New Polls. Once Safe Democrat Senate Seats Now Up for Grabs.

The GOP is going to run fresh candidates, recognize demographic realities, stay away from social con silliness, and take back the Senate.
I see the far left running on their tired old talking points of gay "marriage", abortion and free birth control pills. That is all about they have left in the arsenal.

They could overuse the racism card again, but I think many have grown tired of these false claims.

Actually, the far right will blow most of these chances because they are kind of dumb.

Also, unseating an incumbant Senator is a lot harder than you all think it is.

In the last 10 years, all of FOUR Democratic incumbants have been unseated. The GOP's best oppurtunities are really in picking up vacancies.
Yeah...I think Dems are going to have to actually run on something this time. Not the usual race hustling and fear somebody is gonna take little Sandy Fluke's birth control pills away from her.

Wishful thinking, guy.

The GOP is going to have to prove they are adult enough to run things. This is why Paul Ryan is suddenly becoming SOOOO reasonable on the budget.

The problem is, the more reasonable they become, the angrier their base gets.
Those seats have been competitive the entire time, MI probably more so than CO..

Historical precedent vis-a-vis second term mid-terms stands on the side of the opposition, in this case, the GOP, because the opposition party, with the exception of 1998, has historically made large inroads in both the House and Senate in said mid-terms. Truman took a major hit in 1950, which for all intents and purposes, was his second term. Ike took a hit in both 1954 and 1958. LBJ, in the second term of a Democratic administration, took a hit in 1966. In 1974, after Nixon's resignation, it was a slaughter in both houses for the GOP. Reagan took hits in both 1982 and 1986. Clinton got pummeled in 1994, but in 1998 (his second term), there was no shift in the Senate. Bush, Jr. had a similar statistic in 2002, but the GOP got pounded in 2006. And we all know that Obama got pummeled in 2010. So, if the Democratic party just holds even in 2014, that would border on a major miracle.

Be careful, however, of only measuring one poll. We need more to look at before a good baseline can be established. Three pick-ups for the GOP look to all but done deals. They need three more to gain a majority in the Senate, but that is assuming that they don't lose any seats of their own, and in KY and GA, depending on who wins the GOP primaries, this could happen.

The name Udall brings a lot of name recognition with it in both CO and NM, he is probably safer than the seat in MI.
I see the far left running on their tired old talking points of gay "marriage", abortion and free birth control pills. That is all about they have left in the arsenal.

They could overuse the racism card again, but I think many have grown tired of these false claims.

Actually, the far right will blow most of these chances because they are kind of dumb.

Also, unseating an incumbant Senator is a lot harder than you all think it is.

In the last 10 years, all of FOUR Democratic incumbants have been unseated. The GOP's best oppurtunities are really in picking up vacancies.

So in other words the far left media will use one of three talking points as questions for any (R) candidate.

But then again to the far left anyone that does not tow the party line is considered far right.
Republican Senate contenders should, nay, MUST remember:

1. DO not primary each other and themselves into oblivion. Get together in a locked room, hash out your differences and let - by your own decision - the strongest of you take on the Democratic opponent.

2. Refrain from making the same mistakes and statements that previous contenders made, too numerous to mention and too stupid to repeat. Bottom line: If you stay quiet, people may think you are stupid, but if you spout nonsense, like former Republican Senate contenders did, people will know you are stupid.

3. Stop back-stabbing, name-calling. Just because You have been there far longer than you ever deserved to be, calling your fellow - albeit freshman - Senator a "wacko bird" is really beneath your dignity.

4. Relating to all of the above, try your best to adhere to the admonishment of Ronaldus Magus. If you don't know who that was, and what that admonishment is, you might as well run as a Democrat.
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I see the far left running on their tired old talking points of gay "marriage", abortion and free birth control pills. That is all about they have left in the arsenal.

They could overuse the racism card again, but I think many have grown tired of these false claims.

Actually, the far right will blow most of these chances because they are kind of dumb.

Also, unseating an incumbant Senator is a lot harder than you all think it is.

In the last 10 years, all of FOUR Democratic incumbants have been unseated. The GOP's best oppurtunities are really in picking up vacancies.

So in other words the far left media will use one of three talking points as questions for any (R) candidate.

But then again to the far left anyone that does not tow the party line is considered far right.

Are you God's own special retard, because it seems like you can't understand arguments being made.

Frankly, most elections are usually local issues. The thing that helps the Democrat in Michigan is that Snyder's draconian takeover of Detroit is going to piss a lot of people off. He might survive, but the GOP Senate candidate, not so much.
Republican Senate contenders should, nay, MUST remember:

1. DO not primary each other and themselves into oblivion. Let them get together in a locked room, hash out their differences and let - by their own decision - the strongest of them take on the Democratic opponent.

2. Refrain from making the same mistakes and statements that previous contenders made, too numerous to mention and too stupid to repeat. Bottom line: If you stay quiet, people may think you are stupid, but if you spout nonsense, like former Republican Senate contenders did, people will know you are stupid.

3. Stop back-stabbing, name-calling. Just because You have been there far longer than you ever deserved to be, calling your fellow - albeit freshman - Senator a "wacko bird" is really beneath your dignity.

4. Relating to all of the above, try your best to adhere to the admonishment of Ronaldus Magus. If you don't know who that was, and what that admonishment is, you might as well run as a Democrat.

So in short, what you are saying is that the best shot Republicans have is to hide just how fu cking batshit crazy your party has become, and hope no one remembers "Legitimate Rape" and "I like to be able to fire people".
I see the far left running on their tired old talking points of gay "marriage", abortion and free birth control pills. That is all about they have left in the arsenal.

They could overuse the racism card again, but I think many have grown tired of these false claims.

Actually, the far right will blow most of these chances because they are kind of dumb.

Also, unseating an incumbant Senator is a lot harder than you all think it is.

In the last 10 years, all of FOUR Democratic incumbants have been unseated. The GOP's best oppurtunities are really in picking up vacancies.

So in other words the far left media will use one of three talking points as questions for any (R) candidate.

But then again to the far left anyone that does not tow the party line is considered far right.

by gosh, little Kosh, you almost got it right, which is to the far reactionary right anyone that does not tow the TPM line is considered far left. To you, Goldwater looks like a commie.
Actually, the far right will blow most of these chances because they are kind of dumb.

Also, unseating an incumbant Senator is a lot harder than you all think it is.

In the last 10 years, all of FOUR Democratic incumbants have been unseated. The GOP's best oppurtunities are really in picking up vacancies.

So in other words the far left media will use one of three talking points as questions for any (R) candidate.

But then again to the far left anyone that does not tow the party line is considered far right.

Are you God's own special retard, because it seems like you can't understand arguments being made.

Frankly, most elections are usually local issues. The thing that helps the Democrat in Michigan is that Snyder's draconian takeover of Detroit is going to piss a lot of people off. He might survive, but the GOP Senate candidate, not so much.

Says the far left Obama drone.

Yes Obamacare effects everyone and those that have felt it's effects will not be voting far left this time around (well except for the hard liners like you because of your programming).
"In the last 10 years, all of FOUR Democratic incumbants have been unseated."

That is the reflection of stupidity not of the Republican contenders, but the Democratic electors.
Actually, the far right will blow most of these chances because they are kind of dumb.

Also, unseating an incumbant Senator is a lot harder than you all think it is.

In the last 10 years, all of FOUR Democratic incumbants have been unseated. The GOP's best oppurtunities are really in picking up vacancies.

So in other words the far left media will use one of three talking points as questions for any (R) candidate.

But then again to the far left anyone that does not tow the party line is considered far right.

by gosh, little Kosh, you almost got it right, which is to the far reactionary right anyone that does not tow the TPM line is considered far left. To you, Goldwater looks like a commie.

Definitely far left propaganda, but then again JFK is now far right to those loyal holders of the far left religion.
Yeah...I think Dems are going to have to actually run on something this time. Not the usual race hustling and fear somebody is gonna take little Sandy Fluke's birth control pills away from her.

Well, they'll keep running on race and class until they know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it's no longer working for them.

There's a lot of bad stuff still to come with Obamacare and that will play out before the elections. BUT, the Dems will have an ace in the hole, and they're guaranteed to play it: Millions will be having their premiums paid for by someone else, and they would have NO coverage without it. That's pretty powerful, and it's absolutely correct.

Plus, the Republicans, amazingly, STILL haven't managed to come out with a clear, united alternative and shoved it into every teevee camera in every interview. They've had their chance, it's probably too late, and the Dems will be right on the money when they say, "at least we did SOMETHING".

Well, another possibility is that the GOP will once again run candidates who are essentially unelectable. So there are still plenty of variables left.

"In the last 10 years, all of FOUR Democratic incumbants have been unseated."

That is the reflection of stupidity not of the Republican contenders, but the Democratic electors.

No, it really shows how batshit crazy the Republican Party has become.

"Let Him Die!"
"I like to be able to fire people."
"Legitimate Rape"
So in other words the far left media will use one of three talking points as questions for any (R) candidate.

But then again to the far left anyone that does not tow the party line is considered far right.

by gosh, little Kosh, you almost got it right, which is to the far reactionary right anyone that does not tow the TPM line is considered far left. To you, Goldwater looks like a commie.

Definitely far left propaganda, but then again JFK is now far right to those loyal holders of the far left religion.

Reactionary right revisionists carry no weight. JFK would support SS, Medicare, and Medicaid to the bone, would rein in the far right NSA, and would want national health care.
"In the last 10 years, all of FOUR Democratic incumbants have been unseated."

That is the reflection of stupidity not of the Republican contenders, but the Democratic electors.

No, it really shows how batshit crazy the Republican Party has become.

"Let Him Die!"
"I like to be able to fire people."
"Legitimate Rape"

"Second amendment solutions"
"Self deport"
"the basics of our economy are solid"
Republican Senate contenders should, nay, MUST remember:

1. DO not primary each other and themselves into oblivion. Let them get together in a locked room, hash out their differences and let - by their own decision - the strongest of them take on the Democratic opponent.

2. Refrain from making the same mistakes and statements that previous contenders made, too numerous to mention and too stupid to repeat. Bottom line: If you stay quiet, people may think you are stupid, but if you spout nonsense, like former Republican Senate contenders did, people will know you are stupid.

3. Stop back-stabbing, name-calling. Just because You have been there far longer than you ever deserved to be, calling your fellow - albeit freshman - Senator a "wacko bird" is really beneath your dignity.

4. Relating to all of the above, try your best to adhere to the admonishment of Ronaldus Magus. If you don't know who that was, and what that admonishment is, you might as well run as a Democrat.

So in short, what you are saying is that the best shot Republicans have is to hide just how fu cking batshit crazy your party has become, and hope no one remembers "Legitimate Rape" and "I like to be able to fire people".

I am not about to make any predictions, but let the results of the 2014 elections show who was right, you or me. Note that unlike you, I was civil enough not to use disparaging name-calling either to yourself or your party, in order to express my views.

Memory is a funny thing. Seems like the only thing your quasi-God icon remembers and repeats in sickening frequency, even after five+ years of his own innumerable blunders, is that it is all Bush's fault, supported by slavish and slobbering acolytes in the press and on popular internet forums.

So, yes, people may and probably will remember the careless and stupid remarks about, rape, about being or not being a witch, but they will also remember the REAL pocket book issues and which party's highest ranking official repeated the "Lie of the year" like three dozen times.

I am not about to make any predictions, but let the results of the 2014 elections show who was right, you or me. Note that unlike you, I was civil enough not to use disparaging name-calling either to yourself or your party, in order to express my views.

Memory is a funny thing. Seems like the only thing your quasi-God icon remembers and repeats in sickening frequency, even after five+ years of his own innumerable blunders, is that it is all Bush's fault, supported by slavish and slobbering acolytes in the press and on popular internet forums.

So, yes, people may and probably will remember the careless and stupid remarks about, rape, about being or not being a witch, but they will also remember the REAL pocket book issues and which party's highest ranking official repeated the "Lie of the year" like three dozen times.

I suspect the GOP will make some gains in the 2014 elections and then conclude the bat-shittery got them there, which means they'll dig themselves into an even deeper hole for 2016.

And, sorry, it really is all Bush's fault. Bush so totally fucked up the economy we are probably NEVER going to fully recover.

Most Americans realized that, which is why Romney lost.

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