New Obama Motto: bin Laden is dead, and Al Qaeda is alive

You're the crazy person in the corner of a room that mumbles to itself.

I wonder why conservatives haven't mobilized their own fighting force to go up against al Qaeda. The Romney boys are probably just ITCHIN' to get into this fight.

When you're referring to a person, the correct relative pronoun to use is "who."

Romney's Rangers. Kinda has a ring to it, don't cha think?

Or maybe the Konservative Kommando Kompany. I guess you could always abbreviate it.

Hannity has got the air of someone who could be their leader.
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Osama bin Laden Largely Discredited Among Muslim Publics in Recent Years | Pew Global Attitudes Project

Yeah... really seems that they all always loved him, and still do.

You have a few nations, and that's about it. And even then, mostly concentrated to single areas.

the Muslim population, as a whole, was never in a majority in favour of Bin Laden, or his actions.

It's right wing scared of shadow tactics.

But you claimed he never had broad support, didn't you?

Strawman much, cheesedick?
Broad support. Majority support. Never happened, never occured. Is that hard to grasp?


I presented you with two separate research studies from one of the most respected research organizations on earth which belie that.

Bin Laden was a freaking hero to tens of millions of camel fuckers.

You have failed, loser.
But you claimed he never had broad support, didn't you?

Strawman much, cheesedick?
Broad support. Majority support. Never happened, never occured. Is that hard to grasp?


I presented you with two separate research studies from one of the most respected research organizations on earth which belie that.

Bin Laden was a freaking hero to tens of millions of camel fuckers.

You have failed, loser.

And your information is more accurate than what i provided.

You've just exposed your real motivation.

"camel fuckers." and this coming from someone who pretends that "the race card" is being played. You are so fucking dumb it must hurt. I mean, really. If you're going to pretend that you AREN'T a bigot, you shouldn't say stupid shit like that, you know?
Broad support. Majority support. Never happened, never occured. Is that hard to grasp?


I presented you with two separate research studies from one of the most respected research organizations on earth which belie that.

Bin Laden was a freaking hero to tens of millions of camel fuckers.

You have failed, loser.

And your information is more accurate than what i provided.

You've just exposed your real motivation.

"camel fuckers." and this coming from someone who pretends that "the race card" is being played. You are so fucking dumb it must hurt. I mean, really. If you're going to pretend that you AREN'T a bigot, you shouldn't say stupid shit like that, you know?

Of course.

But you will learn.

They all do.


I presented you with two separate research studies from one of the most respected research organizations on earth which belie that.

Bin Laden was a freaking hero to tens of millions of camel fuckers.

You have failed, loser.

And your information is more accurate than what i provided.

You've just exposed your real motivation.

"camel fuckers." and this coming from someone who pretends that "the race card" is being played. You are so fucking dumb it must hurt. I mean, really. If you're going to pretend that you AREN'T a bigot, you shouldn't say stupid shit like that, you know?

Of course.

But you will learn.

They all do.

Yes, THAT was the part of the post you should be concerned about, not your dramatic hypocricy in regards to race having anything to do with how you think.

Go have a shot of moonshine, it will calm your nerves.
Obama’s Rules of Engagement: Calling Lawyers for Permission to Kill Terrorists

Filed under: General— Patterico @ 10:24 pm

When we have the terrorists in our crosshairs, we are still calling the lawyers to ask permission to fire.
Quite literally.
An excellent Wall Street Journal article highlights the infuriating rules of engagement that we are operating under in Afghanistan:
When Capt. Zinni spotted the four men planting the booby trap on the afternoon of Feb. 17, the first thing he did was call his lawyer.

“Judge!” he yelled.

Capt. Matthew Andrew, judge advocate for 1st Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment, advises the battalion about when it is legal to order the airstrikes. He examined the figures on the video feed closely. “I think you got it,” Capt. Andrew said, giving the OK for the strike.
But, the story reports, Zinni (son of Anthony Zinni) ended up spotting kids nearby — so the strike was called off. The terrorists ended up getting away.
Is it just an accident that some kids were wandering near insurgents planting a booby trap? Almost certainly not:
Capt. Zinni had seen this scenario before in Marjah. Insurgents using women and children for cover as they moved weapons or crossed open spaces into fighting positions in buildings. In this case, the captain was certain that the children were acting—either by their own volition or under coercion—as shields for the men planting the bomb.
The way the Taliban see it, he thought, they’d win either way: The Americans might hold their fire and allow them to plant a bomb unmolested. Or the Americans might kill a few civilians, a propaganda victory for an insurgent force increasingly adept at using the media to spread its message.
Leftist critics will point to another Journal article that shows what might happen when the rules of engagement are not followed. In an airstrike far from Marjah, 27 civilians were killed. The attack appears to have been a mistake — an attack on a purely civilian target.
My view is that, like friendly fire casualties (which are shockingly commonplace, far more than most people realize), casualties like this are a tragic but unavoidable result of war. War is not clean and it is not perfect. But that doesn’t mean that we should hold our fire when children are being used as human shields, as apparently occurred in the initial example above. Those insurgents may have successfully set another bomb that might kill our soldiers elsewhere. We shouldn’t be putting soldiers’ lives at stake for the sake of a propaganda victory.
There are no easy answers. But I fear that our enemy’s lack of morality, coupled with Obama’s hyper-concern for the good opinion of Afghanis, may be costing us the blood of our young men in uniform.

If so, that is not acceptable.

Obama has had more Americans soldiers killed in his 4 years than Bush did in the same amount of time.

read more:
Patterico's Pontifications » Obama’s Rules of Engagement: Calling Lawyers for Permission to Kill Terrorists
Bush ignored warnings of hijackings like a fucking Nazi and got 3,000 Americans killed.

He was on VACATION, man. Sheesh. Bein' President? It's HARD work!

He wasn't on vacation

He was reading....My Pet Goat

I think the referral was regarding the Aug 6 PDB. Bush was on vacation at his pseudo-ranch which the was fixed up on the taxpayers' dime. You know, the one without any ranch animals of any kind?
You want to talk AlQaida?

Let's talk about Republicans abandoning the war on terror to blunder into Iraq. Let's talk about how Republicans gave up the worst terrorist attack in history. Lets talk about how Republicans spent seven years and never got a whiff of bin Laden

And they think they are tough on terrorism?
You want to talk AlQaida?

Let's talk about Republicans abandoning the war on terror to blunder into Iraq. Let's talk about how Republicans gave up the worst terrorist attack in history. Lets talk about how Republicans spent seven years and never got a whiff of bin Laden

And they think they are tough on terrorism?

They're in tough TALK.
You want to talk AlQaida?

Let's talk about Republicans abandoning the war on terror to blunder into Iraq. Let's talk about how Republicans gave up the worst terrorist attack in history. Lets talk about how Republicans spent seven years and never got a whiff of bin Laden

And they think they are tough on terrorism?

Our Enemies are resourceful. So are we. They never stop thinking of ways to hurt America. Neither do we. - George W.
You want to talk AlQaida?

Let's talk about Republicans abandoning the war on terror to blunder into Iraq. Let's talk about how Republicans gave up the worst terrorist attack in history. Lets talk about how Republicans spent seven years and never got a whiff of bin Laden

And they think they are tough on terrorism?

Our Enemies are resourceful. So are we. They never stop thinking of ways to hurt America. Neither do we. - George W.

News to Baby Bush

The terrorists were in Afghanistan, the Terrorists were in Pakistan

They weren't in Iraq
You want to talk AlQaida?

Let's talk about Republicans abandoning the war on terror to blunder into Iraq. Let's talk about how Republicans gave up the worst terrorist attack in history. Lets talk about how Republicans spent seven years and never got a whiff of bin Laden

And they think they are tough on terrorism?

Our Enemies are resourceful. So are we. They never stop thinking of ways to hurt America. Neither do we. - George W.

News to Baby Bush

The terrorists were in Afghanistan, the Terrorists were in Pakistan

They weren't in Iraq

Yeah, but the guy who tried to kill his 'dad' was in Iraq!

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