New pay-per-mile scheme would boost taxes 250 percent

We pay a flat per gal tax of about .18 per gallon on fuel in the USA.
And there is typically .10-.20 per gal local and state added onto that.

Just drop the per gallon tax and charge the state sales tax on it.

Ca. is 36 cents and Idaho is 25 cents
It has been a while since you have been truly exceptional anyway.

What are the top tax rates of these so-called 'socialist' countries?

What's the price for a litre in your country? Is it more than the 18.4% that we pay?
I bet it's a lot higher than what we pay.

The further left we go the less exceptional we are yes, one of your rare moments of clarity.

It varies between about $1.34 and $1.70. But some of that cost is due to transport...

I don't think that Obama or the left have anything to do with your country becoming less exceptional. I actually don't think you were any more exceptional than any other western country in the first place. Maybe militarily....
With our GDP, I would tend to disagree with you.
With the cost of a barrel of oil and an oz. of gold tied to the US dollar, I again would disagree with you. Of course, with the way we are going that could all change....which is pretty much what I was referring to.
Yup...if it is true that the government makes more than the oil companies and Exxon Mobile profits are in the 40 billion dollar range, that's right! Cool.

Oil companies do not make 18.4 cents profit per gallon of gasoline.
The government does.

And Exxon made $40 billion in profit. If Uncle Sam gets more than them, the Highway Trust Fund should be in the black, right?

Exxon is a little more involved in the industry than just operating quickie marts.

Regarding profits- you're barking up the wrong tree.
And barking mad.

Fortune 500 2009: Top Performers - Most Profitable Industries: Return on Revenues
What's the price for a litre in your country? Is it more than the 18.4% that we pay?
I bet it's a lot higher than what we pay.

The further left we go the less exceptional we are yes, one of your rare moments of clarity.

It varies between about $1.34 and $1.70. But some of that cost is due to transport...

I don't think that Obama or the left have anything to do with your country becoming less exceptional. I actually don't think you were any more exceptional than any other western country in the first place. Maybe militarily....
With our GDP, I would tend to disagree with you.
With the cost of a barrel of oil and an oz. of gold tied to the US dollar, I again would disagree with you. Of course, with the way we are going that could all change....which is pretty much what I was referring to.

You haven't been in the Top 5 for some time, and scrap into the Top 10 on some lists...
An on-again, off-again move by the Obama administration to scrap the federal gas tax in favor of a pay-per-mile fee would boost the tab to Americans as high as 250 percent, raising their current tax of 18.4 cents a gallon to as high as 46 cents, according to a new government study.

But without a tax increase, said the Government Accountability Office study, the government's highway fund is going to go dry. One reason the fund is going broke: President Obama's push for fuel efficient cars has resulted in better mileage, and fewer stops at the pump.

The GAO study is just the latest review of federal spending that paints a grim picture of the nation's infrastructure. Just keeping spending at current levels, the GAO said, would require a near doubling of the gas tax to 32 cents a gallon, and that would jump to as high as 46 cents should the federal government add spending to fix crumbling infrastructure and build new roads.

The average driver pays about $96 a year in federal gas taxes, said GAO. Should the administration seek to raise the highway trust fund from $34 billion to the $78 billion needed to fix and maintain roads, that could rise to $248. Translated into a pay-per-mile plan, drivers would face a tax of 2.2 cents per mile compared to the 0.9 cents they pay now. Trucks would pay far more

New pay-per-mile scheme would boost taxes 250 percent |

Oh bullshit. This mileage tax idea came out of the Highway Bill passed by Congress --- in 2005. That bill commissioned the University of Iowa to run test studies in various areas around the country, and each one of those areas has run local stories about this coming mileage tax -- for eight years.

Also Obama's Trans Sec Ray LaHood brought this up at the beginning of the first administration (four years ago) and it was immediately nixed by the POTUS. Even Fox News reported it.

Seriously I gotta wonder what stones some of y'all turn over to find bullshit stories like this. And why.
So that explains this. Let's see, if we need to raise the Highway Trust Fund $44 billion, and if the US profits more than the oil companies, then all we have to do is sit back and do nothing. The US government will get that much alone from Exxon by the end of this year.

Yup...if it is true that the government makes more than the oil companies and Exxon Mobile profits are in the 40 billion dollar range, that's right! Cool.

Oil companies do not make 18.4 cents profit per gallon of gasoline.
The government does.

If that's true, then the government must be making more per year from Exxon than Exxon's own profit margin. So you're still back to my post above.
Regarding profits- you're barking up the wrong tree.
And barking mad.

Fortune 500 2009: Top Performers - Most Profitable Industries: Return on Revenues

Exxon made a $40 billion profit last year. Tap dance all you want, $40 billion is still $40 billion. So, if the government is getting an even bigger piece of the pie.....where's that leave us?

For the third and final time... the federal government makes more profit on the sale of each gallon of gasoline than do the oil companies.
Learn to read.
Even now, the U.S. profits way more on a gallon of gas than any oil company ever did.

So that explains this. Let's see, if we need to raise the Highway Trust Fund $44 billion, and if the US profits more than the oil companies, then all we have to do is sit back and do nothing. The US government will get that much alone from Exxon by the end of this year.

Yup...if it is true that the government makes more than the oil companies and Exxon Mobile profits are in the 40 billion dollar range, that's right! Cool.

The gas tax alone brings in 25 billion a year for the feds. Add to that the tax on diesel and jet fuel and the fucking government does very well indeed.
For the third and final time... the federal government makes more profit on the sale of each gallon of gasoline than do the oil companies.
Learn to read.

Okay, so the government made more than $40 billion from Exxon alone.
Regarding profits- you're barking up the wrong tree.
And barking mad.

Fortune 500 2009: Top Performers - Most Profitable Industries: Return on Revenues

Exxon made a $40 billion profit last year. Tap dance all you want, $40 billion is still $40 billion. So, if the government is getting an even bigger piece of the pie.....where's that leave us?

For the third and final time... the federal government makes more profit on the sale of each gallon of gasoline than do the oil companies.
Learn to read.

the is the profit on the end sale of the product.
More is made in other divisions of the oil companies.
So that explains this. Let's see, if we need to raise the Highway Trust Fund $44 billion, and if the US profits more than the oil companies, then all we have to do is sit back and do nothing. The US government will get that much alone from Exxon by the end of this year.

Yup...if it is true that the government makes more than the oil companies and Exxon Mobile profits are in the 40 billion dollar range, that's right! Cool.

The gas tax alone brings in 25 billion a year for the feds. Add to that the tax on diesel and jet fuel and the fucking government does very well indeed.

And they spend more than that on highway maintenance and construction.
Yet another scam on the mostly white middle class America.

Blacks and hispanics crammed into their big city ghettos ride the subway and bus, so this doesn't affect them.

Middle class whites driving to work, the mall, etc need to be shook down for more funnel it back to the poor minorities waiting for their welfare check.
An on-again, off-again move by the Obama administration to scrap the federal gas tax in favor of a pay-per-mile fee would boost the tab to Americans as high as 250 percent, raising their current tax of 18.4 cents a gallon to as high as 46 cents, according to a new government study.

But without a tax increase, said the Government Accountability Office study, the government's highway fund is going to go dry. One reason the fund is going broke: President Obama's push for fuel efficient cars has resulted in better mileage, and fewer stops at the pump.

The GAO study is just the latest review of federal spending that paints a grim picture of the nation's infrastructure. Just keeping spending at current levels, the GAO said, would require a near doubling of the gas tax to 32 cents a gallon, and that would jump to as high as 46 cents should the federal government add spending to fix crumbling infrastructure and build new roads.

The average driver pays about $96 a year in federal gas taxes, said GAO. Should the administration seek to raise the highway trust fund from $34 billion to the $78 billion needed to fix and maintain roads, that could rise to $248. Translated into a pay-per-mile plan, drivers would face a tax of 2.2 cents per mile compared to the 0.9 cents they pay now. Trucks would pay far more

New pay-per-mile scheme would boost taxes 250 percent |

That analysis doesn't even make sense.

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