New ministry of truth better suited for authoritarian governments.

Is your wife down at the border caring for illegals?

The VA is vital to the illegal community - or "democrat voters" as we more properly term them.

Let's cut your lie off before it starts..

Hey :ahole-1: There are no doctors, nurses or any VA personnel at the border. Why do you make shit up as happening when it has not?
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What is going on is clear. You are a Trump puppet who is unable to think for himself. The government did not censor anything. Trump was the government when this story initially came out. The storied about Hunter Biden's laptops have not been proven. Some of the e-mails were genuine however, Giuliani had to have a cover story for having the e-mails. Stealing other people's e-mails is a c rime.
You are ignorant. I will stick with my initial impression. Useful idiot.
Living in your head this week, am I? OK... I'll play along this time...

Trump was - and IS - an autocrat-wannabe...
as evidenced by his despicable, traitorous behaviors on January 6, 2021.

That is entirely disconnected and unrelated to this latest pile of Democratically -spawned authoritarian bull$hit tha tnow appears to be unfolding.

Can you not get it into your thick Orange-tainted brain that authoritarian "moves" can originate on
EITHER side of the aisle?

An "authoritarian" move on the part of the Democrats today does not take away from Trump's inherent authoritarianism yesterday.


Let's see your list, :ahole-1:.
Sorry but that is just not hold true...

Let me show an example..

Public Health Promotion... EU v US...
EU countries have considerable constrictions on the promotion of unhealthy foods, there is a watershed, they have to balance there menu to advertise earlier, there is also considerable spending on promoting healthy foods...
US has no constraints... Half the country was angry when the 1st lady started promoting healthy eating... The food industry has got to the point where the could lobby Pizza as a Vegetable...

Outcome, US has the highest obesity in the first world... Both population are the same but one is subjected to a mass disinformation campaign on food and other is not... This is not too say that US people don't understand the truth but it has been so media to get you to forget it or ignore it and do other things...

You are one stupid sonofabitch.
Why would Hunter Biden take laptops to a obscure computer dealer?
As opposed to an Apple genius or the equivalent for Windows machines?
If the e-mails were so damaging then why leave the laptops?
There was only one. Hunter is/was a deranged drug addict.. The store owner said he was drunk or something every time he saw him.

Why would the dealer look at the e-mails rather than wiping the computers and selling them?

It wasn't just emails. It was illegal porn as well. He also knew who the owner of the laptop was, so felt compelled to call the FBI. You do realize the FBI has since confirmed its authenticity, right?

He took the laptop to Giuliani's attorney after the FBI appeared to be dragging their feet.

Have you not seen the leaked pictures from his laptop? The man has serious issues.

Now, tell us about the dossier, my little useful idiot.
So WTF does that have to do with nurses, dumbass?

So WTF does that have to do with nurses, dumbass?
If they work for the VA and don't speak out about substandard care they are part of the fucking problem.
If they work for the VA and don't speak out about substandard care they are part of the fucking problem.
Nice source! CNBC and 4 years old to boot. Get a grip, man!
None of that shit has gotten better.
Oh, really? My son got care from the VA for a messed up knee, cancer, and PTSD. He's doing great! Did you ever stop to think your location could be the problem? BTW, even your primary does not determine back problems. It is a radiologist, and probably two or tree different doctors have looked at your issue.
I think you're excusing your party
It's not my party.

I'm a (very reluctant) registered (D) but I have voted Republican nearly as much as I've voted Democrat throughout a fairly long adult life so far.
and desperately seeking a way to explain why this is good.
Nope. I think it's a very bad idea. And if it gets abused (before the Repugs get a chance to abolish it next time they're in power) I'll throw rocks at it myself.
Oh, and Orange Man Bad.
First thing you've gotten correct in all of this.
Oh, really? My son got care from the VA for a messed up knee, cancer, and PTSD. He's doing great! Did you ever stop to think your location could be the problem? BTW, even your primary does not determine back problems. It is a radiologist, and probably two or tree different doctors have looked at your issue.
I've been to a physical therapist and told there was nothing they could do and I've had two MRI's and my primary stated my back was getting better. I've also been to 3 different fucking VA Hospitals one in another region. Great your son had a good experience but from my point of view and the other Veterans I know that is not the case for the majority.
The amazing thing is that many here, many in Congress, Governor DeSantis, and most Republicans don't seem to have any problem at all with a ministry of truth; they all just complain about who's running it.

We are really fucking doomed in this country.

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