New study: California is the most diverse state in the union...CA ranks last in quality of life.

Lefties tend to gravitate toward and be fascinated by shitholes full of degenerate human beings.
Mexifornia is an absolute paradise for lowlifes, weirdos, wetbacks, faggots and general filth. Remember, indecent filth is never bothered by other indecent filth.

that explains why you live there.
Thanks for clearing that up!

Haha...are you 8 years old?
“I know you are but what am I?”
Come on better.

you are the one that lives there, you are the one that said a certain type of people are drawn there. As I pointed out before, it is you that is the problem
And unsurprising to anyone that is not a proud racist, nothing they rank the state on has anything to do with the color of one's skin.
It’s seems like it’s a problem any where you go with divided ethnicities .. why do you like division?

it is a little early in the morning to be drunk
-------------------------------------- --------- Drunk again eh ?? --------------- and that Dear Friends is one of the GGators favorite comebacks

I do try to give people the benefit of the doubt, assuming they are drunk vice total idiots seems the better option.

Though, do not worry. you have proven a long time ago that you are just a total idiot, so I no longer assume you are drunk, even when you misspell words as you are apt to do
I hear that its due to a shortage of imported third world pickers that aren't picking . Course I don't know as I just hear talk and only eat meat and patatas , garlic and onions GGator . -------------- and Gravy .

Trumpits caused a lot of chaos to American farmers here in the west. They voted for Trumpy..
They will NOT vote for him the second time around.

Yeah...they're gonna vote for dizzy lizzy warren. :abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:

Trumpy is very nervous and scared of Biden.
-------------------------- your post is pure silliness Char . If the TRUMP loses he just continues to spend his billions as he grooms his kids for the future of politics Charwin .
Lefties tend to gravitate toward and be fascinated by shitholes full of degenerate human beings.
Mexifornia is an absolute paradise for lowlifes, weirdos, wetbacks, faggots and general filth. Remember, indecent filth is never bothered by other indecent filth.

that explains why you live there.
Thanks for clearing that up!

Haha...are you 8 years old?
“I know you are but what am I?”
Come on better.

you are the one that lives there, you are the one that said a certain type of people are drawn there. As I pointed out before, it is you that is the problem

I live here knowing full well that most of this shithole is now North Mexico.
I live far removed from the wetbacks means no shitty diapers / Modello cans and trash lining our roadways, no graffiti, no abused stray pit bulls roaming our streets, no mariachi music blaring from your neighbors garage, no wetback flags flying anywhere, no educators wasting their time teaching the English language in our schools, no eight hour wait times in emergency rooms, reasonable response times from first responders, no drunk beaners driving uninsured piece of shit Toyotas, friendly, likeminded English speaking REAL Americans to chat with out in public...Etc etc
Probably sounds like a terrible place to you huh?
Housing prices are so high because people love to live in shitholes.

Housing values are high because 10 million disgusting wetbacks will live thirteen to a two bedroom shithole.

Da fuq?

We know you're not smart but even you have to know this makes literally no sense.

It makes perfect sense for anyone with a third-grade level IQ… Which part are you confused by, I’ll have my nine-year-old nephew login and explain it to you.
Housing prices are so high because people love to live in shitholes.

Housing values are high because 10 million disgusting wetbacks will live thirteen to a two bedroom shithole.

Da fuq?

We know you're not smart but even you have to know this makes literally no sense.

It makes perfect sense for anyone with a third-grade level IQ… Which part are you confused by, I’ll have my nine-year-old nephew login and explain it to you.

LOL, I wont argue that. This does make sense to those with a third grade level IQ.

You turnips are comedy gold!
Housing prices are so high because people love to live in shitholes.

Housing values are high because 10 million disgusting wetbacks will live thirteen to a two bedroom shithole.

Da fuq?

We know you're not smart but even you have to know this makes literally no sense.

It makes perfect sense for anyone with a third-grade level IQ… Which part are you confused by, I’ll have my nine-year-old nephew login and explain it to you.

LOL, I wont argue that. This does make sense to those with a third grade level IQ.

You turnips are comedy gold!

You have a really bad habit of playing are playing right?
Look, pretending not to understand basic shit is not a valid makes you look like the twisted, retarded fuck you are. Fake it til you make it bud. Good luck.
Coincidence? I think not.
Don’t some of the least diverse states offer the best quality of life?
Politicians are you listening? You have been fucking Americans over with your “we are better as a diverse nation”....”sanctuary for illegals benefits Americans” bunch of bullshit. It’s time you pieces of shits do what’s best for Americans.
2019’s Most & Least Diverse States in America
California ranks last in quality of life in new report
Then why is it 19th on the "Best States" ranking (your report US News?) It was 49th in "Opportunity," but nowhere was it 50th on any of the categories.

You’ll need to write to USA Today and ask them why you know more than they do. I simply posted their editorial.
Hey, I just read the report! Maybe whoever wrote the op ed didn't look at the report either?
Coincidence? I think not.
Don’t some of the least diverse states offer the best quality of life?
Politicians are you listening? You have been fucking Americans over with your “we are better as a diverse nation”....”sanctuary for illegals benefits Americans” bunch of bullshit. It’s time you pieces of shits do what’s best for Americans.
2019’s Most & Least Diverse States in America
California ranks last in quality of life in new report
Then why is it 19th on the "Best States" ranking (your report US News?) It was 49th in "Opportunity," but nowhere was it 50th on any of the categories.

You’ll need to write to USA Today and ask them why you know more than they do. I simply posted their editorial.
Hey, I just read the report! Maybe whoever wrote the op ed didn't look at the report either?

Could be...write to them and report back here with your findings.
I’m with ya...It make little sense to believe that a state with the most illegal wetbacks, the most homeless, the most on welfare, the most incarcerated, the most faggots, weirdos and degenerates and the highest rents would rank last in quality of life....Totally fucking weird.
California has worst 'quality of life' in US, study says
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Housing prices are so high because people love to live in shitholes.

Housing values are high because 10 million disgusting wetbacks will live thirteen to a two bedroom shithole.

Da fuq?

We know you're not smart but even you have to know this makes literally no sense.

It makes perfect sense for anyone with a third-grade level IQ… Which part are you confused by, I’ll have my nine-year-old nephew login and explain it to you.

LOL, I wont argue that. This does make sense to those with a third grade level IQ.

You turnips are comedy gold!

You have a really bad habit of playing are playing right?
Look, pretending not to understand basic shit is not a valid makes you look like the twisted, retarded fuck you are. Fake it til you make it bud. Good luck.

You just told me the nonsense you spewed makes sense to people with a 3rd grade IQ. It's literally the most accurate thing you might have ever stated on this board.

You should bask in the glow of being right for once.
Coincidence? I think not.
Don’t some of the least diverse states offer the best quality of life?
Politicians are you listening? You have been fucking Americans over with your “we are better as a diverse nation”....”sanctuary for illegals benefits Americans” bunch of bullshit. It’s time you pieces of shits do what’s best for Americans.
2019’s Most & Least Diverse States in America
California ranks last in quality of life in new report
Then why is it 19th on the "Best States" ranking (your report US News?) It was 49th in "Opportunity," but nowhere was it 50th on any of the categories.

You’ll need to write to USA Today and ask them why you know more than they do. I simply posted their editorial.
Hey, I just read the report! Maybe whoever wrote the op ed didn't look at the report either?

I posted a link to the actual rankings and a screen shot of Cali and BL pretended neither one exited. Nothing will deter him from his hate.
Coincidence? I think not.
Don’t some of the least diverse states offer the best quality of life?
Politicians are you listening? You have been fucking Americans over with your “we are better as a diverse nation”....”sanctuary for illegals benefits Americans” bunch of bullshit. It’s time you pieces of shits do what’s best for Americans.
2019’s Most & Least Diverse States in America
California ranks last in quality of life in new report
Then why is it 19th on the "Best States" ranking (your report US News?) It was 49th in "Opportunity," but nowhere was it 50th on any of the categories.

You’ll need to write to USA Today and ask them why you know more than they do. I simply posted their editorial.
Hey, I just read the report! Maybe whoever wrote the op ed didn't look at the report either?

I posted a link to the actual rankings and a screen shot of Cali and BL pretended neither one exited. Nothing will deter him from his hate.

So, we both posted, who’s is more accurate? Which ranking seems to make more sense?
Coincidence? I think not.
Don’t some of the least diverse states offer the best quality of life?
Politicians are you listening? You have been fucking Americans over with your “we are better as a diverse nation”....”sanctuary for illegals benefits Americans” bunch of bullshit. It’s time you pieces of shits do what’s best for Americans.
2019’s Most & Least Diverse States in America
California ranks last in quality of life in new report
Then why is it 19th on the "Best States" ranking (your report US News?) It was 49th in "Opportunity," but nowhere was it 50th on any of the categories.

You’ll need to write to USA Today and ask them why you know more than they do. I simply posted their editorial.
Hey, I just read the report! Maybe whoever wrote the op ed didn't look at the report either?

I posted a link to the actual rankings and a screen shot of Cali and BL pretended neither one exited. Nothing will deter him from his hate.

So, we both posted, who’s is more accurate? Which ranking seems to make more sense?

Your link was not actually a ranking, it was the opinion of someone. They twisted the rankings to make their point.

The rankings I listed make far more sense. Cali is a beautiful state with amazing natural resources and an abundance of things for people to do.
Then why is it 19th on the "Best States" ranking (your report US News?) It was 49th in "Opportunity," but nowhere was it 50th on any of the categories.

You’ll need to write to USA Today and ask them why you know more than they do. I simply posted their editorial.
Hey, I just read the report! Maybe whoever wrote the op ed didn't look at the report either?

I posted a link to the actual rankings and a screen shot of Cali and BL pretended neither one exited. Nothing will deter him from his hate.

So, we both posted, who’s is more accurate? Which ranking seems to make more sense?

Your link was not actually a ranking, it was the opinion of someone. They twisted the rankings to make their point.

The rankings I listed make far more sense. Cali is a beautiful state with amazing natural resources and an abundance of things for people to do.

Haha...most of North Mexico is uninhabited and you’re right, those areas are beautiful...but how long can you pretend that what those are looking at for 99.675% of their lives is filth and decay and degradation perpetuated by filthy illegal thirdworld sub humans?
Coincidence? I think not.
Don’t some of the least diverse states offer the best quality of life?
Politicians are you listening? You have been fucking Americans over with your “we are better as a diverse nation”....”sanctuary for illegals benefits Americans” bunch of bullshit. It’s time you pieces of shits do what’s best for Americans.
2019’s Most & Least Diverse States in America
California ranks last in quality of life in new report
Then why is it 19th on the "Best States" ranking (your report US News?) It was 49th in "Opportunity," but nowhere was it 50th on any of the categories.

You’ll need to write to USA Today and ask them why you know more than they do. I simply posted their editorial.
Hey, I just read the report! Maybe whoever wrote the op ed didn't look at the report either?

I posted a link to the actual rankings and a screen shot of Cali and BL pretended neither one exited. Nothing will deter him from his hate.
His criticism seems to come from past experience living in a poor Hispanic neighborhood. You're not going to catch me sanctifying the Hispanics, any more than I'm going to trash them. Garbage on the streets, illegal drivers, overutilization of the ER because of no insurance are all real problems in poor areas of a city, including Hispanic neighborhoods, I'm sure. So good on him, he can afford not to live there anymore.

As for ESL teachers--they'd be working even if every Spanish speaker in California left: students in the LA public school system speak 225 languages, the most common after Spanish being Korean, Filipino, Armenian, Chinese, and Persian.

Graffiti and stray dogs happen everywhere. Blaming everything on Hispanics is his hate, but some of it's reality.
Where I live is beautiful...much of the state is beautiful....Point us to brown communities that are beautiful would you please. Thanks in advance.
Where I live now is very beautiful. Tree lined streets, manicured parks, people walking dogs, children playing outside and in playgrounds. Homes are all neat and painted in harmonious colors. No garden has weeds. People sit on porches in the evening inviting one another over for drink and a visit.

This is California. It's California behind guards and gates. It's California where each neighborhood has two iron homeowner's associations. It's the best part of California.

Sounds like you live in pre 1985 California...the good ole days.
You’re right, there are still very nice ‘pockets’ in California...NONE of which are brown, most are not located near brown areas and most are behind gates and or aggressively patrolled. Sad really.
I have been here a bit over a year. I have seen no blacks or hispanics. There is a very nice Japanese family two doors down. It's not that blacks and browns are prohibited from buying here. They choose not to. It is extremely expensive. It is also a lifestyle they choose not to have.

There are many such areas. Once those gates close behind you it's a different world.

How in the world you can make that kind of false statements?

Are you saying there are NO successful BLACKS? No doctors, professors, nurses, lawyers, rental owners or business owners?

Are you saying that there are no successful BROWN people? No business owners, doctors, rental owners, nurses, professors, lawyers? That they cannot afford to buy homes?

Yes I close my gate just because coyotes might eat my Pekingese in PS.
Ohhh no. There are certainly successful black and brown people. They just choose not to live here. They choose not to live under the rules of two aggressive homeowner's associations and pay so very much for the privilege. It's a lifestyle they choose not to hsve.

Where is this ...... here?
I live here in Ca and there’s not even comes close to what you are saying.

A lots of Hispanic home owners from north like San Jose. Sold their house then moved to southern Ca bought new house and paid it off.
Some own car dealership. San Jose is one of the most expensive city in US but you will not catch me sleeping in those houses.

In my neighborhood there are no blacks or brown that is because none of us are selling our properties. But we have asians and middle easterners that’s been here for decades.
Where I live now is very beautiful. Tree lined streets, manicured parks, people walking dogs, children playing outside and in playgrounds. Homes are all neat and painted in harmonious colors. No garden has weeds. People sit on porches in the evening inviting one another over for drink and a visit.

This is California. It's California behind guards and gates. It's California where each neighborhood has two iron homeowner's associations. It's the best part of California.

Sounds like you live in pre 1985 California...the good ole days.
You’re right, there are still very nice ‘pockets’ in California...NONE of which are brown, most are not located near brown areas and most are behind gates and or aggressively patrolled. Sad really.
I have been here a bit over a year. I have seen no blacks or hispanics. There is a very nice Japanese family two doors down. It's not that blacks and browns are prohibited from buying here. They choose not to. It is extremely expensive. It is also a lifestyle they choose not to have.

There are many such areas. Once those gates close behind you it's a different world.

How in the world you can make that kind of false statements?

Are you saying there are NO successful BLACKS? No doctors, professors, nurses, lawyers, rental owners or business owners?

Are you saying that there are no successful BROWN people? No business owners, doctors, rental owners, nurses, professors, lawyers? That they cannot afford to buy homes?

Yes I close my gate just because coyotes might eat my Pekingese in PS.
Ohhh no. There are certainly successful black and brown people. They just choose not to live here. They choose not to live under the rules of two aggressive homeowner's associations and pay so very much for the privilege. It's a lifestyle they choose not to hsve.

Where is this ...... here?
I live here in Ca and there’s not even comes close to what you are saying.

A lots of Hispanic home owners from north like San Jose. Sold their house then moved to southern Ca bought new house and paid it off.
Some own car dealership. San Jose is one of the most expensive city in US but you will not catch me sleeping in those houses.

In my neighborhood there are no blacks or brown that is because none of us are selling our properties. But we have asians and middle easterners that’s been here for decades.

And what a surprise, you're a fricken racist.
You'd probably like Missoula now.

Speaking of Missoula going up there next week
Is the diner Copper Cup still there?

Never been there before.
Maybe it was the Copper Kettle. One in Helena, and Billings too. Been awhile for me.

How did you like it? Never been to Montana before, was going to go to Oregon but to expensive, in Boise Idaho now, this place is to expensive too.. lol...
They don't call it Big Sky Country for nothing. And if you have a car that can run 150 mph+...

'Probably safer': What it was like when states had no speed limits
Speaking of Missoula going up there next week
Is the diner Copper Cup still there?

Never been there before.
Maybe it was the Copper Kettle. One in Helena, and Billings too. Been awhile for me.

How did you like it? Never been to Montana before, was going to go to Oregon but to expensive, in Boise Idaho now, this place is to expensive too.. lol...
They don't call it Big Sky Country for nothing. And if you have a car that can run 150 mph+...

'Probably safer': What it was like when states had no speed limits

Speed limit:

'Be reasonable and prudent'

Remember that?

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