignorant people like you by siding with the dark side on every one of these issues. You're the sheep here boy.
I'm open to finding out when MSNBC, CNN or FOX is lying. Recently we found Fox is lying to you. On purpose too. Don't compare that to MSNBC leaning left. Not the same.

Global warming, vaccines, russia, trump, elections being stolen, racism, sexism, gays, public schools, unions, etc. Republicans use Fox to win over poor racists, homophobes, misogynistic, greedy ignorant people like you by siding with the dark side on every one of these issues. You're the sheep here boy.
Sorry sillybooboo... I don't watch any mainstream media. I don't have cable TV.
It has been shown over and over... Fox and CNN are basically mirrors of each other with Fox having a much larger audiences. MSNBC is the loony outcast. Anyone who watches MSNBC is a committed sheep.
Sorry sillybooboo... I don't watch any mainstream media. I don't have cable TV.
It has been shown over and over... Fox and CNN are basically mirrors of each other with Fox having a much larger audiences. MSNBC is the loony outcast. Anyone who watches MSNBC is a committed sheep.

How do you know you don't watch?

You are so stupid. You don't realize whatever you are listening to is lying to you just the same as Fox.

A new study suggests Fox News viewers aren’t just manipulated and misinformed — they are literally being made ignorant by their consumption habits.

And this is a 2022 study. I recall a similar study done years ago. So Fox is not the same as MSNBC. It appears to be. It leans right MSNBC leans left but that's where the similarities stop.
How do you know you don't watch?

You are so stupid. You don't realize whatever you are listening to is lying to you just the same as Fox.

A new study suggests Fox News viewers aren’t just manipulated and misinformed — they are literally being made ignorant by their consumption habits.

And this is a 2022 study. I recall a similar study done years ago. So Fox is not the same as MSNBC. It appears to be. It leans right MSNBC leans left but that's where the similarities stop.
I literally just said I don't watch Fox News.
And you go on berating me about watching Fox News.
And you say I am the stupid one here.
How do you know you don't watch?
You are so stupid. You don't realize whatever you are listening to is lying to you just the same as Fox.
A new study suggests Fox News viewers aren’t just manipulated and misinformed — they are literally being made ignorant by their consumption habits.
And this is a 2022 study. I recall a similar study done years ago. So Fox is not the same as MSNBC. It appears to be. It leans right MSNBC leans left but that's where the similarities stop.
Your link is labelled "opinion", by NBC, a competitor of FNC, duh.
That is NOT a new "study" it is "opinion" so here is the old study by Harvard:

DeSantis is a far, far better candidate than Trump in terms of the issues themselves.

With regard to matters of economic freedom, personal liberty, fiscal responsibility, and constitutionally limited government, DeSantis is far, far superior.

Unfortunately, the critical issues are seldom discussed and placed aside in favor of identity politics. And the establishment faction operating from within both theoretical, illusionary sides of the party-of-one as well as the talking heads operating in cable news entertainment who carry water for them want to keep it that way. Which is why we see those who actually do discuss the critical issues in a relevant, intelligent way getting kicked off the air. They're not interested in that. Truth is treason...
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DeSantis is a far, far better candidate than Trump in terms of the issues themselves.

With regard to matters of economic freedom, personal liberty, fiscal responsibility, and constitutionally limited government, DeSantis is far, far superior.

Unfortunately, the critical issues are seldom discussed and placed aside in favor of identity politics. And the establishment faction operating from within both theoretical sides of the party-of-one as well as the talking heads operating in cable news entertainment who carry water for them want to keep it that way. Which is why we see those who actually do discuss the critical issues in a relevant, intelligent way getting kicked off the air. Theyre not interested in that. Truth is treason...
Maybe if you’re a Republican fiscally. Most voters are not. That’s why trump and Ron wage the culture war.
Maybe if you’re a Republican fiscally. Most voters are not. That’s why trump and Ron wage the culture war.

I'm not a Republican at all.

Ever since that crap the RNC pulled in '08, I vowed never to support another Republican again. Not unless it was one of our own just holding their nose and running as a Republican. And even then it's largely local elections.

What we need are statesmen. And they're very, very few and far between at that level of politics.

You have the Massie and Paul types, of course. Between the two of them, they are undoubtedly the best members of Congress/Senate in terms of economic freedom, personal liberty, fiscal responsibility, and constitutionally limited government. And, of course, both held their noses and ran as ''Republicans.''

Unfortunately, they're far more useful to cause in their current roles. And even if they did run in the general, the electorate, collectively speaking, lacks the courage and good sense to vote for very strict constitutionalists. On top of that, even if the electorate, again, collectively speaking, did pull their heads out of their rear ends, the establishment as well as the talking heads in cable news entertainment who carry its water, would blacklist them anyway.

So..I'm probably just gonna write-in Joe Pesci. I like Joe. I like the way he says, you muddafucka, you...Joe Pesci don't fuck around.
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