New study: California is the most diverse state in the union...CA ranks last in quality of life.

Coincidence? I think not.
Don’t some of the least diverse states offer the best quality of life?
Politicians are you listening? You have been fucking Americans over with your “we are better as a diverse nation”....”sanctuary for illegals benefits Americans” bunch of bullshit. It’s time you pieces of shits do what’s best for Americans.
2019’s Most & Least Diverse States in America
California ranks last in quality of life in new report

tRump could help by "putting his money where his mouth is" and jail employers knowingly hiring illegals. (including himself)

Also, canceling the Republican H1B program and every other worker visa programs and put AMERICANS back to work.

I agree...BUT do you honestly believe that such policies would garner congressional support from Mexicrats?
Remember, the Mexicrat Party is kept relevant in US politics by barely legal thirdworlders with illegal roots....Do the math on that.

Since when does enforcing existing law need congressional support? little groupie following me around already this morning. I feel so special. It is kind of cool and kind of creepy that you come into threads for the singular purpose of making comments about me and never once addressing the topic of the thread

I came into the thread because of Cali, which has been transformed into a crap hole. Poking you is just an added bonus. Where is your go to emoji? You’re slipping.

And yet your only post is about me and not Cali...hmmm

Yes I agreed with the description of you. When was the last time you were in Cali? The OP is correct.

Still, every post is about me and me alone. Why is that?

Last time I was in Cali was about 6 years ago. Great place, always enjoyed my visits there.

Go now...LA and SF. You won't recognize it.

When was the last time you were in either place?
No city on earth has ever had the diversity of NY

Yet it is one of the wealthiest cities in the world
I understand it's called Queens ( most diverse)
Brooklyn too

You’re from upstate NY, right? Or have at least spent a lot of time there?
Born in Westchester, moved to a place near West Point
If you get the chance, check out the first 10 mins of The Simpsons episode Doh Canada. Homer sings a song about upstate New York
I came into the thread because of Cali, which has been transformed into a crap hole. Poking you is just an added bonus. Where is your go to emoji? You’re slipping.

And yet your only post is about me and not Cali...hmmm

Yes I agreed with the description of you. When was the last time you were in Cali? The OP is correct.

Still, every post is about me and me alone. Why is that?

Last time I was in Cali was about 6 years ago. Great place, always enjoyed my visits there.

Go now...LA and SF. You won't recognize it.

When was the last time you were in either place?

Literally 2 mos ago
Coincidence? I think not.
Don’t some of the least diverse states offer the best quality of life?
Politicians are you listening? You have been fucking Americans over with your “we are better as a diverse nation”....”sanctuary for illegals benefits Americans” bunch of bullshit. It’s time you pieces of shits do what’s best for Americans.
2019’s Most & Least Diverse States in America
California ranks last in quality of life in new report

tRump could help by "putting his money where his mouth is" and jail employers knowingly hiring illegals. (including himself)

Also, canceling the Republican H1B program and every other worker visa programs and put AMERICANS back to work.

I agree...BUT do you honestly believe that such policies would garner congressional support from Mexicrats?
Remember, the Mexicrat Party is kept relevant in US politics by barely legal thirdworlders with illegal roots....Do the math on that.

Since when does enforcing existing law need congressional support?

Our current immigration laws have no bite, they have been rendered useless by corrupt politicians and attorneys. Lawmakers must act and make revisions throughout our code. This nation was founded on sovereignty, law and order...lawlessness leads to degradation and ultimately demise.
I came into the thread because of Cali, which has been transformed into a crap hole. Poking you is just an added bonus. Where is your go to emoji? You’re slipping.

And yet your only post is about me and not Cali...hmmm

Yes I agreed with the description of you. When was the last time you were in Cali? The OP is correct.

Still, every post is about me and me alone. Why is that?

Last time I was in Cali was about 6 years ago. Great place, always enjoyed my visits there.

Go now...LA and SF. You won't recognize it.

When was the last time you were in either place?

Both have been disgusting shitholes predominantly inhabited by disgusting thirdworld filth and lowlife degenerates for years.
And yet your only post is about me and not Cali...hmmm

Yes I agreed with the description of you. When was the last time you were in Cali? The OP is correct.

Still, every post is about me and me alone. Why is that?

Last time I was in Cali was about 6 years ago. Great place, always enjoyed my visits there.

Go now...LA and SF. You won't recognize it.

When was the last time you were in either place?

Both have been disgusting shitholes predominantly inhabited by disgusting thirdworld filth and lowlife degenerates for years.

I was there when I was 18 and thought the homeless problem was bad but it’s way worse now. My goodness.
Yes I agreed with the description of you. When was the last time you were in Cali? The OP is correct.

Still, every post is about me and me alone. Why is that?

Last time I was in Cali was about 6 years ago. Great place, always enjoyed my visits there.

Go now...LA and SF. You won't recognize it.

When was the last time you were in either place?

Both have been disgusting shitholes predominantly inhabited by disgusting thirdworld filth and lowlife degenerates for years.

I was there when I was 18 and thought the homeless problem was bad but it’s way worse now. My goodness.

I’ve been all over the world in various shitholes...and I promise you, parts of Los Angeles and San Francisco rank up there with the shittiest for sure.
Your position is that any attempt to measure the quality of life, is arbitrary and thus invalid. AND that barring any obvious and clear connection between any measurement and "skin color", any such measurement is irrelevant anyways.

I did not say they were invalid, that is your own spin on my words. I happily changed from arbitrary to subjective and yet you still whine. Why is that?

For you to take that position,and then attack others for not trying a line of argument, that you have already dismissed,

is not fair nor reasonable of you.

Once again you are ming me for your actions, or in this case lack of action. How easy would it be to prove me wrong by showing me which of the measures used by the magazine to determine quality of life are directly effected by the color of one's skin

Sure. You used a different word. While falsely claiming they meant the same thing.

AND now you are moving the goal posts to demand direct cause and effect to be demonstrated between any factor and "skin color". Moving it twice there.

AND, I'm sure you would be open to any demonstrated cause and effect, based on how dishonest you have been so far in this thread. lol!!!

We both know that California is a shit hole, and it is like that because it is being flooded by the Third World.

You however, support that demographic shift, and thus are here to dishonestly attack anyone pointing out the costs of the policies you support.
Discussing the negative impact of a phenomenon in no way implies a persona aversion or fear of it.


YOu do agree with that statement, do you not?

That depends on the discussion. This discussion is based upon nothing but personal feelings and emotions, thus that implies a personal aversion.

Your position is that any attempt to measure the quality of life, is arbitrary and thus invalid. AND that barring any obvious and clear connection between any measurement and "skin color", any such measurement is irrelevant anyways.

For you to take that position,and then attack others for not trying a line of argument, that you have already dismissed,

is not fair nor reasonable of you.

If one such report has a state in the middle of the pack and another such report has a state at the end of their list, how is it not completely subjective?

At that point, the reasonable thing to do, would be to look at them and the data in them to see which of the lists is more accurate.

Golf instead, ridiculed the very idea of using lists of data to judge quality of life.

He knows that California, and America are being negatively impacted by increasing diversity, but supports it anyways, for reasons he will not share. If he is even aware of his reasons.
I've visited California. The air in LA tastes horrible.

I think the air pollution gives them brain damage and that's why they vote so irrationally.

And the freeloading homeless drug addicts go there because just breathing the air is like sniffing glue.

Sounds like you visited LA, which is only a tiny part of Cali

In a little bit I'm going to leave my ten acres of Northern California redwoods and drive an hour with my convertible top down in no traffic. Sure, I might encounter a deer or coyote (once even a mountain lion), but few cars. I breathe clean air and drink some of the best water in the world. (Out of the tap)

As quality of life goes....#1 baby!

It's a really big state, y'all.
Northern Cali is a LOT whiter and more conservative than the rest of marxistfornia.
And yet my kids went to a High School with a Hispanic population of over 70%, you racist asshole.
Poor kids.
I've visited California. The air in LA tastes horrible.

I think the air pollution gives them brain damage and that's why they vote so irrationally.

And the freeloading homeless drug addicts go there because just breathing the air is like sniffing glue.

Sounds like you visited LA, which is only a tiny part of Cali

In a little bit I'm going to leave my ten acres of Northern California redwoods and drive an hour with my convertible top down in no traffic. Sure, I might encounter a deer or coyote (once even a mountain lion), but few cars. I breathe clean air and drink some of the best water in the world. (Out of the tap)

As quality of life goes....#1 baby!

It's a really big state, y'all.
Northern Cali is a LOT whiter and more conservative than the rest of marxistfornia.
And yet my kids went to a High School with a Hispanic population of over 70%, you racist asshole.
Poor kids.

Has to be hard on them to not be raised by racist pieces of shit like you and the OP. :290968001256257790-final:
Coincidence? I think not.
Don’t some of the least diverse states offer the best quality of life?
Politicians are you listening? You have been fucking Americans over with your “we are better as a diverse nation”....”sanctuary for illegals benefits Americans” bunch of bullshit. It’s time you pieces of shits do what’s best for Americans.
2019’s Most & Least Diverse States in America
California ranks last in quality of life in new report

tRump could help by "putting his money where his mouth is" and jail employers knowingly hiring illegals. (including himself)

Also, canceling the Republican H1B program and every other worker visa programs and put AMERICANS back to work.

I agree...BUT do you honestly believe that such policies would garner congressional support from Mexicrats?
Remember, the Mexicrat Party is kept relevant in US politics by barely legal thirdworlders with illegal roots....Do the math on that.

Since when does enforcing existing law need congressional support?

Our current immigration laws have no bite, they have been rendered useless by corrupt politicians and attorneys. Lawmakers must act and make revisions throughout our code. This nation was founded on sovereignty, law and order...lawlessness leads to degradation and ultimately demise.

Arresting employers that knowingly hire illegals has "no bite?"
Sounds like you visited LA, which is only a tiny part of Cali

In a little bit I'm going to leave my ten acres of Northern California redwoods and drive an hour with my convertible top down in no traffic. Sure, I might encounter a deer or coyote (once even a mountain lion), but few cars. I breathe clean air and drink some of the best water in the world. (Out of the tap)

As quality of life goes....#1 baby!

It's a really big state, y'all.
Northern Cali is a LOT whiter and more conservative than the rest of marxistfornia.
And yet my kids went to a High School with a Hispanic population of over 70%, you racist asshole.
Poor kids.

Has to be hard on them to not be raised by racist pieces of shit like you and the OP. :290968001256257790-final:

One day your nuts will will then realize that we make nothing up, we simply have the balls to see shit for what it actually is and we don’t let ethnicity and how it correlates scare us into ignorance.
Have you seen what wetbacks do to school districts? (and everything else they come in contact with)
Coincidence? I think not.
Don’t some of the least diverse states offer the best quality of life?
Politicians are you listening? You have been fucking Americans over with your “we are better as a diverse nation”....”sanctuary for illegals benefits Americans” bunch of bullshit. It’s time you pieces of shits do what’s best for Americans.
2019’s Most & Least Diverse States in America
California ranks last in quality of life in new report

tRump could help by "putting his money where his mouth is" and jail employers knowingly hiring illegals. (including himself)

Also, canceling the Republican H1B program and every other worker visa programs and put AMERICANS back to work.

I agree...BUT do you honestly believe that such policies would garner congressional support from Mexicrats?
Remember, the Mexicrat Party is kept relevant in US politics by barely legal thirdworlders with illegal roots....Do the math on that.

Since when does enforcing existing law need congressional support?

Our current immigration laws have no bite, they have been rendered useless by corrupt politicians and attorneys. Lawmakers must act and make revisions throughout our code. This nation was founded on sovereignty, law and order...lawlessness leads to degradation and ultimately demise.

Arresting employers that knowingly hire illegals has "no bite?"

What percentage of wetbacks do you think apply for a job and do not present fraudulent documentation?
I came into the thread because of Cali, which has been transformed into a crap hole. Poking you is just an added bonus. Where is your go to emoji? You’re slipping.

And yet your only post is about me and not Cali...hmmm

Yes I agreed with the description of you. When was the last time you were in Cali? The OP is correct.

Still, every post is about me and me alone. Why is that?

Last time I was in Cali was about 6 years ago. Great place, always enjoyed my visits there.

Go now...LA and SF. You won't recognize it.

When was the last time you were in either place?
He can’t afford it
And yet your only post is about me and not Cali...hmmm

Yes I agreed with the description of you. When was the last time you were in Cali? The OP is correct.

Still, every post is about me and me alone. Why is that?

Last time I was in Cali was about 6 years ago. Great place, always enjoyed my visits there.

Go now...LA and SF. You won't recognize it.

When was the last time you were in either place?
He can’t afford it

BS and PS your Bills suck.
Discussing the negative impact of a phenomenon in no way implies a persona aversion or fear of it.


YOu do agree with that statement, do you not?

That depends on the discussion. This discussion is based upon nothing but personal feelings and emotions, thus that implies a personal aversion.

Your position is that any attempt to measure the quality of life, is arbitrary and thus invalid. AND that barring any obvious and clear connection between any measurement and "skin color", any such measurement is irrelevant anyways.

For you to take that position,and then attack others for not trying a line of argument, that you have already dismissed,

is not fair nor reasonable of you.

If one such report has a state in the middle of the pack and another such report has a state at the end of their list, how is it not completely subjective?

At that point, the reasonable thing to do, would be to look at them and the data in them to see which of the lists is more accurate.

Golf instead, ridiculed the very idea of using lists of data to judge quality of life.

He knows that California, and America are being negatively impacted by increasing diversity, but supports it anyways, for reasons he will not share. If he is even aware of his reasons.

America is the most diverse country on earth

It is what made us great
tRump could help by "putting his money where his mouth is" and jail employers knowingly hiring illegals. (including himself)

Also, canceling the Republican H1B program and every other worker visa programs and put AMERICANS back to work.

I agree...BUT do you honestly believe that such policies would garner congressional support from Mexicrats?
Remember, the Mexicrat Party is kept relevant in US politics by barely legal thirdworlders with illegal roots....Do the math on that.

Since when does enforcing existing law need congressional support?

Our current immigration laws have no bite, they have been rendered useless by corrupt politicians and attorneys. Lawmakers must act and make revisions throughout our code. This nation was founded on sovereignty, law and order...lawlessness leads to degradation and ultimately demise.

Arresting employers that knowingly hire illegals has "no bite?"

What percentage of wetbacks do you think apply for a job and do not present fraudulent documentation?

Do like I do. US birth certificate and passport. Easy!
Discussing the negative impact of a phenomenon in no way implies a persona aversion or fear of it.


YOu do agree with that statement, do you not?

That depends on the discussion. This discussion is based upon nothing but personal feelings and emotions, thus that implies a personal aversion.

Your position is that any attempt to measure the quality of life, is arbitrary and thus invalid. AND that barring any obvious and clear connection between any measurement and "skin color", any such measurement is irrelevant anyways.

For you to take that position,and then attack others for not trying a line of argument, that you have already dismissed,

is not fair nor reasonable of you.

If one such report has a state in the middle of the pack and another such report has a state at the end of their list, how is it not completely subjective?

At that point, the reasonable thing to do, would be to look at them and the data in them to see which of the lists is more accurate.

Golf instead, ridiculed the very idea of using lists of data to judge quality of life.

He knows that California, and America are being negatively impacted by increasing diversity, but supports it anyways, for reasons he will not share. If he is even aware of his reasons.

America is the most diverse country on earth

It is what made us great

Yes, those of us who were INVITED here and came LEGALLY have improved this nation....Have those who broke in, came uninvited against the desire of The People improved our nation? If so, prove it with statistics. GO!

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