New Polls. Once Safe Democrat Senate Seats Now Up for Grabs.

Well, check this out!

Presents a complete and rather interesting analysis of the 2014 Senate elections. :cool:

And this gives several views of House races.

I am not about to make any predictions, but let the results of the 2014 elections show who was right, you or me. Note that unlike you, I was civil enough not to use disparaging name-calling either to yourself or your party, in order to express my views.

Memory is a funny thing. Seems like the only thing your quasi-God icon remembers and repeats in sickening frequency, even after five+ years of his own innumerable blunders, is that it is all Bush's fault, supported by slavish and slobbering acolytes in the press and on popular internet forums.

So, yes, people may and probably will remember the careless and stupid remarks about, rape, about being or not being a witch, but they will also remember the REAL pocket book issues and which party's highest ranking official repeated the "Lie of the year" like three dozen times.

I suspect the GOP will make some gains in the 2014 elections and then conclude the bat-shittery got them there, which means they'll dig themselves into an even deeper hole for 2016.

And, sorry, it really is all Bush's fault. Bush so totally fucked up the economy we are probably NEVER going to fully recover.

Most Americans realized that, which is why Romney lost.

naw mitt lost because he did not motivate the voters

pretty much a light version of obama

yep. would he be a candidate in 2008 - the outcome might have been very different.
but in 2012 he was too dull.

Just because you got a few self-loathing Uncle Toms on board doesn't change the fact that you lost 95% of the black vote and 71% of the Hispanic vote.

If you had the gumption to all Colonel Alan West and Doctor Benjamin Carter self-hating Uncle Toms, the Colonel would slap you down physically and the good doctor would slap you down intellectually.

Then send you back to the phony "reverends" Al and Jesse.

Alan West is a fucking crazy person who got thrown out of the Army for committing war crimes.

And then he got thrown out of Congress for being a crazy person.

Just because you got a few self-loathing Uncle Toms on board doesn't change the fact that you lost 95% of the black vote and 71% of the Hispanic vote.

If you had the gumption to all Colonel Alan West and Doctor Benjamin Carter self-hating Uncle Toms, the Colonel would slap you down physically and the good doctor would slap you down intellectually.

Then send you back to the phony "reverends" Al and Jesse.

Alan West is a fucking crazy person who got thrown out of the Army for committing war crimes.

And then he got thrown out of Congress for being a crazy person.

Colonel West was demeaned by stooges who are not worthy to kiss his jock straps.

Being thrown out of congress for perceived or real misdeed is temporary, due to the very nature and the length of terms served by Congress people, and it can be gloriously reversed in no time at all, just until the next election and based on the prevailing political climate.

How else could one explain the re-election of the biggest asshole of all ages, Grayson?
LTC West was allowed to retire rather than face court-martial.

That was colonel's choice.

And the electorate decided that "the feller is crazy cuckoo cloud land crazy." So if you don't like the results, encourage him to run again. The results will be worse for him next time. He won't even clear the primaries.

Just because you got a few self-loathing Uncle Toms on board doesn't change the fact that you lost 95% of the black vote and 71% of the Hispanic vote.

If you had the gumption to all Colonel Alan West and Doctor Benjamin Carter self-hating Uncle Toms, the Colonel would slap you down physically and the good doctor would slap you down intellectually.

Then send you back to the phony "reverends" Al and Jesse.

Alan West is a fucking crazy person who got thrown out of the Army for committing war crimes.

And then he got thrown out of Congress for being a crazy person.

Carter is an interesting person.

West is just plain old batshit crazy, and were he not a Republican, Republlicans would have been screaming from the rooftops that he is/was/forever will be batshit crazy!!
If you had the gumption to all Colonel Alan West and Doctor Benjamin Carter self-hating Uncle Toms, the Colonel would slap you down physically and the good doctor would slap you down intellectually.

Then send you back to the phony "reverends" Al and Jesse.

Alan West is a fucking crazy person who got thrown out of the Army for committing war crimes.

And then he got thrown out of Congress for being a crazy person.

Carter is an interesting person.

West is just plain old batshit crazy, and were he not a Republican, Republlicans would have been screaming from the rooftops that he is/was/forever will be batshit crazy!!

Actually, it's Ben Carson, not Ben Carter...

But I'm sure all those tokens look a like to the wingnutty right.
I don't care who wins. But for comedic purposes, it would be more amusing to see republicans win, because democrats would throw a better shit fit on the boards.

Just because you got a few self-loathing Uncle Toms on board doesn't change the fact that you lost 95% of the black vote and 71% of the Hispanic vote.

If you had the gumption to all Colonel Alan West and Doctor Benjamin Carter self-hating Uncle Toms, the Colonel would slap you down physically and the good doctor would slap you down intellectually.

Then send you back to the phony "reverends" Al and Jesse.

Alan West is a fucking crazy person who got thrown out of the Army for committing war crimes.

And then he got thrown out of Congress for being a crazy person.

A typically stupid response.

Colonel West was charged with violating Articles 128 (assault) and 134 (general article) of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. An Article 32 investigation [same as grand jury] was held and, instead of recommending a courts-martial, they found that an Article 15 was appropriate - equal to a misdemeanor. He then applied for and was allowed to retire with full benefits - an Honorable Discharge.

As any good commander, Colonel West took what he thought to be appropriate action TO PROTECT THOSE SERVING UNDER HIM! I can guarantee it went through a lengthy planning and discussion session with his staff before it was put into action.

As to being "kicked out of Congress, the Dems went all out to defeat him, pumping a ton of money into the district to support Patrick Murphy, a party hack. Even then, West lost by 2,000 votes! And. a recount conducted by a biased group managed to uphold the travesty.

I am willing to bet he will be elected to office in 2014 by a wide margin.
If you had the gumption to all Colonel Alan West and Doctor Benjamin Carter self-hating Uncle Toms, the Colonel would slap you down physically and the good doctor would slap you down intellectually.

Then send you back to the phony "reverends" Al and Jesse.

Alan West is a fucking crazy person who got thrown out of the Army for committing war crimes.

And then he got thrown out of Congress for being a crazy person.

A typically stupid response.

Colonel West was charged with violating Articles 128 (assault) and 134 (general article) of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. An Article 32 investigation [same as grand jury] was held and, instead of recommending a courts-martial, they found that an Article 15 was appropriate - equal to a misdemeanor. He then applied for and was allowed to retire with full benefits - an Honorable Discharge.

As any good commander, Colonel West took what he thought to be appropriate action TO PROTECT THOSE SERVING UNDER HIM! I can guarantee it went through a lengthy planning and discussion session with his staff before it was put into action.

As to being "kicked out of Congress, the Dems went all out to defeat him, pumping a ton of money into the district to support Patrick Murphy, a party hack. Even then, West lost by 2,000 votes! And. a recount conducted by a biased group managed to uphold the travesty.

I am willing to bet he will be elected to office in 2014 by a wide margin.

Guy he brutalized and tortured a civilian who had no ties to terrorists.

The Army realized he was an international incident waiting to happen and got him out the door the fastest way possible."

And, yeah, happy to have contributed money to get West the fuck out of Congress, and his crazy buddy Joe Walsh.
Theoretically, you're likely correct. But all of this doesn't take into account the Democrat's miraculous, marvelous skills in getting out the vote, ie the 250,000 ballots cast by 175,000 registered voters in Florida's St Lucie County. Obviously the voters did not want the Colonel representing them in the House any longer.
Cognizant of the 2010 election, Comrade Barack & Co are getting a head start on keeping one step ahead of the opposition with Eric Holder regularly touching base with IRS Chief Legal Counsel William Wilkins drawing up new regulations designed to blunt, thwart, or neutralize any and all Tea Party effect this election, drawing on all the information deliberately gleaned during the Tea Party's many valiant, but futile attempts, to gain 5013C tax exempt status during the 2012 campaign. Then, there is Comrade Obama's appointee to head the Federal Election commission, guaranteed to be all but non partisan. Look for lots of election law violation prosecutions being initiated, Tom Delay style, all aimed at Conservatives and Conservative groups, coming before this upcoming election cycle is finished. Comrade Barack hasn't finished yet implementing George Soros policy mandates, nor all of his own, you of course, remember Comrade Barack's brash pronouncement about being only days away from the "Fundamental Transformation of America" just prior to the 2008 election, and he can't let a little thing like the will of the people stand in his way. What better way of conducting a political campaign than throwing most or all of your opposition in jail?
As Joe Stalin once said, "Its not the people who vote, its who counts the votes afterwards."
Didn't Comrade Barack once gain office running unopposed by having all the signatures on his opponents ballot petition disallowed? You haddano at that instant that Comrade Barack had all the right stuff to be a Democratic politician. And if the American people decide to take to the streets afterwards to vent their disappointment at the election's results, Comrade Barack is cultivating the army in his image, the VA refused to accept Christmas cards for the troops from a group of school kiddies because the card bore the word "Christmas" and a soldier has been reportedly castigated by an Army Equal Opportunity Officer for using the word 'Christmas' in the planning for the base's traditional Christmas marathon.
It'll be just like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his Republican Guards confronting the protestors in the street in Tehran all over again. There was a reason "Mum's the word" was the order of the day at the White House when the protestors in Tehran were being slaughtered, post election, on the streets.
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