New mod nomination(s)

In general, the existing mods seem relatively okay to me, for the most part. They don't fuck with me, and I generally don't fuck with them, and that works for me.

But, if a mod is flaming you, I'd advise making them an object of public ridicule in the flame zone, but as a human being, not in their capacity as a mod.

It's not particularly challenging to do this, and handling it in this way makes it much less likely that you'll be infracted or banned. And, if you are, you have a position from which to take up your case with the other mods or administrators.

This perspective comes from having modded a forum similar to the flame zone in another forum. All of the mods in a forum rarely in agreement with each other all the time over forum management issues. You can usually find someone to take up your case if you self-manage and don't show your ass. In fact, I left my last forum after dealing with an issue of abuse of users in my capacity as a mod with my peer-mods. It didn't end all that well for me (though I knew it would likely go down like that), but it ended up pretty well for the two posters who'd been unfairly infracted/banned. Most mods, in my experience, take their ethical responsibilities to the forum pretty seriously, and try to be fair and objective. You may get a few narcissistic rotten assples in the basket, but they usually aren't the majority.

In general, when dealing with mods, be polite, comply with the rules, use the flame zone for its intended purpose, and you'll find you have few problems.

If you do have a lot of problems after following the advice above, you're either not following it, or you're dealing with a systemic issue in the forum, and you may find yourself better off elsewhere (I certainly did).

However, I would suggest that the attacks on specific mods, in this thread, would probably be more effective directed to people like Meister, Newby, and Cereal Killer, who I've found to be consistent and proactive, via PM.

Just my 2 cents...ymmv.


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In general, the existing mods seem relatively okay to me, for the most part. They don't fuck with me, and I generally don't fuck with them, and that works for me.

But, if a mod is flaming you, I'd advise making them an object of public ridicule in the flame zone, but as a human being, not in their capacity as a mod.

It's not particularly challenging to do this, and handling it in this way makes it much less likely that you'll be infracted or banned. And, if you are, you have a position from which to take up your case with the other mods or administrators.

This perspective comes from having modded a forum similar to the flame zone in another forum. All of the mods in a forum rarely in agreement with each other all the time over forum management issues. You can usually find someone to take up your case if you self-manage and don't show your ass. In fact, I left my last forum after dealing with an issue of abuse of users in my capacity as a mod with my peer-mods. It didn't end all that well for me (though I knew it would likely go down like that), but it ended up pretty well for the two posters who'd been unfairly infracted/banned. Most mods, in my experience, take their ethical responsibilities to the forum pretty seriously, and try to be fair and objective. You may get a few narcissistic rotten assples in the basket, but they usually aren't the majority.

In general, when dealing with mods, be polite, comply with the rules, use the flame zone for its intended purpose, and you'll find you have few problems.

If you do have a lot of problems, you're likely dealing with a systemic issue in the forum, and you may find yourself better off elsewhere (I certainly did).

However, I would suggest that the attacks on specific mods, in this thread, would probably be more effective directed to people like Meister, Newby, and Cereal Killer, who I've found to be consistent and proactive.

Just my 2 cents...ymmv.



Okay, fine.




I nominate Catz. I was at that forum, and she totally rocked. I know she did, because I hated her ass, and still frequently do depending on what part of my anatomy she is currently shredding.

But she made a good mod, and she will make a good mod.

Do I know how to give a ringing endorsement, or what.
Okay, fine.




I nominate Catz. I was at that forum, and she totally rocked. I know she did, because I hated her ass, and still frequently do depending on what part of my anatomy she is currently shredding.

But she made a good mod, and she will make a good mod.

Do I know how to give a ringing endorsement, or what.

I appreciate this a lot, more than you know, but I'm pretty sure I don't ever want those headaches again. As a whole, most forum posters are a pathetic bunch of miserable whiny little bitches (see Sky posts above). If I wanted to babysit, I'd rehab baby animals.

I will say, though...the sincere praise of a single critic means considerably more than the adulation of a million sycophants.
all joking aside.....the board use to be well mods where were respected by the board....

you had mods like echo, del, care, elvis etc.....they were mods cause they were concerned for the board....wanted to improve the board and see it grow....

now you seem to have mods who are on ego trips...oddball and alan1....oddball was a mod before and he is well known as midnights handy man.....alan1 left the board and bad mouthed it.....but then jumps back and becomes a mod.....alan1 left after posting a very sadistic video....sadist dont change...simple as that...

How the fuck do you know all that shit? :dunno:
In general, the existing mods seem relatively okay to me, for the most part. They don't fuck with me, and I generally don't fuck with them, and that works for me.

But, if a mod is flaming you, I'd advise making them an object of public ridicule in the flame zone, but as a human being, not in their capacity as a mod.

It's not particularly challenging to do this, and handling it in this way makes it much less likely that you'll be infracted or banned. And, if you are, you have a position from which to take up your case with the other mods or administrators.

This perspective comes from having modded a forum similar to the flame zone in another forum. All of the mods in a forum rarely in agreement with each other all the time over forum management issues. You can usually find someone to take up your case if you self-manage and don't show your ass. In fact, I left my last forum after dealing with an issue of abuse of users in my capacity as a mod with my peer-mods. It didn't end all that well for me (though I knew it would likely go down like that), but it ended up pretty well for the two posters who'd been unfairly infracted/banned. Most mods, in my experience, take their ethical responsibilities to the forum pretty seriously, and try to be fair and objective. You may get a few narcissistic rotten assples in the basket, but they usually aren't the majority.

In general, when dealing with mods, be polite, comply with the rules, use the flame zone for its intended purpose, and you'll find you have few problems.

If you do have a lot of problems after following the advice above, you're either not following it, or you're dealing with a systemic issue in the forum, and you may find yourself better off elsewhere (I certainly did).

However, I would suggest that the attacks on specific mods, in this thread, would probably be more effective directed to people like Meister, Newby, and Cereal Killer, who I've found to be consistent and proactive, via PM.

Just my 2 cents...ymmv.



Too wordy!...


all joking aside.....the board use to be well mods where were respected by the board....

you had mods like echo, del, care, elvis etc.....they were mods cause they were concerned for the board....wanted to improve the board and see it grow....

now you seem to have mods who are on ego trips...oddball and alan1....oddball was a mod before and he is well known as midnights handy man.....alan1 left the board and bad mouthed it.....but then jumps back and becomes a mod.....alan1 left after posting a very sadistic video....sadist dont change...simple as that...

How the fuck do you know all that shit? :dunno:

I didn't say nuthin'!...


Forum Moderators should not make posts like this because they are to serve, not act like a douche twice as much.


Are you kidding me?...

Did you ever see del's when he was a Maude?...



That's nothing! :lol:



Yep. For the record, I have no problems with Oddball's quoted post. This board allows insults. If you can't handle insults from a mod, you probably need to post at :shrug:
In general, the existing mods seem relatively okay to me, for the most part. They don't fuck with me, and I generally don't fuck with them, and that works for me.

But, if a mod is flaming you, I'd advise making them an object of public ridicule in the flame zone, but as a human being, not in their capacity as a mod.

It's not particularly challenging to do this, and handling it in this way makes it much less likely that you'll be infracted or banned. And, if you are, you have a position from which to take up your case with the other mods or administrators.

This perspective comes from having modded a forum similar to the flame zone in another forum. All of the mods in a forum rarely in agreement with each other all the time over forum management issues. You can usually find someone to take up your case if you self-manage and don't show your ass. In fact, I left my last forum after dealing with an issue of abuse of users in my capacity as a mod with my peer-mods. It didn't end all that well for me (though I knew it would likely go down like that), but it ended up pretty well for the two posters who'd been unfairly infracted/banned. Most mods, in my experience, take their ethical responsibilities to the forum pretty seriously, and try to be fair and objective. You may get a few narcissistic rotten assples in the basket, but they usually aren't the majority.

In general, when dealing with mods, be polite, comply with the rules, use the flame zone for its intended purpose, and you'll find you have few problems.

If you do have a lot of problems after following the advice above, you're either not following it, or you're dealing with a systemic issue in the forum, and you may find yourself better off elsewhere (I certainly did).

However, I would suggest that the attacks on specific mods, in this thread, would probably be more effective directed to people like Meister, Newby, and Cereal Killer, who I've found to be consistent and proactive, via PM.

Just my 2 cents...ymmv.



Too wordy!...



Too feather-headed!...


all joking aside.....the board use to be well mods where were respected by the board....

you had mods like echo, del, care, elvis etc.....they were mods cause they were concerned for the board....wanted to improve the board and see it grow....

now you seem to have mods who are on ego trips...oddball and alan1....oddball was a mod before and he is well known as midnights handy man.....alan1 left the board and bad mouthed it.....but then jumps back and becomes a mod.....alan1 left after posting a very sadistic video....sadist dont change...simple as that...

How the fuck do you know all that shit? :dunno:


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