New Poll: Majority Of Trump Supporters Back Him NO MATTER WHAT

I would have thought a Democrat would have posted this poll to illustrate what has become of the Republican Party.

Martial law is all set to come

This comes because of the higher logic men’s vote don’t count. Because of lower logics brainwashed minds electing crooks

you gotta brush up on american law, sergi.


That’s why the founders would not let women vote

And gave the guns to the people to over throw the changed crooked system

And now trump
Is all set to bring martial law

the founding fathers also thought it was cool to own people. the great thing about our constitution, serg - is it is a living document. built in safeguards that allow it to be amended as times change.
You can count me as one of those magnificent patriotic Trump supporters. Trump will win in a landslide this time around.

Poll: Majority of Trump Supporters Back Him No Matter What

Basically it indicates that they are untouched any longer by the Tokyo Rose propaganda hacks....
Trump has actually gained support
Over the past 3 years and they know it.


If Trump is going to lose, then why does his war chest have $165,671,189 and Burr Knee only $73,797,153, warren $60,049,476, Buttjigjig $50,936,509 and Bidink only $36,760,280? Hmmm, come on, tell me. The money came from doners. What does that tell you numbnutz?

dark money. thank citizen's united for that one.
Starting with you don't even know how the Constitution defines treason and ending with I don't believe in bullshit conspiracy theories has nothing to do with an idiot proudly professing that no matter what Trump does he supports him.
Thank you for proving you either don't know about it have ignored all the exposed evidence that traces the Counter-Intel OP r in by Obama's NSA, CIA, & FBI straight back to the oval office.
- A President, BTW, is the only one who can order one.

Deep Water Drilling Ban Contempt of Court ruling against Obama ring a bell?
- Of course not

USSC ruling Obama actions Un-Constitutional, like his illegal recess appointments - ever heard of them?
- Again, of course not.

Obama admitting he had no Constitutional authority to affect US Immigration law...and then doing so by by-passing Congress to impose his illegal 'DACA'?
- No? Gee, surprise surprise?

Pimping our military out to Al Qaeda, invading Syria...? Blaming a film maker exercising his 1st Amendment Right for 9/11/12?

Telling Medvedev to pass on to Putin in 201w he would be more flexible after re-election then giving Vlad uranium, Crimea, & years of uninterrupted interference and Counter-Intel ops in the US?
- Of course not....

Setting a new record for criminal non-compliance w/the FOIA & FRA?

Illegally spying on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices?


Poor baby, Obama has never committed a crime. If you think he has then blame the GOP for doing nothing about it.

In the meantime the idiot who started this thread insists he will support Trump no matter what he does. Shoots somebody on 5th Ave. for example.
hold on tight blues ..Losses by your moron in KY and VA predict doom for you in 2020 Americans ,,not you idiot sheep, ,, are coming to their senses
You can count me as one of those magnificent patriotic Trump supporters. Trump will win in a landslide this time around.

Poll: Majority of Trump Supporters Back Him No Matter What
Quite believable.

Fortunately, the base, the core of Orange Kool-Aid Drinkers does not constitute a majority of the US voting public.

Vast legions of
Reagan Trump Democrats will be flipping polarity again in 2020, given Trump's misadventures and misbehavior.

Arrogant, amoral, autocratic Robber Baron presidencies are not to be endured nor sustained in this country.

LOL you fools are going to lose, again. If anything we hate Democrats even more than we did in 2016.


The Democratic party leader


Poor baby, Obama has never committed a crime. If you think he has then blame the GOP for doing nothing about it.
Congrats for showing off your Common Core-based education, snowflake.

1. There is a huge difference between not COMMITTING a crime and not BEING HELD ACCOUNTABLE for doing so.

2. You are trying to blame the GOP for Obama committing crimes?

3. You are attempting to blame the GOP for not holding Obama appropriately accountable for his crimes despite the fact that it was Obama who 'owned' the DOJ, NSA, CIA, FBI, and Intel Community?

Poor baby, Obama has never committed a crime. If you think he has then blame the GOP for doing nothing about it.
Congrats for showing off your Common Core-based education, snowflake.

1. There is a huge difference between not COMMITTING a crime and not BEING HELD ACCOUNTABLE for doing so.

2. You are trying to blame the GOP for Obama committing crimes?

3. You are attempting to blame the GOP for not holding Obama appropriately accountable for his crimes despite the fact that it was Obama who 'owned' the DOJ, NSA, CIA, FBI, and Intel Community?

the DOJ, NSA, CIA, FBI, and Intel Community?
Where would America be without them??? Is that what trump and his sheep are gunning for?
Like we lost in KY ?? A state your moron won by 30% in 2016?? Don't you get it Blues?? Trump the morons reign is over ,,In 10 years you won't admit you voted for him Like the Germans said after Hitler,,,"we didn't know""

LMAO let me guess, its an anti Trump wave :auiqs.jpg: one race :auiqs.jpg: your desperation is delicious.

not a wave - that will be next year. again. but it sure was one helluva wake up call - given how trump won bigley in 2016, stumped the night before the election & the (R) governor


LMAO by you and who's army, Elizabeth Warren's? :21::21::21::21::21::21:

we got the house.... remember? the senate has a whole lotta (R) seats up fer grabs this time around. turtleboy is very VERY unpopular in his own little kentucky & ummm.... well... guess what just happened.

You got nothing fool we extended our lead in the Senate, own the White House and SCOTUS. Tissue? :auiqs.jpg:

the senate wasn't the focus in 2018 because the house needed to flip. & it did. & alot of that was based on the ACA.

Here is the list of the senators whose seats will be on the ballot in 2020, broken down by party:
Lamar Alexander (R-Tennessee)
Shelley Moore Capito (R-West Virginia)
Bill Cassidy (R-Louisiana)
Susan Collins (R-Maine)
John Cornyn (R-Texas)
Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas)
Steve Daines (R-Montana)
Mike Enzi (R-Wyoming)
Joni Ernst (R-Iowa)
Cory Gardner (R-Colorado)
Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina)
Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Mississippi)
-- Hyde-Smith was appointed by Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant to fill the seat vacated by Sen. Thad Cochran who resigned due to health issues. She competed in the 2018 special election to fill the term. CNN projects the race will go to a runoff. Hyde-Smith will compete against Democratic challenger Mike Espy since no candidate received 50% of the vote total. The contest will take place on Tuesday, November 27. A full six-year term election will be held in 2020.
James Inhofe (R-Oklahoma)
Jon Kyl (R-Arizona)
-- It is expected that there will be an open special election in 2020 for the seat because Kyl has said he will not run in 2020. A full six-year term election will take place in 2022.
Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky)
David Perdue (R-GA)
Jim Risch (R-Idaho)
Pat Roberts (R-Kansas)
Mike Rounds (R-South Dakota)
Ben Sasse (R-Nebraska)
Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska)
Thom Tillis (R-North Carolina)

These are the senators facing re-election fights in 2020 - CNNPolitics
What line did he cross? Who said they would follow Obama no matter what he did? If you can find someone I'd call them idiots too.
You all backed Obama no matter what. After it was proven he relied on your ignorance to get Obama care passed. You still supported him.

the (R) governor dude who just lost in kentucky wanted to get rid of the expanded medicaid kentuckians enjoyed; some never having had health insurance before....

why do you suppose they voted him out?
If Obama care is so great why are all the democrats running on healthcare?

to keep it, improve on it, & outright go beyond it. why do you think the house flipped in 2018? all them thar town halls revealed what was a driving force in that flip.

the ACA is in the courts right now, being decided on whether or not to rule the whole thing as unconstitutional & it's freaking the hell outa people who need it.

the ONE big thing about the freak out - is how trumpco wants to get rid of the pre existing condition protection. who do you know that doesn't have one?

The men’s vote did not flip

It’s their votes that count

If Trump is going to lose, then why does his war chest have $165,671,189 and Burr Knee only $73,797,153, warren $60,049,476, Buttjigjig $50,936,509 and Bidink only $36,760,280? Hmmm, come on, tell me. The money came from doners. What does that tell you numbnutz?
Are you sure that the money didn`t come from Rudy`s Russian goons? Perhaps you`ve been on a different planet for the last few years and you really don`t have a clue.

the NRA coughed up 40 million funneled in from the rooooskies for 2016 & now they are going bankrupt. donny is getting his cash thru some other slimy ways.
I don't know, bragging about supporting a politician no matter what makes you a sheep.
Give us a list of names of democrats who stopped backing Obama because he crossed the line?

What line did he cross? Who said they would follow Obama no matter what he did? If you can find someone I'd call them idiots too.
You all backed Obama no matter what. After it was proven he relied on your ignorance to get Obama care passed. You still supported him.

Oh, grey sad rainbow, Obama didn't alienate his allies and play kissy face with dictators and scum bags. He didn't ask foreign governments to help him in his own election. Obama wasn't perfect, like any other president far from it. So, I wouldn't proclaim everlasting support for him no matter what he did, that's the stuff of moronic sycophants who gave up on this country in exchange for anger and hate. Good little Germans the lot of you are.
LMAO let me guess, its an anti Trump wave :auiqs.jpg: one race :auiqs.jpg: your desperation is delicious.

not a wave - that will be next year. again. but it sure was one helluva wake up call - given how trump won bigley in 2016, stumped the night before the election & the (R) governor


LMAO by you and who's army, Elizabeth Warren's? :21::21::21::21::21::21:

we got the house.... remember? the senate has a whole lotta (R) seats up fer grabs this time around. turtleboy is very VERY unpopular in his own little kentucky & ummm.... well... guess what just happened.

You got nothing fool we extended our lead in the Senate, own the White House and SCOTUS. Tissue? :auiqs.jpg:

the senate wasn't the focus in 2018 because the house needed to flip. & it did. & alot of that was based on the ACA.

Here is the list of the senators whose seats will be on the ballot in 2020, broken down by party:
Lamar Alexander (R-Tennessee)
Shelley Moore Capito (R-West Virginia)
Bill Cassidy (R-Louisiana)
Susan Collins (R-Maine)
John Cornyn (R-Texas)
Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas)
Steve Daines (R-Montana)
Mike Enzi (R-Wyoming)
Joni Ernst (R-Iowa)
Cory Gardner (R-Colorado)
Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina)
Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Mississippi)
-- Hyde-Smith was appointed by Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant to fill the seat vacated by Sen. Thad Cochran who resigned due to health issues. She competed in the 2018 special election to fill the term. CNN projects the race will go to a runoff. Hyde-Smith will compete against Democratic challenger Mike Espy since no candidate received 50% of the vote total. The contest will take place on Tuesday, November 27. A full six-year term election will be held in 2020.
James Inhofe (R-Oklahoma)
Jon Kyl (R-Arizona)
-- It is expected that there will be an open special election in 2020 for the seat because Kyl has said he will not run in 2020. A full six-year term election will take place in 2022.
Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky)
David Perdue (R-GA)
Jim Risch (R-Idaho)
Pat Roberts (R-Kansas)
Mike Rounds (R-South Dakota)
Ben Sasse (R-Nebraska)
Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska)
Thom Tillis (R-North Carolina)

These are the senators facing re-election fights in 2020 - CNNPolitics
Even the turd brain McConnell is wetting his pants
What line did he cross? Who said they would follow Obama no matter what he did? If you can find someone I'd call them idiots too.
You all backed Obama no matter what. After it was proven he relied on your ignorance to get Obama care passed. You still supported him.

the (R) governor dude who just lost in kentucky wanted to get rid of the expanded medicaid kentuckians enjoyed; some never having had health insurance before....

why do you suppose they voted him out?
If Obama care is so great why are all the democrats running on healthcare?

to keep it, improve on it, & outright go beyond it. why do you think the house flipped in 2018? all them thar town halls revealed what was a driving force in that flip.

the ACA is in the courts right now, being decided on whether or not to rule the whole thing as unconstitutional & it's freaking the hell outa people who need it.

the ONE big thing about the freak out - is how trumpco wants to get rid of the pre existing condition protection. who do you know that doesn't have one?
So you admit, Obama care was a failure? It was Obama's biggest achievement. Proves he was the worst president ever.

haaaaaaaa you got THAT from my response? obamacare isn't a failure - it simply didn't go far enough, but it is a start. i know plenty of people using it & they are grateful they have it. if it was such a failure - why did people show up to make sure they can keep it?

i noticed how you didn't answer the Q about pre existing conditions.
I don't know, bragging about supporting a politician no matter what makes you a sheep.
Give us a list of names of democrats who stopped backing Obama because he crossed the line?

What line did he cross? Who said they would follow Obama no matter what he did? If you can find someone I'd call them idiots too.
You all backed Obama no matter what. After it was proven he relied on your ignorance to get Obama care passed. You still supported him.

Oh, grey sad rainbow, Obama didn't alienate his allies and play kissy face with dictators and scum bags. He didn't ask foreign governments to help him in his own election. Obama wasn't perfect, like any other president far from it. So, I wouldn't proclaim everlasting support for him no matter what he did, that's the stuff of moronic sycophants who gave up on this country in exchange for anger and hate. Good little Germans the lot of you are.
Obama wanted Putin to wait till after the election so he could do more for him, and you are still making excuses for him. Thanks for proving my point.
I don't know, bragging about supporting a politician no matter what makes you a sheep.
Give us a list of names of democrats who stopped backing Obama because he crossed the line?

What line did he cross? Who said they would follow Obama no matter what he did? If you can find someone I'd call them idiots too.
You all backed Obama no matter what. After it was proven he relied on your ignorance to get Obama care passed. You still supported him.

Oh, grey sad rainbow, Obama didn't alienate his allies and play kissy face with dictators and scum bags. He didn't ask foreign governments to help him in his own election. Obama wasn't perfect, like any other president far from it. So, I wouldn't proclaim everlasting support for him no matter what he did, that's the stuff of moronic sycophants who gave up on this country in exchange for anger and hate. Good little Germans the lot of you are.
Obama wanted Putin to wait till after the election so he could do more for him, and you are still making excuses for him. Thanks for proving my point.

you're still using a tired old video from years ago. tell you what - what EXACTLY did obama do for putey poot.... in exchange for what?

list all the examples you can,if you please. in the meantime - i'll give YOU some examples:

kicked roooskie spies outa the country, imposed sanctions, & closed down their compounds.
not a wave - that will be next year. again. but it sure was one helluva wake up call - given how trump won bigley in 2016, stumped the night before the election & the (R) governor


LMAO by you and who's army, Elizabeth Warren's? :21::21::21::21::21::21:

we got the house.... remember? the senate has a whole lotta (R) seats up fer grabs this time around. turtleboy is very VERY unpopular in his own little kentucky & ummm.... well... guess what just happened.

You got nothing fool we extended our lead in the Senate, own the White House and SCOTUS. Tissue? :auiqs.jpg:

the senate wasn't the focus in 2018 because the house needed to flip. & it did. & alot of that was based on the ACA.

Here is the list of the senators whose seats will be on the ballot in 2020, broken down by party:
Lamar Alexander (R-Tennessee)
Shelley Moore Capito (R-West Virginia)
Bill Cassidy (R-Louisiana)
Susan Collins (R-Maine)
John Cornyn (R-Texas)
Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas)
Steve Daines (R-Montana)
Mike Enzi (R-Wyoming)
Joni Ernst (R-Iowa)
Cory Gardner (R-Colorado)
Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina)
Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Mississippi)
-- Hyde-Smith was appointed by Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant to fill the seat vacated by Sen. Thad Cochran who resigned due to health issues. She competed in the 2018 special election to fill the term. CNN projects the race will go to a runoff. Hyde-Smith will compete against Democratic challenger Mike Espy since no candidate received 50% of the vote total. The contest will take place on Tuesday, November 27. A full six-year term election will be held in 2020.
James Inhofe (R-Oklahoma)
Jon Kyl (R-Arizona)
-- It is expected that there will be an open special election in 2020 for the seat because Kyl has said he will not run in 2020. A full six-year term election will take place in 2022.
Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky)
David Perdue (R-GA)
Jim Risch (R-Idaho)
Pat Roberts (R-Kansas)
Mike Rounds (R-South Dakota)
Ben Sasse (R-Nebraska)
Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska)
Thom Tillis (R-North Carolina)

These are the senators facing re-election fights in 2020 - CNNPolitics
Even the turd brain McConnell is wetting his pants
Can you see Trump going to KY to support McConnell and begging again ""Please please don't let those nasty Dems do it to me Again "",,,,,,,and KY says UP YOURS you moron
I don't know, bragging about supporting a politician no matter what makes you a sheep.
Give us a list of names of democrats who stopped backing Obama because he crossed the line?

What line did he cross? Who said they would follow Obama no matter what he did? If you can find someone I'd call them idiots too.
You all backed Obama no matter what. After it was proven he relied on your ignorance to get Obama care passed. You still supported him.

Oh, grey sad rainbow, Obama didn't alienate his allies and play kissy face with dictators and scum bags. He didn't ask foreign governments to help him in his own election. Obama wasn't perfect, like any other president far from it. So, I wouldn't proclaim everlasting support for him no matter what he did, that's the stuff of moronic sycophants who gave up on this country in exchange for anger and hate. Good little Germans the lot of you are.
Obama wanted Putin to wait till after the election so he could do more for him, and you are still making excuses for him. Thanks for proving my point.

See what I mean? That's politics as usual, it's ugly.

Trump takes it to a whole new level. He tells us all in spite of what our own government says that he believes Putin didn't at the very least try to influence our election. He's slow walked sanctions against Russia that Congress approved. He's held back aid to our own ally fighting against Russia trying to dig up dirt on a potential political rival. Backed out of Syria which is exactly what Russia wanted and they even took over our own bases. Can you believe that? Russian troops in American military bases, crazy. Oh, and getting kicked out of the G8 because of invading Crimea Trump is now trying to get Russia back in, in spite of doing absolutely nothing to earn it's membership.

In light of that, what did Obama do? He said after the election he'd have more flexibility to negotiate on a missile defense treaty. Negotiate, not give in like Trump seems to have. Get your priorities straight, Sheep.
Can you see Trump going to KY to support McConnell and begging again ""Please please don't let those nasty Dems do it to me Again "",,,,,,,and KY says UP YOURS you moron

What are you blabbering about, Trump won Kentucky by 30 points he obliterated the Dems.

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