New Study: Boosters are Rewriting Your Immune System. Bad News (Really Bad)

Yes! Only believe the government! They know best and they Love YOU!

That is what you were saying in the other thread we had this discussion on.

Every time I asked you a question your answer was "because Congress said so". Words that I have never posted but you did like 100 times in one thread.

You have lost any credibility in being anti-government.
You got lucky

That doesn't answer my question.

Where are the stats showing so many extra deaths from cancer etc?
Luck that I have an awesome immune system.

Personally not worried about the cancer link, since I wasn't a sheep and got the shot.
Lol. Do you know what percentage that is with 8 billion people in the world?


GET UNDER YOUR BED AND STAY THERE! The great Dr. Fauci demands it!
That's a million dead in the US ya dumb fuk
So, good study. I am not a doctor but I am a data geek and it seems well done. If I had any thing negative to say about it the small sample size would be the only thing.

It seems a good study so it seems that the IgG4 rise is real.

The question after that is if it is as bad a thing as you are making it out to be.

A study from late 2020 looks at this and does not have the same "end of the world" view.

Antibodies of IgG4 subclass are exceptional players of the immune system, as they are considered to be immunologically inert and functionally monovalent, and as such may be part of classical tolerance mechanisms. IgG4 antibodies are found in a range of different diseases, including IgG4-related diseases, allergy, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, helminth infection and IgG4 autoimmune diseases, where they may be pathogenic or protective.

Within the IgG4 class there are 29 candidate antigens and the list is growing.

Seems there is still much to learn, but I will not lie and say that I am not happy that I have not gotten any boosters.

Sure, more study needs to be done. But connecting the dots--it looks grim. And I say that with no happiness. I have allergies, mild asthma and two auto-immunes. I understand the impact of the immune system. I recommend the boosted get their hands on some corticosteroids. They're largely still in denial.

As to your remarks above--of course as cited in the article, if you are a beekeeper and develop a tolerance toward venom, this is outstanding.

If you have boosters and develop a tolerance toward Covid...or tumors...this is awful.
Then you should never, ever go to one.

Murder They Wrought

The Evidence Is Conclusive: Covid Vaccination Was Mass Murder.
Paul Craig Roberts • Wednesday, December 28, 2022 • 800 Words
As readers know, I am concerned that the neoconservatives’ drive for US hegemony is the road to nuclear war. But we also face demise from other directions. In this column I share thoughts on the use of orchestrated pandemics to destroy economic independence and civil liberty and to reduce the world population, a declared goal of Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab. In subsequent columns I will address other threats that go unattended.

Professor Michel Chossudovsky, emeritus professor at the University of Ottawa and Founder and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization, has made an important point. The injection of a dangerous substance into a large percentage of the world population was not a mistake, but an intentional act of murder.

Pfizer and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), charged with protecting public health, knew in February 2021 that the Covid “vaccine” that went into use in mid-December 2020 was deadly and under law should have been recalled. Pfizer’s own internal documents recorded 1,200 deaths from the vaccine and tens of thousands of adverse health effects including cardiac disorders and spontaneous abortions over a two month period. Understand, the report, which was to be locked up for 75 years, was a forced release resulting from a federal court order to the FDA. It is Pfizer’s own internal report. It is not a report by independent medical scientists that some pretend “fact checker” can label as “misinformation.”

The report is now public. Under law, as Pfizer and the FDA knew the “vaccine” was dangerous to life and health and did not recall it, they committed murder.

The issue before us is the missing indictments for murder of the Pfizer executives and FDA officials who are responsible for the deaths and injuries of millions of people.

As the presstitutes are totally complicit in the mass murder, don’t expect any attention from the media to the released Pfizer report, backed up by the extraordinary increase in excess deaths in every vaccinated country following the vaccination campaign. Dr. Michael Yeadon, formerly Pfizer Vice President and Chief Science Officer has said that in addition to the deaths, infertility, and injuries from the “vaccine,” the effect of the “vaccine” is also to seriously impair the immune system, thereby making everyone injected susceptible to morbidity from diseases.

Don’t expect Congress or the Executive Branch to do anything. Members of the House and Senate are dependent on campaign contributions, and Big Pharma are heavy contributors. The FDA is a marketing agent for Big Pharma.

Don’t expect the medical profession to do anything. Big Pharma is responsible for 70% of medical research grants. Medical scientists are not going to bite the hand that feeds them. Former editors of the New England Journal of Medicine and The Lancet have said that they have no confidence in the research reported in the journals because 70% of the articles are financed by Big Pharma. Big Pharma is also a large donor to medical schools. The FDA, like all regulatory agencies, is captured and run by those they are supposed to be regulating.

Peter Koenig, formerly of the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO) concludes that we are faced with “a clear eugenics agenda, mass depopulation, unprecedented.”

We should be terrified that Bill Gates, WHO, and the bought-and-paid-for Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security recently completed (October 23, 2022) two months ago a simulation of the next pandemic.
Okay smarty. Do the math. 1 million out of a population of 330 million.

I didn’t think you were this dumb.

One million people certainly did not die from Covid. Some did, you bet. Many died of hospitals CLASSIFYING them as Covid to get that sweet, sweet $$$.

Imagine cogent, otherwise semi-rational people not being able to wrap their heads around this.

Brainwashing is something else.
One million people certainly did not die from Covid. Some did, you bet. Many died of hospitals CLASSIFYING them as Covid to get that sweet, sweet $$$.

Imagine cogent, otherwise semi-rational people not being able to wrap their heads around this.

Brainwashing is something else.
Of course, but Lesh believes everything the government media complex tells him. So, he really thinks one million died from Covid.

Apparently he isn’t good at math, being a chicken little.
One million people certainly did not die from Covid. Some did, you bet. Many died of hospitals CLASSIFYING them as Covid to get that sweet, sweet $$$.

Just how much money was it that got all these doctors and nurses to sell their souls for?

Maybe you should get 2 boosters.
Do you see a doctor for these conditions?

Are you now trying to minimize the results of this study and all its implications by cornering me on whether or not I SEE A DOCTOR?

no dice.

If this is true about IgG4--and it looks like it is--it's a catastrophic failure of the medical system, the pharma companies and the govt which HAS and WILL cost lives.

Nothing I do or do not do is going to detract from that. Sit with it.

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