New MAGA Ad about Disloyal Ron DeSantis

Of course we are keeping tabs on companies who have given in just like Disney did. Corporate America is supposed to be our friend.
Look how many corporations have diversity programs because we want them to.

The only friend you have is government. Strange. The people who don’t like government have Republican governors and the Supreme Court working hard for you.

And isn’t Disney free to be woke if they want? You can boycott but sick big government on them?
Of course we are keeping tabs on companies who have given in just like Disney did. Corporate America is supposed to be our friend.
You guys don’t even like the rule of law. When conservative murderers murder your republicans pardon them.
What is it about legal gay marriage that frightens you so much? Did you feel the same way when interracial marriage became legal?
Deflection, I do not care about color of skin however marriage was instituted by God and homosexuality is abhorrent to God
Allowing gays to marry for example? Are you still not over that one?

Is this issue tearing us apart?

And you guys are tearing us apart. Case after case we show you cops are abusing Americans and you side with the cops. Until they are Capitol Cops then you're against them. And you hate government unless it's Republicans. Deregulations to our environment?

You are so brainwashed you side with corporate America on every issue.

And I'm sorry but abortion has been legal for 50 years and we are even more divided now that you voted to take that right away. So you lost the midterm wave you were expecting. And Biden's going to win again because you are sooooo anti woke.

You're waging a very divisive culture war. What's that all about?
Making murder legal was a horrible decision and based on emotion , specifically inflated numbers about back alley abortions, inflated by 10x the truth, which swayed the emotions of the judges, it was wrong to give a special made up right to women to kill children
See? These people fighting gays today are the same people during Obama who didn't want them to be allowed to get married. They are sick.

Ceder Point has gay day one a year on Fathers Day. Gays go on that day because their fathers are assholes like you. Because Cedar Point allows this, you should never go to Cedar Point. Deal? Or Disney. Don't go to Disney. They are the enemy.
yep enemies of the most high God
Back then you were a democrat. You were wrong then and wrong now.

Besides no one cares about the Bible. What does the book of Mormons say?
You take that back I have never been a democrat, I am not Mormon, and I care about what the bible says as does any sane persoin
You take that back I have never been a democrat, I am not Mormon, and I care about what the bible says as does any sane persoin
Back then southern democrats and republicans were both racist. So were northern white cons. You a yankee who loves democrat Robert e lee
A rich white man born in 1901. Chances are he was racist. Prove he wasn't. What did he do for civil rights?
And then like most white racists he changed from Democrat to Republican because of the Southern Strategy. Plus he was rich. A corporation.
Walt was mostly apolitical for most of his life. While never a registered Democrat, he voted for FDR in 1936. As he grew older he did become more conservative. By 1940 he was voting for FDR’s competitor, Republican Wendell Wilkie, and stayed on that side after that.
Though he was a Republican in the latter half of his life, he was never really interested in politics. He occasionally donated to Republican candidates, but as a whole he was never thought of as belonging to either party especially.
1. Chances are he was "color-blind". You prove he wasn't.

2. Walt Disney was a talented artist. He started a company and grew it into an enterprise. He moved to Hollywood at age 21, and developed Mickey Mouse, the rest is history. Walt worked with artists, where only talent mattered, not color.

3. Here is the wiki of Walt Disney. No mention of racism, just talent. Republicans are not low-IQ low-life porch sitters, we work for a living.
Walt was apolitical, there goes your narrative.

1. Chances are he was "color-blind". You prove he wasn't.

2. Walt Disney was a talented artist. He started a company and grew it into an enterprise. He moved to Hollywood at age 21, and developed Mickey Mouse, the rest is history. Walt worked with artists, where only talent mattered, not color.

3. Here is the wiki of Walt Disney. No mention of racism, just talent. Republicans are not low-IQ low-life porch sitters, we work for a living.
Walt was apolitical, there goes your narrative.

The evidence: Well, there’s the famous Three Little Pigs scene, in which the wolf was portrayed as a Jewish peddler. (The scene was later reanimated.) And there is the fact that in 1938, a month after Kristallnacht, Disney personally welcomed Nazi director Leni Riefenstahl to his studios.

Even if he wasn’t personally anti-Semitic, Gabler allows that Disney “willingly, even enthusiastically, embraced [anti-Semites] and cast his fate with them.”

The charge: Walt Disney was racist.
The evidence:
These charges stem primarily from the use of racial stereotypes in Disney movies from the 40s: Dumbo’s black crows; Fantasia’sblack servant centaurette; and Song of the South, a movie so offensive that the Disney company will no longer let it be seen in public. Then there is Walt Disney’s own behavior: Gabler cites a meeting in which Disney referred to the Snow White dwarves as a “****** pile” and another in which he used the term “pickaninny.” The book notes that Disney anticipated the Song of the South controversy and attempted to make it less racist with a rewrite and meeting with the NAACP. The meeting never happened, and the movie was released anyway. There was also some controversy about the company’s unwillingness to hire minorities at Disneyland.
Believability: Those are certainly not flattering facts, but they are facts.

But he probably was no worse than your grand pappy or mine.
Your pappy did youngster. Ps. Liar. Behind closed doors you talk like the okc sheriff
Yeah he was raised in Texas, my Mom however was raised in Michigan, I have never seen the issue with mixed race marriage. However Homosexual Marriage is against what God created so.
Nope, quit deflecting!

Don't try to bullshit me. I know when I was a kid it was us liberals who were with MLK not Republicans.

So at least in the 80's, 90's, 2000's, 2010's, 2020's, it's you Republicans who are racist towards blacks. IDK about the 1960's. Well, I do know actually. The southern strategy turned racist whites in the north and south into Republicans. And we see today you guys try to make it harder for blacks to vote. You throw out votes in black precincts. Bush did it. And Trump tried to toss out Detroit votes that came in late. Why were they late? Because Trump slowed down the post office.

I mean, it's all so shady. I could never vote GOP. EVER. It is the dark side.
Don't try to bullshit me. I know when I was a kid it was us liberals who were with MLK not Republicans.

So at least in the 80's, 90's, 2000's, 2010's, 2020's, it's you Republicans who are racist towards blacks. IDK about the 1960's. Well, I do know actually. The southern strategy turned racist whites in the north and south into Republicans. And we see today you guys try to make it harder for blacks to vote. You throw out votes in black precincts. Bush did it. And Trump tried to toss out Detroit votes that came in late. Why were they late? Because Trump slowed down the post office.

I mean, it's all so shady. I could never vote GOP. EVER. It is the dark side.
Liberals were trying to shut down blacks going to white schools! Try again with your revisionist history. We aren't racist at all, we just want them to have better lives than the ones you give them on the new plantations, you now the urban centers around large cities, where you give them just enough to keep them coming back with lies of more welfare. You have been receiving their votes for 70 yrs, and nothing has got better for them, so spare me, and quit telling them they are victims, and can't do without government cheese.

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