New Neg Rep Rule Extreme and Unfair...

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Wow! 39 pages. People on political boards sure are whiney things.

Kinda gives one an idea why congress suxcks so big time.
And we are not even getting paid for this.

I agree, and just like congress, virtually everyone that is throwing a temper tantrum are the right wingers :up:
That's right. And all those who love the fact that accountability for extremist views and trolling has been removed...

are left wingers.
There is a crew of trolling libs, Koshergrl. It's so clear even Bloop can see it (though she would never admit it).

On the other hand, it hardly matters.

They got no game.


Alas, I fear you are correct. Too often when one arrives to intentionally disrupt what was a pretty good thread, the others arrive within minutes to glad hand and thank and cheer each other on in their personal insults and disruptive behavior. Not one will offer anything constructive to the discussion. It makes it really difficult to believe that it is not intentionally organized.

And I suspect this is probably a factor in generating multiple neg reps though most of these have tiny or non existent rep so they probably aren't the major whiners about getting neg reps.

And since I see exactly the same thing from this side of the aisle, .... apparently it's a balanced game. :thup:

I'm sure it appears that way. I get frustrated with members who can't seem to post without behing ugly and hateful regardless of their politics. For me, page after page of snarky insults is extremely boring.

There is a difference, however, between those who come in to intentionally disrupt and derail a thread and those who are addressing the thesis of the thread but seem unable to do so in a civil manner and without a lot of ad hominem and personal insults. I suspect there are fewer conservatives who intentionally set out to derail a thread. But I'll watch more closely and see if my personal bias is coloring my perceptions about that.

And I'll report my findings at some point. :)
Mods/Admin, I think you've made a grave mistake in curtailing the number of "pos/neg reps" users can issue on a daily basis.

Although I've been known to be rather scornful of the whole concept in the past, I also realise that it's part of the life blood of this place...

au contraire, most people here will tell you that rep points don't matter.


you've earned a neg rep at least once a day for the next year, you whiney little asswipe. :eusa_whistle:

look who thanked your post: AquaAthena (Yesterday), Artevelde (Today), MeBelle60 (Yesterday), PoliticalChic (Today), syrenn (Yesterday)

You DO realize that having an active plan to neg a poster repeatedly, day after day, even among multiple posters, is a violation of neg rules... right?

dumb ass
I remember when Righties were saying "I have no problem with phone-tapping if you have nothing to hide" :rolleyes: when Prez Cheney was tapping our phones.

If your not a seriel-negger, why give a fuck unless you are a seriel-negger. :dunno:

I agree, it seems the right wingers are throwing a pissy fit because they are no longer allowed to show off their childish thuggery by non-stop neg repping people they don't agree with. I think it's a great new rule put in by the mods :clap2:

Black Label agrees. That alone should be reason enough for the mods to understand that it was a mistake.
Mods/Admin, I think you've made a grave mistake in curtailing the number of "pos/neg reps" users can issue on a daily basis.

Although I've been known to be rather scornful of the whole concept in the past, I also realise that it's part of the life blood of this place...

au contraire, most people here will tell you that rep points don't matter.


you've earned a neg rep at least once a day for the next year, you whiney little asswipe. :eusa_whistle:

look who thanked your post: AquaAthena (Yesterday), Artevelde (Today), MeBelle60 (Yesterday), PoliticalChic (Today), syrenn (Yesterday)

You DO realize that having an active plan to neg a poster repeatedly, day after day, even among multiple posters, is a violation of neg rules... right?

dumb ass

I sure am glad we have Hall Monitor Conservative here to keep us all abreast on the rules. Because sure, we could read the rules ourselves like adults, but it's nice to have a mouth-breathing, old crotchety fuck here to constantly remind us what rules we may or may not break. Thank God he's a moderat-oh. He's not?

Never mind, he's just a dumb fuck after all.
I remember when Righties were saying "I have no problem with phone-tapping if you have nothing to hide" :rolleyes: when Prez Cheney was tapping our phones.

If your not a seriel-negger, why give a fuck unless you are a seriel-negger. :dunno:

I agree, it seems the right wingers are throwing a pissy fit because they are no longer allowed to show off their childish thuggery by non-stop neg repping people they don't agree with. I think it's a great new rule put in by the mods :clap2:
Neg reps are "thuggery". :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

You take rep very seriously, as if all of us on the receiving end of your incessant whining about them didn't already know that.
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You can give out 20 negs a day. You just can't hit the same person two days in a row. That barely qualifies as a 'restriction.'

That sounds fair enough. I rarely neg anyway, so I doubt this rule will affect me.

Same here. You really have to work at it to get a neg from me, but it can be done.

Thing I'm concerned about is that I don't want to see anybody getting in trouble because the reps from the previous day don't show up on your CP and it's been 47 hours and 59 minutes or something.

Really, I wouldn't put any restrictions on negreps. I think the system we already had in place pretty much prevents repwarring anyway.

We're fixing something that wasn't broken.

I don't neg rep people, but I was really tempted to when right after I said that some little whimp negged me...instead, I ignored him..
That's right. And all those who love the fact that accountability for extremist views and trolling has been removed...

are left wingers.


Yeah, because right-wingers don't have to worry about their rep. It goes up regardless. :thup:
Funny. All this right wing/left wing stuff about rep.

When I joined the posters with the huge rep were Jillian, Ravi, Bones, and Gunny (of course).

A bit of patience, and it will cycle back.

So, there's little partisan about the rep.
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