New Polls. Once Safe Democrat Senate Seats Now Up for Grabs.

Well, get over it, FJO, because the great majority of America apparently does not agree with you.
About the hits a sitting President takes in mid-term elections:

NOT a single president of America, in history, has ever had the 'honor' to repeat the "Lie Of The Year" three dozen times, won re-election based on that lie, and screwed around endlessly with their signature law as Obama has been doing.

All historical precedence goes out the window with such unparalleled crooked dishonesty.

Fucking Christ, we're doomed. Democrats are going to walk all over us if ^^THIS^^ is the way we're going to campaign.
naw mitt lost because he did not motivate the voters

pretty much a light version of obama


3,000,000 more voted for Romney than for McCain (2008).


Facts are your friend!!

Actually, it was slightly less than one million, but you are right, he did get more than McCain did.

He also only got 1 milion less than Bush did in 2004 (and 10 million more than Bush got in 2000.)

I stand corrected, you are right. It was an honest typo on my part. Ooops.

The exact stats:

McCain, 2008: 59,950,323
Romney, 2012: 60,932,235

Difference: Romney +981,912.


Thanks for catching the error.
So the response to the Democrats over the most failed domestic policy since Nixon's wage and price controls is going to be to point out the shutdown? That's the shutdown Obama made worse by his executive orders to inconvenience as many people as possible.
They are in total panic mode at this point. I believe that's called "hoist by their own petard."

Yeah....and the shutdown was the Republican attempt to stop the disaster of Obamacare.

After millions have lost their insurance and millions more are getting screwed having to pay much higher you think any of them are going to be mad at the Republicans for trying to stop Obamacare via the shutdown?

If that is the best the Democrats have, they are in a world of trouble. Pathetic. :lol:

sweetie only 1.2 million lost their health care, the majority of them went to the site and have said they got a better deal ... its only the whiny tea baggers that are complaining about it ... where 348 million has health care now and are happier then what they had keep believing health care is going to make dems lose... only in a tea baggers mind...

looks whats happening to 9 of your republican senators now they have tea baggers Challenging them ... they all lost the last tome and will lose again ...

Did you read the article by AP that began this thread? AP said 4.2 million lost their insurance. Pay better attention....okay. :)


Since i know you can be a little slow....I thought I would drop in the part of the article on page one that you missed or did not understand. :)

By mid-November, 4.2 million Americans had received insurance cancellation notices, according to an Associated Press review, including at least 225,000 in Michigan.
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About the hits a sitting President takes in mid-term elections:

NOT a single president of America, in history, has ever had the 'honor' to repeat the "Lie Of The Year" three dozen times, won re-election based on that lie, and screwed around endlessly with their signature law as Obama has been doing.

All historical precedence goes out the window with such unparalleled crooked dishonesty.

except you forget one thing - the liar in chief is still supported by lame stream media.

obviously a hit on a pocket is the most personal one can get, but remember that the hit starts in January and by November is an old story and lying brainwashing media machine is on there all the time.
Yeah....and the shutdown was the Republican attempt to stop the disaster of Obamacare.

After millions have lost their insurance and millions more are getting screwed having to pay much higher you think any of them are going to be mad at the Republicans for trying to stop Obamacare via the shutdown?

If that is the best the Democrats have, they are in a world of trouble. Pathetic. :lol:

sweetie only 1.2 million lost their health care, the majority of them went to the site and have said they got a better deal ... its only the whiny tea baggers that are complaining about it ... where 348 million has health care now and are happier then what they had keep believing health care is going to make dems lose... only in a tea baggers mind...

looks whats happening to 9 of your republican senators now they have tea baggers Challenging them ... they all lost the last tome and will lose again ...

Did you read the article by AP that began this thread? AP said 4.4 million lost their insurance. Pay better attention....okay. :)

Yo, how's Metroboy doin??? :) :)
Well, get over it, FJO, because the great majority of America apparently does not agree with you.

Well, we don't really know that until the final results of the 2014 midterm elections are in, DO WE NOW??

3,000,000 more voted for Romney than for McCain (2008).


Facts are your friend!!

Actually, it was slightly less than one million, but you are right, he did get more than McCain did.

He also only got 1 milion less than Bush did in 2004 (and 10 million more than Bush got in 2000.)

I stand corrected, you are right. It was an honest typo on my part. Ooops.

The exact stats:

McCain, 2008: 59,950,323
Romney, 2012: 60,932,235

Difference: Romney +981,912.


Thanks for catching the error.

You've had some good posts in this thread. You mentioned that in your opinion the Obama organization will make a difference in 2014. There are several problems with this.

One, Obama is not running. Dems had a 9% turnout advantage in 2008 and an 8% advantage in 2012. That was the sole reason Obama won. Blacks turned out in higher numbers than whites for the first time. The black guy is no longer running. Sorry to put this is such crude terms, but it is clear many turned out for Obama in such big numbers because of the color of his skin, particularly black folks. That is undeniable. If folks want to vote for someone because of their skin color that is their choice, but I would hope the criteria would be something a little more meaningful.

Two, organization only gets you so far. The Dems will now have to run on Obamacare again...only this time the reality is here. The program is clearly a disaster and it was sold on a tissue of lies. It was also shoved down America's throat on a straight party line vote and all Republican input was actively shunned. Bottom Line: The Dems own this turkey 100%. They no longer have any media cover. You can't blame this one on GWB. It hangs around their neck like a 1000 lbs weight.

In my opinion this election will be a strict referendum on Obamacare. All the polls certainly indicate that. The news only gets worse into 2014. The law is clearly unworkable. You are correct that historically mid-term elections work against the incumbent party. This has the chance to be an historic beat down. For Dems to dismiss the implications is foolish. Personally, if I were a Democrat, I would run as far away from Obama, his "organization," and his poorly conceived law as I could. It has the stink of death around it.
sweetie only 1.2 million lost their health care, the majority of them went to the site and have said they got a better deal ... its only the whiny tea baggers that are complaining about it ... where 348 million has health care now and are happier then what they had keep believing health care is going to make dems lose... only in a tea baggers mind...

looks whats happening to 9 of your republican senators now they have tea baggers Challenging them ... they all lost the last tome and will lose again ...

Did you read the article by AP that began this thread? AP said 4.4 million lost their insurance. Pay better attention....okay. :)

Yo, how's Metroboy doin??? :) :)

Great. I'll be talking about health insurance for hours over Christmas dinner with mom and dad. But hey...why'd ya get rid of the tight package guy avi? I thought you said he had a nice body? :)
Actually, it was slightly less than one million, but you are right, he did get more than McCain did.

He also only got 1 milion less than Bush did in 2004 (and 10 million more than Bush got in 2000.)

I stand corrected, you are right. It was an honest typo on my part. Ooops.

The exact stats:

McCain, 2008: 59,950,323
Romney, 2012: 60,932,235

Difference: Romney +981,912.


Thanks for catching the error.

You've had some good posts in this thread. You mentioned that in your opinion the Obama organization will make a difference in 2014. There are several problems with this.

One, Obama is not running. Dems had a 9% turnout advantage in 2008 and an 8% advantage in 2012. That was the sole reason Obama won. Blacks turned out in higher numbers than whites for the first time. The black guy is no longer running. Sorry to put this is such crude terms, but it is clear many turned out for Obama in such big numbers because of the color of his skin, particularly black folks. That is undeniable. If folks want to vote for someone because of their skin color that is their choice, but I would hope the criteria would be something a little more meaningful.

Two, organization only gets you so far. The Dems will now have to run on Obamacare again...only this time the reality is here. The program is clearly a disaster and it was sold on a tissue of lies. It was also shoved down America's throat on a straight party line vote and all Republican input was actively shunned. Bottom Line: The Dems own this turkey 100%. They no longer have any media cover. You can't blame this one on GWB. It hangs around their neck like a 1000 lbs weight.

In my opinion this election will be a strict referendum on Obamacare. All the polls certainly indicate that. The news only gets worse into 2014. The law is clearly unworkable. You are correct that historically mid-term elections work against the incumbent party. This has the chance to be an historic beat down. For Dems to dismiss the implications is foolish. Personally, if I were a Democrat, I would run as far away from Obama, his "organization," and his poorly conceived law as I could. It has the stink of death around it.

Most likely.

But turnout is the name of the game.

Wait and see. Good to hear from you.
New Polls. Once Safe Democrat Senate Seats Now Up for Grabs. With far right, for the moment, tamped down (the primaries will help that), and if we stay away from the third rails (SS and Medicare), and we concentrate on ACA and Democratic inefficiency in government, the GOP stands about a half chance to take back the Senate. The TPM can screw all of that of course if we let them.

Who is this "we," Fakey? You don't imagine that we actually believe you're rooting for the Republican Party, do you?
Did you read the article by AP that began this thread? AP said 4.4 million lost their insurance. Pay better attention....okay. :)

Yo, how's Metroboy doin??? :) :)

Great. I'll be talking about health insurance for hours over Christmas dinner with mom and dad. But hey...why'd ya get rid of the tight package guy avi? I thought you said he had a nice body? :)

Well, you see, I had just replaced him with my weight-lifting Santa but right at that moment some trolls in the flame zone really thought my old avi was totally gay and that I changed avis to appease them. How little they know of me... :D

So, I thought to bring out another beefcake until tomorrow. As of Christmas Eve, I try to be decent about this stuff.

Do you think he should show more skin, or is this avi acceptable?

I stand corrected, you are right. It was an honest typo on my part. Ooops.

The exact stats:

McCain, 2008: 59,950,323
Romney, 2012: 60,932,235

Difference: Romney +981,912.


Thanks for catching the error.

You've had some good posts in this thread. You mentioned that in your opinion the Obama organization will make a difference in 2014. There are several problems with this.

One, Obama is not running. Dems had a 9% turnout advantage in 2008 and an 8% advantage in 2012. That was the sole reason Obama won. Blacks turned out in higher numbers than whites for the first time. The black guy is no longer running. Sorry to put this is such crude terms, but it is clear many turned out for Obama in such big numbers because of the color of his skin, particularly black folks. That is undeniable. If folks want to vote for someone because of their skin color that is their choice, but I would hope the criteria would be something a little more meaningful.

Two, organization only gets you so far. The Dems will now have to run on Obamacare again...only this time the reality is here. The program is clearly a disaster and it was sold on a tissue of lies. It was also shoved down America's throat on a straight party line vote and all Republican input was actively shunned. Bottom Line: The Dems own this turkey 100%. They no longer have any media cover. You can't blame this one on GWB. It hangs around their neck like a 1000 lbs weight.

In my opinion this election will be a strict referendum on Obamacare. All the polls certainly indicate that. The news only gets worse into 2014. The law is clearly unworkable. You are correct that historically mid-term elections work against the incumbent party. This has the chance to be an historic beat down. For Dems to dismiss the implications is foolish. Personally, if I were a Democrat, I would run as far away from Obama, his "organization," and his poorly conceived law as I could. It has the stink of death around it.

Most likely.

But turnout is the name of the game.

Wait and see. Good to hear from you.

You as well. I have truly liked your posts in this thread. Good information and very fair. Regards.
Yo, how's Metroboy doin??? :) :)

Great. I'll be talking about health insurance for hours over Christmas dinner with mom and dad. But hey...why'd ya get rid of the tight package guy avi? I thought you said he had a nice body? :)

Well, you see, I had just replaced him with my weight-lifting Santa but right at that moment some trolls in the flame zone really thought my old avi was totally gay and that I changed avis to appease them. How little they know of me... :D

So, I thought to bring out another beefcake until tomorrow. As of Christmas Eve, I try to be decent about this stuff.

Do you think he should show more skin, or is this avi acceptable?


I am just giving you a hard time. Your avi is your business. I have no problem with it. Many of the ladies certainly tease with their avis. Why not give them a little back?

I posted pajama boy because he gives me a laugh. None of it is meant seriously. I'll probably change it in a few days. I'm starting to get sick of looking at him.
Great. I'll be talking about health insurance for hours over Christmas dinner with mom and dad. But hey...why'd ya get rid of the tight package guy avi? I thought you said he had a nice body? :)

Well, you see, I had just replaced him with my weight-lifting Santa but right at that moment some trolls in the flame zone really thought my old avi was totally gay and that I changed avis to appease them. How little they know of me... :D

So, I thought to bring out another beefcake until tomorrow. As of Christmas Eve, I try to be decent about this stuff.

Do you think he should show more skin, or is this avi acceptable?


I am just giving you a hard time. Your avi is your business. I have no problem with it. Many of the ladies certainly tease with their avis. Why not give them a little back?

I posted pajama boy because he gives me a laugh. None of it is meant seriously. I'll probably change it in a few days. I'm starting to get sick of looking at him.

You see, I like your attitude. Fer Chrissakes, this is etherland. People should have a little fun. Do I look like that guy in the avi? No. I am older, a little fatter, but my biceps are also considerably bigger. But hey, he is sexy for the babes and they should have their fun.

Now, pajama boy is just the kind of boy that girls love to confide in, because they knew he is never going to grope them, ever!!!

I am thinking of going with a nice musical theme for the Christmas holiday and then at the new year, it is back to:


Dry, but effective!!!
New Polls. Once Safe Democrat Senate Seats Now Up for Grabs. With far right, for the moment, tamped down (the primaries will help that), and if we stay away from the third rails (SS and Medicare), and we concentrate on ACA and Democratic inefficiency in government, the GOP stands about a half chance to take back the Senate. The TPM can screw all of that of course if we let them.

Who is this "we," Fakey? You don't imagine that we actually believe you're rooting for the Republican Party, do you?

You are an anarchist, so no one is concerned with what you think.
Well, get over it, FJO, because the great majority of America apparently does not agree with you.

Well, we don't really know that until the final results of the 2014 midterm elections are in, DO WE NOW??

That's right, so we will continue to work for solutions, not divisiveness, and how to amend ACA. TeaPs need not apply for consideration unless they follow the above.

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