New Package Of U.S. Military Aid For Ukraine Includes Helicopters, Artillery, Biden Says

You are wrong. pay attention to what is happening now. read up on tactics and what the words feint, probe, sacrifice and misdirect mean. Russia has a 100 to 1 advantage over Ukraine and zero respect for their own citizens. They have sacrificed 10s of millions of their own people for political purposes in the past and Putin will sacrifice his oldest machinery and a few thousand of his weakest forces to probe the actions and strengths of a foe. Its not just Ukraine, he wants all of the boundaries of the old Soviet Union back. he can see how weak and feckless biden is and what our new Democrats have become and he is certain we will not really try to top him. So far he has been correct.

What to do with your old outdated munitions? You can get rid of them, or you can slowly use them up against a poorly armed nation. That way you keep your best and your brightest for the big battles you plan to wage later, and at the same time you expose the fakes and the phonies' in your own military and replace them before the real ugly stuff starts happening.

Oh, no one sacrifices their queen unless they are going to have checkmate in the next two moves. Putin has simply moved a few pawns to see what the west would do (which is almost nothing) and he sacrificed one of his pawns to allow room for his big boys to come out and play. Meanwhile our chickenshits in Washington shake like a nervous little dog on the fourth of July. Its disgusting and its shameful.
You really have no idea what the fuck you are talking about,

Just because you play video games and fancy your self an arm chair warrior means nothing.

You know nothing of warfare or strategy and are merely regurgitating propaganda which has been proven false.

You lose like the Russians are and yes they sacrificed their queeen with no check mate in 2 or 2 hundred moves.
You really have no idea what the fuck you are talking about,

Just because you play video games and fancy your self an arm chair warrior means nothing.

You know nothing of warfare or strategy and are merely regurgitating propaganda which has been proven false.

You lose like the Russians are and yes they sacrificed their queeen with no check mate in 2 or 2 hundred moves.
. Life is real, son. And you are being played for a schmuck. If you think a few rag tag forces who have taken out 35 year old tanks with c team troops means the war is lost for Russia, you might want to consider trading in that wet card board box you use for a brain and get a new one. This war is just starting and if you think its just about Ukraine you are too stupid to bother talking to.
That's not how magazines work.

They are designed now to blow out the top. Moskva is no different. Sounds like they had a fire. This happens all the time on warships at sea.

Look at the Forestall disaster.

Vietnam would claim a "great victory for communism" if people were as stupid as you.
All you are doing is denying the reports from both the Russians and the Ukrainians that the ship was hit and damaged. That is pretty damn stupid.

Speaking of Vietnam I am a Vietnam War veteran. What the fuck do you know about it other than what you have seen in Hollywood movies?
That ship is tiny with no defensive systems and no armor belt. Can't tell from the pic, oil bunker? small logistics?

Looks like 2000 tons.

You can tell that the penetration is from the side which makes sense because Neptune is a wave skimmer.

An armor belt like Moskva's has would eat that thing for breakfast.
"Tugged to port" That is Russian speak for got their asses kicked.

Russian Ministry of Defense says fire at cruiser Moskva has been contained, explosions ceased, crew evacuated and the vessel is being tugged to the port.

Also Peskov says Putin is aware of the situation with the vessel Russian Ministry of Defense says fire at cruiser Moskva has been contained, explosions ceased, crew evacuated and the vessel is being tugged to the port Black Sea - Ukraine Interactive map - Ukraine Latest news on live map -

Some thoughts on the apparent sinking of the Russian Black Sea flagship Moskva: if confirmed, it's likely to go down in history as one of the most audaciously successful attacks in modern naval history. /1
Sooner or later Russia is going to attack the supply lines no matter who or where they are
No it didn't, lol. It was a rocket strike, they've been firing quite a few at Russia for 5 weeks now. You just get trash reports from Twitter.

I love how you believe something so stupid, though.

Russia's shot down over 100 incoming ballistics.

And Ukraine's shot down quite a lot of Cruise Missiles as well.

But no - twitter tells us it was a "helicopter attack" ... riiiiight.

My favorite are the "Ukrainian forces shot down an airplane over xyz". But no pics, no evidence, nothing. LOLOLOLOL.

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