New Poll: Majority Of Trump Supporters Back Him NO MATTER WHAT

...Majority of the men’s vote is what counts and wins one way or the other Martial law will stop the unwise from Voting in of crooks

1. a Russian troll
2. a Chinese troll
3. an Islamist troll
4. an inmate in an insane asylum
5. a LibTard troll trying to make Cons look worse than they already do
6. a flaming American Nazi Party queen


Counterpoint: Mens and Womens votes count equally in the US; no reference to gender appears on ballot forms nor systems

Counterpoint: There will be no declaration of Martial Law in the US prior to the January 2021 presidential inauguration

Counterpoint: The unwise have already voted-in a crook, so America is preparing to perform emergency surgery on the Body Politic
Hey, give the man credit, he was right!

Obama killed a border patrol agent when he smuggled guns to drug lords.

Then, Obama killed four Americans including our ambassador to Libya when he refused to authorize a rescue operation during a terrorist attack.

What's Trump guilty of?

Asking a foreign leader to investigate a corrupt American politician.
He also murdered a US citizen extra-judicially via a drone strike based on an accusation of terrorism. Whether or not an American citizen is accused of terrorism is beside the point, their due process was still protected by the constitution.
You can count me as one of those magnificent patriotic Trump supporters. Trump will win in a landslide this time around.

Poll: Majority of Trump Supporters Back Him No Matter What
Quite believable.

Fortunately, the base, the core of Orange Kool-Aid Drinkers does not constitute a majority of the US voting public.

Vast legions of
Reagan Trump Democrats will be flipping polarity again in 2020, given Trump's misadventures and misbehavior.

Arrogant, amoral, autocratic Robber Baron presidencies are not to be endured nor sustained in this country.

LOL you fools are going to lose, again. If anything we hate Democrats even more than we did in 2016.
Like we lost in KY ?? A state your moron won by 30% in 2016?? Don't you get it Blues?? Trump the morons reign is over ,,In 10 years you won't admit you voted for him Like the Germans said after Hitler,,,"we didn't know""
Invest in conservative stock now
Take your money out if liberal stock
What would be examples of "conservative stock"?

Chick fil a

Boycott wars will start first

Trumps supporters from
The polls have the higher net worth

So they have room to even lose money to do boycott wars
Chick Fil A is private.

Anything else?

Just look at stock that will rise if lower logic women’s vote gets stopped with logic tests for voting

That is coming be a head of the crowd before it’s widely known
...Majority of the men’s vote is what counts and wins one way or the other Martial law will stop the unwise from Voting in of crooks

1. a Russian troll
2. a Chinese troll
3. an Islamist troll
4. an inmate in an insane asylum
5. a LibTard troll trying to make Cons look worse than they already do
6. a flaming American Nazi Party queen


Counterpoint: Mens and Womens votes count equally in the US; no reference to gender appears on ballot forms nor systems

Counterpoint: There will be no declaration of Martial Law in the US prior to the January 2021 presidential inauguration

Counterpoint: The unwise have already voted-in a crook, so America is preparing to perform emergency surgery on the Body Politic
I vote for #4.
...LOL you fools are going to lose, again...
Perhaps. We will know in 12 more months.

...If anything we hate Democrats even more than we did in 2016.
Whereas we do not hate you.

We merely pity you, and intend to shove you out of the way again.

But, it is true, the worst of the Idiot Democrats may end-up poisoning their own well with pseudo-socialist bull$hit.

If they're not careful.

For a nation to progress people must hate harm and love help

But only ones with logic knows which is which the men have the higher logic and if they can’t vote in the leaders they will bring martial law to change the system
I would have thought a Democrat would have posted this poll to illustrate what has become of the Republican Party.

Why would they? "Trump supporters" are not "the Republican Party."

We also know that either Trump supporters lied to the pollster, or the pollster lied to Breitbart, or Breitbart lied to us - or all of the above. How do we know that, you ask? Easy enough to see. Where someone to hit Trump over the head with a 2x4, and were he to find some humanity and decency he had long misplaced, were he to find empathy for the poor, minorities, and refugees, not to mention a decent respect for women, science, and the truth itself, and adjust his policies accordingly, Trumpletons would abandon him in no time.

And that's why we know they all lied, and that's also why no Democrat would touch that "poll" with a flag pole, but it was a splendid opportunity for the white MAGA man to expose himself for what he is. Not that this was strictly necessary, or newsworthy.
...For a nation to progress people must hate harm and love help But only ones with logic knows which is which the men have the higher logic and if they can’t vote in the leaders they will bring martial law to change the system
Your English-as-a-Second-Language class must have been of a very inferior nature.

That, or your Google translation tool is having difficulty understanding you in your native language.

Go sell that crap in Moscow or Beijing... it doesn't fly here.
Invest in conservative stock now
Take your money out if liberal stock
What would be examples of "conservative stock"?

Chick fil a

Boycott wars will start first

Trumps supporters from
The polls have the higher net worth

So they have room to even lose money to do boycott wars
Chick Fil A is private.

Anything else?


Do you know this type jerry springer websites will be stopped because it lowers productivity and GDP scores

Debating people with too low of logic brings no help and just wastes time and brings down productiveness and Progress. So this here will be stopped on the internet
...For a nation to progress people must hate harm and love help But only ones with logic knows which is which the men have the higher logic and if they can’t vote in the leaders they will bring martial law to change the system
Your English-as-a-Second-Language class must have been of a very inferior nature.

That, or your Google translation tool is having difficulty understanding you in your native language.

Go sell that crap in Moscow or Beijing... it doesn't fly here.


The majority of men agrees

And they will win with the coming martial law
You can count me as one of those magnificent patriotic Trump supporters. Trump will win in a landslide this time around. Poll: Majority of Trump Supporters Back Him No Matter What

  • His wanting to protect our borders.
  • His wanting to make America stronger.
  • His desire to strengthen our trade in the world.
  • His refusal to not chuck our economy over an unproven theory.
  • His filling the Supreme Court with stout Constitutionalists.
  • His defending the Church and the 2nd Amendment.
  • His belief that it is OK to be white.
  • His trying to clean up corruption in Washington.
  • His being a political outsider.
  • His being unabashedly pro-American.
I know Trump is a sucky politician. He's not a great speaker, orator or statesman. That is why I back him! Because he's real! He says unpopular things because he believes them right, not because they poll well, he has balls, he doesn't back down, and he says what he thinks and does what he believes is right.
In time you won't admit you supported him

It’s the majority of the men that supports trump and the majority of women not supporting trump

So this is war between men and women

Guess who will win easily ??

You've never had sex, have you?
I don't know, bragging about supporting a politician no matter what makes you a sheep.
Give us a list of names of democrats who stopped backing Obama because he crossed the line?

What line did he cross? Who said they would follow Obama no matter what he did? If you can find someone I'd call them idiots too.
You all backed Obama no matter what. After it was proven he relied on your ignorance to get Obama care passed. You still supported him.
You can count me as one of those magnificent patriotic Trump supporters. Trump will win in a landslide this time around.

Poll: Majority of Trump Supporters Back Him No Matter What

He defiantly has the majority of the men and that is what will count .. unwise voters will be stopped from electing crooks by the majority of men

he just stumped for the (R) loser in one of the reddest states in america - - - kentucky. that should give you a clue that you need to change the needle, cause it's skipping bigley.
You can count me as one of those magnificent patriotic Trump supporters. Trump will win in a landslide this time around.

Poll: Majority of Trump Supporters Back Him No Matter What

That's the saddest thing I ever heard.

It just screams cult.

Trump has already won in a landslide the most powerful group ever

The white men

That then brings martial law that they will win easily and then stop the unwise from voting in of crooks
I don't know, bragging about supporting a politician no matter what makes you a sheep.
Give us a list of names of democrats who stopped backing Obama because he crossed the line?

What line did he cross? Who said they would follow Obama no matter what he did? If you can find someone I'd call them idiots too.

Thanks for confirming my suspicion. Despite Obama exceeding his constitutional authority at least 13 times, breaking innumerable laws and flagrantly lying to the nation over and again and repeatedly abusing his powers in ever way possible, I never heard one Democrat say they would still support him no matter what much less want to impeach him. Indeed, you couldn't even find one who would admit to any wrongdoing!

Neat, but your opinion is not fact.
That is not an opinion it is fact. See you proved yourself to be an idiot.
You can count me as one of those magnificent patriotic Trump supporters. Trump will win in a landslide this time around.

Poll: Majority of Trump Supporters Back Him No Matter What

He defiantly has the majority of the men and that is what will count .. unwise voters will be stopped from electing crooks by the majority of men

he just stumped for the (R) loser in one of the reddest states in america - - - kentucky. that should give you a clue that you need to change the needle, cause it's skipping bigley.


Trump won the men’s vote and that is what counts

Law is coming now to stop the unwise women voting in of crooks
Like we lost in KY ?? A state your moron won by 30% in 2016?? Don't you get it Blues?? Trump the morons reign is over ,,In 10 years you won't admit you voted for him Like the Germans said after Hitler,,,"we didn't know""

LMAO let me guess, its an anti Trump wave :auiqs.jpg: one race :auiqs.jpg: your desperation is delicious.

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