New Package Of U.S. Military Aid For Ukraine Includes Helicopters, Artillery, Biden Says

When will Darthtraitor tell us something that he hasn't plagiarized? He pretends to know everything about everything? Is he God?
I know enough how to follow-up with what I know with proper research. Unlike fools like you who think Ukrainians have magic missiles and Thor's hammer to smash things around like Marvel Comics.

You can watch the Kiev Mall video to see what real damage looks like.

That cruise missile would be roughly 20x the explosive power of a Neptune.
I know enough how to follow-up with what I know with proper research. Unlike fools like you who think Ukrainians have magic missiles and Thor's hammer to smash things around like Marvel Comics.

You can watch the Kiev Mall video to see what real damage looks like.

That cruise missile would be roughly 20x the explosive power of a Neptune.

Seriously, you sound more like 8 than 38. Funny...
This is how Adolf Putin chooses to overcome his urban warfare weaknesses. Even Afghanistan kicked his ass.

so the offensive weapons, a Game-changer for this war ?

U.S. President Joe Biden has approved $800 million in new military assistance for Ukraine to fight Russia, including helicopters, artillery, ammunition, and other weapons.

Short on info,,,,what type of Arty and helos.......
It's for appearances only, obviously, and leftists like Lakota approve.

Biden starts WWIII & contributes to inflation. Lakota says hurrah.
This makes Russian sock puppets sad.

By the way… Ukraine just executed a copter raid inside Russia last week and blew up an oil depot
"According to scholar Tjundeshev, Batu Khan was the true founder of Russian statehood. China, India and Turkey also descend from the Tatars. For him, “it is so difficult for Russians to learn to be free; they always need a strong hand to rule them." Russia’s isolationism is also Tatar in nature. Foreigners are seen as enemies. ."
Someone needs to watch how real wars are fought and stop imagining every war is fought and lost like Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Russia is fighting a WW2 style war in Ukraine and completely dismantling/destroying the Ukrainian army.

The Russians quickly demonstrated they are incompetant and led by idiots. They are not winning. They needed to win this in a week or maybe two yet it has been a month and they are still desperately trying to advance.

This means they are not winning which for them is the same as losing.

They demonstrated their ineptitude and incompetance by bragging and boasting about capturing Chernobyl in the first week. Anyomne with half a working brain knows you do NOT attack or defend Chernobyl. You stay away from it at all costs. The Ukrainians offered no resistance and allowed Putins forces to waltz into chernobty and now they are paying the price in sick/ dead and dying soldiers.

This INSTANTLY showed anyone watchhing that the last ten years of Russian propaganda bragging about their military was bullshit. They are led by morons and fools.

They have beaten no onme and conquered nothing and are LOSING
What makes you think Putin won't just invade them as well. LOL.
BEcause Finland is no one to invadel The Russians invaded them during WWII and although they ultimately won the Fins WRECKED the russian invasion force making it a phyrric victory.

The fins have never forgotten this and live right next door. Whatever is left of the Russian army would die in any attempt to try again.

This entire war is demonstrating that some things never change. The Russians have always been historically great at defending Russia but they absolutely suck in any offensive war when attacking others nations unilaterally.

The Russians quickly demonstrated they are incompetant and led by idiots. They are not winning. They needed to win this in a week or maybe two yet it has been a month and they are still desperately trying to advance.

This means they are not winning which for them is the same as losing.

They demonstrated their ineptitude and incompetance by bragging and boasting about capturing Chernobyl in the first week. Anyomne with half a working brain knows you do NOT attack or defend Chernobyl. You stay away from it at all costs. The Ukrainians offered no resistance and allowed Putins forces to waltz into chernobty and now they are paying the price in sick/ dead and dying soldiers.

This INSTANTLY showed anyone watchhing that the last ten years of Russian propaganda bragging about their military was bullshit. They are led by morons and fools.

They have beaten no onme and conquered nothing and are LOSING
Russia knows Biden is a feckless fuck. They have all the time in the world to take Ukraine. Their banking system has reset and allowed Russia to return the ruble back to almost pre invasion value, they are still selling their fuel, and they still have all of their best fighters, bombers tanks and forces. They are flooding Ukraine with ground forces right now, and that means the ukraininas can;t hide behind trees and in ditches to shoot at old tanks like they did weeks ago.

Biden is a repeat of Chamberlin in the 1930s. He is afraid truly stepping in to stop Putin will cause ww3. Well, not stepping in to stop Putin will cause ww3 just as not stopping Hitler allowed ww2 to commence.

Meanwhile the fools in Bidens administration just signaled to china that we may be willing to turn a blind eye to Taiwan if China helps stop Russia's attack in Ukraine. Every single thing Biden has touched since January of 2021 has been turned into total shit. If you think anyone respects us right now you are dumber than a wet cardboard box.

I would love compete with you in poker or chess or ay other strategic game, a so as you danced around the room because you just took my rook, I would make one more move with my queen and checkmate your ass. Or because you had a few good hands and I watched your face and body language on each deal, I'd play you the rest of the night and you would pay my next three mortgage payments for me. This new world is just beginning, Russia, Iran, China and north Korea are just getting started, and the left has their face so firmly planted into our childrens crotch our nation is too divided to stand up to anything.
Millions and Billions of taxpayers money pouring to Ukraine by this stolen illegitimate Biden Administration....amazing!

Zelensky ...the puppet Globalist comedian in high heels, will be the richest man in Europe when this war is ended.
Russia knows Biden is a feckless fuck. They have all the time in the world to take Ukraine. Their banking system has reset and allowed Russia to return the ruble back to almost pre invasion value, they are still selling their fuel, and they still have all of their best fighters, bombers tanks and forces. They are flooding Ukraine with ground forces right now, and that means the ukraininas can;t hide behind trees and in ditches to shoot at old tanks like they did weeks ago.

Biden is a repeat of Chamberlin in the 1930s. He is afraid truly stepping in to stop Putin will cause ww3. Well, not stepping in to stop Putin will cause ww3 just as not stopping Hitler allowed ww2 to commence.

Meanwhile the fools in Bidens administration just signaled to china that we may be willing to turn a blind eye to Taiwan if China helps stop Russia's attack in Ukraine. Every single thing Biden has touched since January of 2021 has been turned into total shit. If you think anyone respects us right now you are dumber than a wet cardboard box.

I would love compete with you in poker or chess or ay other strategic game, a so as you danced around the room because you just took my rook, I would make one more move with my queen and checkmate your ass. Or because you had a few good hands and I watched your face and body language on each deal, I'd play you the rest of the night and you would pay my next three mortgage payments for me. This new world is just beginning, Russia, Iran, China and north Korea are just getting started, and the left has their face so firmly planted into our childrens crotch our nation is too divided to stand up to anything.
It is not a question of taking a rook it is a question of giving your queen away for no advantage which is what the Russians are doing.

Biden has nothing to fo with it.

The Russians are failing across the board
Millions and Billions of taxpayers money pouring to Ukraine by this stolen illegitimate Biden Administration....amazing!

Zelensky ...the puppet Globalist comedian in high heels, will be the richest man in Europe when this war is ended.
I think you drastically misunderstand what is is happening right now. Thousands of Ukrainians are being killed and murdered and cities are getting flattened. This isn't some partisan little attention game. Russia and china are playing us for fools and everyone still acts like its cheap partisan politics as usual. There is a reason previous generations of Americas stood against these thugs, none of them would be playing the feckless fuck to Putin the way Biden has. If Putin takes Ukraine he won't stop there. If Putin takes Ukraine China will see that they can have Taiwan and all of the western and Southern pacific.
It is not a question of taking a rook it is a question of giving your queen away for no advantage which is what the Russians are doing.

Biden has nothing to fo with it.

The Russians are failing across the board
You are wrong. pay attention to what is happening now. read up on tactics and what the words feint, probe, sacrifice and misdirect mean. Russia has a 100 to 1 advantage over Ukraine and zero respect for their own citizens. They have sacrificed 10s of millions of their own people for political purposes in the past and Putin will sacrifice his oldest machinery and a few thousand of his weakest forces to probe the actions and strengths of a foe. Its not just Ukraine, he wants all of the boundaries of the old Soviet Union back. he can see how weak and feckless biden is and what our new Democrats have become and he is certain we will not really try to top him. So far he has been correct.

What to do with your old outdated munitions? You can get rid of them, or you can slowly use them up against a poorly armed nation. That way you keep your best and your brightest for the big battles you plan to wage later, and at the same time you expose the fakes and the phonies' in your own military and replace them before the real ugly stuff starts happening.

Oh, no one sacrifices their queen unless they are going to have checkmate in the next two moves. Putin has simply moved a few pawns to see what the west would do (which is almost nothing) and he sacrificed one of his pawns to allow room for his big boys to come out and play. Meanwhile our chickenshits in Washington shake like a nervous little dog on the fourth of July. Its disgusting and its shameful.
so the offensive weapons, a Game-changer for this war ?

U.S. President Joe Biden has approved $800 million in new military assistance for Ukraine to fight Russia, including helicopters, artillery, ammunition, and other weapons.

Biden is a liar-----you should not take anything he says as truth. He promised to send lots of weapons to ukraine from before the war--but it turned out that he was slow walking the weapons and lying to the american people and others.

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