New ministry of truth better suited for authoritarian governments.

I'm confused. I can't no longer tell who's a fake Nazi and who's for real. :p


It isn't hard to figure out.

  • democrats have a scapegoat based on race. Whites are the new "Juden."
  • democrats are collectivist, seeking control of the means of production by their Reich.
  • democrats are totalitarian. Well duh.
  • democrats supplant civil rights with group privilege
  • democrats eradicate the rule of law and create dictatorship based on the party
  • democrats forcibly suppress religion
  • democrats crush freedom of speech
  • democrats create a police state and "Roger Stone" enemies for even minor process crimes in order to create terror

Except you blame the sins of political hack B on political hack A, which makes you political hack C
If I am "reading" you correctly here, you are saying that I am blaming the sins of Biden on Trump.

I do not recall doing that anywhere here in this little corner of the blogosphere, nor on the outside, in real life.

And, given that my positions on various themes routinely span partisan boundaries, I reject the "hack" assignation.

Trump did nothing like you accuse him of
Which "thing" did you have in-mind?

Biden does - daily - but you ignore that.
Incorrect... here... and elsewhere... I routinely throw rocks at Biden-and-Company for...
  • Trashing a viable American energy-independence policy
  • Triggering runaway inflation
  • Our incompetent and feckless withdrawal from Afghanistan
  • Over-indulgence and appeasement of minorities and the Gay Mafia at the expense of everyone else
  • Inability to control the Far Left Wing of the Dem-Lib-Prog faction
  • Dereliction of duty and near -treasonous handling of the Southern Border Crisis and Illegal Alien presence
  • Timidity in failing - during the prelude and early going - to help better-provision Ukraine to repel the barbaric and unprovoked invasion by Russia
  • Failure to reinvigorate American Manufacturing with an eye towards breaking our present dependence upon Red China
Consequently, I feel justified in rejecting that 'accusation' as well.

You - like so many others - have a "blind spot" insofar as you conflate vigorous and persistent rejection of Rump with Left-ism; a grave mistake.

Rump is a showman and a clown and a liar and a consummate con-man who recently flipped parties and who tells supporters what they want to hear.

He is the type who would sell his mother for a well-made Persian rug or a cheap Asian hooker with an overactive bladder... he is scum... unfit for high office.

The nation narrowly dodged a bullet by rejecting him - as evidenced by his willingness to throw the Republic into chaos merely to hold onto his power.

You find me a candidate in 2024 who is selling most of the Rump agenda - someone not Rump himself - and I'll probably vote alongside you next year.

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