New study: California is the most diverse state in the union...CA ranks last in quality of life.

You have a twisted view of our history

Immigrants from many nations flocked to our shores. There were many languages being spoken in our cities as immigrants formed their own communities

Some were even “Jews”

It is not twisted, he is just uninformed.
Your position is that any attempt to measure the quality of life, is arbitrary and thus invalid. AND that barring any obvious and clear connection between any measurement and "skin color", any such measurement is irrelevant anyways.

For you to take that position,and then attack others for not trying a line of argument, that you have already dismissed,

is not fair nor reasonable of you.

If one such report has a state in the middle of the pack and another such report has a state at the end of their list, how is it not completely subjective?

At that point, the reasonable thing to do, would be to look at them and the data in them to see which of the lists is more accurate.

Golf instead, ridiculed the very idea of using lists of data to judge quality of life.

He knows that California, and America are being negatively impacted by increasing diversity, but supports it anyways, for reasons he will not share. If he is even aware of his reasons.

America is the most diverse country on earth

It is what made us great

That is nonsense. This country was built on diverse immigrants being assimilated into a fairly homogeneous American settler culture bound together by a common language, common faith and shared ethos.
You have a twisted view of our history

Immigrants from many nations flocked to our shores. There were many languages being spoken in our cities as immigrants formed their own communities

Some were even “Jews”

From my post, you just responded to.

"diverse immigrants"

So, you want to address what I said, or are you just here to spout propaganda talking points, like a good little marxist troll.

THat was a rhetorical question. We both know the answer.
You have a twisted view of our history

Immigrants from many nations flocked to our shores. There were many languages being spoken in our cities as immigrants formed their own communities

Some were even “Jews”

It is not twisted, he is just uninformed.

Seriously. What part of "diverse immigrants" did you not understand?

I understand it perfectly, I also understand you are opposed to such things. You are opposed to diversity, you want homogeneity.

I think diversity is what makes us great, it was those diverse immigrants that brought different skills and ideas and philosophies to this country that all worked together to make us the greatest country on the planet.

With people like you, none of that would have happened.
You have a twisted view of our history

Immigrants from many nations flocked to our shores. There were many languages being spoken in our cities as immigrants formed their own communities

Some were even “Jews”

It is not twisted, he is just uninformed.

Seriously. What part of "diverse immigrants" did you not understand?

I understand it perfectly, I also understand you are opposed to such things. You are opposed to diversity, you want homogeneity.

I think diversity is what makes us great, it was those diverse immigrants that brought different skills and ideas and philosophies to this country that all worked together to make us the greatest country on the planet.

With people like you, none of that would have happened.

Wait. We were discussing my post about past immigration, which I described as "Diverse" and RW attacked me for not realizing it was "diverse".

And you agreed, with him.

THAT is what we are discussing, right now.


I'm happy to discuss my overall views on the issue, but you two are being bat shit crazy.
You have a twisted view of our history

Immigrants from many nations flocked to our shores. There were many languages being spoken in our cities as immigrants formed their own communities

Some were even “Jews”

It is not twisted, he is just uninformed.

Haha...”uninformed “
‘Inform’ us please...I have been begging to see the data you FEELZ fools apparently see.
SHOW US how wetbacks enhance and improve this nation...SHOW US how we benefit by their presence.
Should be simple..silence the critics...GO!
If one such report has a state in the middle of the pack and another such report has a state at the end of their list, how is it not completely subjective?

At that point, the reasonable thing to do, would be to look at them and the data in them to see which of the lists is more accurate.

Golf instead, ridiculed the very idea of using lists of data to judge quality of life.

He knows that California, and America are being negatively impacted by increasing diversity, but supports it anyways, for reasons he will not share. If he is even aware of his reasons.

America is the most diverse country on earth

It is what made us great

That is nonsense. This country was built on diverse immigrants being assimilated into a fairly homogeneous American settler culture bound together by a common language, common faith and shared ethos.
You have a twisted view of our history

Immigrants from many nations flocked to our shores. There were many languages being spoken in our cities as immigrants formed their own communities

Some were even “Jews”

From my post, you just responded to.

"diverse immigrants"

So, you want to address what I said, or are you just here to spout propaganda talking points, like a good little marxist troll.

THat was a rhetorical question. We both know the answer.
I did address your post....
Twisted history based on your racist views
At that point, the reasonable thing to do, would be to look at them and the data in them to see which of the lists is more accurate.

Golf instead, ridiculed the very idea of using lists of data to judge quality of life.

He knows that California, and America are being negatively impacted by increasing diversity, but supports it anyways, for reasons he will not share. If he is even aware of his reasons.

America is the most diverse country on earth

It is what made us great

That is nonsense. This country was built on diverse immigrants being assimilated into a fairly homogeneous American settler culture bound together by a common language, common faith and shared ethos.
You have a twisted view of our history

Immigrants from many nations flocked to our shores. There were many languages being spoken in our cities as immigrants formed their own communities

Some were even “Jews”

From my post, you just responded to.

"diverse immigrants"

So, you want to address what I said, or are you just here to spout propaganda talking points, like a good little marxist troll.

THat was a rhetorical question. We both know the answer.
I did address your post....
Twisted history based on your racist views

Your position on the matter reads like this:
“Once upon a time, before a welfare mandate, some white dudes showed up here and really helped improve and advance the state of our union. THEREFORE, the worlds most disgusting human beings should always be afforded an opportunity to come here and fuck Americans over.”

Golfing Gator position is similar but reads as follows:
“Back when I was a war hero I knew 12 beaners...they made awesome tacos and they never once tried to slit my throat while I slept....THEREFORE, all of Mexico should be afforded the right to fuck Americans over and we should all pretend that wetbacks don’t populate our jails and prisons, rape and kill our people, ruin our education systems, flood our emergency rooms, drive on our roadways drunk and uninsured and cause mass degradation in every community they settle in.”
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America is the most diverse country on earth

It is what made us great

That is nonsense. This country was built on diverse immigrants being assimilated into a fairly homogeneous American settler culture bound together by a common language, common faith and shared ethos.
You have a twisted view of our history

Immigrants from many nations flocked to our shores. There were many languages being spoken in our cities as immigrants formed their own communities

Some were even “Jews”

From my post, you just responded to.

"diverse immigrants"

So, you want to address what I said, or are you just here to spout propaganda talking points, like a good little marxist troll.

THat was a rhetorical question. We both know the answer.
I did address your post....
Twisted history based on your racist views

Your position on the matter reads like this:
“Once upon a time, before a welfare mandate, some white dudes showed up here and really helped improve and advance the state of our union. THEREFORE, the worlds most disgusting human beings should always be afforded an opportunity to come here and fuck Americans over.”

Golfing Gator position is similar but reads as follow so:
“Back when I was a war hero I knew 12 beaners...they made awesome tacos and they never once tried to slit my throat while I slept....THEREFORE, all of Mexico should be afforded the right to fuck Americans over and we should all pretend that wetbacks don’t populate our jails and prisons, rape and kill our people, ruin our education systems, flood our emergency rooms, drive on our roadways drunk and uninsured and cause mass degradation in every community they settle in.”

Why do you keep pretending that I support illegal immigration?

just because I am not a racist fuck like you does not mean I support illegal immigration.
That is nonsense. This country was built on diverse immigrants being assimilated into a fairly homogeneous American settler culture bound together by a common language, common faith and shared ethos.
You have a twisted view of our history

Immigrants from many nations flocked to our shores. There were many languages being spoken in our cities as immigrants formed their own communities

Some were even “Jews”

From my post, you just responded to.

"diverse immigrants"

So, you want to address what I said, or are you just here to spout propaganda talking points, like a good little marxist troll.

THat was a rhetorical question. We both know the answer.
I did address your post....
Twisted history based on your racist views

Your position on the matter reads like this:
“Once upon a time, before a welfare mandate, some white dudes showed up here and really helped improve and advance the state of our union. THEREFORE, the worlds most disgusting human beings should always be afforded an opportunity to come here and fuck Americans over.”

Golfing Gator position is similar but reads as follow so:
“Back when I was a war hero I knew 12 beaners...they made awesome tacos and they never once tried to slit my throat while I slept....THEREFORE, all of Mexico should be afforded the right to fuck Americans over and we should all pretend that wetbacks don’t populate our jails and prisons, rape and kill our people, ruin our education systems, flood our emergency rooms, drive on our roadways drunk and uninsured and cause mass degradation in every community they settle in.”

Why do you keep pretending that I support illegal immigration?

just because I am not a racist fuck like you does not mean I support illegal immigration.

You’re smart enough to pretend you’re against illegal immigration...just like you’re smart enough to pretend you’re not a full blown LefTard.
If one such report has a state in the middle of the pack and another such report has a state at the end of their list, how is it not completely subjective?

At that point, the reasonable thing to do, would be to look at them and the data in them to see which of the lists is more accurate.

Golf instead, ridiculed the very idea of using lists of data to judge quality of life.

He knows that California, and America are being negatively impacted by increasing diversity, but supports it anyways, for reasons he will not share. If he is even aware of his reasons.

America is the most diverse country on earth

It is what made us great

That is nonsense. This country was built on diverse immigrants being assimilated into a fairly homogeneous American settler culture bound together by a common language, common faith and shared ethos.

You don't have to use dog whistles like "homogeneous" anymore. The Klan has taken off their hoods and march in public. ..FYI.

The issue is diversity. THe opposite of diversity is homogeneous. Hence my use of the term.

I'm not afraid to say White, if that is what you are implying.

And white really doesn't fit my point there, though it is close. After all there was a lot of diversity, in the ethnic and cultural make up of the immigrants. Even though by our modern standards, looking back, we see them as "white", to the people of the time, a lot of those immigrants were seen as "other".

I know that is probably all over your head. YOu just wanted to shut me up with the race card.

But, I'm not afraid of it, nor you.

My point stands, despite your race baiting.

This country was built on diverse immigrants being assimilated into a fairly homogeneous American settler culture bound together by a common language, common faith and shared ethos.

You race baiting asshole.

When you're being overtly racist, it's not "playing the race card", it's "pointing out a fact".

Notice that the person that "liked" your post is one of the most racist douchebags on the board.
Both have been disgusting shitholes predominantly inhabited by disgusting thirdworld filth and lowlife degenerates for years.

I was there when I was 18 and thought the homeless problem was bad but it’s way worse now. My goodness.

There are about 20,000+ homeless in Boston and it’s getting worse. So brace yourself.
Los Angeles 2019 homeless are 59,000.

Population of Boston is about 700,000.
Los Angeles population is 4 millions.

Do the math. Who has more homeless? Los Angeles or Boston?

Don’t forget some of these people came from different states then moved to Ca.

Come to the city. It’s clean and we have ample homeless shelters.
He is talking about Boston. What do they say about people in glass houses?


Boston and SF are awfully close...

I know he is but we police it better here and it’s less prevalent as the weather cools.

Populations of SF is 880,000 2019. Homeless in SF is about 10,000.
Homeless in Boston is 20,000. with 700,000 populations 2019.

Homelessness is an epidemic all over America. It’s not a matter of how a city manage or policing it.
You make it sounds that LA & SF just neglected these people.
I was there when I was 18 and thought the homeless problem was bad but it’s way worse now. My goodness.

There are about 20,000+ homeless in Boston and it’s getting worse. So brace yourself.
Los Angeles 2019 homeless are 59,000.

Population of Boston is about 700,000.
Los Angeles population is 4 millions.

Do the math. Who has more homeless? Los Angeles or Boston?

Don’t forget some of these people came from different states then moved to Ca.

Come to the city. It’s clean and we have ample homeless shelters.
He is talking about Boston. What do they say about people in glass houses?


Boston and SF are awfully close...

I know he is but we police it better here and it’s less prevalent as the weather cools.

Populations of SF is 880,000 2019. Homeless in SF is about 10,000.
Homeless in Boston is 20,000. with 700,000 populations 2019.

Homelessness is an epidemic all over America. It’s not a matter of how a city manage or policing it.
You make it sounds that LA & SF just neglected these people.

You’re using stats. I am using the naked eye test. Come to Boston and see how many you find then do the same in SF.
Racial diversity is not what has caused CA's problems. The real cause is the LACK of ideological diversity now that CA is a basically a one party state controlled by the Dems and Public Employee unions.
I was there when I was 18 and thought the homeless problem was bad but it’s way worse now. My goodness.

There are about 20,000+ homeless in Boston and it’s getting worse. So brace yourself.
Los Angeles 2019 homeless are 59,000.

Population of Boston is about 700,000.
Los Angeles population is 4 millions.

Do the math. Who has more homeless? Los Angeles or Boston?

Don’t forget some of these people came from different states then moved to Ca.

Come to the city. It’s clean and we have ample homeless shelters.
He is talking about Boston. What do they say about people in glass houses?


Boston and SF are awfully close...

I know he is but we police it better here and it’s less prevalent as the weather cools.

Populations of SF is 880,000 2019. Homeless in SF is about 10,000.
Homeless in Boston is 20,000. with 700,000 populations 2019.

Homelessness is an epidemic all over America. It’s not a matter of how a city manage or policing it.
You make it sounds that LA & SF just neglected these people.

Dang, so much for your numbers.
Homeless Population Surges Across San Francisco Bay Area
There are about 20,000+ homeless in Boston and it’s getting worse. So brace yourself.
Los Angeles 2019 homeless are 59,000.

Population of Boston is about 700,000.
Los Angeles population is 4 millions.

Do the math. Who has more homeless? Los Angeles or Boston?

Don’t forget some of these people came from different states then moved to Ca.

Come to the city. It’s clean and we have ample homeless shelters.
He is talking about Boston. What do they say about people in glass houses?


Boston and SF are awfully close...

I know he is but we police it better here and it’s less prevalent as the weather cools.

Populations of SF is 880,000 2019. Homeless in SF is about 10,000.
Homeless in Boston is 20,000. with 700,000 populations 2019.

Homelessness is an epidemic all over America. It’s not a matter of how a city manage or policing it.
You make it sounds that LA & SF just neglected these people.

Dang, so much for your numbers.
Homeless Population Surges Across San Francisco Bay Area

Dang! The Bay Area is not just San Francisco. The Bay Area is like 6 or 7 counties.
Come to the city. It’s clean and we have ample homeless shelters.
He is talking about Boston. What do they say about people in glass houses?


Boston and SF are awfully close...

I know he is but we police it better here and it’s less prevalent as the weather cools.

Populations of SF is 880,000 2019. Homeless in SF is about 10,000.
Homeless in Boston is 20,000. with 700,000 populations 2019.

Homelessness is an epidemic all over America. It’s not a matter of how a city manage or policing it.
You make it sounds that LA & SF just neglected these people.

Dang, so much for your numbers.
Homeless Population Surges Across San Francisco Bay Area

Dang! The Bay Area is not just San Francisco. The Bay Area is like 6 or 7 counties.

I was in SF and it was packed with homeless and drug needles. Boston is nothing like that.
America is the most diverse country on earth

It is what made us great

That is nonsense. This country was built on diverse immigrants being assimilated into a fairly homogeneous American settler culture bound together by a common language, common faith and shared ethos.
You have a twisted view of our history

Immigrants from many nations flocked to our shores. There were many languages being spoken in our cities as immigrants formed their own communities

Some were even “Jews”

From my post, you just responded to.

"diverse immigrants"

So, you want to address what I said, or are you just here to spout propaganda talking points, like a good little marxist troll.

THat was a rhetorical question. We both know the answer.
I did address your post....
Twisted history based on your racist views

Your position on the matter reads like this:
“Once upon a time, before a welfare mandate, some white dudes showed up here and really helped improve and advance the state of our union. THEREFORE, the worlds most disgusting human beings should always be afforded an opportunity to come here and fuck Americans over.”

Golfing Gator position is similar but reads as follows:
“Back when I was a war hero I knew 12 beaners...they made awesome tacos and they never once tried to slit my throat while I slept....THEREFORE, all of Mexico should be afforded the right to fuck Americans over and we should all pretend that wetbacks don’t populate our jails and prisons, rape and kill our people, ruin our education systems, flood our emergency rooms, drive on our roadways drunk and uninsured and cause mass degradation in every community they settle in.”
Welfare had nothing to do with assimilation of immigrants which was what was being discussed
Come to the city. It’s clean and we have ample homeless shelters.
He is talking about Boston. What do they say about people in glass houses?


Boston and SF are awfully close...

I know he is but we police it better here and it’s less prevalent as the weather cools.

Populations of SF is 880,000 2019. Homeless in SF is about 10,000.
Homeless in Boston is 20,000. with 700,000 populations 2019.

Homelessness is an epidemic all over America. It’s not a matter of how a city manage or policing it.
You make it sounds that LA & SF just neglected these people.

Dang, so much for your numbers.
Homeless Population Surges Across San Francisco Bay Area

Dang! The Bay Area is not just San Francisco. The Bay Area is like 6 or 7 counties.

Dang, read the fine print...where it says San Francisco Bay Area.
I already debunked this thread. Besides, everybody knows that infant mortality is rising and life expectancy falling in opioid addicted Appalachia.

Appalachia, the very heart of the GOP.

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