Zone1 New poll shows Americans' confidence and belief in the Bible is at all-time low

What’s your spin have to do with the decline of society when people stop following the God of Jacob?

I say God of Jacob because you God haters never mock Islam, Buddhism, Mormonism, etc because you know those worship the one true God.
Mormons are Christian.
We don't know what parts of the Bible Twain thought he understood. Next, we don't know if Twain was correct in his own assessment. That is a lot we don't know.

What part of the Bible do you assert you understand perfectly well? (If you reference any part of Noah's story, based on past discussions with you, I know you understand nothing about that story. So pick a new one.)

With all due respect just because an you hold an interpretation in no way means your interpretation is correct . You and Surada think you are the smartest kids in the room, you aren't. Tell me, how does one be saved?
Mormons are Christian.
Again I enjoy discussing religion with atheists who think they’re theologians, but Smith’s invented a Jesus that denies the basic fundamentals of what a Christian is and what salvation is. But that’s for a different thread.
There are threads on this we can discuss but all you have is this, time, and temperature variables of your choice to create life.

The key issue is time... the first life was formed over billions of years of chemical reactions... and we know and the end of the day, that's all life is a chemical reaction.

What’s your spin have to do with the decline of society when people stop following the God of Jacob?

I say God of Jacob because you God haters never mock Islam, Buddhism, Mormonism, etc because you know those worship the one true God.

Well, first Muslims also worship the God of Jacob.

Second, you haven't been paying attention if you think I'm not mocking Mormonism, which is a target-rich environment (OH, also they worship the God of Jacob as well... but never mind.)

Now, you are right, I do not spend a lot of time on the NON-Abrahamic religions (Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Shintoism, Hinduism) because frankly, I don't know enough about them to make really witty takedowns. Secondly, none of these religions have a large enough footprint in the US to really try to effect policies. I guess I would be MORE concerned with Guru Granth Sahib if Sikhs were doing anything other than minding their own business hoping some chucklehead doesn't mistake them for a Muslim.

But I don't think there is any one true God.

A. The Bible gives specific instructions for addressing those issues.

Do they really? Because it seems that if anything, the Bible tells us that we should accept these things instead of trying to fix them.

B. ChiComs, Soviets, North Koreans, Khmer Rouge etc were/are all Godless nations.
How’d they do with poverty, racism, addiction, violence, and a bunch of real problems?

Well, let's review...

If you want to say "These regimes are bad compared to the US", you'd have a point. But most of these regimes were a LOT better than what preceded them. Qing and Nationalist China were hot messes before the Communists came along and made China a great power.

China had a terrible problem with addiction to opium before the Communists took over. Part of Chinese history was the British insisting they had a right to sell Opium in China, and it was horrible. The communists solved that problem. Brutally, but they solved it.
I think you are one of a few that seeks and discusses a deeper understanding of it, unlike some others.
The Bible contains wonderful understanding into the philosophies, ethics, and insights of our earliest ancestors. Using the Bible to teach these is not an infringement or establishment of any religion. In fact, there are plenty of places where differing religious beliefs and even atheism are present. I feel we are doing our own descendants a grave disservice in depriving them of this information and teaching it correctly.
Things have gotten worse since the Scofield heresy went mainstream in the early 1970s. That's the reason most Americans don't take the Bible literally.
You mean early 1900’s.
And 99.99% of the population has no clue who he is or what his cultist beliefs were.
We don't know what parts of the Bible Twain thought he understood. Next, we don't know if Twain was correct in his own assessment. That is a lot we don't know.

What part of the Bible do you assert you understand perfectly well? (If you reference any part of Noah's story, based on past discussions with you, I know you understand nothing about that story. So pick a new one.)

God drowns everyone in the world because they made choices He didn't like after he gave them free will. I'm not sure how that story doesn't make God come off like the Joker in a Batman comic.

But you want to pick a new one, um, okay, let's take Elisha and the Bears... It's a brief account, but Elisha just succeeded Elijah as the Prophet of the lord, and some children were making fun of his bald head, because he wasn't just the Hair Club President, he was also a client.

Well, Elisha cursed the children, and two she-bears appeared and mauled 42 of them to death. Because God loves you.
A. The Bible gives specific instructions for addressing those issues.

Come, you that are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry and you gave me food… :45:

It was thirsty and you gave me something to drink…:45:

I was a stranger and you welcomed me, :45:

I was naked and you gave me clothing, :thup:

I was sick and you took care of me, :45:

I was in prison and you visited me.’” :neutral:

B. ChiComs, Soviets, North Koreans, Khmer Rouge etc were/are all Godless nations.
How’d they do with poverty, racism, addiction, violence, and a bunch of real problems?
They are authoritarian. I suspect that has more to do with how they treat people than an absence of faith.
You and Surada think you are the smartest kids in the room, you aren't. Tell me, how does one be saved?
It has absolutely nothing to do with intelligence because everyone here does possess that in spades. Surada and I offer, not a "smarter" perspective but a different perspective. Approaching the same information from a different angle makes us dissimilar, not smarter.

"Saved" is not a term I give much--if any--attention. We are a redeemed people. Have faith in that.
The Bible contains wonderful understanding into the philosophies, ethics, and insights of our earliest ancestors. Using the Bible to teach these is not an infringement or establishment of any religion. In fact, there are plenty of places where differing religious beliefs and even atheism are present. I feel we are doing our own descendants a grave disservice in depriving them of this information and teaching it correctly.
I think it can be taught in the context of a comparative religion class and would not have a problem with that.
You mean early 1900’s.
And 99.99% of the population has no clue who he is or what his cultist beliefs were.

Actually it comes from the Darbyites about 1830. Most Christians don't seem to know why they believe as they do. But, it's traceable thru the Dallas Theological Seminary and the Moody institute.
The key issue is time... the first life was formed over billions of years of chemical reactions... and we know and the end of the day, that's all life is a chemical reaction.

Well, first Muslims also worship the God of Jacob.

Second, you haven't been paying attention if you think I'm not mocking Mormonism, which is a target-rich environment (OH, also they worship the God of Jacob as well... but never mind.)

Now, you are right, I do not spend a lot of time on the NON-Abrahamic religions (Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Shintoism, Hinduism) because frankly, I don't know enough about them to make really witty takedowns. Secondly, none of these religions have a large enough footprint in the US to really try to effect policies. I guess I would be MORE concerned with Guru Granth Sahib if Sikhs were doing anything other than minding their own business hoping some chucklehead doesn't mistake them for a Muslim.

But I don't think there is any one true God.

Do they really? Because it seems that if anything, the Bible tells us that we should accept these things instead of trying to fix them.

Well, let's review...

If you want to say "These regimes are bad compared to the US", you'd have a point. But most of these regimes were a LOT better than what preceded them. Qing and Nationalist China were hot messes before the Communists came along and made China a great power.

China had a terrible problem with addiction to opium before the Communists took over. Part of Chinese history was the British insisting they had a right to sell Opium in China, and it was horrible. The communists solved that problem. Brutally, but they solved it.

The British had a lot to do with opium addiction in China. See Opium Wars.
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The key issue is time... the first life was formed over billions of years of chemical reactions... and we know and the end of the day, that's all life is a chemical reaction.

Well, first Muslims also worship the God of Jacob.

Second, you haven't been paying attention if you think I'm not mocking Mormonism, which is a target-rich environment (OH, also they worship the God of Jacob as well... but never mind.)

Now, you are right, I do not spend a lot of time on the NON-Abrahamic religions (Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Shintoism, Hinduism) because frankly, I don't know enough about them to make really witty takedowns. Secondly, none of these religions have a large enough footprint in the US to really try to effect policies. I guess I would be MORE concerned with Guru Granth Sahib if Sikhs were doing anything other than minding their own business hoping some chucklehead doesn't mistake them for a Muslim.

But I don't think there is any one true God.

Do they really? Because it seems that if anything, the Bible tells us that we should accept these things instead of trying to fix them.

Well, let's review...

If you want to say "These regimes are bad compared to the US", you'd have a point. But most of these regimes were a LOT better than what preceded them. Qing and Nationalist China were hot messes before the Communists came along and made China a great power.

China had a terrible problem with addiction to opium before the Communists took over. Part of Chinese history was the British insisting they had a right to sell Opium in China, and it was horrible. The communists solved that problem. Brutally, but they solved it.
The key issue is time... the first life was formed over billions of years of chemical reactions... and we know and the end of the day, that's all life is a chemical reaction.
I’m not going to argue details. You just turned clay into life for me.

Well, first Muslims also worship the God of Jacob.
No, they do not. That’s why they behead anyone not bowing to their god, especially followers of the God of Jacob.
Do they really? Because it seems that if anything, the Bible tells us that we should accept these things instead of trying to fix them.
Name one thing not instructed to address. Or ten. And for each you owe me a serious thank you.
If you want to say "These regimes are bad compared to the US", you'd have a point. But most of these regimes were a LOT better than what preceded them. Qing and Nationalist China were hot messes before the Communists came along and made China a great power.
Chinese did have it better prior to the Communist take over that proceeded to murder 77 million Chinese. Soviets murdered 61 million of their own people. They had it much better under the czar. And 1/3 of all Cambodians were murdered by their own government. All in the name of creating a Godless utopia.
Actually it comes from the Darbyites about 1830. Most Christians don't seem to know why they believe as they do. But, it's traceable thru the Dallas Theological Seminary and the Moody institute.
Crazy talk. Christians point to scripture on why they believe what they do.
The key issue is time... the first life was formed over billions of years of chemical reactions... and we know and the end of the day, that's all life is a chemical reaction.

Well, first Muslims also worship the God of Jacob.

Second, you haven't been paying attention if you think I'm not mocking Mormonism, which is a target-rich environment (OH, also they worship the God of Jacob as well... but never mind.)

Now, you are right, I do not spend a lot of time on the NON-Abrahamic religions (Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Shintoism, Hinduism) because frankly, I don't know enough about them to make really witty takedowns. Secondly, none of these religions have a large enough footprint in the US to really try to effect policies. I guess I would be MORE concerned with Guru Granth Sahib if Sikhs were doing anything other than minding their own business hoping some chucklehead doesn't mistake them for a Muslim.

But I don't think there is any one true God.

Do they really? Because it seems that if anything, the Bible tells us that we should accept these things instead of trying to fix them.

I would disagree there, the Old Testament, the New Testament and the Quran all include material on how we should help tbe poor, the hungry, the sick and the lost. The problem is really in how people behave imo.

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