New ministry of truth better suited for authoritarian governments.

You know Karl Marx believed in Freedom of Speech....

You fascists believe in freedom of speech that promotes fascism.

Well, if Hano Hardt says so.... :lmao:

{Karl Marx is nothing if not a theorist of power imbalance. When free speech militates to entrench socio-economic hierarchies, Marx demands limits. }

Correct, I didn't,

The Reich you slavishly serve did.

nor would I support it, whatever it's actually called.

Right, that's why you stay silent and refuse to condemn Xi's Biden Regime for this Stalinist, fascist act.

Silly, simplistic Trumpster. You are spectacularly ignorant about my politics, and proud of it.

Silly, lying fascist. You think there are those who actually believe your flaccid lies.
Correct, I didn't, nor would I support it, whatever it's actually called.

Silly, simplistic Trumpster. You are spectacularly ignorant about my politics, and proud of it.
This is the game Tweeners like Mac1958 play

he is animated by any news that makes trump look bad

but asleep at the wheel when biden announces a nazi/communist-style attack on the 1st Amendment

if pressed ole mac1958 will briefly say he’s not for it

and then go back to his highly charged 24/7 attacks on trump voters

I agree with gabbard.

I want disinformation to disappear.

But do I trust government to handle the situation.

Seems that it could be used as a political hit squid.
But but but…. Kondor3 and many others said Trump was the authoritarian?
But but but…. Kondor3 and many others said Trump was the authoritarian?
Living in your head this week, am I? OK... I'll play along this time...

Trump was - and IS - an autocrat-wannabe... as evidenced by his despicable, traitorous behaviors on January 6, 2021.

That is entirely disconnected and unrelated to this latest pile of Democratically -spawned authoritarian bull$hit tha tnow appears to be unfolding.

Can you not get it into your thick Orange-tainted brain that authoritarian "moves" can originate on
EITHER side of the aisle?

An "authoritarian" move on the part of the Democrats today does not take away from Trump's inherent authoritarianism yesterday.

Living in your head this week, am I? OK... I'll play along this time...

Trump was - and IS - an autocrat-wannabe... as evidenced by his despicable, traitorous behaviors on January 6, 2021.

That is entirely disconnected and unrelated to this latest pile of Democratically -spawned authoritarian bull$hit tha tnow appears to be unfolding.

Can you not get it into your thick Orange-tainted brain that authoritarian "moves" can originate on
EITHER side of the aisle?

An "authoritarian" move on the part of the Democrats today does not take away from Trump's inherent authoritarianism yesterday.

If trump is a wannabe, biden is already there with his new Office of Government Censorship
Maybe... maybe... you can't trust the goddamned Democrats any more than you can trust the goddamned Republicans...

I trust the Nazis, to be Nazis...

It is amusing how EVERY FUCKING THING you accused Trump of has been done by the Soros democrat Reich.

You've got to be dumb as dogshit to keep flinging shit at Trump.

The truth - which we all know, is that Jan. 6th was a legitimate protest against open corruption in our election.

Yes, a tiny percent rioted - and even that was extremely mild compared to the arson, looting, rape, and murder democrat brownshirts had spent years inflicting with the Kristalnacht.

But you lie - worst thing ever - because Uber Alles Democrat
I think Mac1958 is coping with biden trashing the 1st Amendment so well I wonder if he doesent secretly approve of liberal/progressive censorship of his conservative enemies

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