New Poll: Majority Of Trump Supporters Back Him NO MATTER WHAT

I don't know, bragging about supporting a politician no matter what makes you a sheep.
You can count me as one of those magnificent patriotic Trump supporters. Trump will win in a landslide this time around. Poll: Majority of Trump Supporters Back Him No Matter What

  • His wanting to protect our borders.
  • His wanting to make America stronger.
  • His desire to strengthen our trade in the world.
  • His refusal to not chuck our economy over an unproven theory.
  • His filling the Supreme Court with stout Constitutionalists.
  • His defending the Church and the 2nd Amendment.
  • His belief that it is OK to be white.
  • His trying to clean up corruption in Washington.
  • His being a political outsider.
  • His being unabashedly pro-American.
I know Trump is a sucky politician. He's not a great speaker, orator or statesman. That is why I back him! Because he's real! He says unpopular things because he believes them right, not because they poll well, he has balls, he doesn't back down, and he says what he thinks and does what he believes is right.
Obama killed a border patrol agent when he smuggled guns to drug lords.

Then, Obama killed four Americans including our ambassador to Libya when he refused to authorize a rescue operation during a terrorist attack.

What's Trump guilty of?

Asking a foreign leader to investigate a corrupt American politician.
Trump is the real deal. The Democrat Party is the Anti-America party. That is abundantly clear, just look at their policies and proposals. Everything they run on either bankrupts the country or undermines everything that made it great.
Obama was a well known participant in the Chicago gay bathhouse scene. He had a proclivity for older white men.
I don't know, bragging about supporting a politician no matter what makes you a sheep.
Give us a list of names of democrats who stopped backing Obama because he crossed the line?

What line did he cross? Who said they would follow Obama no matter what he did? If you can find someone I'd call them idiots too.

Thanks for confirming my suspicion. Despite Obama exceeding his constitutional authority at least 13 times, breaking innumerable laws and flagrantly lying to the nation over and again and repeatedly abusing his powers in ever way possible, I never heard one Democrat say they would still support him no matter what much less want to impeach him. Indeed, you couldn't even find one who would admit to any wrongdoing!
I don't know, bragging about supporting a politician no matter what makes you a sheep.
Give us a list of names of democrats who stopped backing Obama because he crossed the line?

What line did he cross? Who said they would follow Obama no matter what he did? If you can find someone I'd call them idiots too.

Thanks for confirming my suspicion. Despite Obama exceeding his constitutional authority at least 13 times, breaking innumerable laws and flagrantly lying to the nation over and again and repeatedly abusing his powers in ever way possible, I never heard one Democrat say they would still support him no matter what much less want to impeach him. Indeed, you couldn't even find one who would admit to any wrongdoing!

Neat, but your opinion is not fact.
I don't know, bragging about supporting a politician no matter what makes you a sheep.
Backing / defending proven criminal politicians who have engaged in sedition and treason in attempted failed coup after attempted failed coup for 4 years simply because their proven criminal lost an election and having zero evidence still of any crime makes you a snowflake and a willing dupe / traitor.
I don't know, bragging about supporting a politician no matter what makes you a sheep.
Give us a list of names of democrats who stopped backing Obama because he crossed the line?

What line did he cross? Who said they would follow Obama no matter what he did? If you can find someone I'd call them idiots too.

Thanks for confirming my suspicion. Despite Obama exceeding his constitutional authority at least 13 times, breaking innumerable laws and flagrantly lying to the nation over and again and repeatedly abusing his powers in ever way possible, I never heard one Democrat say they would still support him no matter what much less want to impeach him. Indeed, you couldn't even find one who would admit to any wrongdoing!

Neat, but your opinion is not fact.
Your denial of fact is a PERSONAL mental deficiency....and choice.
I don't know, bragging about supporting a politician no matter what makes you a sheep.
Backing / defending proven criminal politicians who have engaged in sedition and treason in attempted failed coup after attempted failed coup for 4 years simply because their proven criminal lost an election and having zero evidence still of any crime makes you a snowflake and a willing dupe / traitor.

Starting with you don't even know how the Constitution defines treason and ending with I don't believe in bullshit conspiracy theories has nothing to do with an idiot proudly professing that no matter what Trump does he supports him.
Starting with you don't even know how the Constitution defines treason and ending with I don't believe in bullshit conspiracy theories has nothing to do with an idiot proudly professing that no matter what Trump does he supports him.
Thank you for proving you either don't know about it have ignored all the exposed evidence that traces the Counter-Intel OP r in by Obama's NSA, CIA, & FBI straight back to the oval office.
- A President, BTW, is the only one who can order one.

Deep Water Drilling Ban Contempt of Court ruling against Obama ring a bell?
- Of course not

USSC ruling Obama actions Un-Constitutional, like his illegal recess appointments - ever heard of them?
- Again, of course not.

Obama admitting he had no Constitutional authority to affect US Immigration law...and then doing so by by-passing Congress to impose his illegal 'DACA'?
- No? Gee, surprise surprise?

Pimping our military out to Al Qaeda, invading Syria...? Blaming a film maker exercising his 1st Amendment Right for 9/11/12?

Telling Medvedev to pass on to Putin in 201w he would be more flexible after re-election then giving Vlad uranium, Crimea, & years of uninterrupted interference and Counter-Intel ops in the US?
- Of course not....

Setting a new record for criminal non-compliance w/the FOIA & FRA?

Illegally spying on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices?

Obama killed a border patrol agent when he smuggled guns to drug lords.

Then, Obama killed four Americans including our ambassador to Libya when he refused to authorize a rescue operation during a terrorist attack.

What's Trump guilty of?

Asking a foreign leader to investigate a corrupt American politician.

Obviously you never read the:
Go ahead and find where is says anything about "Obama killed four Americans including our ambassador to Libya when he refused to authorize a rescue operation during a terrorist attack."
Actually it says nothing even remotely close to that. The main folks responsible for the four deaths were the military and intelligence. No matter how hard the Benghazi GOP lead committees tried to stick it to Obama and Clinton they came up with basically a nothing-burger. Obama and Clinton received a minor slap on the hands for being in the same room as those making the decisions.
It's like Obama's bin Laden kill and Trump's Badhdadi kill, neither one really did anything, but they both sang praises about themselves and didn't really deserve anything.

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