New MAGA Ad about Disloyal Ron DeSantis

Liberals were trying to shut down blacks going to white schools! Try again with your revisionist history. We aren't racist at all, we just want them to have better lives than the ones you give them on the new plantations, you now the urban centers around large cities, where you give them just enough to keep them coming back with lies of more welfare. You have been receiving their votes for 70 yrs, and nothing has got better for them, so spare me, and quit telling them they are victims, and can't do without government cheese.
Things have gotten better for them because of us. Despite you.

For example, you should have seen all the blacks in the Lincoln Ford plant in the 90's. No fucking way it was you conservatives who said, "you know what? This plant is too white. Let's make this plant half black".

No way it was you conservatives who did that. It was us liberals who did that. Affirmative action baby!!!

Were you originally for AA? When did you stop?

Yes plenty has gotten better for them. One thing that hasn't is cops keep murdering them and you keep defending the cops.
The evidence: Well, there’s the famous Three Little Pigs scene, in which the wolf was portrayed as a Jewish peddler. (The scene was later reanimated.) And there is the fact that in 1938, a month after Kristallnacht, Disney personally welcomed Nazi director Leni Riefenstahl to his studios. Even if he wasn’t personally anti-Semitic, Gabler allows that Disney “willingly, even enthusiastically, embraced [anti-Semites] and cast his fate with them.”

The charge: Walt Disney was racist.
The evidence:
These charges stem primarily from the use of racial stereotypes in Disney movies from the 40s: Dumbo’s black crows; Fantasia’sblack servant centaurette; and Song of the South, a movie so offensive that the Disney company will no longer let it be seen in public. Then there is Walt Disney’s own behavior: Gabler cites a meeting in which Disney referred to the Snow White dwarves as a “****** pile” and another in which he used the term “pickaninny.” The book notes that Disney anticipated the Song of the South controversy and attempted to make it less racist with a rewrite and meeting with the NAACP. The meeting never happened, and the movie was released anyway. There was also some controversy about the company’s unwillingness to hire minorities at Disneyland.
Believability: Those are certainly not flattering facts, but they are facts. But he probably was no worse than your grand pappy or mine.
You switched from Walt was racist to Walt was Nazi. WTF?

Keep throwing shit at the wall and see what sticks.

You can't find anything but wholesome entertainment from Walt Disney, the ultimate Rorschach test.

Unlike the Bidens.

You switched from Walt was racist to Walt was Nazi. WTF?

Keep throwing shit at the wall and see what sticks.

You can't find anything but wholesome entertainment from Walt Disney.

Unlike the Bidens.
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What's the difference between a racist and nazi?

He was anti semetic and racist towards blacks. In his defense, we all were. We all wore black face back then on Halloween and we all loved those racist crows. We didn't realize we were being racist.

Look at how racist Bugs Bunny was growing up. They won't even show those on TV today.

You're such a racist you argue that the Atlanta Braves isn't racist. You fight to keep the name even though indians tell you it's offensive.
Yeah he was raised in Texas, my Mom however was raised in Michigan, I have never seen the issue with mixed race marriage. However Homosexual Marriage is against what God created so.
Well, if your so-called god is against homosexual marriage....don't have a homosexual marriage. Don't tell the rest of us what we legally can or cannot do just because you hate the Constitution.
Liberals were trying to shut down blacks going to white schools! Try again with your revisionist history. We aren't racist at all, we just want them to have better lives than the ones you give them on the new plantations, you now the urban centers around large cities, where you give them just enough to keep them coming back with lies of more welfare. You have been receiving their votes for 70 yrs, and nothing has got better for them, so spare me, and quit telling them they are victims, and can't do without government cheese.
Con-servatives, not liberals.
What's the difference between a racist and nazi?
He was anti semetic and racist towards blacks. In his defense, we all were. We all wore black face back then on Halloween and we all loved those racist crows. We didn't realize we were being racist.
Look at how racist Bugs Bunny was growing up. They won't even show those on TV today.
You're such a racist you argue that the Atlanta Braves isn't racist. You fight to keep the name even though indians tell you it's offensive.
1. You haven't proven that Walt Disney was anything but a talented artist and businessman.
2. You can type all the racist lies you want.
3. Bugs Bunny?! You are flunking the Rorschach tests.
4. Who gives a fuck what Atlanta calls their baseball team? Buy them and you can name them whatever you want.
1. You haven't proven that Walt Disney was anything but a talented artist and businessman.
2. You can type all the racist lies you want.
3. Bugs Bunny?! You are flunking the Rorschach tests.
4. Who gives a fuck what Atlanta calls their baseball team? Buy them and you can name them whatever you want.
Native Americans care.

Redskins? How about the Atlanta Pickaninny's?
Things have gotten better for them because of us. Despite you.

For example, you should have seen all the blacks in the Lincoln Ford plant in the 90's. No fucking way it was you conservatives who said, "you know what? This plant is too white. Let's make this plant half black".

No way it was you conservatives who did that. It was us liberals who did that. Affirmative action baby!!!

Were you originally for AA? When did you stop?

Yes plenty has gotten better for them. One thing that hasn't is cops keep murdering them and you keep defending the cops.
I was and am against racism and affirmative action is simply reverse racism, jobs and college admission and anything else should be done on merit and qualifications.
Your premise about police murdering is another Democrat lie to buy votes, as is Democrats being pro woman.

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