New Obama ad-Julia

The funny thing is virtually every teabagging wingnut on this site is going to sign up for Social Security and Medicare.
The funny thing is virtually every teabagging wingnut on this site is going to sign up for Social Security and Medicare.
Funny thing is that we've all had money expropriated from our livelihoods to pay for those train wrecks and will probably never recoup our loses.

As long as you've been at this, you'd think that such an inane and debunked DNC hack blabbering point wouldn't get tossed out there anymore.
The Federal Government is tasked to look out for the General Welfare of "We the People"

That's not the same as making sure everyone is on welfare, Dear

So you never went to a public school? You're going to turn down Medicare and Social Security? You're going to help your parents pay medical expenses so they won't be on "welfare"?

I went to a public school and my parents paid property taxes that paid for the school. I paid Medicare and Social Security insurance premiums every payday and intend to collect the benefits that I paid for. We took my Dad into our home until he became too senile to be around the kids and I paid for the old folks home that he went too. My sister took our Mother into her home until she died.

I always told my folks that they supported me for my first 18 years and I would support them for their last 18 years if they needed it and I was able.

Next question.
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The funny thing is virtually every teabagging wingnut on this site is going to sign up for Social Security and Medicare.
Funny thing is that we've all had money expropriated from our livelihoods to pay for those train wrecks and will probably never recoup our loses.

As long as you've been at this, you'd think that such an inane and debunked DNC hack blabbering point wouldn't get tossed out there anymore.

So that's your excuse for sucking on the government teat? And unless you croak early, which I hope you don't, you certainly will recoup what you've paid into the system.
The funny thing is virtually every teabagging wingnut on this site is going to sign up for Social Security and Medicare.
Funny thing is that we've all had money expropriated from our livelihoods to pay for those train wrecks and will probably never recoup our loses.

As long as you've been at this, you'd think that such an inane and debunked DNC hack blabbering point wouldn't get tossed out there anymore.

So that's your excuse for sucking on the government teat? And unless you croak early, which I hope you don't, you certainly will recoup what you've paid into the system.

Since when taking ownership of one's Property improperly STOLEN by an intrusive Government 'Sucking at the tit'?

You really wreak at this. (Meaning you SMELL)... Go take a BATH.
So that's your excuse for sucking on the government teat? And unless you croak early, which I hope you don't, you certainly will recoup what you've paid into the system.

When the government stops taxing me for this crap, then I'll stop expecting to receive the benefits. Of course, I've already been taxed for almost 35 years.

When are you going to spell your name correctly, Dick Suck?
So that's your excuse for sucking on the government teat? And unless you croak early, which I hope you don't, you certainly will recoup what you've paid into the system.

When the government stops taxing me for this crap, then I'll stop expecting to receive the benefits. Of course, I've already been taxed for almost 35 years.

When are you going to spell your name correctly, Dick Suck?

Relax. I call him Tick Duck. ;)
And yet most Social Security recipients draw out more than they put in

That's how all Ponzi schemes work until they collapse.

This particular Ponzi scheme has been working for 75 years......must be some kind of miracle

Social Security has already defaulted multiple times, but turds like you are too stupid to understand that. Anyone with basic math skills can easily understand that SS as it is currently formulated is doomed to collapse. How long the people have been fooled until now is irrelevant.
How are we suppose to pay for this? Talk about cradle to grave.

The Life of Julia — Barack Obama

Head Start
Obama Administration Report Shows Head Start Ineffective

17 yrs -
throw more money into the system rather than reform it to really educate them.

18 yrs.
Means add 10 million more students

22 yrs.
This is too popular not to be added to a new health care bill. I don't think this one will go away.

23 yrs-
Lilly Ledbetter Act. I don't think this is ever going to be repealed it's a non issue.

And it goes on and on.The Dem's just do not want to cut back on anything at all.
The way this is done, you would think that they are talking to a bunch of 6 year olds.
I will be the very first to admit that no one can lay all of this at Obama's feet. He was just stupid enough to highlight it to the rest of the country and then think he'd take some credit for it. Only the collective population of American went........."WTF?" When did all this happen?

This is the creeping contamination of our country by the power hungry, seeking to be Kings and Gods above us mortals.

When fully half the country is beholden to government just to live, how can anyone say to themselves that we have made progress in anything?

Progress is living your own life, free of dependency upon government. Progress is providing love and a nurturing environment to your children and spouse. Progress is providing a solid grounding to your children so that they can think for themselves, make correct choices, get the right kind of education (for you slaves out there, the right kind of education is the kind that provides you a means of supporting yourself while satisfying your intellectual and physical vocational life) so that they can provide the things that you have provided for them.

Being told to vote for Me, cause if you don't, someone will come along and take away your food is so reprehensible that I often wonder why it is that when a politician says it, they are not dragged out of their office, tarred, feathered and run out of town in disgrace.

Progress is having pride in yourself, and your accomplishments. Your EARNED accomplishments.
That's how all Ponzi schemes work until they collapse.

This particular Ponzi scheme has been working for 75 years......must be some kind of miracle

Social Security has already defaulted multiple times, but turds like you are too stupid to understand that. Anyone with basic math skills can easily understand that SS as it is currently formulated is doomed to collapse. How long the people have been fooled until now is irrelevant.

Republicans have been predicting Social Securities demise for 75 haven't been right yet
This particular Ponzi scheme has been working for 75 years......must be some kind of miracle

Social Security has already defaulted multiple times, but turds like you are too stupid to understand that. Anyone with basic math skills can easily understand that SS as it is currently formulated is doomed to collapse. How long the people have been fooled until now is irrelevant.

Republicans have been predicting Social Securities demise for 75 haven't been right yet

The government has reduced benefits and increased the taxes on it multiple times. If a private insurance company tried that the officers would all be in federal prison.
Social Security has already defaulted multiple times, but turds like you are too stupid to understand that. Anyone with basic math skills can easily understand that SS as it is currently formulated is doomed to collapse. How long the people have been fooled until now is irrelevant.

Republicans have been predicting Social Securities demise for 75 haven't been right yet

The government has reduced benefits and increased the taxes on it multiple times. If a private insurance company tried that the officers would all be in federal prison.

Private insurance companies go belly up all the time. Social Security has lasted for generations.
Funny thing is that we've all had money expropriated from our livelihoods to pay for those train wrecks and will probably never recoup our loses.

As long as you've been at this, you'd think that such an inane and debunked DNC hack blabbering point wouldn't get tossed out there anymore.

So that's your excuse for sucking on the government teat? And unless you croak early, which I hope you don't, you certainly will recoup what you've paid into the system.

Since when taking ownership of one's Property improperly STOLEN by an intrusive Government 'Sucking at the tit'?

You really wreak at this. (Meaning you SMELL)... Go take a BATH.

My money says Federal Reserve Note, The United States Of America. I see images of dead presidents on it, not "The T". Last time I looked, we had a military to protect our interests, food and drug inspections, air traffic control, interstate highways, bridges, ports, etc.. Last time I looked Social Security checks were being mailed, and Medicare was providing health coverage for our elderly.

Are you some kind of freeloader?

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