New Taliban Videos Show the Huge Success of Biden's Foreign Policy

We did take our military hardware. The hardware in these photos is the stuff we gave to the Afghan army.

If you wanted Biden to take that with them, it would mean disarming the afghan army while the Taliban was taking over.

Is that what you wanted?

CNN reports doesn't help you since there is no "Afghan" army any more since the Taliban has taken over the country thus, they got most of the equipment.

First on CNN: US left behind $7 billion of military equipment in Afghanistan after 2021 withdrawal, Pentagon report says

By Ellie Kaufman, CNN
Updated 12:08 PM EDT, Thu April 28, 2022

WashingtonCNN —
Approximately $7 billion of military equipment the US transferred to the Afghan government over the course of 16 years was left behind in Afghanistan after the US completed its withdrawal from the country in August, according to a congressionally mandated report from the US Department of Defense viewed by CNN.

This equipment is now in a country that is controlled by the very enemy the US was trying to drive out over the past two decades: the Taliban. The Defense Department has no plans to return to Afghanistan to “retrieve or destroy” the equipment, reads the report, which has been provided to Congress.




You forgot that the TALIBAN now controls the country.......

Never got around to it?
The facts of the matter are, Biden was incharge of doing the final withdrawal, and he fucked it up. Trying to make him look good by speculating about Trump doesn't cut the mustard.

But that's part and parcel of the forum, Biden hasn't done anything useful, so the Dems have to constantly whinge about Trump to make him look shitter than Biden in order to boost Biden.

Did Trump release prisoners, correct. Did he reduce forces to 2,500, correct. Did Trump do a final withdrawal, no. Did he leave equipment, never got round to sorting that cos he didn't do the final withdrawal. And those are part of the facts, I ain't denying that.

So let's move on to the final withdrawal, who did that, Biden. Did he remove the equipment? Why not. Why not send thousands of troops over to remove it all? The focus is on Biden, he was incharge, the final withdrawal strategy was down to him, he was under no obligation to use 2,500 personal.

So you tell me how Biden did with the Afghan withdrawal? Do you think he did a good job?
I've got no problem with getting out of a shithole country like Afghanistan, long known as the graveyard of empires.
Let them stand/fall on their own since it's their country? I'm on board.

However, the way you admit & leave a mistake behind says much about character.
The manner in which he forced our military to tuck tale & run was an utter humiliation.

Actually, Biden followed the terms of the Doha Accord that Trump negotiated. He even gave the Afghan government an additional couple of months to get their shit together.

Running away like a Frenchman from a squirt gun is never acceptable.
Arming & funding backwards savages ready to sell our abandoned equipment to the highest enemy bidder is borderline treason

Again, who armed them again.

Our policy was to take the same tribal leaders who swore fealty to the Taliban for years, give them a shit load of money, and arm them. And then we acted all surprised when these same tribal leaders shifted their loyalty back to the Taliban when the money stopped flowing. Really?

If we were serious about "winning" Afghanistan, then we would have started a draft in 2002, sent in hundreds of thousands of troops instead of tens of thousand drawn down to a handful. We didn't do that. We decided to outsource the war to the Afghans themselves, and you get what you always get when you go with a shady contractor.
The facts of the matter are, Biden was incharge of doing the final withdrawal, and he fucked it up. Trying to make him look good by speculating about Trump doesn't cut the mustard.

But that's part and parcel of the forum, Biden hasn't done anything useful, so the Dems have to constantly whinge about Trump to make him look shitter than Biden in order to boost Biden.

Did Trump release prisoners, correct. Did he reduce forces to 2,500, correct. Did Trump do a final withdrawal, no. Did he leave equipment, never got round to sorting that cos he didn't do the final withdrawal. And those are part of the facts, I ain't denying that.

So let's move on to the final withdrawal, who did that, Biden. Did he remove the equipment? Why not. Why not send thousands of troops over to remove it all? The focus is on Biden, he was incharge, the final withdrawal strategy was down to him, he was under no obligation to use 2,500 personal.

But that's the point, isn't it. For 20 years, Bush, Obama and Trump pissed away a trillion dollars into Afghanistan on the hope that if we dumped enough money into one of the poorest countries in the world, they would start loving Democracy and Coca-Cola. Except they didn't.

They complain about the 13 troops killed in a suicide bombing on the last days, and not the 2500 guys who lost their lives for nothing over 20 years. Does it look bad? Sure. Do you have a better solution that wouldn't have had pretty much the same result? Nope.
Actually, Biden followed the terms of the Doha Accord that Trump negotiated. He even gave the Afghan government an additional couple of months to get their shit together.

Again, who armed them again.

Our policy was to take the same tribal leaders who swore fealty to the Taliban for years, give them a shit load of money, and arm them. And then we acted all surprised when these same tribal leaders shifted their loyalty back to the Taliban when the money stopped flowing. Really?

If we were serious about "winning" Afghanistan, then we would have started a draft in 2002, sent in hundreds of thousands of troops instead of tens of thousand drawn down to a handful. We didn't do that. We decided to outsource the war to the Afghans themselves, and you get what you always get when you go with a shady contractor.
hahah no he didn’t …he even admitted publicly the agreement didn’t matter to him at all and he was planning on surrendering…that was after the fact…it would of been nice had he told our allies though…there is no doubt his reckless acts of betrayal was key to putin’s decision to invade ukraine…he saw the weakness
he even admitted publicly the agreement didn’t matter to him at all and he was planning on surrendering

Trump's agreement was a surrender agreement, so all he did was move the date back 4 months.
Actually, Biden followed the terms of the Doha Accord that Trump negotiated. He even gave the Afghan government an additional couple of months to get their shit together.

Again, who armed them again.

Our policy was to take the same tribal leaders who swore fealty to the Taliban for years, give them a shit load of money, and arm them. And then we acted all surprised when these same tribal leaders shifted their loyalty back to the Taliban when the money stopped flowing. Really?

If we were serious about "winning" Afghanistan, then we would have started a draft in 2002, sent in hundreds of thousands of troops instead of tens of thousand drawn down to a handful. We didn't do that. We decided to outsource the war to the Afghans themselves, and you get what you always get when you go with a shady contractor.
All I see here is more of the typical deflection from a progbot when one of their masters screw the pooch again.
Every time things go to shit under the Dems, they blame the Repubs with Mockingbird covering up for them.

Nothing is ever the fault of your Dear Leaders, is it? Joe & his handpicked military leaders were in charge but they have no culpability here. :rolleyes:
Deflect & project- the lefty way.
I've seen this crap before- over & over again

The facts of the matter are, Biden was incharge of doing the final withdrawal, and he fucked it up. Trying to make him look good by speculating about Trump doesn't cut the mustard.

But that's part and parcel of the forum, Biden hasn't done anything useful, so the Dems have to constantly whinge about Trump to make him look shitter than Biden in order to boost Biden.

Did Trump release prisoners, correct. Did he reduce forces to 2,500, correct. Did Trump do a final withdrawal, no. Did he leave equipment, never got round to sorting that cos he didn't do the final withdrawal. And those are part of the facts, I ain't denying that.

So let's move on to the final withdrawal, who did that, Biden. Did he remove the equipment? Why not. Why not send thousands of troops over to remove it all? The focus is on Biden, he was incharge, the final withdrawal strategy was down to him, he was under no obligation to use 2,500 personal.

So you tell me how Biden did with the Afghan withdrawal? Do you think he did a good job?

Biden evacuated 120,000 people from Afghanistan
A minor miracle

Trump had no concern about evacuating equipment. He left Biden with no plans for evacuating equipment
Approximately $7 billion of military equipment the US transferred to the Afghan government over the course of 16 years was left behind in Afghanistan

So what did you want the US to do with equipment we had given to Afghanistan?
Trump's agreement was a surrender agreement, so all he did was move the date back 4 months.
hahaha that's a was peace had requirments to be met before we and our allies would was approved by the UN.

No, Trump Didn’t Force Biden’s Withdrawal​

The Taliban violated the Doha agreement, so the U.S. could have stayed.​

“I would have tried to figure out how to withdraw those troops, yes,” Biden told ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos in an interview conducted Wednesday.

The president’s acknowledgment comes after he and top aides have argued the White House’s hands were tied by the Trump-era agreement

Xiden ignored it, betrayed our allies...he ignored our military

Top generals contradict Biden, say they urged him not to withdraw from Afghanistan​

How did they violate it, specifically?
My link outlines it...if you bothered to read it. 1) they pulled out of intra-Afghan peace talks...that alone allowed us to stay and violated the agreement....2)..another gross violation...

Taliban 'grossly' violated Doha agreement by sheltering al Qaeda's Zawahiri​

1) they pulled out of intra-Afghan peace talks..

Yep, they gave it a try and it did not work so they pulled out of them. That did not violate the agree.

The US knew that the Taliban would take over the country when we left, that is why Trump left the current Afghan government totally out of the process.

That is also why Trump agreed to help the Taliban gain international recognition as a legit government.
Yep, they gave it a try and it did not work so they pulled out of them. That did not violate the agree.

The US knew that the Taliban would take over the country when we left, that is why Trump left the current Afghan government totally out of the process.

That is also why Trump agreed to help the Taliban gain international recognition as a legit government.
hahah....we didn't have to leave when they did that. It was a condition precedent to our withdraw.

Trump didn't leave them out....hahha they were the ones engaged in the prison swap for example, they were part of the "intra-afgan peace talks" geez man.....

hahahha we never recognized them as a legit Govt...did you even read the Doha Agreement? It repeatedly states that. What Trump did, and was the right thing, was to get the UN to sign off on the agreement that the entire world was in engaged with the potential peace Security Council resolution endorses moves towards long-sought Afghanistan peace .it's sad Xiden flicked off the world and embraced the Taliban.

Xiden knew the Taliban was going to take over quickly, he didn't even try to get our people out, let a lone warn our NATO allies like the UK...
hahah....we didn't have to leave when they did that. It was a condition precedent to our withdraw.

Trump didn't leave them out....hahha they were the ones engaged in the prison swap for example, they were part of the "intra-afgan peace talks" geez man.....

Yes, Trump did leave them out. They were not a part to the negotiations. Why do you suppose that is?

hahahha we never recognized them as a legit Govt...did you even read the Doha Agreement?

I did, seems you did not. In it we agreed to help them gain recognition as a legit Govt after we left. But you are correct, we did not uphold that part of the bargain.
Xiden knew the Taliban was going to take over quickly, he didn't even try to get our people out, let a lone warn our NATO allies like the UK...

Everyone knew the Taliban was going to take over quickly. We had known that for the last decade.

Where Biden fucked up was pushing back the day to leave by 4 months so he could have a made for TV moment on 9/11. Had he left when the agreement said to, the Taliban would still have been far out in the mountains.
Yes, Trump did leave them out. They were not a part to the negotiations. Why do you suppose that is?

I did, seems you did not. In it we agreed to help them gain recognition as a legit Govt after we left. But you are correct, we did not uphold that part of the bargain.
hahah they were not part of OUR plan to withdraw with the Taliban...but they were certainly part of the intra-Afgan peace process, that was conditioned on our withdraw.

so quote the line from the agreement that says we recognize the Taliban as the legit govt of Afghan?
Everyone knew the Taliban was going to take over quickly. We had known that for the last decade.

Where Biden fucked up was pushing back the day to leave by 4 months so he could have a made for TV moment on 9/11. Had he left when the agreement said to, the Taliban would still have been far out in the mountains.
Really? Cause Xiden said he dind't think that...was he lying?

The rapid fall of Afghanistan’s national forces and government has come as a shock to Biden and senior members of his administration, who only last month believed it could take months before the civilian government in Kabul fell – allowing a period of time after American troops left before the full consequences of the withdrawal were laid bare.
Really? Cause Xiden said he dind't think that...was he lying?

The rapid fall of Afghanistan’s national forces and government has come as a shock to Biden and senior members of his administration, who only last month believed it could take months before the civilian government in Kabul fell – allowing a period of time after American troops left before the full consequences of the withdrawal were laid bare.

Biden is a fucking moron.

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