New Polls. Once Safe Democrat Senate Seats Now Up for Grabs.


I am not about to make any predictions, but let the results of the 2014 elections show who was right, you or me. Note that unlike you, I was civil enough not to use disparaging name-calling either to yourself or your party, in order to express my views.

Memory is a funny thing. Seems like the only thing your quasi-God icon remembers and repeats in sickening frequency, even after five+ years of his own innumerable blunders, is that it is all Bush's fault, supported by slavish and slobbering acolytes in the press and on popular internet forums.

So, yes, people may and probably will remember the careless and stupid remarks about, rape, about being or not being a witch, but they will also remember the REAL pocket book issues and which party's highest ranking official repeated the "Lie of the year" like three dozen times.

I suspect the GOP will make some gains in the 2014 elections and then conclude the bat-shittery got them there, which means they'll dig themselves into an even deeper hole for 2016.

And, sorry, it really is all Bush's fault. Bush so totally fucked up the economy we are probably NEVER going to fully recover.

Most Americans realized that, which is why Romney lost.

Thank you!

Now I know how General MacArthur felt aboard of battleship MISSOURI, accepting Japanese surrender.
Republican Senate contenders should, nay, MUST remember:

1. DO not primary each other and themselves into oblivion. Let them get together in a locked room, hash out their differences and let - by their own decision - the strongest of them take on the Democratic opponent.

2. Refrain from making the same mistakes and statements that previous contenders made, too numerous to mention and too stupid to repeat. Bottom line: If you stay quiet, people may think you are stupid, but if you spout nonsense, like former Republican Senate contenders did, people will know you are stupid.

3. Stop back-stabbing, name-calling. Just because You have been there far longer than you ever deserved to be, calling your fellow - albeit freshman - Senator a "wacko bird" is really beneath your dignity.

4. Relating to all of the above, try your best to adhere to the admonishment of Ronaldus Magus. If you don't know who that was, and what that admonishment is, you might as well run as a Democrat.

So in short, what you are saying is that the best shot Republicans have is to hide just how fu cking batshit crazy your party has become, and hope no one remembers "Legitimate Rape" and "I like to be able to fire people".

I am not about to make any predictions, but let the results of the 2014 elections show who was right, you or me. Note that unlike you, I was civil enough not to use disparaging name-calling either to yourself or your party, in order to express my views.

Memory is a funny thing. Seems like the only thing your quasi-God icon remembers and repeats in sickening frequency, even after five+ years of his own innumerable blunders, is that it is all Bush's fault, supported by slavish and slobbering acolytes in the press and on popular internet forums.

So, yes, people may and probably will remember the careless and stupid remarks about, rape, about being or not being a witch, but they will also remember the REAL pocket book issues and which party's highest ranking official repeated the "Lie of the year" like three dozen times.

The bolded: that sounds pretty reasonable to me.

Back about 10 posts or so, I wrote some stuff about the electoral history of midterms, esp. 2nd term midterms. There is almost always a wave against the incumbent party in the White House, almost seemingly irregardless of circumstances of the day. In 1958, the economy was doing well, we were at peace, Ike was (and deservedly so) a beloved president, and yet, the GOP took major hits at the 1958 mid-terms.

In 1986, Reagan was also very beloved (and also deservedly so, imo), the economy was so much better than in 1982 and yet, he got clobbered at the mid-terms.

Carter was only a one term president and the 1978 mid-terms were one of those sleeper moments in history that most have forgotten. The GOP only made modest gains in that year, not nearly enough to offset the bloodbath they endured in 1974.

So, it's not just the Clinton 1st-term (Gingrich: Contract with America) pummeling, or the Bush 2006 pummeling. This phenomenon has long historic roots.

Unfortunately for the GOP, even if it does take the Senate, it will not have a filibuster proof majority, unless of course the GOP Senate Majority leader (and I am pretty sure it will not be McConnell) goes even more nuclear than Harry Reid. So, whether it's D55-R45 like now, or R53-D47, the effect is pretty much the same.

My gut tells me that voter turnout for the mid-term will be extremely high, historically speaking, for both sides. Wait and see.

I am not about to make any predictions, but let the results of the 2014 elections show who was right, you or me. Note that unlike you, I was civil enough not to use disparaging name-calling either to yourself or your party, in order to express my views.

Memory is a funny thing. Seems like the only thing your quasi-God icon remembers and repeats in sickening frequency, even after five+ years of his own innumerable blunders, is that it is all Bush's fault, supported by slavish and slobbering acolytes in the press and on popular internet forums.

So, yes, people may and probably will remember the careless and stupid remarks about, rape, about being or not being a witch, but they will also remember the REAL pocket book issues and which party's highest ranking official repeated the "Lie of the year" like three dozen times.

I suspect the GOP will make some gains in the 2014 elections and then conclude the bat-shittery got them there, which means they'll dig themselves into an even deeper hole for 2016.

And, sorry, it really is all Bush's fault. Bush so totally fucked up the economy we are probably NEVER going to fully recover.

Most Americans realized that, which is why Romney lost.

Thank you!

Now I know how General MacArthur felt aboard of battleship MISSOURI, accepting Japanese surrender.

Really, guy?

Because, frankly, the Republican Party is dying, man.

I saw that when I was a Republican, and I was usually the youngest guy in the room even when I was working for them in my 40's.

There just aren't enough angry old white folks to keep you all afloat.
by gosh, little Kosh, you almost got it right, which is to the far reactionary right anyone that does not tow the TPM line is considered far left. To you, Goldwater looks like a commie.

Definitely far left propaganda, but then again JFK is now far right to those loyal holders of the far left religion.

Reactionary right revisionists carry no weight. JFK would support SS, Medicare, and Medicaid to the bone, would rein in the far right NSA, and would want national health care.

And there it is, the far left talking points all in one post.

Who didn't predict that?

I am not about to make any predictions, but let the results of the 2014 elections show who was right, you or me. Note that unlike you, I was civil enough not to use disparaging name-calling either to yourself or your party, in order to express my views.

Memory is a funny thing. Seems like the only thing your quasi-God icon remembers and repeats in sickening frequency, even after five+ years of his own innumerable blunders, is that it is all Bush's fault, supported by slavish and slobbering acolytes in the press and on popular internet forums.

So, yes, people may and probably will remember the careless and stupid remarks about, rape, about being or not being a witch, but they will also remember the REAL pocket book issues and which party's highest ranking official repeated the "Lie of the year" like three dozen times.

I suspect the GOP will make some gains in the 2014 elections and then conclude the bat-shittery got them there, which means they'll dig themselves into an even deeper hole for 2016.

And, sorry, it really is all Bush's fault. Bush so totally fucked up the economy we are probably NEVER going to fully recover.

Most Americans realized that, which is why Romney lost.

naw mitt lost because he did not motivate the voters

pretty much a light version of obama
So in short, what you are saying is that the best shot Republicans have is to hide just how fu cking batshit crazy your party has become, and hope no one remembers "Legitimate Rape" and "I like to be able to fire people".

I am not about to make any predictions, but let the results of the 2014 elections show who was right, you or me. Note that unlike you, I was civil enough not to use disparaging name-calling either to yourself or your party, in order to express my views.

Memory is a funny thing. Seems like the only thing your quasi-God icon remembers and repeats in sickening frequency, even after five+ years of his own innumerable blunders, is that it is all Bush's fault, supported by slavish and slobbering acolytes in the press and on popular internet forums.

So, yes, people may and probably will remember the careless and stupid remarks about, rape, about being or not being a witch, but they will also remember the REAL pocket book issues and which party's highest ranking official repeated the "Lie of the year" like three dozen times.

The bolded: that sounds pretty reasonable to me.

Back about 10 posts or so, I wrote some stuff about the electoral history of midterms, esp. 2nd term midterms. There is almost always a wave against the incumbent party in the White House, almost seemingly irregardless of circumstances of the day. In 1958, the economy was doing well, we were at peace, Ike was (and deservedly so) a beloved president, and yet, the GOP took major hits at the 1958 mid-terms.

In 1986, Reagan was also very beloved (and also deservedly so, imo), the economy was so much better than in 1982 and yet, he got clobbered at the mid-terms.

Carter was only a one term president and the 1978 mid-terms were one of those sleeper moments in history that most have forgotten. The GOP only made modest gains in that year, not nearly enough to offset the bloodbath they endured in 1974.

So, it's not just the Clinton 1st-term (Gingrich: Contract with America) pummeling, or the Bush 2006 pummeling. This phenomenon has long historic roots.

Unfortunately for the GOP, even if it does take the Senate, it will not have a filibuster proof majority, unless of course the GOP Senate Majority leader (and I am pretty sure it will not be McConnell) goes even more nuclear than Harry Reid. So, whether it's D55-R45 like now, or R53-D47, the effect is pretty much the same.

My gut tells me that voter turnout for the mid-term will be extremely high, historically speaking, for both sides. Wait and see.

But here's an important point. You usually don't see TWO midterm pummellings in a single presidency.

Bush made modest gains in 2002, but took a pummelling in 2006.
Clinton took a pummelling in 1994, but made modest gains in 1998.
Reagan took a pummelling in the house in 1982, but in 1986, he took very few house loses. (He did lose the Senate, though.)

The Democrats are going to have a hard time of it in the Senate because they did so well in 2008, gaining 9 seats total. They have very few seats to shoot for.

But a guy like FJO will look at a three seat gain and prance around like his batshittery won the day.
I suspect the GOP will make some gains in the 2014 elections and then conclude the bat-shittery got them there, which means they'll dig themselves into an even deeper hole for 2016.

And, sorry, it really is all Bush's fault. Bush so totally fucked up the economy we are probably NEVER going to fully recover.

Most Americans realized that, which is why Romney lost.

Thank you!

Now I know how General MacArthur felt aboard of battleship MISSOURI, accepting Japanese surrender.

Really, guy?

Because, frankly, the Republican Party is dying, man.

I saw that when I was a Republican, and I was usually the youngest guy in the room even when I was working for them in my 40's.

There just aren't enough angry old white folks to keep you all afloat.

Unlike you, reasonable young folks mature, because as they mature, eventually they realize that socialists will inevitably and undoubtedly will run out of somebody else's money and when that happens, huffing and puffing about social justice means bugger all. And to dash all your hopes that the Republican Party in the last bastion of white intolerance, let me remind you of people of color - far too numerous to mention - who are Republicans, in spite of all the hate and name-calling that Democrats like you call them, repeatedly, unceasingly and with hate and venom that no Republican ever use about a Democrat.

As impressionable young people grow older they also come to realize that when they were young, not being a socialist/Democrat might have meant that they had no heart, when they grow and mature, being a socialist/Democrat DOES mean that they have no brains.

The demise of the Republican Party by the likes of you is grossly exaggerated.
And the far left propaganda comes out in full force as always.

Jake is right. If we try to campaign on the shutdown, it's not going to go well for us. Public opinion places blame on us. THAT IS ALL THAT MATTERS. We need to stay away from that one. More than that, we need to stay away from the Tea Party idiots who pushed for it.

We have a chance to make sweeping gain this year. We need to continue the leadership that Paul Ryan has shown to refocus on solutions rather than divisiveness, we need to continue to highlight the failings of Obamacare. And we could sweeten the pot if we managed to come up with an workable alternative to Obamacare, other than the previous status quo. Something that actually helped expand health care access through substantially reducing the costs of care. I'm not holding my breath for number three on that list, though.

Unlike you, reasonable young folks mature, because as they mature, eventually they realize that socialists will inevitably and undoubtedly will run out of somebody else's money and when that happens, huffing and puffing about social justice means bugger all. And to dash all your hopes that the Republican Party in the last bastion of white intolerance, let me remind you of people of color - far too numerous to mention - who are Republicans, in spite of all the hate and name-calling that Democrats like you call them, repeatedly, unceasingly and with hate and venom that no Republican ever use about a Democrat.

As impressionable young people grow older they also come to realize that when they were young, not being a socialist/Democrat might have meant that they had no heart, when they grow and mature, being a socialist/Democrat DOES mean that they have no brains.

The demise of the Republican Party by the likes of you is grossly exaggerated.

Actually, I was Republican when I was younger.

Then I got older and realized that the only thing the GOP was about was keeping angry white folks angry so that the rich could benefit from the looting of America.

Just because you got a few self-loathing Uncle Toms on board doesn't change the fact that you lost 95% of the black vote and 71% of the Hispanic vote.
Republican Senate contenders should, nay, MUST remember:

1. DO not primary each other and themselves into oblivion. Get together in a locked room, hash out your differences and let - by your own decision - the strongest of you take on the Democratic opponent.

2. Refrain from making the same mistakes and statements that previous contenders made, too numerous to mention and too stupid to repeat. Bottom line: If you stay quiet, people may think you are stupid, but if you spout nonsense, like former Republican Senate contenders did, people will know you are stupid.

3. Stop back-stabbing, name-calling. Just because You have been there far longer than you ever deserved to be, calling your fellow - albeit freshman - Senator a "wacko bird" is really beneath your dignity.

4. Relating to all of the above, try your best to adhere to the admonishment of Ronaldus Magus. If you don't know who that was, and what that admonishment is, you might as well run as a Democrat.

5. Be adult enough to refer to people by their proper name, instead of using childish nicknames or photoshopped pictures of people in a Superman outfit.

I am not about to make any predictions, but let the results of the 2014 elections show who was right, you or me. Note that unlike you, I was civil enough not to use disparaging name-calling either to yourself or your party, in order to express my views.

Memory is a funny thing. Seems like the only thing your quasi-God icon remembers and repeats in sickening frequency, even after five+ years of his own innumerable blunders, is that it is all Bush's fault, supported by slavish and slobbering acolytes in the press and on popular internet forums.

So, yes, people may and probably will remember the careless and stupid remarks about, rape, about being or not being a witch, but they will also remember the REAL pocket book issues and which party's highest ranking official repeated the "Lie of the year" like three dozen times.

I suspect the GOP will make some gains in the 2014 elections and then conclude the bat-shittery got them there, which means they'll dig themselves into an even deeper hole for 2016.

And, sorry, it really is all Bush's fault. Bush so totally fucked up the economy we are probably NEVER going to fully recover.

Most Americans realized that, which is why Romney lost.

naw mitt lost because he did not motivate the voters

pretty much a light version of obama


3,000,000 more voted for Romney than for McCain (2008).


Facts are your friend!!
I am not about to make any predictions, but let the results of the 2014 elections show who was right, you or me. Note that unlike you, I was civil enough not to use disparaging name-calling either to yourself or your party, in order to express my views.

Memory is a funny thing. Seems like the only thing your quasi-God icon remembers and repeats in sickening frequency, even after five+ years of his own innumerable blunders, is that it is all Bush's fault, supported by slavish and slobbering acolytes in the press and on popular internet forums.

So, yes, people may and probably will remember the careless and stupid remarks about, rape, about being or not being a witch, but they will also remember the REAL pocket book issues and which party's highest ranking official repeated the "Lie of the year" like three dozen times.

The bolded: that sounds pretty reasonable to me.

Back about 10 posts or so, I wrote some stuff about the electoral history of midterms, esp. 2nd term midterms. There is almost always a wave against the incumbent party in the White House, almost seemingly irregardless of circumstances of the day. In 1958, the economy was doing well, we were at peace, Ike was (and deservedly so) a beloved president, and yet, the GOP took major hits at the 1958 mid-terms.

In 1986, Reagan was also very beloved (and also deservedly so, imo), the economy was so much better than in 1982 and yet, he got clobbered at the mid-terms.

Carter was only a one term president and the 1978 mid-terms were one of those sleeper moments in history that most have forgotten. The GOP only made modest gains in that year, not nearly enough to offset the bloodbath they endured in 1974.

So, it's not just the Clinton 1st-term (Gingrich: Contract with America) pummeling, or the Bush 2006 pummeling. This phenomenon has long historic roots.

Unfortunately for the GOP, even if it does take the Senate, it will not have a filibuster proof majority, unless of course the GOP Senate Majority leader (and I am pretty sure it will not be McConnell) goes even more nuclear than Harry Reid. So, whether it's D55-R45 like now, or R53-D47, the effect is pretty much the same.

My gut tells me that voter turnout for the mid-term will be extremely high, historically speaking, for both sides. Wait and see.

But here's an important point. You usually don't see TWO midterm pummellings in a single presidency.

Bush made modest gains in 2002, but took a pummelling in 2006.
Clinton took a pummelling in 1994, but made modest gains in 1998.
Reagan took a pummelling in the house in 1982, but in 1986, he took very few house loses. (He did lose the Senate, though.)

The Democrats are going to have a hard time of it in the Senate because they did so well in 2008, gaining 9 seats total. They have very few seats to shoot for.

But a guy like FJO will look at a three seat gain and prance around like his batshittery won the day.

The magic number we often see in Senate seat changes in mid-terms, btw, is indeed SIX. Wait and see.

The paradigm you talk about is relatively new.

FDR took hits in 1934, 1938 and 1942.

For all intents and purposes, Truman was a 2-termer, and he took hits on both 1946 and 1950.

Ike: 1954 and 1958.

Actually, Nixon did not do well in 1970, either.

I really thing the Obama organizational team will make the difference in 2014.
I suspect the GOP will make some gains in the 2014 elections and then conclude the bat-shittery got them there, which means they'll dig themselves into an even deeper hole for 2016.

And, sorry, it really is all Bush's fault. Bush so totally fucked up the economy we are probably NEVER going to fully recover.

Most Americans realized that, which is why Romney lost.

naw mitt lost because he did not motivate the voters

pretty much a light version of obama


3,000,000 more voted for Romney than for McCain (2008).


Facts are your friend!!

Actually, it was slightly less than one million, but you are right, he did get more than McCain did.

He also only got 1 milion less than Bush did in 2004 (and 10 million more than Bush got in 2000.)
So the response to the Democrats over the most failed domestic policy since Nixon's wage and price controls is going to be to point out the shutdown? That's the shutdown Obama made worse by his executive orders to inconvenience as many people as possible.
They are in total panic mode at this point. I believe that's called "hoist by their own petard."

Yeah....and the shutdown was the Republican attempt to stop the disaster of Obamacare.

After millions have lost their insurance and millions more are getting screwed having to pay much higher you think any of them are going to be mad at the Republicans for trying to stop Obamacare via the shutdown?

If that is the best the Democrats have, they are in a world of trouble. Pathetic. :lol:

sweetie only 1.2 million lost their health care, the majority of them went to the site and have said they got a better deal ... its only the whiny tea baggers that are complaining about it ... where 348 million has health care now and are happier then what they had keep believing health care is going to make dems lose... only in a tea baggers mind...

looks whats happening to 9 of your republican senators now they have tea baggers Challenging them ... they all lost the last tome and will lose again ...
So the response to the Democrats over the most failed domestic policy since Nixon's wage and price controls is going to be to point out the shutdown? That's the shutdown Obama made worse by his executive orders to inconvenience as many people as possible.
They are in total panic mode at this point. I believe that's called "hoist by their own petard."

Yeah....and the shutdown was the Republican attempt to stop the disaster of Obamacare.

After millions have lost their insurance and millions more are getting screwed having to pay much higher you think any of them are going to be mad at the Republicans for trying to stop Obamacare via the shutdown?

If that is the best the Democrats have, they are in a world of trouble. Pathetic. :lol:

sweetie only 1.2 million lost their health care, the majority of them went to the site and have said they got a better deal ... its only the whiny tea baggers that are complaining about it ... where 348 million has health care now and are happier then what they had keep believing health care is going to make dems lose... only in a tea baggers mind...

looks whats happening to 9 of your republican senators now they have tea baggers Challenging them ... they all lost the last tome and will lose again ...

That's why approval for Obamacare goes down with every polling? Oops.

Unlike you, reasonable young folks mature, because as they mature, eventually they realize that socialists will inevitably and undoubtedly will run out of somebody else's money and when that happens, huffing and puffing about social justice means bugger all. And to dash all your hopes that the Republican Party in the last bastion of white intolerance, let me remind you of people of color - far too numerous to mention - who are Republicans, in spite of all the hate and name-calling that Democrats like you call them, repeatedly, unceasingly and with hate and venom that no Republican ever use about a Democrat.

As impressionable young people grow older they also come to realize that when they were young, not being a socialist/Democrat might have meant that they had no heart, when they grow and mature, being a socialist/Democrat DOES mean that they have no brains.

The demise of the Republican Party by the likes of you is grossly exaggerated.

Actually, I was Republican when I was younger.

Then I got older and realized that the only thing the GOP was about was keeping angry white folks angry so that the rich could benefit from the looting of America.

Just because you got a few self-loathing Uncle Toms on board doesn't change the fact that you lost 95% of the black vote and 71% of the Hispanic vote.

If you had the gumption to all Colonel Alan West and Doctor Benjamin Carter self-hating Uncle Toms, the Colonel would slap you down physically and the good doctor would slap you down intellectually.

Then send you back to the phony "reverends" Al and Jesse.
Definitely far left propaganda, but then again JFK is now far right to those loyal holders of the far left religion.

Reactionary right revisionists carry no weight. JFK would support SS, Medicare, and Medicaid to the bone, would rein in the far right NSA, and would want national health care.

And there it is, the far left talking points all in one post. Who didn't predict that?

It is all true, which makes you all wrong, yet you claimed JFK would be conservative today.

Do you have trouble thinking, Kosh?
And the far left propaganda comes out in full force as always.

Jake is right. If we try to campaign on the shutdown, it's not going to go well for us. Public opinion places blame on us. THAT IS ALL THAT MATTERS. We need to stay away from that one. More than that, we need to stay away from the Tea Party idiots who pushed for it.

We have a chance to make sweeping gain this year. We need to continue the leadership that Paul Ryan has shown to refocus on solutions rather than divisiveness, we need to continue to highlight the failings of Obamacare. And we could sweeten the pot if we managed to come up with an workable alternative to Obamacare, other than the previous status quo. Something that actually helped expand health care access through substantially reducing the costs of care. I'm not holding my breath for number three on that list, though.

Solutions, no divisiveness, and something to amend ACA more to our liking.

The far right reactionary TeaP solutions have failed and will continue to do so.

Any further defense of the far right programs will come from Concern Trolls.
About the hits a sitting President takes in mid-term elections:

NOT a single president of America, in history, has ever had the 'honor' to repeat the "Lie Of The Year" three dozen times, won re-election based on that lie, and screwed around endlessly with their signature law as Obama has been doing.

All historical precedence goes out the window with such unparalleled crooked dishonesty.

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