New Neg Rep Rule Extreme and Unfair...

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Mods/Admin, I think you've made a grave mistake in curtailing the number of "pos/neg reps" users can issue on a daily basis.

Although I've been known to be rather scornful of the whole concept in the past, I also realise that it's part of the life blood of this place, and a reduction in a user's rep allowance, be it positive or negative, could potentially drive people away from USMB... a forum that is truly unique to the internet.

However much some of us may deny it, we're all creatures of vanity, and welcome praise, in whatever form. A pat on the back for a post that all concerned know a lot of effort and/or insight went into crafting is an good way of acknowledging the author's hard work or committment. Reducing the number of pats on the back you can award will have a detrimental impact on USMB, and the amount of traffic that makes the place worth visiting and commenting on.

True, some will abuse the system. But until such a time passes that a build-up of neg rep handicaps or hinders your account, it's meaningless apart from the displeasure it conveys. Some will also remind us that less frequent pos reps will be of more value, but in the overall scheme of things I think that'll soon wear off.

I appreciate that it isn't my board, and have no sway in the final decision. But I know that the majority of users on here like receiving pos rep more than once a week, and I think in the long run it'll result in less traffic, depending on your committment, of course.

A pat on the back for a post that all concerned know a lot of effort and/or insight went into crafting is an good way of acknowledging the author's hard work or committment

I guess you've never "thanked" someone....

sillie me....i thought admins wanted to attact posters not piss them off and make them go to other boards
Now you're flirting with appeasement.
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Oh, and reabhloideach is a massive douche bag.


lol...and my fan base grows.

i mean, i wanna sometime master the fine art of "tough guy" posting just like you...

kinda like "from tiny acorns", huh? from massive douche bags, really big tough guys grow.

hey, liability. this is a message board. ya don't scare me. and those negs really hurt, babe.

i like you. you're funny.


Get that ^ girl a maxipad, stat!

the meltdown is coming.

Poor reabhloideach, a whining pussy loser quiffy motherfucking drama queen whiner.

Have a good cry, ya lil bitch.


mah brutha...

i'm beginning to think you're mad at me.

psssst. nice act, but we can't go on meeting like this, hon. people will begin to talk.
(smoochie, smoochie, big fella.)
Mods/Admin, I think you've made a grave mistake in curtailing the number of "pos/neg reps" users can issue on a daily basis.

Although I've been known to be rather scornful of the whole concept in the past, I also realise that it's part of the life blood of this place, and a reduction in a user's rep allowance, be it positive or negative, could potentially drive people away from USMB... a forum that is truly unique to the internet.

However much some of us may deny it, we're all creatures of vanity, and welcome praise, in whatever form. A pat on the back for a post that all concerned know a lot of effort and/or insight went into crafting is an good way of acknowledging the author's hard work or committment. Reducing the number of pats on the back you can award will have a detrimental impact on USMB, and the amount of traffic that makes the place worth visiting and commenting on.

True, some will abuse the system. But until such a time passes that a build-up of neg rep handicaps or hinders your account, it's meaningless apart from the displeasure it conveys. Some will also remind us that less frequent pos reps will be of more value, but in the overall scheme of things I think that'll soon wear off.

I appreciate that it isn't my board, and have no sway in the final decision. But I know that the majority of users on here like receiving pos rep more than once a week, and I think in the long run it'll result in less traffic, depending on your committment, of course.

Excellent point.

Maybe they should have only put the limit on neg reps/day neg reps/week?
whoa, clearly you don't care.

not any more i don't. i mean, i believe in seniority and all and respecting my elders and people with experience, but this board is weighted way to much for abuse of new people.

what pisses me off about it is that a lot of rooks take this rep point stuff seriously and they think it means something...i know people who do. they won't speak out on their own behalf because of this good il' boy set up where all the ancient curmudgeons rule the roost.

i don't know...i probably won't be long for this board anyway. it really is a well run board and all with a lot of good features and with a lot of good people on it also who i should have acknowledged more...but look at this thread. most of the input is coming from people who have been here awhile and the young bloods don't even know this thread exists.

so yes...i really do not care, at least about what some big shot muckity muck is going to do to me. give me negs please, because i have a little bro who i love dearly and who posts in this board and has been for a long time. he is a good kid and it just isn't right that i would have more point doo dahs than he does given our relative time served. he has never said a cross word to anyone.

The reason people are weighing in (and you ARE missing a lowby or two in your count) is because it's a community that they have belonged to for a very long time. At least two of them used to have different user names, so have been here even longer than it would appear (Swagger and KG). When you call someplace your cyber home, you honestly give a shit what transpires there.

Your take on things is a bit simplistic.

your system is two heavily weighted for the more senior members and if a rookie gets on the wrong side of one of you senior members, that senior member can intimidate them, and some are intimidated more than others.

when jillian gave me a neg, i actually thought it was a good thing and that the minus sign was just a computer program deal. i wasn't paying attention to points or whatever. when i found out, i was a bit intimidated, but just briefly. i had come from a far more brutal board (AOL unmonitored). on AOL you can have up to seven screen names and some people would switch to all seven, a time consuming process just to do your eqivalent of a neg rep, and they did it to intimidate people..

people like to be liked. i do. on the other board though, one woman was neg repped way beyond even the number of posters on the board and she took it pretty hard. she was my worst enemy but i ended up defending her because what was happening wasn't fair at all. i told her what was going on and to not let it get to her.

all i am saying is that you neg rep some rookie and all you are really doing is silencing them, or making them leave, or making them angry enough to indulge in petty little fight.

if your community becomes stagnant, it will die. this board is complicated as is, let alone having the more senior members throw their weight around in counter-productive ways.

also, most of you people, you senior people, are very pleasant and welcoming, almost all o you, but the bad one always sticks out, at least for most people. that's just the way it is. i don't think you need that.
It makes me extremely pissy that we can't give more than 1 neg rep to a poster in 48 hours, but our cp only allows us to view 24 hours worth of rep.

That's just fucking crazy.
not any more i don't. i mean, i believe in seniority and all and respecting my elders and people with experience, but this board is weighted way to much for abuse of new people.

what pisses me off about it is that a lot of rooks take this rep point stuff seriously and they think it means something...i know people who do. they won't speak out on their own behalf because of this good il' boy set up where all the ancient curmudgeons rule the roost.

i don't know...i probably won't be long for this board anyway. it really is a well run board and all with a lot of good features and with a lot of good people on it also who i should have acknowledged more...but look at this thread. most of the input is coming from people who have been here awhile and the young bloods don't even know this thread exists.

so yes...i really do not care, at least about what some big shot muckity muck is going to do to me. give me negs please, because i have a little bro who i love dearly and who posts in this board and has been for a long time. he is a good kid and it just isn't right that i would have more point doo dahs than he does given our relative time served. he has never said a cross word to anyone.

The reason people are weighing in (and you ARE missing a lowby or two in your count) is because it's a community that they have belonged to for a very long time. At least two of them used to have different user names, so have been here even longer than it would appear (Swagger and KG). When you call someplace your cyber home, you honestly give a shit what transpires there.

Your take on things is a bit simplistic.

your system is two heavily weighted for the more senior members and if a rookie gets on the wrong side of one of you senior members, that senior member can intimidate them, and some are intimidated more than others.

when jillian gave me a neg, i actually thought it was a good thing and that the minus sign was just a computer program deal. i wasn't paying attention to points or whatever. when i found out, i was a bit intimidated, but just briefly. i had come from a far more brutal board (AOL unmonitored). on AOL you can have up to seven screen names and some people would switch to all seven, a time consuming process just to do your eqivalent of a neg rep, and they did it to intimidate people..

people like to be liked. i do. on the other board though, one woman was neg repped way beyond even the number of posters on the board and she took it pretty hard. she was my worst enemy but i ended up defending her because what was happening wasn't fair at all. i told her what was going on and to not let it get to her.

all i am saying is that you neg rep some rookie and all you are really doing is silencing them, or making them leave, or making them angry enough to indulge in petty little fight.

if your community becomes stagnant, it will die. this board is complicated as is, let alone having the more senior members throw their weight around in counter-productive ways.

also, most of you people, you senior people, are very pleasant and welcoming, almost all o you, but the bad one always sticks out, at least for most people. that's just the way it is. i don't think you need that.

Did noob say something?
It makes me extremely pissy that we can't give more than 1 neg rep to a poster in 48 hours, but our cp only allows us to view 24 hours worth of rep.

That's just fucking crazy.

you need to walk the line. no risk no fun.

you could always come back as halalbitch if you mess up.

Shh. Her horse is trying to get her to mellow out in her old age.
Neg reps should only be allowe on Mandays between the hours of 8 AM and 5 PM.
Unless monday is a holiday and then no neg reps.
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